2,681 research outputs found

    An integrated pricing and deteriorating model and a hybrid algorithm for a VMI (vendor-managed-inventory) supply chain

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    This paper studies a vendor-managed-inventory (VMI) supply chain where a manufacturer, as a vendor, procures a type of nondeteriorating raw material to produce a deteriorating product, and distribute it to multiple retailers. The price of the product offered by one retailer is also influenced by the prices offered by other retailers because consumers can choose the product from any of the retailers. This paper is one of the first papers that propose an integrated model to study the influence of pricing and deterioration on the profit of such a VMI system. A hybrid approach combining genetic algorithms and an analytical method is developed for efficiently determining the optimal price of the product of each retailer, the inventory policies of the product and the raw material. Our results of a detailed numerical study show that parameters related to the market and deterioration have significant influences on the profit of the VMI system. However, different from common intuition, we find that an increase in the substitution elasticity of the product among different retailers can bring an increase in the retail prices of the product, while the increase of the market scale can reduce the retail prices. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Optimizing lot sizing model for perishable bread products using genetic algorithm

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    This research addresses order planning challenges related to perishable products, using bread products as a case study. The problem is how to effi­ci­ently manage the various bread products ordered by diverse customers, which requires distributors to determine the optimal number of products to order from suppliers. This study aims to formulate the problem as a lot-sizing model, considering various factors, including customer demand, in­ven­tory constraints, ordering capacity, return rate, and defect rate, to achieve a near or optimal solution, Therefore determining the optimal order quantity to reduce the total ordering cost becomes a challenge in this study. However, most lot sizing problems are combinatorial and difficult to solve. Thus, this study uses the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as the main method to solve the lot sizing model and determine the optimal number of bread products to order. With GA, experiments have been conducted by combining the values of population, crossover, mutation, and generation parameters to maximize the feasibility value that represents the minimal total cost. The results obtained from the application of GA demonstrate its effectiveness in generating near or optimal solutions while also showing fast computational performance. By utilizing GA, distributors can effectively minimize wastage arising from expired or perishable products while simultaneously meeting customer demand more efficiently. As such, this research makes a significant contri­bution to the development of more effective and intelligent decision-making strategies in the domain of perishable products in bread distribution.Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengatasi tantangan perencanaan pemesanan yang berkaitan dengan produk yang mudah rusak, dengan menggunakan produk roti sebagai studi kasus. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana mengelola berbagai produk roti yang dipesan oleh pelanggan yang beragam secara efisien, yang mengharuskan distributor untuk menentukan jumlah produk yang optimal untuk dipesan dari pemasok. Untuk mencapai solusi yang optimal, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan masalah tersebut sebagai model lot-sizing, dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor, termasuk permintaan pelanggan, kendala persediaan, kapasitas pemesanan, tingkat pengembalian, dan tingkat cacat. Oleh karena itu, menentukan jumlah pemesanan yang optimal untuk mengurangi total biaya pemesanan menjadi tantangan dalam penelitian ini. Namun, sebagian besar masalah lot sizing bersifat kombinatorial dan sulit untuk dipecahkan, oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan Genetic Algorithm (GA) sebagai metode utama untuk menyelesaikan model lot sizing dan menentukan jumlah produk roti yang optimal untuk dipesan. Dengan GA, telah dilakukan percobaan dengan mengkombinasikan nilai parameter populasi, crossover, mutasi, dan generasi untuk memaksimalkan nilai kelayakan yang merepresentasikan total biaya yang minimal. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penerapan GA menunjukkan keefektifannya dalam menghasilkan solusi yang optimal, selain itu juga menunjukkan kinerja komputasi yang cepat. Dengan menggunakan GA, distributor dapat secara efektif meminimalkan pemborosan yang timbul akibat produk yang kadaluarsa atau mudah rusak, sekaligus memenuhi permintaan pelanggan dengan lebih efisien. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan strategi pengambilan keputusan yang lebih efektif dan cerdas dalam domain produk yang mudah rusak dalam distribusi roti

    The problem of production-distribution under uncertainty based on Vendor Managed Inventory

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    In this paper, a problem of managed inventory by the vendor in the production-distribution supply chain is presented based on the scenario. The main purpose of presenting the model of maximizing producer profit in a three-level supply chain network consisting of various strategic and tactical decisions under uncertainty. Due to the nonlinearity and NP-Hardness of the problem, meta-heuristic genetic algorithms, Whale optimization algorithm and league champions algorithm have been used. The results of problem solving show the high efficiency of meta-heuristic algorithms compared to accurate methods in solving the above model. So that the maximum percentage of relative differences between the methods mentioned with GAMS is less than 1%.Also, by solving the sample problems in larger sizes, it was observed that the league champions algorithm has the highest efficiency in terms of achieving the optimal value of the target function in a shorter time than the other algorithms used, with a useful weight of 0.998

    Supply Chain Management and Management Science: A Successful Marriage

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    The last century has witnessed extant studies on the applications of Management Science (MS) to a diverse set of Supply Chain Management (SCM) issues. This paper provides an overview of the contribution of MS within SCM. A framework is developed in this paper with a sampling of MS contributions to major SCM dimensions. Future research directions are presented

    Integrated production quality and condition-based maintenance optimisation for a stochastically deteriorating manufacturing system

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    This paper investigates the problem of optimally integrating production quality and condition-based maintenance in a stochastically deteriorating single- product, single-machine production system. Inspections are periodically performed on the system to assess its actual degradation status. The system is considered to be in ‘fail mode’ whenever its degradation level exceeds a predetermined threshold. The proportion of non-conforming items, those that are produced during the time interval where the degradation is beyond the specification threshold, are replaced either via overtime production or spot market purchases. To optimise preventive maintenance costs and at the same time reduce production of non-conforming items, the degradation of the system must be optimally monitored so that preventive maintenance is carried out at appropriate time intervals. In this paper, an integrated optimisation model is developed to determine the optimal inspection cycle and the degradation threshold level, beyond which preventive maintenance should be carried out, while minimising the sum of inspection and maintenance costs, in addition to the production of non-conforming items and inventory costs. An expression for the total expected cost rate over an infinite time horizon is developed and solution method for the resulting model is discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the proposed approach

    Quantitative Models for Centralised Supply Chain Coordination

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    A study in joint maintenance scheduling and production planning

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