70,416 research outputs found

    The implementation of graphic organizers to teach reading comprehension skills to second graders of the sur oriental Boston Branch School

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    El propósito del siguiente proyecto fue seguir una secuencia didáctica y aplicar mapas mentales tal como un organizador gráfico como herramienta de entendimiento y al mismo tiempo mejorar las habilidades de lectura en el L2 con el fin de guiar los aprendices a localizar y clasificar información usando un mapa mental como un organizador gráfico para mejorar las habilidades de lectura

    Readers reading practices of EFL Yemeni students: recommendations for the 21st century

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    This paper investigates the reading practices of forty-five second year EFL Yemeni undergraduate students using the Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices. The Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices organizes reading practices into four key practices: code breaking, text participating, text uses and text analysing levels. Quantitative and qualitative methods, designed based on the Four Resources Model constructs, were used to collect data from a sample of students studying English as a Foreign Language at a university in Yemen. Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire, while qualitative data was gathered using semi-structured interviews guided by the research objectives. The findings reveal that Yemeni students were medium users of the code breaker and text user practices whereas the meaning making and text analysis practices were reported to be used in low usage. On the whole, these early findings suggest that the reading practices and reading abilities of the Yemeni students are still limited even at the tertiary level and have not developed fully with regard to reading in English. This paper reports in detail, the use of the Four Resources Model as a tool to determine reading efficacy while examining the aforementioned findings. Discussion is put forward on the implications for teaching of reading and its approaches in a Yemeni context, especially in view of the students‟ reading needs at the tertiary level in Yemen

    Improvement of oral reports through the students' use of audio-visual aids

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    Author misnumbered thesis. Please note that there are TWO page 108s, but the continuity is the same. Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Pre-service teacher development project: ideas and practice

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    У статті розглядаються проблеми організації методичної підготовки майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови у мовному педагогічному вузі та пропонуються шляхи їх вирішення в межах системного підходу

    Learner autonomy and awareness through distance collaborative group work in English for Academic Purposes

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-40956-6_13Learner autonomy is considered to be both an important skill and attitude of learners, which involves responsibility for and control of the learning process. A key notion in autonomy is interdependence, developed through collaboration and which results in heightened awareness. Precisely, this concept lies at the core of technology applications, which facilitate interaction and collaboration at a distance. With a growing number of online ESP situations, more attention needs to be paid to virtual classrooms and the development of learner autonomy through collaboration. In the context of a distance EAP course, this chapter examines how students carry out a collaborative language awareness task, considering that peer interaction can be an appropriate setting to develop language awareness, whether in face-to-face or online situations. Based on the framework of 'community of inquiry' (Garrison et al. 2000), this study looks at how group members interact through forum posts and wiki edits, showing how students initiate, manage and carry out the task, together with the social, cognitive, and meta-cognitive processes that are generated. Given the nature of the task, creating a language learning activity, special attention is paid to students’ focus on and discussion of topics related to language and learning. From these observations we can derive implications for online language teaching and materials design.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Mobilizing Communities to Support the Literacy Development of Urban Youth: A Conceptual Framework and Strategic Planning Model

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    Offers a strategic planning model for community mobilization around adolescent literacy development. Explores spheres of influence; strategies for schools, community groups, and families; outcomes; and lessons learned from other community change efforts

    EFL teaching through english-practice work stations (EPWS) to enhance participation and interaction in english for third grade learners

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    Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)Teachers all over the world are constantly searching for new activities, new strategies and methodologies that can help them make their lessons more satisfying for their learners and making it possible to enhance their learning process as well as their results. This has become a titanic effort for those teachers who do not count on the amount of time necessary for their lesson planning and to design their activities. But there are numerous Internet websites or teachers on social networks that are willing to give and share ideas. While doing the previous research for this thesis the authors came across with Debbie Diller’s book “Literacy Work Stations: Making Centers Work” (2003), where she explains how Literacy Work Stations (henceforth, LWS) work. After reading vast information about this method, there are several aspects presented that are very similar to the one seen at pre-elementary school by two of the authors were this methodology consisted of working in stations during short periods and rotating between them, so learners can work on different subjects. The researchers think that this kind of methodology is the one that generated faster and deeper development of the four skills of the English language for the two of them. And so the main purpose of this research is to foresee its usefulness and to propose an innovative strategy to enhance participation and interaction, not only in Spanish but mainly in English, inside an English as a Foreign Language (henceforth, EFL) lesson. The topic of this research is related to the implementation of a different strategy in elementary grades called English-Practice Work Stations to enhance participation and interaction during EFL lessons

    English Syllabus Redesigning for Information System Class: Creating Literacy-based Learning Activities of STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan masalah serta kebutuhan mahasiswa Sistem Informasi STMIK Amikom Purwokerto dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini juga memiliki tujuan untuk membuat ulang silabus Bahasa Inggris untuk mereka serta mengetahui keakuratan silabus berdasarkan saran dari para ahli. Penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian kualitatif atau khususnya penelitian studi kasus. Ada enam langkah penelitian. Langkah pertama adalah dengan metode studi pustakayaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Hasilnya penulis menemukan kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto adalah kurikulum yang bertujuan pada pemahaman pengetahuan dan keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup mahasiswa sehari-hari.Langkah yang kedua adalah dengan metode yang sama studi pustaka yaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa silabus Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Ada dua bagian yang dianalisis yaitu analisis format dan analisis isi. Langkah yang ketiga adalah melakukan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yaitu untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang kesulitan serta kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Langkah yang keempat adalah membuat ulang silabus. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperbaiki yaitu; (a) merumuskan ulang kompetensi dasar yang ingin dicapai, (b) merumuskan ulang standar kompetensi yang ingin dicapai, (c) menyusun topik dan material berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan, (d) merumuskan aktifitas belajar, (e) menciptakan indikator, alat evaluasi dan alokasi waktu. Langkah yang kelima adalah mengadakan validasi isi berdasarkan penilaian para ahli