97 research outputs found

    Rectilinear Link Diameter and Radius in a Rectilinear Polygonal Domain

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    We study the computation of the diameter and radius under the rectilinear link distance within a rectilinear polygonal domain of nn vertices and hh holes. We introduce a \emph{graph of oriented distances} to encode the distance between pairs of points of the domain. This helps us transform the problem so that we can search through the candidates more efficiently. Our algorithm computes both the diameter and the radius in min{O(nω),O(n2+nhlogh+χ2)}\min \{\,O(n^\omega), O(n^2 + nh \log h + \chi^2)\,\} time, where ω<2.373\omega<2.373 denotes the matrix multiplication exponent and χΩ(n)O(n2)\chi\in \Omega(n)\cap O(n^2) is the number of edges of the graph of oriented distances. We also provide a faster algorithm for computing the diameter that runs in O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) time

    Dynamic Planar Point Location in External Memory

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    In this paper we describe a fully-dynamic data structure for the planar point location problem in the external memory model. Our data structure supports queries in O(log_B n(log log_B n)^3)) I/Os and updates in O(log_B n(log log_B n)^2)) amortized I/Os, where n is the number of segments in the subdivision and B is the block size. This is the first dynamic data structure with almost-optimal query cost. For comparison all previously known results for this problem require O(log_B^2 n) I/Os to answer queries. Our result almost matches the best known upper bound in the internal-memory model

    An Algorithmic Study of Manufacturing Paperclips and Other Folded Structures

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    We study algorithmic aspects of bending wires and sheet metal into a specified structure. Problems of this type are closely related to the question of deciding whether a simple non-self-intersecting wire structure (a carpenter's ruler) can be straightened, a problem that was open for several years and has only recently been solved in the affirmative. If we impose some of the constraints that are imposed by the manufacturing process, we obtain quite different results. In particular, we study the variant of the carpenter's ruler problem in which there is a restriction that only one joint can be modified at a time. For a linkage that does not self-intersect or self-touch, the recent results of Connelly et al. and Streinu imply that it can always be straightened, modifying one joint at a time. However, we show that for a linkage with even a single vertex degeneracy, it becomes NP-hard to decide if it can be straightened while altering only one joint at a time. If we add the restriction that each joint can be altered at most once, we show that the problem is NP-complete even without vertex degeneracies. In the special case, arising in wire forming manufacturing, that each joint can be altered at most once, and must be done sequentially from one or both ends of the linkage, we give an efficient algorithm to determine if a linkage can be straightened.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, Latex, to appear in Computational Geometry - Theory and Application

    A faster algorithm for computing motorcycle graphs

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    Mixed Map Labeling

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    Point feature map labeling is a geometric problem, in which a set of input points must be labeled with a set of disjoint rectangles (the bounding boxes of the label texts). Typically, labeling models either use internal labels, which must touch their feature point, or external (boundary) labels, which are placed on one of the four sides of the input points' bounding box and which are connected to their feature points by crossing-free leader lines. In this paper we study polynomial-time algorithms for maximizing the number of internal labels in a mixed labeling model that combines internal and external labels. The model requires that all leaders are parallel to a given orientation θ[0,2π)\theta \in [0,2\pi), whose value influences the geometric properties and hence the running times of our algorithms.Comment: Full version for the paper accepted at CIAC 201

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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