116 research outputs found

    PHOSIDA 2011: the posttranslational modification database

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    The primary purpose of PHOSIDA (http://www.phosida.com) is to manage posttranslational modification sites of various species ranging from bacteria to human. Since its last report, PHOSIDA has grown significantly in size and evolved in scope. It comprises more than 80 000 phosphorylated, N-glycosylated or acetylated sites from nine different species. All sites are obtained from high-resolution mass spectrometric data using the same stringent quality criteria. One of the main distinguishing features of PHOSIDA is the provision of a wide range of analysis tools. PHOSIDA is comprised of three main components: the database environment, the prediction platform and the toolkit section. The database environment integrates and combines high-resolution proteomic data with multiple annotations. High-accuracy species-specific phosphorylation and acetylation site predictors, trained on the modification sites contained in PHOSIDA, allow the in silico determination of modified sites on any protein on the basis of the primary sequence. The toolkit section contains methods that search for sequence motif matches or identify de novo consensus, sequences from large scale data sets

    Vliv fosforylace na 3D konformaci proteinů

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    Fosforylace je jedna z nejrozšířenějších proteinových posttranslačních modifikací. Pochopení funkce a regulace fosforylace je významné pro diagnózu a léčbu mnoha onemocnění. Tato práce shrnuje studie analyzující fosforylace pomocí bioinformatických nástrojů na velkých datových souborech. V této práci jsou popsány obecné principy, jak fosforylace ovlivňuje fyzikálně-chemické vlastnosti proteinů. V prvních dvou kapitolách jsou nastíněny evoluční zákonitosti, funkce a regulace proteinových kináz a fosfatáz. Ve třetí kapitole se práce zaměřuje na rozložení fosforylačních míst proteinů napříč různými organizmy (rostlinnými a živočišnými). Poslední kapitola se věnuje shrnutí dnešních poznatků o alosterickém a ortosterickém efektu fosforylace a vlivu fosforylace na 2D a 3D strukturu proteinů.Phosphorylation is one of the most ubiquitous posttranslational modification types. Understanding of itsfunction and regulation has significant impact on diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. This thesis presents and summarizes the results of several publications that analyze phosphorylation on large datasets using bioinformatics tools. In this thesis the general principles how the phosphorylation influences physico-chemical properties of proteins are described. In the first and the second chapter the evolution principles, function and regulation of protein kinases and phosphatases are provided. In the third chapter thesis concentrates on the distributions of phosphorylated sites among organisms (plants and animals). In the last chapter current knowledge of orthosteric and allosteric effects of phosphorylation as well as its effects on 2D and 3D structure of phosphorylated proteins is summarized.Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    PTMcode: a database of known and predicted functional associations between post-translational modifications in proteins

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    Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are involved in the regulation and structural stabilization of eukaryotic proteins. The combination of individual PTM states is a key to modulate cellular functions as became evident in a few well-studied proteins. This combinatorial setting, dubbed the PTM code, has been proposed to be extended to whole proteomes in eukaryotes. Although we are still far from deciphering such a complex language, thousands of protein PTM sites are being mapped by high-throughput technologies, thus providing sufficient data for comparative analysis. PTMcode (http://ptmcode.embl.de) aims to compile known and predicted PTM associations to provide a framework that would enable hypothesis-driven experimental or computational analysis of various scales. In its first release, PTMcode provides PTM functional associations of 13 different PTM types within proteins in 8 eukaryotes. They are based on five evidence channels: a literature survey, residue co-evolution, structural proximity, PTMs at the same residue and location within PTM highly enriched protein regions (hotspots). PTMcode is presented as a protein-based searchable database with an interactive web interface providing the context of the co-regulation of nearly 75 000 residues in >10 000 proteins

    PTMcode v2: a resource for functional associations of post-translational modifications within and between proteins

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    The post-translational regulation of proteins is mainly driven by two molecular events, their modification by several types of moieties and their interaction with other proteins. These two processes are interdependent and together are responsible for the function of the protein in a particular cell state. Several databases focus on the prediction and compilation of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and no less on the collection and analysis of protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), however, there are no resources that concentrate on describing the regulatory role of PTMs in PPIs. We developed several methods based on residue co-evolution and proximity to predict the functional associations of pairs of PTMs that we apply to modifications in the same protein and between two interacting proteins. In order to make data available for understudied organisms, PTMcode v2 (http://ptmcode.embl.de) includes a new strategy to propagate PTMs from validated modified sites through orthologous proteins. The second release of PTMcode covers 19 eukaryotic species from which we collected more than 300 000 experimentally verified PTMs (>1 300 000 propagated) of 69 types extracting the post-translational regulation of >100 000 proteins and >100 000 interactions. In total, we report 8 million associations of PTMs regulating single proteins and over 9.4 million interplays tuning PPIs

    Development of a proteomics-based search engine tool

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    TXNDC5, a newly discovered disulfide isomerase with a key role in cell physiology and pathology

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    Thioredoxin domain-containing 5 (TXNDC5) is a member of the protein disulfide isomerase family, acting as a chaperone of endoplasmic reticulum under not fully characterized conditions As a result, TXNDC5 interacts with many cell proteins, contributing to their proper folding and correct formation of disulfide bonds through its thioredoxin domains. Moreover, it can also work as an electron transfer reaction, recovering the functional isoform of other protein disulfide isomerases, replacing reduced glutathione in its role. Finally, it also acts as a cellular adapter, interacting with the N-terminal domain of adiponectin receptor. As can be inferred from all these functions, TXNDC5 plays an important role in cell physiology; therefore, dysregulation of its expression is associated with oxidative stress, cell ageing and a large range of pathologies such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, vitiligo and virus infections. Its implication in all these important diseases has made TXNDC5 a susceptible biomarker or even a potential pharmacological target

    Scop3P : a comprehensive resource of human phosphosites within their full context

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    Protein phosphorylation is a key post-translational modification in many biological processes and is associated to human diseases such as cancer and metabolic disorders. The accurate identification, annotation, and functional analysis of phosphosites are therefore crucial to understand their various roles. Phosphosites are mainly analyzed through phosphoproteomics, which has led to increasing amounts of publicly available phosphoproteomics data. Several resources have been built around the resulting phosphosite information, but these are usually restricted to the protein sequence and basic site metadata. What is often missing from these resources, however, is context, including protein structure mapping, experimental provenance information, and biophysical predictions. We therefore developed Scop3P: a comprehensive database of human phosphosites within their full context. Scop3P integrates sequences (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), structures (PDB), and uniformly reprocessed phosphoproteomics data (PRIDE) to annotate all known human phosphosites. Furthermore, these sites are put into biophysical context by annotating each phosphoprotein with per-residue structural propensity, solvent accessibility, disordered probability, and early folding information. Scop3P, available at https://iomics.ugent.be/scop3p, presents a unique resource for visualization and analysis of phosphosites and for understanding of phosphosite structure–function relationships

    The Lottia gigantea shell matrix proteome: re-analysis including MaxQuant iBAQ quantitation and phosphoproteome analysis

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    Background: Although the importance of proteins of the biomineral organic matrix and their posttranslational modifications for biomineralization is generally recognized, the number of published matrix proteomes is still small. This is mostly due to the lack of comprehensive sequence databases, usually derived from genomic sequencing projects. However, in-depth mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis, which critically depends on high-quality sequence databases, is a very fast tool to identify candidates for functional biomineral matrix proteins and their posttranslational modifications. Identification of such candidate proteins is facilitated by at least approximate quantitation of the identified proteins, because the most abundant ones may also be the most interesting candidates for further functional analysis. Results: Re-quantification of previously identified Lottia shell matrix proteins using the intensity-based absolute quantification (iBAQ) method as implemented in the MaxQuant identification and quantitation software showed that only 57 of the 382 accepted identifications constituted 98% of the total identified matrix proteome. This group of proteins did not contain obvious intracellular proteins, such as cytoskeletal components or ribosomal proteins, invariably identified as minor components of high throughput biomineral matrix proteomes. Fourteen of these major proteins were phosphorylated to a variable extent. All together we identified 52 phospho sites in 20 of the 382 accepted proteins with high confidence. Conclusions: We show that iBAQ quantitation may be a useful tool to narrow down the group of functional biomineral matrix protein candidates for further research in cell biology, genetics or materials research. Knowledge of posttranslational modifications in these major proteins could be a valuable addition to previously published proteomes. This is true especially for phosphorylation, because this modification was already shown to modify mineralization processes in some instances

    Prenylcysteine oxidase 1, a pro-oxidant enzyme of low density lipoproteins

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    Elevated levels of low density lipoproteins (LDLs) cause atherosclerotic disease, and proteomic analyses have found that these lipoproteins are endowed with prenylcysteine lyase. This systematic review summarizes current understanding of this enzyme, now known as prenylcysteine oxidase 1 (PCYOX1), which hydrolyzes the thioether bond of prenylcysteines in the nal step in the degradation of prenylated proteins, releasing hydrogen peroxide, cysteine and the isoprenoid aldehyde. Despite the high variability of the PCYOX1 gene, no polymorphism has yet been associated with any disease. The liver, which is responsible for vehiculization of the enzyme in lipoproteins, is one of the main organs responsible for its expression, together with the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, male reproductive tissue and muscle. Moreover, although hepatic mRNA expression is sensitive to diet and hormones, the repercussion of these changes in LDLs containing PCYOX1 has not been addressed. One consequence of its elevated activity could be an increase in hydrogen peroxide, which might help to propagate the oxidative burden of LDLs, thus making PCYOX1 a potential pharmacological target and a new biomarker in cardiovascular disease