206,752 research outputs found

    Incorporating VR, AR and related technologies in tourism industry: State of the art

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    The current chapter intends to expose the importance of tourism in the world economy, (ii) give an overview of what academic and practitioners are doing regarding the use of engagement-facilitating technologies in tourism, and (iii) suggest avenues for further research. Thus, first the authors give insights about the evolution and important of tourism. After that, the chapter presents an overview of the state of the art on the use of engagement-facilitating technologies (mainly virtual and augmented reality) in research. The examples of applications of engagement-facilitating technologies come next. In the end, the authors suggest future research directions and present the conclusions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    An Overview of Immersive Virtual Reality Music Experiences in Online Platforms

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    As the field of Virtual Reality (VR) continues to mature, so too does the potential for creative and immersive musical experiences in the medium. However, of the thousands of applications now available across the major VR platforms, only a small number of titles focus on the ability to create or explore musical content. This article outlines the current state of music games, experiences, and creative applications across the current VR ecosystem. Firstly, it surveys the quantity of commercial titles currently available across the major VR platforms with a music-related focus. Secondly, the article classifies music applications into the following subcategories: music creation and creative arranging, rhythm games, music video experiences, and music performance activities. Finally, it provides an overview of the key musical applications in each category that can assist and inspire musicians, technicians, and educators in their creative musical endeavors

    The Use of Virtual Reality in Industry and Education

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    Tato práce zkoumá aplikace virtuální reality v průmyslu a vzdělávání, přičemž se zaměřuje na výhody a využití této technologie v těchto oblastech. Práce se zabývá představením konceptu virtuální reality a technologií spojených s její implementací. Následně je proveden přehled současných trendů v průmyslovém a vzdělávacím sektoru, které zahrnují použití VR pro simulace, školení, modelování a interaktivní vzdělávání. Další část práce analyzuje konkrétní aplikace virtuální reality v průmyslu a vzdělávání. Jsou zde popsány příklady projektů, které úspěšně využívají VR pro zlepšení efektivity, bezpečnosti a vzdělávacích procesů. Tato práce poskytuje ucelený pohled na aktuální stav a perspektivy využití virtuální reality v průmyslových a vzdělávacích aplikacích, a slouží jako zdroj informací pro zainteresované subjekty v těchto odvětvích.This thesis explores the applications of virtual reality in industry and education, focusing on the benefits and utilization of this technology in these fields. It introduces the concept of virtual reality and the technologies associated with its implementation. Subsequently, an overview of current trends in the industrial and educational sectors is provided, including the use of VR for simulations, training, modeling, and interactive learning. Another part of the thesis analyzes specific applications of virtual reality in industry and education. Examples of projects that successfully utilize VR to improve efficiency, safety, and educational processes are described. This thesis provides a comprehensive view of the current state and prospects of virtual reality utilization in industrial and educational applications, serving as a source of information for stakeholders in these industries.545 - Katedra ekonomiky a systémů řízenívelmi dobř

    Multimodal human motion capture and synthesis

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    Human motion capture (HMC) involves the sensing, recording and mapping of human motion to a digital model. It is useful for many commercial applications and fields of study, including digital animation, virtual reality/gaming, biomechanical/clinical studies and sports performance analysis. What follows is an overview of the current research being carried out in Insight

    The Rocketbox Library and the Utility of Freely Available Rigged Avatars

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    As part of the open sourcing of the Microsoft Rocketbox avatar library for research and academic purposes, here we discuss the importance of rigged avatars for the Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR, AR) research community. Avatars, virtual representations of humans, are widely used in VR applications. Furthermore many research areas ranging from crowd simulation to neuroscience, psychology, or sociology have used avatars to investigate new theories or to demonstrate how they influence human performance and interactions. We divide this paper in two main parts: the first one gives an overview of the different methods available to create and animate avatars. We cover the current main alternatives for face and body animation as well introduce upcoming capture methods. The second part presents the scientific evidence of the utility of using rigged avatars for embodiment but also for applications such as crowd simulation and entertainment. All in all this paper attempts to convey why rigged avatars will be key to the future of VR and its wide adoption

    Virtual reality for the built environment: A critical review of recent advances

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    This paper reviews the current state of the art for Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Environment (VE) applications in the field of the built environment. The review begins with a brief overview of technological components involved in enabling VR technology. A classification framework is developed to classify 150 journal papers in order to reveal the scholarly coverage of VR and VE from 2005 to 2011, inclusive. The classification framework summarizes achievements, established knowledge, research issues and challenges in the area. The framework is based on four layers of VR: concept and theory, implementation, evaluation and industrial adoption. These layers encompass architecture and design, urban planning and landscape, engineering, construction, facility management, lifecycle integration, training and education. This paper also discusses various representative VR research work in line with the classification framework. Finally the paper predicts future research trends in this area

    Collaboration in Immersive Environments: Challenges and Solutions

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    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) tools have been applied in all engineering fields in order to avoid the use of physical prototypes, to train in high-risk situations, and to interpret real or simulated results. In order to complete a shared task or assign tasks to the agents in such immersive environments, collaboration or Shared Cooperative Activities are a necessity. Collaboration in immersive environments is an emerging field of research that aims to study and enhance the ways in which people interact and work together in Virtual and Augmented Reality settings. Collaboration in immersive environments is a complex process that involves different factors such as communication, coordination, and social presence. This paper provides an overview of the current state of research on collaboration in immersive environments. It discusses the different types of immersive environments, including VR and AR, and the different forms of collaboration that can occur in these environments. The paper also highlights the challenges and limitations of collaboration in immersive environments, such as the lack of physical cues, cost and usability and the need for further research in this area. Overall, collaboration in immersive environments is a promising field with a wide range of potential applications, from education to industry, and it can benefit both individuals and groups by enhancing their ability to work together effectively

    Research Avenues on use of Augmented Reality in Education

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    The use of Innovative technology in education enhances the grasping ability of the student to gain knowledge proactively and provides a platform for a constructive process of learning and understanding. Augmented Reality (AR) plays an essential role in active learning and critical thinking in the current information age because technology enables students to interact with the virtual world with an immersive experience. Moreover, the integration of AR in education has attracted researcher’s attention towards AR due to its immersive, naturalistic experience. Augmented reality plays a vital role in Medical Science, the Aviation industry, the Advertising industry, the Printing Industry, Maintenance, Tourism, Education, the Automobile industry and many more upcoming industries. The use of AR is going to be spread in the coming days. This paper comprises an overview and the study of augmented reality in different sectors. On emphasising the uses of AR in the education field, to give a real-life interactive experience to the user on his mobile. The review narrates the ability of AR, and applications of AR in the field of education such as science education, Industrial training, and biomedical education. The review summarises the potential of technology integration