30 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the performance of the Flax engine and Unity

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    This article compares the two game engines Unity and Flax engine. The research consisted in comparing the efficiency of individual engines using two similar applications. The first one generates from several hundred to several thousand physical objects and examines the efficiency of engines in terms of physics simulations. The second application generates a forest area filled with the same tree model. The application aims to study the behavior of the engine for various graphics settings. In both applications, parameters such as the number of frames per second, consumption of the processor, graphics card and RAM were tested. Research shows that Unity is more efficient than Flax Engine


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    Abstract Flowchart is a systematic presentation of the process and logic of information handling activities or graphical depiction of the steps and sequences of procedures of a program. Delivering flowchart symbols and their functions to students requires a unique approach to make it easier for students to learn. The problem is that the learning that has been done so far only uses videos, explanations using power point directly and coding programming so that students are less interested and do not understand the material presented. So the purpose of the research is to develop educational games to make it easier for students in learning basic programming to be more familiar with flowchart symbols using educational games for the introduction of flowchart symbols and their functions for Vocational High School students. The type of research used in this research is Research & Development, with the Waterfall development model. The waterfall method is useful in order to produce software with good and effective quality through 4 stages, namely requirements analysis, system design, implementation, and testing. This method has a small level of risk for software development that is quite long. This research has produced a product that is proven to help students become more familiar with flowchart symbols and their functions in flowchart material in basic programming lessons through trials on 30 students at SMKN 1 Pedan Klaten, with an average result on student questionnaires of 75,5 on a System Usability Scale. Which states 10 statements included in the Excellent And Acceptable category with Grade C and the reliability test states 10 valid statements. Keywords: Educational games, Flowcharts, 3D Games

    Comparative Analysis of Selected Game Engines

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    This article presents a comparative analysis of two popular graphic engines, namely Unity and Unreal Engine 5. The objective of the study was to gather insights into the performance and quality of applications developed using these engines. The research involved creating two games, followed by conducting performance tests and collecting user feedback on the quality and performance of these games. The results indicated that the application developed in Unity exhibited superior performance, while the application developed in Unreal Engine 5 received higher user ratings in terms of visual aspects

    Системне проектування it‐архітектур підприємств

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    After the end of martial law in peaceful Ukraine, one of the priority tasks will be the reconstruction of destroyed enterprises and industries. These processes must begin with the conceptual design of the IT architectures of the restored enterprises. However, the successful resolution of these tasks has a number of established difficulties. The paper provides a list of these features, which affect the paradigm shift of computerization and the tran‐sition of management systems to socio‐computer‐integrated systems. These peculiarities require changes in the training of Masters in Computer Engineering and their accelerated training in the new curriculum (as future systems analysts). In order to organize such training, a methodology for conceptual design of it-architectures, including Soft Skills, is proposed.Після закінчення воєнного стану в мирній Україні одним із першочергових завдань стане відновлення зруйнованих підприємств і виробництв. Ці процеси необхідно починати з концептуального проектування ІТ‐архітектури відновлюваних підприємств. Однак успішне вирішення цих завдань має ряд встановлених труднощів. У статті наведено перелік цих особливостей, які впливають на зміну парадигми комп’ютеризації та перехід систем управління до соціо‐комп’ютерно‐інтегрованих систем. Ці особливості вимагають змін у підготовці магістрів комп’ютерної інженерії та їх прискореного навчання за новою навчальною програмою (як майбутніх системних аналітиків). Для організації такого навчання пропонується методологія концептуального проектування IT‐архітектур, включаючи Soft Skills

    Візуалізація етапів виготовлення виробів – сучасний інструмент формування попиту

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    У статті обґрунтовано використання ігрового рушія для утворення дизайну інтер'єру з інтерактивними елементами. Наведено приклади використання та можливостей системи Unreal Engine.The article substantiates the use of a game engine for interior design. Examples of the use and capabilities of the Unreal Engine system are given

    Min Metall Explor

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    Recent advances in computing, rendering, and display technologies have generated increased accessibility for virtual reality (VR). VR allows the creation of dynamic, high-fidelity environments to simulate dangerous situations, test conditions, and visualize concepts. Consequently, numerous products have been developed, but many of these are limited in scope. Therefore, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health researchers developed a VR framework, called VR Mine, to rapidly create an underground mine for human data collection, simulation, visualization, and training. This paper describes the features of VR Mine using self-escape and proximity detection as case studies. Features include mine generation, simulated networks, proximity detection systems, and the integration and visualization of real-time ventilation models.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2020-08-01T00:00:00Z30906920PMC64235448081vault:3345

    La Producción de Juegos Serios Móviles : Posibilidades y Desafíos para el Docente de Nivel Superior

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    Las posibilidades que los juegos digitales presentan en el marco de una propuesta didáctica, no resulta novedoso, sin embargo y en relación a las experiencias concretas de integración de los juegos digitales en los espacios de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se observa una limitación dada por las posibilidades de adaptación de los mismos a contextos específicos. Así, resulta importante avanzar en la búsqueda de herramientas preferentemente de acceso libre y gratuito que permitan a los docentes la creación de sus propios juegos o la edición de otros creados por terceros, a partir de perfiles con distinto grado de conocimientos sobre programación. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la búsqueda, selección y análisis de herramientas entre ellos plataformas web, aplicativos de software, y/o frameworks, que posibilitan la creación de juegos serios en particular aquellos considerados móviles, y que incluyen interacciones usando realidad aumentada a través de códigos QR y/o geoposicionamiento, por parte de usuarios con perfiles técnicos de diferentes niveles.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Experiencia interdisciplinar de desarrollo de videojuegos con alumnos de Bellas Artes e Informática

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    [ES] Se han establecido grupos de trabajo multidisciplina-res para desarrollar videojuegos que han implicado a dos asignaturas de la Facultad de BB.AA. y a otras dos de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática. Los equipos han seguido la misma metodología que se sigue en las empresas de desarrollo de videojuegos. Han utilizado aplicaciones en línea para editar los documentos de diseño de forma colaborativa, compartido código y otros documentos mediante GitHub, se han coordinado empleando redes sociales, han empleado herramientas de autor y de programación de última generación, junto con entornos profesionales de desarrollo de videojuegos. Se han empleado metodologías ágiles para el desarrollo de videojuegos y se han mantenido reuniones de control del progreso a lo largo de todo el cuatrimestre. A pesar de que muchos alumnos no habían recibido docencia previa en videojuegos ni en la herramienta empleada en la asignatura, los resultados han sido muy satisfactorios. La nota media de cada especialidad ha estado cercana a los 8 puntos. Los alumnos han valorado positivamente el ritmo seguido y las sesiones de seguimiento, la metodología empleada, la libertad de elección de temas, el poder trabajar con alumnos de otras disciplinas y la calidad de los resultados.[EN] Multidisciplinary work groups have been established to develop video games involving two courses in the Faculty of Fine Arts and two courses in the Computer Science School. The teams have followed the same methodology used in the video game development industry. They have used online applications to edit design documents collaboratively. They have shared code and other documents using GitHub. They have been collaborating using social networks. They have used the latest authoring and programming tools together with professional video game development environments. Agile methodologies have been used for the development of the projects. Progress monitoring meetings have been held throughout the four-month period. Although many students had no previous experience developing video games nor using the engine studied in the course, the results have been very satisfactory. The average mark in each group has been close to 8 points. Students have positively assessed the pace followed and the follow-up sessions, the methodology used, the freedom to choose topics, working with students from other disciplines and the quality of the results.Mollá Vayá, R.; Abad Cerdá, FJ.; Boj Tovar, C. (2021). Experiencia interdisciplinar de desarrollo de videojuegos con alumnos de Bellas Artes e Informática. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 318-332. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11962OCS31833

    Integrating virtual reality and GIS tools for geological mapping, data collection and analysis: an example from Metaxa Mine, Santorini (Greece)

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    In the present work we highlight the effectiveness of integrating different techniques and tools for better surveying, mapping and collecting data in volcanic areas. We use an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) approach for data collection, integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis in a well-known volcanological site in Santorini (Metaxa mine), a site where volcanic processes influenced the island’s industrial development, especially with regard to pumice mining. Specifically, we have focused on: (i) three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution IVR scenario building, based on Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) modeling; (ii) subsequent geological survey, mapping and data collection using IVR; (iii) data analysis, e.g., calculation of extracted volumes, as well as production of new maps in a GIS environment using input data directly from the IVR survey; and finally, (iv) presentation of new outcomes that highlight the importance of the Metaxa Mine as a key geological and volcanological geosite

    Escape the Planet: Revolutionizing Game Design with Novel OOP Techniques

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    Mobile devices are continuously evolving and greater computing power and graphics capabilities are being introduced every year. As a result, there is an increasing demand for challenging and engaging mobile games that leverage these advanced features. This project explores best design practices using the development of Escape the Planet, which is an intricate maze game for mobile devices in which players navigate using a spaceship that is trapped in a hostile planet’s maze while avoiding obstacles and enemy attacks. The goal is to safely guide the spaceship out of the maze without colliding into walls or taking bullets from defensive cannons. Players can use shields and collect power-ups such as extra fuel or shield boosters to help their chances but must demonstrate skill, strategy, and patience to succeed. With multiple maze configurations, escalating difficulty levels, collectible rewards, and threatening enemies, Escape the Planet aims to provide an exciting, suspenseful gameplay experience challenging enough to appeal to hardcore gamers. The inspiration comes from observing the expanding mobile games market revenue, especially for ports of popular console/PC game franchises once considered too computationally intensive for mobile. By focusing on efficient coding, complex gameplay elements, and leveraging newer device capacities, this project utilizes the full potential of modern mobiles for an engaging, high-quality game worthy of monetization. With sufficient polish and testing, Escape the Planet will be released on the Android store and hopefully to the iOS store to contribute an innovative title to the maturing mobile gaming landscape