10 research outputs found

    Effort Estimation Development Model for Web-Based Mobile Application Using Fuzzy Logic

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    Effort estimation becomes a crucial part in software development process because false effort estimation result can lead to delayed project and affect the successful of a project. This research proposes a model of effort estimation for web-based mobile application developed using object oriented approach. In the proposed model, functional size measurement of object oriented based web application named OOmFPWeb, web metric and mobile characteristic for web-based mobile application size measurement are combnined. The estimation process is done by using mamdani fuzzy logic method. To evaluate the proposed model, the comparison between OOmFPWeb as the variable that affect effort estimation for web-based mobile application and the proposed model are performed. The evaluation result shows that effort estimation for web-based mobile application with the proposed model is better than just using OOmFPWeb

    Efficient Indicators to Evaluate the Status of Software Development Effort Estimation inside the Organizations

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    Development effort is an undeniable part of the project management which considerably influences the success of project. Inaccurate and unreliable estimation of effort can easily lead to the failure of project. Due to the special specifications, accurate estimation of effort in the software projects is a vital management activity that must be carefully done to avoid from the unforeseen results. However numerous effort estimation methods have been proposed in this field, the accuracy of estimates is not satisfying and the attempts continue to improve the performance of estimation methods. Prior researches conducted in this area have focused on numerical and quantitative approaches and there are a few research works that investigate the root problems and issues behind the inaccurate effort estimation of software development effort. In this paper, a framework is proposed to evaluate and investigate the situation of an organization in terms of effort estimation. The proposed framework includes various indicators which cover the critical issues in field of software development effort estimation. Since the capabilities and shortages of organizations for effort estimation are not the same, the proposed indicators can lead to have a systematic approach in which the strengths and weaknesses of organizations in field of effort estimation are discovered.Comment: 10 page

    Fuzzy Use Case Points as a Basis for Effort Estimation

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    Many software development projects encounter problems related to over- or under-estimation of effort. Accurate effort estimation is crucial for successful project management, but it can be challenging when resources are limited, and little is known about the project. The commonly used method for effort estimation is Use Case Points (UCP), which is mainly used for application-based objects and takes use cases as input. However, UCP has weaknesses, particularly in the high variation of weight factor values for Unadjusted Use Case Weight (UUCW). To address this problem, Fuzzy Use Case Points (FUCP), which is a combination of fuzzy logic and use case points, can be used. By applying fuzzy logic to the UUCW category, FUCP derives new weight factor values for UUCW. The implementation of FUCP to calculate effort estimation in ten government-based projects in this research has shown that FUCP yields the closest value to the actual effort required. It has also been demonstrated that FUCP outperforms UCP in terms of accuracy, with an improvement of 6.51%

    Software development effort estimation modeling using a combination of fuzzy-neural network and differential evolution algorithm

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    Software cost estimation has always been a serious challenge lying ahead of software teams that should be seriously considered in the early stages of a project. Lack of sufficient information on final requirements, as well as the existence of inaccurate and vague requirements, are among the main reasons for unreliable estimations in this area. Though several effort estimation models have been proposed over the recent decade, an increase in their accuracy has always been a controversial issue, and researchers' efforts in this area are still ongoing. This study presents a new model based on a hybrid of adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and differential evolution (DE) algorithm. This model tries to obtain a more accurate estimation of software development effort that is capable of presenting a better estimate within a wide range of software projects compared to previous works. The proposed method outperformed other optimization algorithms adopted from the genetic algorithm, evolutionary algorithms, meta-heuristic algorithms, and neuro-fuzzy based optimization algorithms, and could improve the accuracy using MMRE and PRED (0.25) criteria up to 7%


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    Estimasi pembangunan perangkat lunak adalah proses memperkirakan upaya untuk pengembangan perangkat lunak. Upaya tersebut meliputi usaha (orang/bulan), jadwal (bulan), dan biaya pembangunan perangkat lunak. Metode estimasi biaya yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu COCOMO II yang merupakan sebuah metode perkiraan biaya yang obyektif untuk perencanaan dan pelaksanaan proyek- proyek perangkat lunak. Penelitian ini menggunakan 10 data set dari proyek TI di PT. X dan bertujuan untuk membuat suatu model perkiraan biaya perangkat lunak menggunakan COCOMO II serta mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan dalam membangun proyek TI di PT. X, sehinga model estimasi yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai masukan atau acuan untuk estimasi pembangunan perangkat lunak berikutnya.Ă‚


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    Function Point (FP) is a measurement method as well as a unit of measure from a software. FP can measure software by quantifying (number of units in numbers) functionality in software that is already provided to users based on logic. The FP matrix is calculated from 5 components which include the number of user inputs (external input-EI), the number of outputs to the user (external inquiry - EQ), the number of user inquiries (external inquiry - EQ), the number of internal files used (internal logical file - EQ). ILF), and the number of external interfaces (external files – EIF). This case study aims to study carefully how to calculate FP which produces the final result in the form of cost estimation in software. The existing software is the Website-Based Student Academic Application (AASBW). The technical files available from this software are source code and running application. This FP measurement will be carried out from a software point of view, namely measuring the finished application. From the observation, it is found that the FP for AASBW = 152.90 and the estimated cost to market this application is Rp. 7,645.00, the estimated production time is 29 days, and the estimated cost of managing this application is Rp. 3,850,000, so the results of the three estimation factors are used by the authors as analysis material for Website-Based Student Academic Applications using the Function Point Analysis method

    EEF-CAS: An Effort Estimation Framework with Customizable Attribute Selection

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    Existing estimation frameworks generally provide one-size-fits-all solutions that fail to produce accurate estimates in most environments. Research has shown that the accomplishment of accurate effort estimates is a long-term process that, above all, requires the extensive collection of effort estimation data by each organization. Collected data is generally characterized by a set of attributes that are believed to affect the development effort. The attributes that most affect development effort vary widely depending on the type of product being developed and the environment in which it is being developed. Thus, any new estimation framework must offer the flexibility of customizable attribute selection. Moreover, such attributes could provide the ability to incorporate empirical evidence and expert judgment into the effort estimation framework. Finally, because software is virtual and therefore intangible, the most important software metrics are notorious for being subjective according to the experience of the estimator. Consequently, a measurement and inference system that is robust to subjectivity and uncertainty must be in place. The Effort Estimation Framework with Customizable Attribute Selection (EEF-CAS) presented in this paper has been designed with the above requirements in mind. It is accompanied with four preparation process steps that allow for any organization implementing it to establish an estimation process. This estimation process facilitates data collection, framework customization to the organization’s needs, its calibration with the organization’s data, and the capability of continual improvement. The proposed framework described in this paper was validated in a real software development organization