102 research outputs found

    On-board Obstacle Avoidance in the Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Teleoperation von Drohnen in Umgebungen ohne GPS-Verbindung und wenig Bewegungsspielraum stellt den Operator vor besondere Herausforderungen. Hindernisse in einer unbekannten Umgebung erfordern eine zuverlässige Zustandsschätzung und Algorithmen zur Vermeidung von Kollisionen. In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir ein System zur kollisionsfreien Navigation einer ferngesteuerten Drohne mit vier Propellern (Quadcopter) in abgeschlossenen Räumen. Die Plattform ist mit einem Miniaturcomputer und dem Minimum an Sensoren ausgestattet. Diese Ausstattung genügt den Anforderungen an die Rechenleistung. Dieses Setup ermöglicht des Weiteren eine hochgenaue Zustandsschätzung mit Hilfe einer Kaskaden-Architektur, sehr gutes Folgeverhalten bezüglich der kommandierten Geschwindigkeit, sowie eine kollisionsfreie Navigation. Ein Komplementärfilter berechnet die Höhe der Drohne, während ein Kalman-Filter Beschleunigung durch eine IMU und Messungen eines Optical-Flow Sensors fusioniert und in die Softwarearchitektur integriert. Eine RGB-D Kamera stellt dem Operator ein visuelles Feedback, sowie Distanzmessungen zur Verfügung, um ein Roboter-zentriertes Modell umliegender Hindernisse mit Hilfe eines Bin-Occupancy-Filters zu erstellen. Der Algorithmus speichert die Position dieser Hindernisse, auch wenn sie das Sehfeld des Sensors verlassen, mit Hilfe des geschätzten Zustandes des Roboters. Das Prinzip des Ausweich-Algorithmus basiert auf dem Ansatz einer modell-prädiktiven Regelung. Durch Vorhersage der wahrscheinlichen Position eines Hindernisses werden die durch den Operator kommandierten Sollwerte gefiltert, um eine mögliche Kollision mit einem Hindernis zu vermeiden. Die Plattform wurde experimentell sowohl in einer räumlich abgeschlossenen Umgebung mit zahlreichen Hindernissen als auch bei Testflügen in offener Umgebung mit natürlichen Hindernissen wie z.B. Bäume getestet. Fliegende Roboter bergen das Risiko, im Fall eines Fehlers, sei es ein Bedienungs- oder Berechnungsfehler, durch einen Aufprall am Boden oder an Hindernissen Schaden zu nehmen. Aus diesem Grund nimmt die Entwicklung von Algorithmen dieser Roboter ein hohes Maß an Zeit und Ressourcen in Anspruch. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zwei Methoden (Software-in-the-loop- und Hardware-in-the-loop-Simulation) um den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen. Via Software-in-the-loop-Simulation konnte der Zustandsschätzer mit Hilfe simulierter Sensoren und zuvor aufgenommener Datensätze verbessert werden. Eine Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation ermöglichte uns, den Roboter in Gazebo (ein bekannter frei verfügbarer ROS-Simulator) mit zusätzlicher auf dem Roboter installierter Hardware in Simulation zu bewegen. Ebenso können wir damit die Echtzeitfähigkeit der Algorithmen direkt auf der Hardware validieren und verifizieren. Zu guter Letzt analysierten wir den Einfluss der Roboterbewegung auf das visuelle Feedback des Operators. Obwohl einige Drohnen die Möglichkeit einer mechanischen Stabilisierung der Kamera besitzen, können unsere Drohnen aufgrund von Gewichtsbeschränkungen nicht auf diese Unterstützung zurückgreifen. Eine Fixierung der Kamera verursacht, während der Roboter sich bewegt, oft unstetige Bewegungen des Bildes und beeinträchtigt damit negativ die Manövrierbarkeit des Roboters. Viele wissenschaftliche Arbeiten beschäftigen sich mit der Lösung dieses Problems durch Feature-Tracking. Damit kann die Bewegung der Kamera rekonstruiert und das Videosignal stabilisiert werden. Wir zeigen, dass diese Methode stark vereinfacht werden kann, durch die Verwendung der Roboter-internen IMU. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen, dass unser Algorithmus das Kamerabild erfolgreich stabilisieren und der rechnerische Aufwand deutlich reduziert werden kann. Ebenso präsentieren wir ein neues Design eines Quadcopters, um dessen Ausrichtung von der lateralen Bewegung zu entkoppeln. Unser Konzept erlaubt die Neigung der Propellerblätter unabhängig von der Ausrichtung des Roboters mit Hilfe zweier zusätzlicher Aktuatoren. Nachdem wir das dynamische Modell dieses Systems hergeleitet haben, synthetisierten wir einen auf Feedback-Linearisierung basierten Regler. Simulationen bestätigen unsere Überlegungen und heben die Verbesserung der Manövrierfähigkeit dieses neuartigen Designs hervor.The teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially in cramped, GPS-restricted, environments, poses many challenges. The presence of obstacles in an unfamiliar environment requires reliable state estimation and active algorithms to prevent collisions. In this dissertation, we present a collision-free indoor navigation system for a teleoperated quadrotor UAV. The platform is equipped with an on-board miniature computer and a minimal set of sensors for this task and is self-sufficient with respect to external tracking systems and computation. The platform is capable of highly accurate state-estimation, tracking of the velocity commanded by the user and collision-free navigation. The robot estimates its state in a cascade architecture. The attitude of the platform is calculated with a complementary filter and its linear velocity through a Kalman filter integration of inertial and optical flow measurements. An RGB-D camera serves the purpose of providing visual feedback to the operator and depth measurements to build a probabilistic, robot-centric obstacle state with a bin-occupancy filter. The algorithm tracks the obstacles when they leave the field of view of the sensor by updating their positions with the estimate of the robot's motion. The avoidance part of our navigation system is based on the Model Predictive Control approach. By predicting the possible future obstacles states, the UAV filters the operator commands by altering them to prevent collisions. Experiments in obstacle-rich indoor and outdoor environments validate the efficiency of the proposed setup. Flying robots are highly prone to damage in cases of control errors, as these most likely will cause them to fall to the ground. Therefore, the development of algorithm for UAVs entails considerable amount of time and resources. In this dissertation we present two simulation methods, i.e. software- and hardware-in-the-loop simulations, to facilitate this process. The software-in-the-loop testing was used for the development and tuning of the state estimator for our robot using both the simulated sensors and pre-recorded datasets of sensor measurements, e.g., from real robotic experiments. With hardware-in-the-loop simulations, we are able to command the robot simulated in Gazebo, a popular open source ROS-enabled physical simulator, using computational units that are embedded on our quadrotor UAVs. Hence, we can test in simulation not only the correct execution of algorithms, but also the computational feasibility directly on the robot's hardware. Lastly, we analyze the influence of the robot's motion on the visual feedback provided to the operator. While some UAVs have the capacity to carry mechanically stabilized camera equipment, weight limits or other problems may make mechanical stabilization impractical. With a fixed camera, the video stream is often unsteady due to the multirotor's movement and can impair the operator's situation awareness. There has been significant research on how to stabilize videos using feature tracking to determine camera movement, which in turn is used to manipulate frames and stabilize the camera stream. However, we believe that this process could be greatly simplified by using data from a UAV’s on-board inertial measurement unit to stabilize the camera feed. Our results show that our algorithm successfully stabilizes the camera stream with the added benefit of requiring less computational power. We also propose a novel quadrotor design concept to decouple its orientation from the lateral motion of the quadrotor. In our design the tilt angles of the propellers with respect to the quadrotor body are being simultaneously controlled with two additional actuators by employing the parallelogram principle. After deriving the dynamic model of this design, we propose a controller for this platform based on feedback linearization. Simulation results confirm our theoretical findings, highlighting the improved motion capabilities of this novel design with respect to standard quadrotors

    Unlimited-wokspace teleoperation

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2012Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 100-105)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiv, 109 leavesTeleoperation is, in its brief description, operating a vehicle or a manipulator from a distance. Teleoperation is used to reduce mission cost, protect humans from accidents that can be occurred during the mission, and perform complex missions for tasks that take place in areas which are difficult to reach or dangerous for humans. Teleoperation is divided into two main categories as unilateral and bilateral teleoperation according to information flow. This flow can be configured to be in either one direction (only from master to slave) or two directions (from master to slave and from slave to master). In unlimited-workspace teleoperation, one of the types of bilateral teleoperation, mobile robots are controlled by the operator and environmental information is transferred from the mobile robot to the operator. Teleoperated vehicles can be used in a variety of missions in air, on ground and in water. Therefore, different constructional types of robots can be designed for the different types of missions. This thesis aims to design and develop an unlimited-workspace teleoperation which includes an omnidirectional mobile robot as the slave system to be used in further researches. Initially, an omnidirectional mobile robot was manufactured and robot-operator interaction and efficient data transfer was provided with the established communication line. Wheel velocities were measured in real-time by Hall-effect sensors mounted on robot chassis to be integrated in controllers. A dynamic obstacle detection system, which is suitable for omnidirectional mobility, was developed and two obstacle avoidance algorithms (semi-autonomous and force reflecting) were created and tested. Distance information between the robot and the obstacles was collected by an array of sensors mounted on the robot. In the semi-autonomous teleoperation scenario, distance information is used to avoid obstacles autonomously and in the force-reflecting teleoperation scenario obstacles are informed to the user by sending back the artificially created forces acting on the slave robot. The test results indicate that obstacle avoidance performance of the developed vehicle with two algorithms is acceptable in all test scenarios. In addition, two control models were developed (kinematic and dynamic control) for the local controller of the slave robot. Also, kinematic controller was supported by gyroscope

    Connectivity-Preserving Swarm Teleoperation With A Tree Network

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    During swarm teleoperation, the human operator may threaten the distance-dependent inter-robot communications and, with them, the connectivity of the slave swarm. To prevent the harmful component of the human command from disconnecting the swarm network, this paper develops a constructive strategy to dynamically modulate the interconnections of, and the locally injected damping at, all slave robots. By Lyapunov-based set invariance analysis, the explicit law for updating that control gains has been rigorously proven to synchronize the slave swarm while preserving all interaction links in the tree network. By properly limiting the impact of the user command rather than rejecting it entirely, the proposed control law enables the human operator to guide the motion of the slave swarm to the extent to which it does not endanger the connectivity of the swarm network. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed strategy can maintain the connectivity of the tree network during swarm teleoperation

    Novel Haptic Cueing for UAV Tele-Operation.

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    The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is continuously increasing both for military and civilian operations. The degree of automation inside an UAV has reached the capability of high levels of autonomy, increasing but human participation/action is still a requirement to ensure an ultimate level of safety for the mission. Direct remote piloting is often required for a board range of situations; this is true especially for larger UAVs, where a fault might be dangerous for the platform but even for the other entities of its environment (people, building etc.). Unfortunately the physical separation between pilot/operator and the UAV reduces greatly the situational awareness; this has a negative impact on system performance in the presence of remote and unforeseen environmental constraints and disturbances. This is why this thesis is dedicated to the study of means to increase the level of situational awareness of the UAV operator. The sense of telepresence is very important in teleoperation, and it appears reasonable, and it has already been shown in the literature, that extending the visual feedback with force feedback is able to complement the visual information (when missing or limited). An artificially recreated sense of touch (haptic) may allow the operator to better perceive information from the remote aircraft state, the environment and its constraints, hopefully preventing dangerous situations. This thesis introdues first a novel classification for haptic aid systems in two large classes: Direct Haptic Aid (DHA) and Indirect Haptic Aid (IHA), then, after showing that almost all existing aid concepts belong to the first class, focuses on IHA and tries to show that classical applications (that used a DHA approach) can be revised in a IHA fashion. The novel IHA systems produce different sensations, which in most cases may appear as exactly "opposite in sign" from the corresponding DHA; these sensations can provide valuable cues for the pilot, both in terms of improvement of performance and "level of appreciation". Furthermore, it will be shown that the novel cueing algorithms, which were designed just to appear "natural" to the operator, and not to directly help the pilot in his task (as in the DHA cases), can outperform the corresponding DHA systems. Three case studies were selected: obstacle avoidance, wind gust rejection, and a combination of the two. For all the cases, DHA and IHA systems were designed and compared against baseline performance with no haptic aid. Test results show that a net improvement in terms of performance is provided by employing the IHA cuse instead of both the DHA cues or the visual cues only. Both professional pilots and naĂŻve subjects were used in some of the experiments. The perceived feelings transmitted by the haptic cues, strongly depend by the type of the experiment and the quality of the participants: the professional pilots, for instance, retained the DHA the most helpful force while they preferred IHA because they found it more natural and because they felt a better control authority on the aircraft; different results were obtained with naive participants. In the end, this thesis aim is to show that the IHA philosophy is a valid and promising alternative to the other commonly used, and published in the scientific literature, approaches which fall in the DHA category. Finally the haptic cueing for the obstacle avoidance task was tested in the presence of time delay in the communication link, as in a classical bilateral teleoperation scheme. The Master was provide with an admittance controller and an observer for force exerted by the human on the stick was developed. Experiments have shown that the proposed system is capable of standing substantial communication delays

    Application of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Algorithms for Haptic Teleoperation of Aerial Vehicles

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    In this thesis, a new type of haptic teleoperator system for remote control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has been developed, where the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms are implemented for the purpose of generating the haptic feedback. Specifically, the haptic feedback is provided to the human operator through interaction with artificial potential field built around the obstacles in the virtual environment which is located at the master site of the teleoperator system. The obstacles in the virtual environment replicate essential features of the actual remote environment where the UAV executes its tasks. The state of the virtual environment is generated and updated in real time using Extended Kalman Filter SLAM algorithms based on measurements performed by the UAV in the actual remote environment. Two methods for building haptic feedback from SLAM algorithms have been developed. The basic SLAM-based haptic feedback algorithm uses fixed size potential field around the obstacles, while the robust SLAM-based haptic feedback algorithm changes the size of potential field around the obstacle depending on the amount of uncertainty in obstacle location, which is represented by the covariance estimate provided by EKF. Simulations and experimental results are presented that evaluate the performance of the proposed teleoperator system

    Shared control of an aerial cooperative transportation system with a cable-suspended payload

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    This paper presents a novel bilateral shared framework for a cooperative aerial transportation and manipulation system composed by a team of micro aerial vehicles with a cable-suspended payload. The human operator is in charge of steering the payload and he/she can also change online the desired shape of the formation of robots. At the same time, an obstacle avoidance algorithm is in charge of avoiding collisions with the static environment. The signals from the user and from the obstacle avoidance are blended together in the trajectory generation module, by means of a tracking controller and a filter called dynamic input boundary (DIB). The DIB filters out the directions of motions that would bring the system too close to singularities, according to a suitable metric. The loop with the user is finally closed with a force feedback that is informative of the mismatch between the operator’s commands and the trajectory of the payload. This feedback intuitively increases the user’s awareness of obstacles or configurations of the system that are close to singularities. The proposed framework is validated by means of realistic hardware-in-the-loop simulations with a person operating the system via a force-feedback haptic interface

    Modeling and control of UAV bearing formations with bilateral high-level steering

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    In this paper we address the problem of controlling the motion of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) bound to keep a formation defined in terms of only relative angles (i.e. a bearing formation). This problem can naturally arise within the context of several multi-robot applications such as, e.g. exploration, coverage, and surveillance. First, we introduce and thoroughly analyze the concept and properties of bearing formations, and provide a class of minimally linear sets of bearings sufficient to uniquely define such formations. We then propose a bearing-only formation controller requiring only bearing measurements, converging almost globally, and maintaining bounded inter-agent distances despite the lack of direct metric information.The controller still leaves the possibility of imposing group motions tangent to the current bearing formation. These can be either autonomously chosen by the robots because of any additional task (e.g. exploration), or exploited by an assisting human co-operator. For this latter 'human-in-the-loop' case, we propose a multi-master/multi-slave bilateral shared control system providing the co-operator with some suitable force cues informative of the UAV performance. The proposed theoretical framework is extensively validated by means of simulations and experiments with quadrotor UAVs equipped with onboard cameras. Practical limitations, e.g. limited field-of-view, are also considered. © The Author(s) 2012

    Aerial Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance

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    Aerial robots with perception, navigation, and manipulation capabilities are extending the range of applications of drones, allowing the integration of different sensor devices and robotic manipulators to perform inspection and maintenance operations on infrastructures such as power lines, bridges, viaducts, or walls, involving typically physical interactions on flight. New research and technological challenges arise from applications demanding the benefits of aerial robots, particularly in outdoor environments. This book collects eleven papers from different research groups from Spain, Croatia, Italy, Japan, the USA, the Netherlands, and Denmark, focused on the design, development, and experimental validation of methods and technologies for inspection and maintenance using aerial robots

    Teleoperation of passivity-based model reference robust control over the internet

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    This dissertation offers a survey of a known theoretical approach and novel experimental results in establishing a live communication medium through the internet to host a virtual communication environment for use in Passivity-Based Model Reference Robust Control systems with delays. The controller which is used as a carrier to support a robust communication between input-to-state stability is designed as a control strategy that passively compensates for position errors that arise during contact tasks and strives to achieve delay-independent stability for controlling of aircrafts or other mobile objects. Furthermore the controller is used for nonlinear systems, coordination of multiple agents, bilateral teleoperation, and collision avoidance thus maintaining a communication link with an upper bound of constant delay is crucial for robustness and stability of the overall system. For utilizing such framework an elucidation can be formulated by preparing site survey for analyzing not only the geographical distances separating the nodes in which the teleoperation will occur but also the communication parameters that define the virtual topography that the data will travel through. This survey will first define the feasibility of the overall operation since the teleoperation will be used to sustain a delay based controller over the internet thus obtaining a hypothetical upper bound for the delay via site survey is crucial not only for the communication system but also the delay is required for the design of the passivity-based model reference robust control. Following delay calculation and measurement via site survey, bandwidth tests for unidirectional and bidirectional communication is inspected to ensure that the speed is viable to maintain a real-time connection. Furthermore from obtaining the results it becomes crucial to measure the consistency of the delay throughout a sampled period to guarantee that the upper bound is not breached at any point within the communication to jeopardize the robustness of the controller. Following delay analysis a geographical and topological overview of the communication is also briefly examined via a trace-route to understand the underlying nodes and their contribution to the delay and round-trip consistency. To accommodate the communication channel for the controller the input and output data from both nodes need to be encapsulated within a transmission control protocol via a multithreaded design of a robust program within the C language. The program will construct a multithreaded client-server relationship in which the control data is transmitted. For added stability and higher level of security the channel is then encapsulated via an internet protocol security by utilizing a protocol suite for protecting the communication by authentication and encrypting each packet of the session using negotiation of cryptographic keys during each session

    Contributions to shared control and coordination of single and multiple robots

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    L’ensemble des travaux présentés dans cette habilitation traite de l'interface entre un d'un opérateur humain avec un ou plusieurs robots semi-autonomes aussi connu comme le problème du « contrôle partagé ».Le premier chapitre traite de la possibilité de fournir des repères visuels / vestibulaires à un opérateur humain pour la commande à distance de robots mobiles.Le second chapitre aborde le problème, plus classique, de la mise à disposition à l’opérateur d’indices visuels ou de retour haptique pour la commande d’un ou plusieurs robots mobiles (en particulier pour les drones quadri-rotors).Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur certains des défis algorithmiques rencontrés lors de l'élaboration de techniques de coordination multi-robots.Le quatrième chapitre introduit une nouvelle conception mécanique pour un drone quadrirotor sur-actionné avec pour objectif de pouvoir, à terme, avoir 6 degrés de liberté sur une plateforme quadrirotor classique (mais sous-actionné).Enfin, le cinquième chapitre présente une cadre général pour la vision active permettant, en optimisant les mouvements de la caméra, l’optimisation en ligne des performances (en terme de vitesse de convergence et de précision finale) de processus d’estimation « basés vision »
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