56 research outputs found

    Juke: An Audiovisual Universe

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    This project presents a new interactive audiovisual game with applications in entertainment, music creation, and education. In the game, dubbed Juke, a gamer and musician team up to guide an animated character to the end of a song without falling. Unity, p5.js, JavaScript, and Python scripts are used to create the game, and original musical compositions are incorporated to engage the users. Unity provides a more comprehensive and versatile framework to run the game, while P5.js allows for quick prototyping and development of visual ideas. P5.js ultimately served as the platform for the game demo in this project. Juke’s vision is four-fold: (1) to inspire others to engage with audio and music on a deeper level; (2) to provide a new way to co-create music in real time; (3) to foster connection between musicians and gamers; and (4) to make learning and practicing an instrument more social and fun.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1282/thumbnail.jp

    A Diagnosis of Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Liver by Contrast Enhaced Ultrasound and Fine-Needle Biopsy: A Case Report

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    Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) of the liver is a rare, benign lesion of unclear etiology, which may be misdiagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma, secondary tumor or abscess, because of its non-specific clinical, biochemical and radiologic findings. We present the case of a 48-old-year male in whom diagnosis of liver IPT was suspected by contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and confirmed by fine-needle liver biopsy. The diagnosis is in contrast to most of the literature reports in which the diagnosis was made only based on a surgical specimen

    Stafne?s bone defect in a metastatic prostate cancer patient : a diagnostic conundrum

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    Stafne?s bone defect (SBD) is an uncommon bone alteration that affects the mandible and usually presents as an asymptomatic radiolucency located in the posterior region of body or angle of the mandible, below the alveolar canal. Although clinical and radiographic features are more often sufficient for the diagnosis, other lesions and bone alterations have been described in the differential diagnosis and may lead to a misinterpretation and an incorrect diagnosis. Herein, we report a case of an 89-yearold man with metastatic prostate cancer to multiple bones, presenting an asymptomatic solitary well-defined radiolucent image on the right side of the posterior body of the mandible, in close contact with its inferior border. A bone depression was confirmed by computed tomography scans of the mandible and a metastatic inclusion was ruled out by bone scintigraphy with a final diagnosis of SBD. The aim of this report was to highlight the importance of differentiating SBD from metastases in cancer patients and to reinforce the usefulness of multiple imaging modalities in the differential diagnosis of SBD

    Use Of Co2 Laser In Lingual And Labial Frenectomy

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    Ankiloglossia or frenum lingual alteration leads to important tongue dysfunction, which, besides discomfort and pain during function, is generally responsible for the difficulty to express specific phonemes. In other cases, a heavy muscular abnormal attachment of labial frenum can promote clinical changes. In such case, an eventual orthodontic therapy is indicated and aesthetic alteration is observed. In both cases, surgical removal is indicated. The surgery, for prevention purposes, must be done as soon as possible, but considering that the majority of patients are young (5-14 years old), difficulties during surgery are expected to occur. Correction of speech or orthodontic dysfunction in advanced ages is much more complex and difficult than in childhood. In the present work we demonstrate that the use of CO2 lasers in these cases are advantageous and simple. The laser energy causes the tissue of the frenum to open in the classic shape with no bleeding and no need for suture, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and of postoperative infection. Scarring and other complications are also minimized. A CO2 laser (continuous, 8 W, 10.6 micrometers) was used assisted with local anesthesia. The major advantage of laser is the possibility of its application in early ages, preventing further problems.391011712

    Fluctuations of tidewater glaciers in Hornsund Fjord (Southern Svalbard) since the beginning of the 20th century

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    Significant retreat of glaciers terminating in Hornsund Fjord (Southern Spitsbergen, Svalbard) has been observed during the 20th century and in the first decade of the 21st century. The objective of this paper is to present, as complete as possible, a record of front positions changes of 14 tidewater glaciers during this period and to distinguish the main factors influencing their fluctuations. Results are based on a GIS analysis of archival maps, field measurements, and aerial and satellite images. Accuracy was based on an assessment of seasonal fluctuations of a glacier's ice cliff position with respect to its minimum length in winter (November-December) and its maximum advance position in June or July.Morphometric features and the environmental setting of each glacier are also presented. The total area of the glacier cover in Hornsund Fjord in the period of 1899-2010 diminished approximately 172 km2, with an average areal retreat rate of 1.6 km2a-1. The recession rate increased from ~1 km2a-1 in first decades of the 20th century up to ~3 km2a-1 in years 2001-2010. The latest period was more thoroughly studied using optical satellite images acquired almost every year. The importance of glacier morphology and hypsometry, as well as fjord bathymetry and topography is analyzed. Large glacier systemswith low slopes terminating in deeper waters are retreating faster than small steep glaciers terminating in shallower water. A relation between mean annual air temperature and aerial retreat rate of tidewater glaciers was found for long time scales. A sudden temperature increase, known as the early 20th century warming in Svalbard, and an increase in temperatures during recent decades are well reflected in deglaciation rate. Influence of sea water temperatures on calving and retreat of glaciers was considered and is significant in short-time intervals of the last decade. Surge events are non-climatic factors which complicate the record. They are reflected in front advance or fast retreat due to a massive calving depending on the relation between ice thickness and water depth. Despite the influence of many factors, the response of tidewater glaciers to climate change is evident. The average linear retreat rate of all the tidewater glaciers in Hornsund amounted to ~70 ma-1 in 2001-2010 and was higher than the average retreat of other Svalbard tidewater glaciers (~45 ma-1). Thus, glaciers of this basin can be considered as more sensitive to climate than glaciers of other regions of the archipelago

    Ecotourism as a community industry. Case study: Transylvanian Saxon communities with fortified churches

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    L’écotourisme comme une industrie communautaire. Etude de cas: les villages allemands de Transylvanie avec des églises fortifiées. Il y a plus de 700 ans Transylvanie possède une grande civilisation allemande qui a amélioré la vie et la technologie des communautés autochtones. Ils sont ceux qui construisent le plus grand territoire du monde avec des églises fortifiées, plus de 200 dans un habitat relativement petit (notamment les collines de Hârtibaciu). Les activités touristiques sont là au début et les communautés des Saxons sont très sensibles, voici pourquoi il faut construire un tourisme durable qui met en évidence les caractéristiques des villages saxons. Une réponse pour cette démarche est l’écotourisme qui, avec ses caractéristiques intrinsèques, peut bien aider les communautés allemandes de Transylvanie en croissant notamment leur niveau de vie

    Sociología de la educación, inmigración y diversidad cultural: una aproximación panorámica

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    Este trabajo presenta una visión panorámica del desarrollo de la sociología española de la educación interesada en el estudio de la gestión de la diversidad cultural en el sistema educativo y en la escolarización de alumnado procedente de familias inmigrantes y minorías culturales.This paper aims to offer a panoramical view of the development of Spanish sociology of education concerned with the study of the managment of cultural diversity by the educatinal system and the schooling of children comming from immigrant families and minority groups

    The University of Dayton Exponent, April 1936

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    Published monthly, usually October through May, in the interest of the students of the University of Dayton. Contents include essays, editorials, poems, plays, histories, and other creative works.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/exponent/1324/thumbnail.jp

    Presence and stability of rotors in atrial fibrillation: evidence and therapeutic implications

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    [EN] Rotor-guided ablation has opened new perspectives into the therapy of atrial fibrillation (AF). Analysis of the spatio-temporal cardiac excitation patterns in the frequency and phase domains has demonstrated the importance of rotors in research models of AF, however, the dynamics and role of rotors in human AF are still controversial. In this review, the current knowledge gained through research models and patient data that support the notion that rotors are key players in AF maintenance is summarized. We report and discuss discrepancies regarding rotor prevalence and stability in various studies, which can be attributed in part to methodological differences among mapping systems. Future research for validation and improvement of current clinical electrophysiology mapping technologies will be crucial for developing mechanistic-based selection and application of the best therapeutic strategy for individual AF patient, being it, pharmaceutical, ablative, or other approach.This work was supported in part by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain: PI13-01882, PI13-00903, and PI14/00857), Spanish Society of Cardiology (Clinical Research Grant 2015), Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2013/021), Innovation (Red RIC, PLE2009-0152), and NHLBI (P01-HL039707, P01-HL087226, and R01-HL118304).Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Climent, AM.; Rodrigo Bort, M.; Fernandez-Aviles, F.; Atienza, F.; Berenfeld, O. (2016). Presence and stability of rotors in atrial fibrillation: evidence and therapeutic implications. Cardiovascular Research. 109(4):480-492. https://doi.org/10.1093/cvr/cvw011S480492109

    Robot Vision in the Language of Geometric Algebra

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