8,408 research outputs found

    Embedded Model Control calls for disturbance modeling and rejection

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    Robust control design is mainly devoted to guaranteeing the closed-loop stability of a model-based control law in the presence of parametric uncertainties. The control law is usually a static feedback law which is derived from a (nonlinear) model using different methodologies. From this standpoint, stability can only be guaranteed by introducing some ignorance coefficients and restricting the feedback control effort with respect to the model-based design. Embedded Model Control shows that, the model-based control law must and can be kept intact in the case of uncertainty, if, under certain conditions, the controllable dynamics is complemented by suitable disturbance dynamics capable of real-time encoding the different uncertainties affecting the ‘embedded model', i.e. the model which is both the design source and the core of the control unit. To be real-time updated the disturbance state is driven by an unpredictable input vector, the noise, which can only be estimated from the model error. The uncertainty-based (or plant-based) design concerns the noise estimator, so as to prevent the model error from conveying uncertainty components (parametric, cross-coupling, neglected dynamics) which are command-dependent and thus prone to destabilizing the controlled plant, into the embedded model. Separation of the components in the low and high frequency domain by the noise estimator itself allows stability recovery and guarantee, and the rejection of low frequency uncertainty components. Two simple case studies endowed with simulated and experimental runs will help to understand the key assets of the methodolog

    Design of generalized minimum variance controllers for nonlinear multivariable systems

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    The design and implementation of Generalized Minimum Variance control laws for nonlinear multivariable systems that can include severe nonlinearities is considered. The quadratic cost index minimised involves dynamically weighted error and nonlinear control signal costing terms. The aim here is to show the controller obtained is simple to design and implement. The features of the control law are explored. The controller obtained includes an internal model of the process and in one form is a nonlinear version of the Smith Predictor

    State-space approach to nonlinear predictive generalized minimum variance control

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    A Nonlinear Predictive Generalized Minimum Variance (NPGMV) control algorithm is introduced for the control of nonlinear discrete-time multivariable systems. The plant model is represented by the combination of a very general nonlinear operator and also a linear subsystem which can be open-loop unstable and is represented in state-space model form. The multi-step predictive control cost index to be minimised involves both weighted error and control signal costing terms. The solution for the control law is derived in the time-domain using a general operator representation of the process. The controller includes an internal model of the nonlinear process but because of the assumed structure of the system the state observer is only required to be linear. In the asymptotic case, where the plant is linear, the controller reduces to a state-space version of the well known GPC controller

    Closed-Loop Control of a Piezo-Fluidic Amplifier

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    Fluidic valves based on the Coand\u{a} effect are increasingly being considered for use in aerodynamic flow control applications. A limiting factor is their variation in switching time, which often precludes their use. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the closed-loop control of a recently developed, novel piezo-fluidic valve that reduces response time uncertainty at the expense of operating bandwidth. Use is made of the fact that a fluidic jet responds to a piezo tone by deflecting away from its steady state position. A control signal used to vary this deflection is amplitude modulated onto the piezo tone. Using only a pressure measurement from one of the device output channels, an output-based LQG regulator was designed to follow a desired reference deflection, achieving control of a 90 m/s jet. Finally, the controller's performance in terms of disturbance rejection and response time predictability is demonstrated.Comment: 31 pages, 23 figures. Published in AIAA Journal, 4th May 202

    Optimal cooperative control synthesis of active displays

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    A technique is developed that is intended to provide a systematic approach to synthesizing display augmentation for optimal manual control in complex, closed-loop tasks. A cooperative control synthesis technique, previously developed to design pilot-optimal control augmentation for the plant, is extended to incorporate the simultaneous design of performance enhancing displays. The technique utilizes an optimal control model of the man in the loop. It is applied to the design of a quickening control law for a display and a simple K/s(2) plant, and then to an F-15 type aircraft in a multi-channel task. Utilizing the closed loop modeling and analysis procedures, the results from the display design algorithm are evaluated and an analytical validation is performed. Experimental validation is recommended for future efforts

    Sparse and Constrained Stochastic Predictive Control for Networked Systems

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    This article presents a novel class of control policies for networked control of Lyapunov-stable linear systems with bounded inputs. The control channel is assumed to have i.i.d. Bernoulli packet dropouts and the system is assumed to be affected by additive stochastic noise. Our proposed class of policies is affine in the past dropouts and saturated values of the past disturbances. We further consider a regularization term in a quadratic performance index to promote sparsity in control. We demonstrate how to augment the underlying optimization problem with a constant negative drift constraint to ensure mean-square boundedness of the closed-loop states, yielding a convex quadratic program to be solved periodically online. The states of the closed-loop plant under the receding horizon implementation of the proposed class of policies are mean square bounded for any positive bound on the control and any non-zero probability of successful transmission

    Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control with Application to Problems in Accelerator based Free Electron Lasers and Rehabilitation Robotics

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    This paper gives an overview of the theoretical basis of the norm optimal approach to iterative learning control followed by results that describe more recent work which has experimentally benchmarking the performance that can be achieved. The remainder of then paper then describes its actual application to a physical process and a very novel application in stroke rehabilitation