147 research outputs found

    A Software-Defined Solution for Managing Fog Computing Resources in Sensor Networks

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    The fast growth of Internet-connected embedded devices demands for new capabilities at the network edge. These new capabilities are local processing, fast communications, and resource virtualization. The current work aims to address the previous capabilities by designing and deploying a new proposal, which offers on-demand activation of offline IoT fog computing assets via a Software Defined Networking (SDN) based solution combined with containerization and sensor virtualization. We present and discuss performance and functional outcomes from emulated tests made on our proposal. Analysing the performance results, the system latency has two parts. The first part is about the delay induced by limitations on the networking resources. The second part of the system latency is due to the on-demand activation of the required processing resources, which are initially powered off towards a more sustainable system operation. In addition, analysing the functional results, when a real IoT protocol is used, we evidence our proposal viability to be deployed with the necessary orchestration in distributed scenarios involving embedded devices, actuators, controllers, and brokers at the network edge.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, 16 reference

    Käyttäjätason ohjelmistokontittaminen pilviradioliityntäverkossa

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    The amount of devices connected through mobile networks has been growing rapidly. This growth will create a demand for network capacity that cannot be met with traditional methods. This problem could be solved by implementing a cloud radio access network (RAN), a new concept, to adapt cloud computing technologies, such as software containers, from the software industry to RANs. This adaptation will also create a need to modify working practices in order to better comply with these new cloud computing technologies. While cloud RAN has recently received much research attention, the actual software implementations have not been widely discussed in the literature. Therefore, this thesis evaluates the feasibility of using software containers in the user-plane applications of cloud RAN in terms of networking and inter-container communications (ICC). This is accomplished by identifying potential approaches for ICC and for container networking as well as measuring the performance of these approaches. Two approaches are proposed for ICC and container networking. The approaches were evaluated in terms of throughput and latency. These approaches were found to be suitable for use in cloud RAN user-plane applications. However, since the measurements were performed in a simplified environment, implementing the approaches into a cloud RAN component will require further work.Mobiiliverkkoihin liitettävien laitteiden määrä kasvaa nopeasti. Tämä kasvu tulee luomaan verkon kapasiteetille kysynnän, johon ei kyetä vastaamaan perinteisin menetelmin. Tämä ongelma voitaineen ratkaista implementoimalla pilviradioliityntäverkko (Cloud RAN), uusi konsepti, joka sovittaa ohjelmistoalalla vakiintuneita pilvilaskentateknologioita käytettäväksi radioliityntäverkoissa (radio access network, RAN). Tämä sovitusprosessi luo tarpeen mukauttaa myös työskentelytavat yhteensopiviksi uusien pilvilaskentateknologioiden kanssa. Vaikka pilviradioliityntäverkkoa on tutkittu aktiivisesti viime aikoina, käytännön ohjelmistototeutukset eivät juuri ole olleet esillä kirjallisuudessa. Tämä diplomityö arvioi ohjelmistokonttien (software containers) soveltuvuutta käytettäväksi pilviradioliityntäverkon käyttäjätason (user-plane) applikaatioissa verkottamisen (networking) ja ohjelmistokonttien välisen kommunikoinnin (inter-container communications, ICC) suhteen. Tämä arviointi suoritetaan identifioimalla mahdollisia toteutuksia ohjelmistokonttien väliselle kommunikaatiolle ja ohjelmistokonttien verkottamiselle sekä mittaamalla näiden toteutuksien suorituskyky. Tässä diplomityössä ehdotetaan tutkittavaksi kaksi toteutusta ohjelmistokonttien väliselle kommunikaatiolle ja ohjelmistokonttien verkottamiselle. Nämä toteutukset arvioitiin välityskyvyn (throughput) ja latenssin suhteen. Näiden toteutuksien todettiin olevan soveliaita käytettäväksi pilviradioliityntäverkon käyttäjätason applikaatioissa. Kuitenkin, koska mittaukset toteutettiin yksinkertaistetussa ympäristössä, vaatii toteutuksien implementointi pilviradioliityntäverkon komponenttiin lisätyötä

    Software Defined Networking-based Vehicular Adhoc Network with Fog Computing

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    Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) have been attracted a lot of research recent years. Although VANETs are deployed in reality offering several services, the current architecture has been facing many difficulties in deployment and management because of poor connectivity, less scalability, less flexibility and less intelligence. We propose a new VANET architecture called FSDN which combines two emergent computing and network paradigm Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Fog Computing as a prospective solution. SDN-based architecture provides flexibility, scalability, programmability and global knowledge while Fog Computing offers delay-sensitive and location-awareness services which could be satisfy the demands of future VANETs scenarios. We figure out all the SDN-based VANET components as well as their functionality in the system. We also consider the system basic operations in which Fog Computing are leveraged to support surveillance services by taking into account resource manager and Fog orchestration models. The proposed architecture could resolve the main challenges in VANETs by augmenting Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle-to-Base Station communications and SDN centralized control while optimizing resources utility and reducing latency by integrating Fog Computing. Two use-cases for non-safety service (data streaming) and safety service (Lane-change assistance) are also presented to illustrate the benefits of our proposed architecture

    Towards a software defined multi-domain architecture for the internet of things

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    The emerging communication networks tend to aggregate heterogeneous networking infrastructures as well as data flows with very distinct requisites. This implies that the complete satisfaction of Quality of Service (QoS) metrics is very difficult to achieve, using the legacy management solutions. Alternatively, the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm offers a logical centralized management of the necessary network resources for data flows, namely the ones originated in sensor devices. Therefore, this work investigates a solution that meets the QoS requirements of traffic from remote Internet of Thing (IoT) devices. To achieve this goal, we have designed a SDN-based solution that manages a network topology formed by several domains. We assume each network domain is controlled by its own SDN controller. In addition, our solution assumes that the several SDN controllers need to be orchestrated among them to maximize the management efficiency of the available end-to-end network resources. This orchestration is done via an SDN transit domain ruled by the ONOS SDN-IP application. We have emulated network topologies with IoT devices to evaluate the proposed solution in terms of its functionality, robustness against network failures, and QoS support. Analyzing the obtained results, our solution can support a cross-controller SDN domain communication. It is also capable of reacting automatically to topology failures. In addition, it can prioritize the traffic within the network infrastructure, providing to the end users strong guarantees on the desired quality for the exchange of data associated to the applications they aim to use.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A policy-based framework towards smooth adaptive playback for dynamic video streaming over HTTP

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    The growth of video streaming in the Internet in the last few years has been highly significant and promises to continue in the future. This fact is related to the growth of Internet users and especially with the diversification of the end-user devices that happens nowadays. Earlier video streaming solutions didn´t consider adequately the Quality of Experience from the user’s perspective. This weakness has been since overcame with the DASH video streaming. The main feature of this protocol is to provide different versions, in terms of quality, of the same content. This way, depending on the status of the network infrastructure between the video server and the user device, the DASH protocol automatically selects the more adequate content version. Thus, it provides to the user the best possible quality for the consumption of that content. The main issue with the DASH protocol is associated to the loop, between each client and video server, which controls the rate of the video stream. In fact, as the network congestion increases, the client requests to the server a video stream with a lower rate. Nevertheless, due to the network latency, the DASH protocol in a standalone way may not be able to stabilize the video stream rate at a level that can guarantee a satisfactory QoE to the end-users. Network programming is a very active and popular topic in the field of network infrastructures management. In this area, the Software Defined Networking paradigm is an approach where a network controller, with a relatively abstracted view of the physical network infrastructure, tries to perform a more efficient management of the data path. The current work studies the combination of the DASH protocol and the Software Defined Networking paradigm in order to achieve a more adequate sharing of the network resources that could benefit both the users’ QoE and network management.O streaming de vídeo na Internet é um fenómeno que tem vindo a crescer de forma significativa nos últimos anos e que promete continuar a crescer no futuro. Este facto está associado ao aumento do número de utilizadores na Internet e, sobretudo, à crescente diversificação de dispositivos que se verifica atualmente. As primeiras soluções utilizadas no streaming de vídeo não acomodavam adequadamente o ponto de vista do utilizador na avaliação da qualidade do vídeo, i.e., a Qualidade de Experiência (QoE) do utilizador. Esta debilidade foi suplantada com o protocolo de streaming de vídeo adaptativo DASH. A principal funcionalidade deste protocolo é fornecer diferente versões, em termos de qualidade, para o mesmo conteúdo. Desta forma, dependendo do estado da infraestrutura de rede entre o servidor de vídeo e o dispositivo do utilizador, o protocolo DASH seleciona automaticamente a versão do conteúdo mais adequada a essas condições. Tal permite fornecer ao utilizador a melhor qualidade possível para o consumo deste conteúdo. O principal problema com o protocolo DASH está associado com o ciclo, entre cada cliente e o servidor de vídeo, que controla o débito de cada fluxo de vídeo. De facto, à medida que a rede fica congestionada, o cliente irá começar a requerer ao servidor um fluxo de vídeo com um débito menor. Ainda assim, devido à latência da rede, o protocolo DASH pode não ser capaz por si só de estabilizar o débito do fluxo de vídeo num nível que consiga garantir uma QoE satisfatória para os utilizadores. A programação de redes é uma área muito popular e ativa na gestão de infraestruturas de redes. Nesta área, o paradigma de Software Defined Networking é uma abordagem onde um controlador da rede, com um ponto de vista relativamente abstrato da infraestrutura física da rede, tenta desempenhar uma gestão mais eficiente do encaminhamento de rede. Neste trabalho estuda-se a junção do protocolo DASH e do paradigma de Software Defined Networking, de forma a atingir uma partilha mais adequada dos recursos da rede. O objetivo é implementar uma solução que seja benéfica tanto para a qualidade de experiência dos utilizadores como para a gestão da rede

    revisiting the open vSwitch dataplane ten years later

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    Towards a software defined network based multi-domain architecture for the internet of things

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    The current communication networks are heterogeneous, with a diversity of devices and services that challenge traditional networks, making it difficult to meet quality of service (QoS) requirements. With the advent of software-defined networks (SDN), new tools have emerged to design more flexible networks. SDN offers centralized management for data streams in distributed sensor networks. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to investigate a solution that meets the QoS requirements of traffic originating on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This traffic is transmitted to the Internet in a distributed system with multiple SDN controllers. To achieve the goal, we designed a multi-controller network topology, each managed by its controller. Communication between the domains is done via an SDN traffic domain with the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) controller SDN-IP application. We also emulated a network to test QoS through OpenvSwitch queues. The goal is to create traffic priorities in a network with traditional and simulated IoT devices. According to our tests, we have been able to ensure the SDN inter-domain communication and have proven that our proposal is reactive to a topology failure. In the QoS scenario we have shown that through the insertion of OpenFlow rules, we are able to prioritize traffic and provide guarantees of quality of service. This proves that our proposal is promising for use in scenarios with multiple administrative domains.As redes atuais de comunicação são heterogéneas, com uma diversidade de dispositivos e serviços, que desafiam as redes tradicionais, dificultando a satisfação dos requisitos de qualidade de serviço (QoS). Com o advento das Redes Definidas por Software (SDN), novas ferramentas surgiram para projetar redes mais flexíveis. O SDN oferece uma gestão centralizada para os fluxos de dados em redes distribuídas de sensores. Assim, o principal objetivo desta dissertação é de investigar uma solução que cumpra os requisitos de QoS do tráfego originado em dispositivos de Internet das coisas (IoT). Este tráfego é transmitido para a Internet, num sistema distribuído com múltiplos controladores SDN. Para atingir o objetivo, projetamos uma topologia de rede com múltiplos domínios, cada um gerido pelo seu controlador. A comunicação entre os domínios, é feita através dum domínio de trânsito SDN com a aplicação SDN-IP do controlador Sistema Operativo de Rede Aberta (ONOS). Emulamos também uma rede para testar a QoS através de filas de espera do OpenvSwitch. O objetivo é criar prioridades de tráfego numa rede com dispositivos tradicionais e de IoT simulados. De acordo com os testes realizados, conseguimos garantir a comunicação entre domínios SDN e comprovamos que a nossa proposta é reativa a uma falha na topologia. No cenário do QoS demostramos que, através da inserção de regras OpenFlow, conseguimos priorizar o tráfego e oferecer garantias de qualidade de serviço. Desta forma comprovamos que a nossa proposta é promissora para ser utilizada em cenários com múltiplos domínios administrativos

    An SDN-based Overlay Networking Solution for Transparent Multi-homed Vehicular Communications

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    This dissertation consists in the design and development of an Overlay Network for vehicular applications using the SDN paradigm, capable of supporting seamless handover and load balancing between multiple Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) networks, and also seamless handover of users' terminals between different vehicle zones, such as train carriages. The main contributions of this work are threefold: 1) the overlay SDN-based network architecture designed for vehicular applications such as trains, contemplating the support for multiple V2I operators and multiple gateways per vehicle (e.g., one per carriage); 2) the SDN orchestration component that implements the handover (performed by a User Terminal) from one carriage to another, without Internet connection interruption; and 3) the SDN orchestration component that implements the load-balancing of traffic over multiple V2I links that connect each carriage to the Internet, optimizing the utilization of available network resources and resulting QoS. All the features related to these contributions were implemented in a centralized SDN controller, which has a holistic view of the overlay network, which orchestrates the network hardware on-board of the vehicles. A Proof-of-Concept of the overlay network and the developed components was implemented using Virtual Machines emulating: the network elements of two carriages; the user terminals; a centralized orchestrator; an Internet gateway; and multiple V2I connections representing different operators. Different functional and performance tests were executed, targeting each component, which allowed to successfully validate each contribution