2,533 research outputs found

    Evolving database systems : a persistent view

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    Submitted to POS7 This work was supported in St Andrews by EPSRC Grant GR/J67611 "Delivering the Benefits of Persistence"Orthogonal persistence ensures that information will exist for as long as it is useful, for which it must have the ability to evolve with the growing needs of the application systems that use it. This may involve evolution of the data, meta-data, programs and applications, as well as the users' perception of what the information models. The need for evolution has been well recognised in the traditional (data processing) database community and the cost of failing to evolve can be gauged by the resources being invested in interfacing with legacy systems. Zdonik has identified new classes of application, such as scientific, financial and hypermedia, that require new approaches to evolution. These applications are characterised by their need to store large amounts of data whose structure must evolve as it is discovered by the applications that use it. This requires that the data be mapped dynamically to an evolving schema. Here, we discuss the problems of evolution in these new classes of application within an orthogonally persistent environment and outline some approaches to these problems.Postprin

    Demonstration of hyper-programming in Java

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    We demonstrate the use of a hyper-programming system to build persistent Java applications in PJama, an orthogonally persistent version of Java. This allows program representations to contain type-safe links to persistent objects embedded directly within the source code. The potential benefits include greater potential for static program checking, improved efficiency, and reduced programming effort.Postprin

    A Peer-to-Peer Middleware Framework for Resilient Persistent Programming

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    The persistent programming systems of the 1980s offered a programming model that integrated computation and long-term storage. In these systems, reliable applications could be engineered without requiring the programmer to write translation code to manage the transfer of data to and from non-volatile storage. More importantly, it simplified the programmer's conceptual model of an application, and avoided the many coherency problems that result from multiple cached copies of the same information. Although technically innovative, persistent languages were not widely adopted, perhaps due in part to their closed-world model. Each persistent store was located on a single host, and there were no flexible mechanisms for communication or transfer of data between separate stores. Here we re-open the work on persistence and combine it with modern peer-to-peer techniques in order to provide support for orthogonal persistence in resilient and potentially long-running distributed applications. Our vision is of an infrastructure within which an application can be developed and distributed with minimal modification, whereupon the application becomes resilient to certain failure modes. If a node, or the connection to it, fails during execution of the application, the objects are re-instantiated from distributed replicas, without their reference holders being aware of the failure. Furthermore, we believe that this can be achieved within a spectrum of application programmer intervention, ranging from minimal to totally prescriptive, as desired. The same mechanisms encompass an orthogonally persistent programming model. We outline our approach to implementing this vision, and describe current progress.Comment: Submitted to EuroSys 200

    A Lens-Calibrated Active Marker Metrology System

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    This paper presents a prototypical marker tracking system, MT, which is capable of recording multiple mobile robot trajectories in parallel for offline analysis. The system is also capable of providing trajectory data in realtime to agents (such as robots in an arena) and implements several multi-agent operators to simplify agent-based perception. The latter characteristic provides an ability to minimise the normally expensive process of implementing agent-centric perceptual mechanisms and provides a means for multiagent "global knowledge" (Parker 1993)

    Variadic genericity through linguistic reflection : a performance evaluation

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    This work is partially supported by the EPSRC through Grant GR/L32699 “Compliant System Architecture” and by ESPRIT through Working Group EP22552 “PASTEL”.The use of variadic genericity within schema definitions increases the variety of databases that may be captured by a single specification. For example, a class of databases of engineering part objects, in which each database instance varies in the types of the parts and the number of part types, should lend itself to a single definition. However, precise specification of such a schema is beyond the capability of polymorphic type systems and schema definition languages. It is possible to capture such generality by introducing a level of interpretation, in which the variation in types and in the number of fields is encoded in a general data structure. Queries that interpret the encoded information can be written against this general data structure. An alternative approach to supporting such variadic genericity is to generate a precise database containing tailored data structures and queries for each different instance of the virtual schema.1 This involves source code generation and dynamic compilation, a process known as linguistic reflection. The motivation is that once generated, the specific queries may execute more efficiently than their generic counter-parts, since the generic code is “compiled away”. This paper compares the two approaches and gives performance measurements for an example using the persistent languages Napier88 and PJama.Postprin

    An aspect-oriented framework for orthogonal persistence

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    The life cycle of software applications in general is very short and with extreme volatile requirements. Within these conditions programmers need development tools and techniques with an extreme level of productivity. We consider the code reuse as the most prominent approach to solve that problem. Our proposal uses the advantages provided by the Aspect-Oriented Programming in order to build a reusable framework capable to turn both programmer and application oblivious as far as data persistence is concerned, thus avoiding the need to write any line of code about that concern. Besides the benefits to productivity, the software quality increases. This paper describes the actual state of the art, identifying the main challenge to build a complete and reusable framework for Orthogonal Persistence in concurrent environments with support for transactions. The present work also includes a successfully developed prototype of that framework, capable of freeing the programmer of implementing any read or write data operations. This prototype is supported by an object oriented database and, in the future, will also use a relational database and have support for transactions

    Learning Algebraic Varieties from Samples

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    We seek to determine a real algebraic variety from a fixed finite subset of points. Existing methods are studied and new methods are developed. Our focus lies on aspects of topology and algebraic geometry, such as dimension and defining polynomials. All algorithms are tested on a range of datasets and made available in a Julia package

    Optimizing Orthogonal Persistence for Java (M.S. Thesis)

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