12 research outputs found

    Comparison study of U+L and Y+L working face ventilation patterns on gas control in a highly gassy mine

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    A mine ventilation system is an important component of an underground mining system. We all know that the ventilation system design plays an important role in highly gassy mines, and the ventilation pattern is the primary factor in gob gas control in fully mechanized working faces. Because the gas emission rate is notably large in highly gassy fully mechanized working faces and the U ventilation pattern seriously restricts normal production, a new ventilation pattern is required. This paper uses a gas flow distribution numerical simulation method to analyze the gas controlling effect of U+L and Y+L patterns. The results indicate that the gas concentration of the U+L ventilation pattern is lower than that of Y+L pattern in a fully mechanized working face and its upper corner. Furthermore, the main ventilation factors that affect the gas drainage of U+L ventilation pattern are optimized through the orthogonal test and fuzzy evaluation method; it effectively reduces the gas concentration of the upper corner and the return airway. After the implementation of the optimal solution of the U+L ventilation pattern in No. 32212(1) working face of Rujigou coal mine of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, the gas concentration of the upper corner was reduced to 0,6 %, which can ensure the normal production of the coal mine

    Multiple simulation experimental studies of gas emission, distribution and migration rules in mine ventilation system and goaf area

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    Gas problems have created severe difficulties for the mining industry around the world, leading to high expenditures and intensity research efforts, and determined attempts to enhance the various ventilation optimization and gas drainage techniques. Meanwhile, gas research is thriving in recent years, and gas drainage technology will continue to be a growing industry over the coming decades in many mining countries. Safety mining technologies including field investigation, numerical simulation and laboratorial experiments have been improved to develop a better understanding of the causes of mine gas-related disasters over the last two decades. In addition, new and multiple gas control strategies and technologies have been developed, including optimizing the ventilation system constantly, preventing goaf spontaneous combustion timely, enhancing gas risk management effectively, determining the gas emission zone exactly, and implementing a reasonable gas drainage plan correctly. The first part of the dissertation introduces a multiple gas disaster prevention, control and reduction strategy. Firstly, the basic theories of gas emission, distribution and migration are discussed. Then a numerical prediction model based on a specific coal mine is established to predict its gas emission. The second part of the dissertation offers the establishment of the numerical simulation model (CFD) and laboratorial experimental model for the purpose of discussing the gas distribution and migration rule and determining the most effective gas drainage zones in the working face and goaf. Both of the numerical simulation results and the laboratorial experimental results also demonstrate that the most effective gas drainage spot constantly varies with the area where mining activities are performed. In the case of numerical simulation experimental results, it is mainly located in the area of 40m-250m (between working face and deep goaf), 30m-40m from the working face floor (between the working face floor to the roof), and approximately 60m-170m (between air inlet and air outlet). In the case of laboratorial simulation experimental results, it mainly locates in coal seam and rock stratum separation area of 27cm-243cm (between working face and deep goaf), 28cm-42cm (between the working face floor to the roof) and 78cm-182cm (between air inlet and air outlet). The last part of this dissertation provides a field study in order to obtain the gas distribution and migration rule in the working face and goaf. The field measured results show the average gas drainage rate increased from 39.6 m3·min-1 (U-type ventilation system) to approximately 48.9 m3·min-1 (U+L-type ventilation system) while the gas concentration of the special drainage tunnel, upper corner and air outlet decreased from 1.88%, 0.85% and 0.61% (U-type ventilation system) to 1.69%, 0.75% and 0.55% (U+L-type ventilation system), respectively. These results indicate the layout of the gas drainage boreholes is rational and effective; the gas drainage volume is reliable. Therefore, it is feasible and reliable to arrange the layout of gas drainage tunnels based on the experimental results of numerical simulation and laboratorial test.Los problemas ocasionados por gas han creado graves dificultades para la industria minera en todo el mundo, por lo que ha implicado altos gastos y esfuerzos de investigación y intentos de mejorar en diversas técnicas de optimización de la ventilación y drenaje de gas. Mientras tanto, la investigación sobre gas ha aumentado considerable en los últimos años y la tecnología de drenaje de gas seguirá siendo una industria en crecimiento en las próximas décadas en muchos países mineros. Las tecnologías mineras de seguridad, incluyendo la investigación de campo, la simulación numérica y experimentos en laboratorio han mejorado para una mejor comprensión de las causas de los desastres relacionados con el gas de las minas en las últimas dos décadas. Además, se han desarrollado nuevos y múltiples estrategias y tecnologías de control de gas, incluyendo la optimización del sistema de ventilación, impidiendo excavaciones de combustión espontánea oportuna, mejorando así la gestión eficaz de riesgos causados por gases, determinando la zona de emisión de gases con exactitud, y la implementación de un plan de drenaje de gas correctamente. La primera parte de la tesis se presenta una estrategia múltiple de la prevención de desastres de gas, control y reducción. En primer lugar, se analizarán las teorías básicas de la emisión de gases, la distribución y la migración. Luego se establecerá un modelo de predicción numérica basada en una mina de carbón específica para predecir su emisión de gases. La segunda parte de la tesis ofrece el establecimiento del modelo numérico de simulación (CFD) y el modelo experimental de laboratorio con el fin de discutir la distribución de gas y norma de migración y la determinación de las zonas de drenaje de gas más eficaces en el frente de trabajo y terraplén. Tanto los resultados del simulación numéricos como los resultados experimentales de laboratorio demuestran que el punto de drenaje más eficaz de gas varía constantemente según el área donde se realizan las actividades mineras. En el caso de los resultados experimentales de simulación numérica, que se encuentra principalmente en el área de 40m-250m (entre la superficie del tierra y el zona excavada), 30m-40m desde la superficie de trabajo (desde la superficie del trabajo hasta el techo), y aproximadamente 60m-170m (entre el entrada y salida de aire). En el caso de los resultados experimentales de simulación en el laboratorio, se localiza principalmente en la veta de carbón y la zona de separación del estrato rocoso de 27cm-243cm (entre la superficie de la tierra y la zona excavada), 28cm-42cm (desde la superficie del trabajo hasta el techo) y 78cm-182cm (entre la entrada y salida de aire). La última parte de esta tesis concluye un estudio de campo con el fin de obtener la distribución de gas y el estado migratorio entre la superficie y la zona escavada. Los resultados de campo medidos muestran que la tasa de drenaje de gas en promedio aumentó 39,6 m3·min-1 (sistema de ventilación de tipo T) a aproximadamente 48,9 m3 · min-1 (sistema de ventilación de T + L-tipo), mientras que la concentración de gas del drenaje especial en túnel, esquina superior y salida de aire se redujo de 1,88%, 0,85% y 0,61% (sistema de ventilación de tipo U) a 1,69%, 0,75% y 0,55% (U + de tipo L sistema de ventilación), respectivamente. Estos resultados indican que la disposición de las perforaciones de drenaje de gas es racional y eficaz; el volumen de drenaje de gas es fiable. Por lo tanto, es factible y fiable para organizar la disposición de túneles de drenaje de gas sobre la base de los resultados experimentales de simulación numérica y la prueba de laboratorio

    Green Low-Carbon Technology for Metalliferous Minerals

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    Metalliferous minerals play a central role in the global economy. They will continue to provide the raw materials we need for industrial processes. Significant challenges will likely emerge if the climate-driven green and low-carbon development transition of metalliferous mineral exploitation is not managed responsibly and sustainably. Green low-carbon technology is vital to promote the development of metalliferous mineral resources shifting from extensive and destructive mining to clean and energy-saving mining in future decades. Global mining scientists and engineers have conducted a lot of research in related fields, such as green mining, ecological mining, energy-saving mining, and mining solid waste recycling, and have achieved a great deal of innovative progress and achievements. This Special Issue intends to collect the latest developments in the green low-carbon mining field, written by well-known researchers who have contributed to the innovation of new technologies, process optimization methods, or energy-saving techniques in metalliferous minerals development

    Volume II: Mining Innovation

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    Contemporary exploitation of natural raw materials by borehole, opencast, underground, seabed, and anthropogenic deposits is closely related to, among others, geomechanics, automation, computer science, and numerical methods. More and more often, individual fields of science coexist and complement each other, contributing to lowering exploitation costs, increasing production, and reduction of the time needed to prepare and exploit the deposit. The continuous development of national economies is related to the increasing demand for energy, metal, rock, and chemical resources. Very often, exploitation is carried out in complex geological and mining conditions, which are accompanied by natural hazards such as rock bursts, methane, coal dust explosion, spontaneous combustion, water, gas, and temperature. In order to conduct a safe and economically justified operation, modern construction materials are being used more and more often in mining to support excavations, both under static and dynamic loads. The individual production stages are supported by specialized computer programs for cutting the deposit as well as for modeling the behavior of the rock mass after excavation in it. Currently, the automation and monitoring of the mining works play a very important role, which will significantly contribute to the improvement of safety conditions. In this Special Issue of Energies, we focus on innovative laboratory, numerical, and industrial research that has a positive impact on the development of safety and exploitation in mining

    Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes

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    The book documents 25 papers collected from the Special Issue “Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes”, highlighting recent research trends in complex industrial processes. The book aims to stimulate the research field and be of benefit to readers from both academic institutes and industrial sectors

    Improving Energy Efficiency through Data-Driven Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

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    In October 2014, the EU leaders agreed upon three key targets for the year 2030: a reduction by at least 40% in greenhouse gas emissions, savings of at least 27% for renewable energy, and improvements by at least 27% in energy efficiency. The increase in computational power combined with advanced modeling and simulation tools makes it possible to derive new technological solutions that can enhance the energy efficiency of systems and that can reduce the ecological footprint. This book compiles 10 novel research works from a Special Issue that was focused on data-driven approaches, machine learning, or artificial intelligence for the modeling, simulation, and optimization of energy systems

    CFD Modeling of Complex Chemical Processes: Multiscale and Multiphysics Challenges

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which uses numerical analysis to predict and model complex flow behaviors and transport processes, has become a mainstream tool in engineering process research and development. Complex chemical processes often involve coupling between dynamics at vastly different length and time scales, as well as coupling of different physical models. The multiscale and multiphysics nature of those problems calls for delicate modeling approaches. This book showcases recent contributions in this field, from the development of modeling methodology to its application in supporting the design, development, and optimization of engineering processes

    Topical scientific researches into resource-saving technologies of mineral mining and processing

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    Table of contents Preface . 5 Malanchuk Z.R., Soroka V.S., Lahodniuk O.A., Marchuk M.M. Physical-mechanical and technological features of amber extraction in the Rivne-Volyn region of Ukraine . 6 Moshynskyi, V.S., Korniyenko V.Ya., Khrystyuk A.O., Solvar L.M. Research of energy effective parameters of the process of hydro mechanical extraction of amber from sandy deposits . 24 Mohamed Tafsir Diallo, Mamadou Oury Fatoumata Diallo Tidal Park – Modeling and Control Strategy . 38 Savina N.B., Malanchuk L.O., Ignatiuk I.Z., Moshchych S.Z. Institutional basis and trends of management of the use of the subsoil in Ukraine . 51 Dedelyanova Kr.Y. Column flotation machine – innovative aeration, vibra-tory – acoustic and technological researches . 60 Makarenko V.D., Manhura A.M., Lartseva I.I., Manhura S.I. Magnetic field on asphalt, resin, paraffin and salt deposits 79 Krzysztof Tomiczek The problem of beds stability in the conditions of undermining higher deposited beds in the context of selected analytical solutions . 95 Safonyk A.P., Koziar M.M., Martyniuk P.M., Fylypchuk V.L. Management of pollution - purification system for mining plants . 117 Marinela Panayotova, Vladko Panayotov Recent developments in the flotation of sulfide ores of base metals - bioflotation . 130 Remez N., Dychko A., Bronytskyi V., Kraychuk S. Simulation of shock waves from explosion of mixture explosive charges . 149 Melodi M.M. Akande V.O. Analysis of productivity and technical efficiency in granite aggregate production in selected quarries in south-western, Nigeria . 166 Doroshenko Ya.V., Karpash O.M., Rybitskyi I.V. Investigation of dispersed contaminates influence on the hydraulic energy consumption of elements of gas pipeline systems with complex geometry . 182 Skipochka S.I., Krukovskyi O.P., Krukovska V.V., Palamarchuk T.A. Features of methane emission in coal mines at high speed longwall face advance 208 Daouda Keita, Valery Pozdnyakov Statistical analysis of experimental data on the indices of operation of the loading units of the bauxite compa-ny of Guinea (CBG) . 226 Yevhenii Malanchuk, Sergiy Stets, Ruslan Zhomyruk, Andriy Stets Modeling of the process of mining of zeolite-smectite tuffs by hydro-well method . 244 Samusia V. I., Kyrychenko Y. О., Cheberiachko I. M., Trofymova, O. P. Development of experimental methods to study heterogenic flows in the context of hydraulic hoisting design . 260 Makarenko V.D., Kharchenko M.O., Manhura A.M., Petrash O.V. Magnetic treatment of production fluid with high content of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits . 268 Kovshun N.E., Ignatiuk I.Z., Moshchych S.Z. Malanchuk L.O. Innovative model of development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine 279 Bondarenko А.O., Ostapchuk O.V. Design and implementation of a jet pump dredge . 296 Sotskov V.O., Dereviahina N.I. Research of dependencies of stope stress-strain state change under various conditions of partial stowing of developed space . 305 Sakhno S., Liulchenko Y., Chyrva T., Pischikova O. Determination of bear-ing capacity and calculation of the gain of the damaged span of a railway overpass by the finite element method . 326 Melodi М.М., Ojulari M.K. Oluwafemi V.I. Economic and environmental impacts of artisanal gold mining on near-by community of Sauka-Kahuta, Nigeria . 340 Kruchkov A.I., Besarabets Y.J., Yevtieieva L.I. Energy saving modes of excavators type power shovel . 353 Hryhorash M.V., Kuzminskyi V.P., Ovchinnikova O.V., Kukhar V.Yu. Energy saving through quality of technical water: new types of mechanical screen filters for various links of water treatment . 369 Didenko M. The modeling of the interaction of rock mass and compliant lining while it is expanded . 394 Makarenko V.D., Liashenko A.V. Complex approach to research and selection of hydrocarbon solvents for asphaltene-resin-paraffin-hydrate deposits control . 408 Mykhailovska O.V., Zotsenko M.L. Investigation of the oscillations amplitudes bases and foundations of the forming machine . 417 Inkin O.V., Puhach A.M., Dereviahina N.I. Physical-chemical and technological parameters of improving profitability of underground coal burning . 42