105 research outputs found

    Multi-objective model for optimizing railway infrastructure asset renewal

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    Trabalho inspirado num problema real da empresa Infraestruturas de Portugal, EP.A multi-objective model for managing railway infrastructure asset renewal is presented. The model aims to optimize three objectives, while respecting operational constraints: levelling investment throughout multiple years, minimizing total cost and minimizing work start postponements. Its output is an optimized intervention schedule. The model is based on a case study from a Portuguese infrastructure management company, which specified the objectives and constraints, and reflects management practice on railway infrastructure. The results show that investment levelling greatly influences the other objectives and that total cost fluctuations may range from insignificant to important, depending on the condition of the infrastructure. The results structure is argued to be general and suggests a practical methodology for analysing trade-offs and selecting a solution for implementation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Mathematical Model for Ballast Tamping Decision Making in Railway Tracks

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    Ballast tamping is considered as an important maintenance process for railway infrastructures and has a large influence on the capacity of any railway networks. But optimizing the plan of that process is a complex problem with a high cost. This paper discusses optimizing tamping operations on ballasted tracks to improve the track geometry and reduce the total maintenance cost. A mathematical model for this problem in the literature is improved here by including the restriction on the resources (tools, workers and budget) in the model and including constant/variable values for track possession cost and available resources. The optimal solutions obtained for all instances are found by using the global optimization. Besides, a numerical study is presented to test and evaluate the model performance. The results show that the proposed model can be adopted by the infrastructure manager (IM) to make suitable tamping scheduling decisions under normal or private conditions; however, the private conditions lead to an increase of the final cost compared to that of the normal ones. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091601 Full Text: PD

    Effect of Railway Track Segmentation Method on the Optimal Solution of Tamping Planning Problem

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    The safety and continuality of the railway network are guaranteed by carrying out a lot of maintenance interventions on the railway track. One of the most important of these actions is tamping, where railway infrastructure managers focus on optimizing tamping activities in ballasted tracks to reduce the maintenance cost. To this end, this article presents a mixed integer linear programming model of the Tamping Planning Problem (TPP) and investigates the effect of track segmentation method on the optimal solution by three scenarios. It uses an opportunistic maintenance technique to plan tamping actions. This technique clusters many tamping works through a time period to reduce the track possession cost as much as possible. CPLEX 12.6.3 is used in order to solve the TPP instances exactly. The results show that the total number of machine preparations increases by increasing the number of track segments. It is also found that the total costs increase by 6.1% and 9.4% during scenarios 2 and 3, respectively. Moreover, it is better to consider the whole railway track as a single segment (as in scenarios 1) that consists of a set of sections during the tamping planning in order to obtain the optimal maintenance cost. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091774 Full Text: PD

    Railway condition-based maintenance model with stochastic deterioration

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    The application of mathematical programming for scheduling preventive maintenance in railways is relatively new. This paper presents a stochastic mathematical model designed to optimize and to predict tamping operations in ballasted tracks as preventive condition-based maintenance. The model is formulated as a mixed 0–1 nonlinear program that considers real technical aspects as constraints: the reduction of the geometrical track quality over time is characterized by the deterioration rate of the standard deviation of the longitudinal level; the track layout; the dependency of the track recovery on its quality at the moment of the maintenance operation; the limits for preventive maintenance that depend on the maximum permissible train speed. In the model application, a railway stretch with 51.2 km of length is analysed for a time period of five years. The deterioration model is stochastic and represents the reduction of the standard deviation of the longitudinal level over time. The deterioration rate of the standard deviation of the longitudinal level is simulated by Monte Carlo techniques, considering the three parameters Dagum probabilistic distribution fitted with real data (Vale, SimĂ”es 2012). Two simulations are performed and compared: stochastic simulation in space; stochastic simulation in space and time. The proposed condition-based maintenance model is able to produce optimal schedules within appropriate computational times

    Strategies for maintenance management of railway track assets

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    M.Ing. (Engineering Management)Abstract: Population growth and environmental issues are revitalizing the railway sector in a tremendous way. An increase in frequency of passenger traffic and rising loads of freight trains has an impact on dynamic railway track properties and components thereof. The challenge from the railway fraternity is to rise to the challenge by ensuring a safe, reliable and affordable mode of transport. The purpose of this research is to investigate the capacity needed to meet demand by maintaining the track components of the railway infrastructure cost effectively. The railway track is the most critical in terms of safety, influence on maintenance costs, availability and reliability of the train service. Profillidis (2012) highlights the fact that track maintenance expenses represent a significant percentage of total railway infrastructure expenses. In literature, different maintenance strategies, approaches and concepts are discussed in light with arguments raised by different scholars and researchers. The main research methodology utilised was the case study on maintenance strategies from different countries where data was mostly available. The reason for the chosen method was to standardise the research method across different countries as this made it easy to obtain the findings and arrive at recommendations of the research. The broader findings from different maintenance strategies were that the track maintenance approach still has to evolve from working in silos to working in a system that acknowledges that decisions taken from other departments can affect the quality of maintenance in future. The deterioration of the track system is mostly affected by the initial quality of the railway track after commissioning due to workmanship and track design, maintenance approach, type of rolling stock tonnages, speed of rolling stock, and environmental related issues. Design phase of the track acknowledges the systems thinking approach for quality and structural integrity. However, more can still be done to adopt approaches that foster inter-departmental coordination in the maintenance phase of the railway track asset lifecycle. Transnet faces a challenge of fulfilling its obligation by providing quality and cost effective maintenance to increase the reliability, affordability, availability and safety of its infrastructure with the ever-increasing freight volumes. The traditional approach of maintaining railway track assets does not bring in required outcomes that ensure high quality and cost effective maintenance as required by high intensity asset utilisation. Data collected from the..

    Discrete Event Simulation and Optimization Approaches for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure

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    This thesis is carried out within the PhD Course in Logistics and Transport at CIELI - Italian Centre of Excellence on Logistics, Transport and Infrastructures, University of Genoa. In this work, a discrete event simulation and optimization model is created to schedule the predictive maintenance activities. Nowadays, after a severe decrease of transport demand during the pandemic period, rail public transport is resuming a central role for both freight and passenger transport. To cope with this increase in demand, to maintain high safety standards and to avoid unnecessary costs, the idea is to switch to predictive maintenance strategy, intervening before an asset failure and when it has reached a certain state of degradation. The degradation and asset future conditions are predicted according to probabilistic models and maintenance deadlines are defined by applying a risk based approach. The problem is first formulated as a MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) optimization problem and then transformed into a simulation-based optimization problem using the ExtendSim software. Different simulative models are created to take into account the stochastic nature of some variables in real processes. After the formal description of the models, some real-world applications are presented. Finally, considerations on the proposed approach are reported highlighting limits and challenges in predictive maintenance planning, such as lack of data and the stochastic and complex environment
