4,996 research outputs found

    Agile Project Dynamics: A System Dynamics Investigation of Agile Software Development Methods

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    While Agile software development has many advocates, acceptance in the government and defense sectors has been limited. To address questions of meanings to the term “Agile,” we examine a range of Agile methods practiced and develop a framework of seven characteristics, which we call the Agile Genome. We gain insight into the dynamics of how Agile development compares to classic “waterfall” approaches by constructing a System Dynamics model for software projects. The Agile Project Dynamics (APD) model captures each of the Agile genes as a separate component of the model and allows experimentation with combinations of practices and management policies. Experimentation with the APD model is used to explore how different genes work in combination with one another to produce both positive and negative effects. The extensible design of the APD model provides the basis for further study of Agile methods and management practices

    6G White Paper on Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Networks

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    The focus of this white paper is on machine learning (ML) in wireless communications. 6G wireless communication networks will be the backbone of the digital transformation of societies by providing ubiquitous, reliable, and near-instant wireless connectivity for humans and machines. Recent advances in ML research has led enable a wide range of novel technologies such as self-driving vehicles and voice assistants. Such innovation is possible as a result of the availability of advanced ML models, large datasets, and high computational power. On the other hand, the ever-increasing demand for connectivity will require a lot of innovation in 6G wireless networks, and ML tools will play a major role in solving problems in the wireless domain. In this paper, we provide an overview of the vision of how ML will impact the wireless communication systems. We first give an overview of the ML methods that have the highest potential to be used in wireless networks. Then, we discuss the problems that can be solved by using ML in various layers of the network such as the physical layer, medium access layer, and application layer. Zero-touch optimization of wireless networks using ML is another interesting aspect that is discussed in this paper. Finally, at the end of each section, important research questions that the section aims to answer are presented

    Frameworks for New Software Product Launch Adopting Data-Driven Approach

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    This research paper explores the critical facets of introducing new products and managing them effectively within competitive markets. The study synthesizes contemporary methodologies in product development, launch strategies, and lifecycle management to propose a comprehensive framework for New Software Product Launch Cycle optimization (NSPLC) programs. By integrating theoretical models with empirical data from multiple industries, the paper delineates how organizations can leverage market insights, customer feedback, and technological advancements to optimize their product portfolios. The research identifies key factors influencing successful product launches, including market segmentation, positioning strategies, and the alignment of product capabilities with consumer expectations. It further examines the role of cross-functional teams in enhancing the efficiency of New Software Product Launch Cycle optimization (NSPLC) processes and the importance of agile methodologies in adapting to changing market conditions. The analysis extends to post-launch strategies, emphasizing continuous improvement and the strategic use of analytics to refine product offerings. Through a series of case studies, the paper illustrates practical applications of the proposed New Software Product Launch framework and evaluates its impact on organizational performance. The findings suggest that a well-structured New Software Product Launch Cycle optimization (NSPLC) program, combined with robust product management practices, significantly enhances the market success of new products and sustains competitive advantage. This study contributes to the literature by providing a holistic view of product management that integrates strategic, operational, and tactical dimensions. It offers valuable insights for business leaders, product managers, and academics seeking to understand the complexities of product introduction and management in today's dynamic business environment


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    The Department of the Navy (DON) recently implemented the Department of Defense (DOD) Software Acquisition Pathway (SWP), a software acquisition strategy for custom application and embedded software. The purpose of the SWP is to enable rapid and iterative delivery of high-priority software capability to the intended user. But while the SWP uses an agile software development approach, neither the DOD nor the DON have yet provided comprehensive governance tools and methods for SWP programs to iteratively plan, track, and assess acquisition outcomes in agile environments. To close this gap, the author systematically researched commercial software engineering management and digital product development practices as well as prior DOD software acquisition reform studies. Based on the results, the author showed that Earned Value Management is incompatible with the SWP and recommended alternative techniques to measure cost and schedule performance. Additionally, the author recommended a phased approach to manage DON SWP custom application programs, whereby a minimal, unitless work breakdown structure is used to track progress until demonstrating the minimum viable product to the user in a testing environment; product-based metrics are then tracked until initial release of the custom application software; and then outcome-based goals are iteratively set, tracked, and assessed using the Objectives and Key Results framework for as long as the custom application software is in use.Captain, United States Air ForceApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Ohjelmistokehityssyklien kiihdytys osana julkaisutiheyden kasvattamista ohjelmistotuotannossa

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    In recent years, companies engaged in software development have taken into use practices that allow the companies to release software changes almost daily to their users. Previously, release frequency for software has been counted in months or even years so the leap to daily releases can be considered big. The underlying change to software development practices is equally large, spanning from individual development teams to organizations as a whole. The phenomenon has been framed as continuous software engineering by the software engineering research community. Researchers are beginning to realize the impact of continuous software engineering to existing disciplines in the field. Continuous software engineering can be seen to touch almost every aspect of software development from the inception of an idea to its eventual manifestation as a release to the public. Release management or release engineering has become an art in itself that must be mastered in order to be effective in releasing changes rapidly. Empirical studies in the area should be helpful in further exploring the industry-driven phenomenon and understanding the effects of continuous software engineering better. The purpose of this thesis is to provide insight into the habit of releasing software changes often that is promoted by continuous software engineering. There are three main themes in the thesis. A main theme in the thesis is seeking an answer to the rationale of frequent releases. The second theme focuses on charting the software processes and practices that need to be in place when releasing changes frequently. Organizational circumstances surrounding the adoption of frequent releases and related practices are highlighted in the third theme. Methodologically, this thesis builds on a set of case studies. Focusing on software development practices of Finnish industrial companies, the thesis data has been collected from 33 different cases using a multiple-case design. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection along with a single survey. Respondents for the interviews included developers, architects and other people involved in software development. Thematic analysis was the primary qualitative approach used to analyze the interview responses. Survey data from the single survey was analyzed with quantitative analysis. Results of the thesis indicate that a higher release frequency makes sense in many cases but there are constraints in selected domains. Daily releases were reported to be rare in the case projects. In most cases, there was a significant difference between the capability to deploy changes and the actual release cycle. A strong positive correlation was found between delivery capability and a high degree of task automation. Respondents perceived that with frequent releases, users get changes faster, the rate of feedback cycles is increased, and product quality can improve. Breaking down the software development process to four quadrants of requirements, development, testing, and operations and infrastructure, the results suggest continuity is required in all four to support frequent releases. In the case companies, the supporting development practices were usually in place but specific types of testing and the facilities for deploying the changes effortlessly were not. Realigning processes and practices accordingly needs strong organizational support. The responses imply that the organizational culture, division of labor, employee training, and customer relationships all need attention. With the right processes and the right organizational framework, frequent releases are indeed possible in specific domains and environments. In the end, release practices need to be considered individually in each case by weighing the associated risks and benefits. At best, users get to enjoy enhancements quicker and to experience an increase in the perceived value of software sooner than would otherwise be possible.Ohjelmiston julkaisu on eräänlainen virstanpylväs ohjelmiston kehityksessä, jossa ohjelmiston uusi versio saatetaan loppukäyttäjille käyttöön. Julkaistu versio voi sisältää ohjelmistoon uusia toiminnallisuuksia, korjauksia tai muita päivityksiä. Ohjelmiston julkaisutiheys säätelee kuinka tiheästi uusia versioita julkaistaan käyttäjille. Ohjelmistojen julkaisutiheys voi vaihdella sovelluksesta ja toimintaympäristöstä riippuen. Kuukausien tai vuosien pituinen julkaisuväli ei ole alalla tavaton. Viime vuosina tietyt ohjelmistoalalla toimivat yritykset ovat ottaneet käyttöön jatkuvan julkaisemisen malleja, joilla pyritään lyhentämään julkaisuvälejä kuukausista aina viikkoihin tai päiviin. Jatkuvan julkaisemisen mallien käyttöönotolla on merkittäviä vaikutuksia niin ohjelmistokehitysmenetelmiin kuin työn sisäiseen organisointiin. Jatkuvan julkaisun mallien myötä julkaisunhallinnasta on tullut keskeinen osa ohjelmistokehitystä. Väitöstyössä käsitellään julkaisutiheyden kasvattamiseen liittyviä kysymyksiä kolmen eri teeman alla. Työn ensimmäinen teema keskittyy julkaisutiheyden kasvattamisen tarkoitusperien ymmärtämiseen. Toisessa teemassa suurennuslasin alla ovat ohjelmistokehityksen käytänteet, jotka edesauttavat siirtymistä kohti jatkuvaa julkaisua. Kolmannessa teemassa huomion kohteena ovat työn organisointiin ja työkulttuurin muutokseen liittyvät seikat siirryttäessä jatkuvaan julkaisuun. Väitöstyössä esitettyihin kysymyksiin on haettu vastauksia tapaustukimusten avulla. Tapaustutkimusten kohteena ovat olleet suomalaiset ohjelmistoalan yritykset. Tietoja on kerätty haastattelu- ja kyselytutkimuksin yli kolmestakymmennestä tapauksesta. Tutkimusten tulosten perusteella julkaisutiheyden kasvattamiselle on edellytyksiä monessa ympäristössä, mutta kaikille toimialoille se ei sovellu. Yleisesti ottaen tiheät julkaisut olivat harvinaisia. Monessa tapauksessa havaittiin merkittävä ero julkaisukyvykkyyden ja varsinaisen julkaisutiheyden välillä. Julkaisukyvykkyys oli sitä parempi, mitä pidemmälle sovelluskehityksen vaiheet olivat automatisoitu. Jatkuvan julkaisun käyttöönotto edellyttää vahvaa muutosjohtamista, työntekijöiden kouluttamista, organisaatiokulttuurin uudistamista sekä asiakassuhteiden hyvää hallintaa. Parhaassa tapauksessa tiheät julkaisut nopeuttavat niin muutosten toimittamista käyttäjille kuin palautesyklejä sekä johtavat välillisesti parempaan tuotelaatuun

    Mikropalveluiden testauskäytännöt julkisen sektorin projekteissa

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    Online services are constantly evolving, which makes service maintainability challenging. This has led to micro service architecture, where big applications are split into smaller services in order to improve applications' maintainability, scalability, and flexibility. However, splitting a single process application into multiple services causes the testing process to be more challenging. This Master's thesis is exploring these testing problems in a micro service context and finding practical guidance for the test implementation. Moreover, this Master's thesis focuses on public sector software projects. Public sector software projects are clearly predefined and the provider has open information about the project's needs. Thus, the project has a clear goal and known boundaries right from the beginning. The research approach for this study is an exploratory multiple case study consisting of three case projects. The data of the case projects were collected through semi-structural interviews and version history commit analysis. The results of this study present a set of successful practices and recommendations for taking testing into account during a micro service oriented agile development process. Successful testing requires monitoring of the project's maturity level to focus testing resources at the right time. Additionally, the case projects brought up practical testing guidance, such as understanding of the common testing responsibility, the importance of peer review, and the value of assigning a specific tester after the project has reached its end-to-end testing phase.Web-palvelut kehittyvät jatkuvasti, mikä vaikeuttaa palveluiden ylläpitoa. Yhtenä ratkaisuna on palvelun pilkkominen osiin mikropalveluiksi. Palvelun pilkkominen edistää palvelun ylläpitoa, skaalattavuutta ja joustavuutta. Toisaalta palvelun pilkkominen mikropalveluiksi vaikeuttaa testausprosessia. Tämä diplomityö tutkii mikropalveluiden testausprosessiin liittyviä ongelmia ja etsii käytännönläheistä ohjeistuista testien toteuttamiseen mikropalveluympäristössä. Diplomityö keskittyy julkisen sektorin mikropalveluprojekteihin, koska kaikki tässä diplomityössä käytetyt tutkimusprojektit ovat julkisen sektorin hallinnoimia. Julkisen sektorin ohjelmistoprojektit ovat selkeästi esimääriteltyjä ja projektien aineisto on avoimesti saatavilla. Tämän takia projekteilla on selkeä päämäärä ja tunnetut rajat heti projektin alussa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin tutkivaa case study -menetelmää. Tutkimus sisälsi kolme tutkimuskohdetta. Tutkimusdata kerättiin osittain jäsennetyillä kontekstuaalisilla haastatteluilla ja ohjelmistokoodin versiohallinnan historian analyysillä. Tuloksena syntyi kokoelma hyväksi todettuja käytäntöjä ja suosituksia, jotka auttavat ottamaan testauksen huomioon mikropalvelun iteratiivisessa ohjelmistokehitysprosessissa. Suositeltaviksi testauskäytännöiksi havaittiin projektin maturiteetin tarkkaileminen, että testauksen resursointi voidaan tehdä oikeaan aikaan. Lisäksi, projekteista nousi esiin muita suosituksia, kuten kehitystiimin yhteisen testaamisvastuun ymmärtäminen, koodikatselmoinnin merkitys ja erillisen testaajan tärkeys, kun projektin maturiteetti on kasvanut riittävästi

    Exploring the benefits of combining DevOps and agile

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    The combined adoption of Agile and DevOps enables organizations to cope with the increasing complexity of managing customer requirements and requests. It fosters the emergence of a more collaborative and Agile framework to replace the waterfall models applied to software development flow and the separation of development teams from operations. This study aims to explore the benefits of the combined adoption of both models. A qualitative methodology is adopted by including twelve case studies from international software engineering companies. Thematic analysis is employed in identifying the benefits of the combined adoption of both paradigms. The findings reveal the existence of twelve benefits, highlighting the automation of processes, improved communication between teams, and reduction in time to market through process integration and shorter software delivery cycles. Although they address different goals and challenges, the Agile and DevOps paradigms when properly combined and aligned can offer relevant benefits to organizations. The novelty of this study lies in the systematization of the benefits of the combined adoption of Agile and DevOps considering multiple perspectives of the software engineering business environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Testing in the incremental design and development of complex products

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    Testing is an important aspect of design and development which consumes significant time and resource in many companies. However, it has received less research attention than many other activities in product development, and especially, very few publications report empirical studies of engineering testing. Such studies are needed to establish the importance of testing and inform the development of pragmatic support methods. This paper combines insights from literature study with findings from three empirical studies of testing. The case studies concern incrementally developed complex products in the automotive domain. A description of testing practice as observed in these studies is provided, confirming that testing activities are used for multiple purposes depending on the context, and are intertwined with design from start to finish of the development process, not done after it as many models depict. Descriptive process models are developed to indicate some of the key insights, and opportunities for further research are suggested

    An Assessment of DevOps Maturity in a Software Project

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    DevOps is a software development method, which aims at decreasing conflict between software developers and system operators. Conflicts can occur because the developers’ goal is to release the new features of the software to production, whereas the operators’ goal is to keep the software as stable and available as possible. In traditional software development models, the typical amount of time between deployments can be long and the changes in software can become rather complex and big in size. The DevOps approach seeks to solve this contradiction by bringing software developers and system operators together from the very beginning of a development project. In the DevOps model, changes deployed to production are small and frequent. Automated deployments decrease human errors that sometimes occur in manual deployments. Testing is at least partly automated and tests are run after each individual software change. However, technical means are only one part of the DevOps approach. The model also emphasizes changes in organizational culture, which are ideally based on openness, continuous learning, and experimentation. Employees possess the freedom of decision-making while carrying the responsibility that follows. In addition to individual or team-based goals, each employee is encouraged to pursue the common goals. The aim of this thesis is two-fold. Firstly, the goal is to understand and define the DevOps model through a literature review. Secondly, the thesis analyzes the factors that contribute to the successful adoption of DevOps in an organization, including those with the possibility of slowing down or hindering the process. A qualitative case study was carried out on a system development project in a large Finnish technology company. The data consists of semi-structured open-ended interviews with key personnel, and the findings are analyzed and compared to factors introduced in previous DevOps literature, including the DevOps maturity model. The case project is also assessed in terms of its DevOps maturity. Finally, impediments and problems regarding DevOps adoption are discussed. Based on the case study, major challenges in the project include the large size and complexity of the project, problems in project management, occasional communication problems between the vendor and the client, poor overall quality of the software, and defects in the software development process of the vendor. Despite the challenges, the company demonstrated progress in some aspects, such as partly automating the deployment process, creating basic monitoring for the software, and negotiating development and testing guidelines with the vendor