214 research outputs found

    Natural computing for vehicular networks

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    La presente tesis aborda el diseño inteligente de soluciones para el despliegue de redes vehiculares ad-hoc (vehicular ad hoc networks, VANETs). Estas son redes de comunicación inalámbrica formada principalmente por vehículos y elementos de infraestructura vial. Las VANETs ofrecen la oportunidad para desarrollar aplicaciones revolucionarias en el ámbito de la seguridad y eficiencia vial. Al ser un dominio tan novedoso, existe una serie de cuestiones abiertas, como el diseño de la infraestructura de estaciones base necesaria y el encaminamiento (routing) y difusión (broadcasting) de paquetes de datos, que todavía no han podido resolverse empleando estrategias clásicas. Es por tanto necesario crear y estudiar nuevas técnicas que permitan de forma eficiente, eficaz, robusta y flexible resolver dichos problemas. Este trabajo de tesis doctoral propone el uso de computación inspirada en la naturaleza o Computación Natural (CN) para tratar algunos de los problemas más importantes en el ámbito de las VANETs, porque representan una serie de algoritmos versátiles, flexibles y eficientes para resolver problemas complejos. Además de resolver los problemas VANET en los que nos enfocamos, se han realizado avances en el uso de estas técnicas para que traten estos problemas de forma más eficiente y eficaz. Por último, se han llevado a cabo pruebas reales de concepto empleando vehículos y dispositivos de comunicación reales en la ciudad de Málaga (España). La tesis se ha estructurado en cuatro grandes fases. En la primera fase, se han estudiado los principales fundamentos en los que se basa esta tesis. Para ello se hizo un estudio exhaustivo sobre las tecnologías que emplean las redes vehiculares, para así, identificar sus principales debilidades. A su vez, se ha profundizado en el análisis de la CN como herramienta eficiente para resolver problemas de optimización complejos, y de cómo utilizarla en la resolución de los problemas en VANETs. En la segunda fase, se han abordado cuatro problemas de optimización en redes vehiculares: la transferencia de archivos, el encaminamiento (routing) de paquetes, la difusión (broadcasting) de mensajes y el diseño de la infraestructura de estaciones base necesaria para desplegar redes vehiculares. Para la resolución de dichos problemas se han propuesto diferentes algoritmos CN que se clasifican en algoritmos evolutivos (evolutionary algorithms, EAs), métodos de inteligencia de enjambre (swarm intelligence, SI) y enfriamiento simulado (simulated annealing, SA). Los resultados obtenidos han proporcionado protocolos de han mejorado de forma significativa las comunicaciones en VANETs. En la tercera y última fase, se han realizado experimentos empleando vehículos reales circulando por las carreteras de Málaga y que se comunicaban entre sí. El principal objetivo de estas pruebas ha sido el validar las mejoras que presentan los protocolos que se han optimizado empleando CN. Los resultados obtenidos de las fases segunda y tercera confirman la hipótesis de trabajo, que la CN es una herramienta eficiente para tratar el diseño inteligente en redes vehiculares

    Exploring efficient seamless handover in VANET systems using network dwell time

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks are a long-term solution contributing significantly towards intelligent transport systems (ITS) in providing access to critical life-safety applications and services. Although vehicular ad hoc networks are attracting greater commercial interest, current research has not adequately captured the real-world constraints in vehicular ad hoc network handover techniques. Therefore, in order to have the best practice for vehicular ad hoc network services, it is necessary to have seamless connectivity for optimal coverage and ideal channel utilisation. Due to the high velocity of vehicles and smaller coverage distances, there are serious challenges in providing seamless handover from one roadside unit (RSU) to another. Though other research efforts have looked at many issues in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), very few research work have looked at handover issues. Most literature assume that handover does not take a significant time and does not affect the overall VANET operation. In our previous work, we started to investigate these issues. This journal provides a more comprehensive analysis involving the beacon frequency, the size of beacon and the velocity of the vehicle. We used some of the concepts of Y-Comm architecture such as network dwell time (NDT), time before handover (TBH) and exit time (ET) to provide a framework to investigate handover issues. Further simulation studies were used to investigate the relation between beaconing, velocity and the network dwell time. Our results show that there is a need to understand the cumulative effect of beaconing in addition to the probability of successful reception as well as how these probability distributions are affected by the velocity of the vehicle. This provides more insight into how to support life critical applications using proactive handover techniques

    Using Ontologies and Intelligent Systems for Traffic Accident Assistance in Vehicular Environments

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    A pesar de que las medidas de seguridad en los sistemas de transporte cada vez son mayores, el aumento progresivo del número de vehículos que circulan por las ciudades y carreteras en todo el mundo aumenta, sin duda, la probabilidad de que ocurra un accidente. En este tipo de situaciones, el tiempo de respuesta de los servicios de emergencia es crucial, ya que está demostrado que cuanto menor sea el tiempo transcurrido entre el accidente y la atención hospitalaria de los heridos, mayores son sus probabilidades de supervivencia. Las redes vehiculares permiten la comunicación entre los vehículos, así como la comunicación entre los vehículos y la infraestructura [4], lo que da lugar a una plétora de nuevas aplicaciones y servicios en el entorno vehicular. Centrándonos en las aplicaciones relacionadas con la seguridad vial, mediante este tipo de comunicaciones, los vehículos podrían informar en caso de accidente al resto de vehículos (evitando así colisiones en cadena) y a los servicios de emergencia (dando información precisa y rápida, lo que sin duda facilitaría las tareas de rescate). Uno de los aspectos importantes a determinar sería saber qué información se debe enviar, quién será capaz de recibirla, y cómo actuar una vez recibida. Actualmente los vehículos disponen de una serie de sensores que les permiten obtener información sobre ellos mismos (velocidad, posición, estado de los sistemas de seguridad, número de ocupantes del vehículo, etc.), y sobre su entorno (información meteorológica, estado de la calzada, luminosidad, etc.). En caso de accidente, toda esa información puede ser estructurada y enviada a los servicios de emergencia para que éstos adecúen el rescate a las características específicas y la gravedad del accidente, actuando en consecuencia. Por otro lado, para que la información enviada por los vehículos accidentados pueda llegar correctamente a los servicios de emergencias, es necesario disponer de una infraestructura capaz de dar cobertura a todos los vehículos que circulan por una determinada área. Puesto que la instalación y el mantenimiento de dicha infraestructura conllevan un elevado coste, sería conveniente proponer, implementar y evaluar técnicas consistentes en dar cobertura a todos los vehículos, reduciendo el coste total de la infraestructura. Finalmente, una vez que la información ha sido recibida por las autoridades, es necesario elaborar un plan de actuación eficaz, que permita el rápido rescate de los heridos. Hay que tener en cuenta que, cuando ocurre un accidente de tráfico, el tiempo de personación de los servicios de emergencia en el lugar del accidente puede suponer la diferencia entre que los heridos sobrevivan o fallezcan. Además, es importante conocer si la calle o carretera por la que circulaban los vehículos accidentados ha dejado de ser transitable para el resto de vehículos, y en ese caso, activar los mecanismos necesarios que permitan evitar los atascos asociados. En esta Tesis, se pretende gestionar adecuadamente estas situaciones adversas, distribuyendo el tráfico de manera inteligente para reducir el tiempo de llegada de los servicios de emergencia al lugar del accidente, evitando además posibles atascos.Barrachina Villalba, J. (2014). Using Ontologies and Intelligent Systems for Traffic Accident Assistance in Vehicular Environments [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39004TESI

    Exploring efficient seamless handover in VANET systems using network dwell time

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks are a long-term solution contributing significantly towards intelligent transport systems (ITS) in providing access to critical life-safety applications and services. Although vehicular ad hoc networks are attracting greater commercial interest, current research has not adequately captured the real-world constraints in vehicular ad hoc network handover techniques. Therefore, in order to have the best practice for vehicular ad hoc network services, it is necessary to have seamless connectivity for optimal coverage and ideal channel utilisation. Due to the high velocity of vehicles and smaller coverage distances, there are serious challenges in providing seamless handover from one roadside unit (RSU) to another. Though other research efforts have looked at many issues in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), very few research work have looked at handover issues. Most literature assume that handover does not take a significant time and does not affect the overall VANET operation. In our previous work, we started to investigate these issues. This journal provides a more comprehensive analysis involving the beacon frequency, the size of beacon and the velocity of the vehicle. We used some of the concepts of Y-Comm architecture such as network dwell time (NDT), time before handover (TBH) and exit time (ET) to provide a framework to investigate handover issues. Further simulation studies were used to investigate the relation between beaconing, velocity and the network dwell time. Our results show that there is a need to understand the cumulative effect of beaconing in addition to the probability of successful reception as well as how these probability distributions are affected by the velocity of the vehicle. This provides more insight into how to support life critical applications using proactive handover techniques

    Investigating seamless handover in VANET systems

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    Wireless communications have been extensively studied for several decades, which has led to various new advancements, including new technologies in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks or VANETs are considered to be a long-term solution, contributing significantly towards Intelligent Transport Systems in providing access to critical life-safety applications and infotainment services. These services will require ubiquitous connectivity and hence there is a need to explore seamless handover mechanisms. Although VANETs are attracting greater commercial interest, current research has not adequately captured the realworld constraints in Vehicular Ad hoc Network handover techniques. Due to the high velocity of the vehicles and smaller coverage distances, there are serious challenges in providing seamless handover from one Road Side Unit (RSU) to another and this comes at the cost of overlapping signals of adjacent RSUs. Therefore, a framework is needed to be able to calculate the regions of overlap in adjacent RSU coverage ranges to guarantee ubiquitous connectivity. This thesis is about providing such a framework by analysing in detail the communication mechanisms in a VANET network, firstly by means of simulations using the VEINs framework via OMNeT++ and then using analytical analysis of the probability of successful packet reception. Some of the concepts of the Y-Comm architecture such as Network Dwell Time, Time Before Handover and Exit Times have been used to provide a framework to investigate handover issues and these parameters are also used in this thesis to explore handover in highly mobile environments such as VANETs. Initial investigation showed that seamless communication was dependant on the beacon frequency, length of the beacon and the velocity of the vehicle. The effects of each of these parameters are explored in detail and results are presented which show the need for a more probabilistic approach to handover based on cumulative probability of successful packet reception. In addition, this work shows how the length of the beacon affects the rate of change of the Signal-to-Noise ratio or SNR as the vehicle approaches the Road-Side Unit. However, the velocity of the vehicle affects both the cumulative probability as well as the Signal-to-Noise ratio as the vehicle approaches the Road-Side Unit. The results of this work will enable systems that can provide ubiquitous connectivity via seamless handover using proactive techniques because traditional models of handover are unable to cope with the high velocity of the vehicles and relatively small area of coverage in these environments. Finally, a testbed has been set-up at the Middlesex University, Hendon campus for the purpose of achieving a better understanding of VANET systems operating in an urban environment. Using the testbed, it was observed that environmental effects have to be taken into considerations in real-time deployment studies to see how these parameters can affect the performance of VANET systems under different scenarios. This work also highlights the fact that in order to build a practical system better propagation models are required in the urban context for highly mobile environments such as VANETs

    Wireless Networking for Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication and Automatic Incident Detection

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    Vehicular wireless communication has recently generated wide interest in the area of wireless network research. Automatic Incident Detection (AID), which is the recent focus of research direction in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), aims to increase road safety. These advances in technology enable traffic systems to use data collected from vehicles on the road to detect incidents. We develop an automatic incident detection method that has a significant active road safety application for alerting drivers about incidents and congestion. Our method for detecting traffic incidents in a highway scenario is based on the use of distance and time for changing lanes along with the vehicle speed change over time. Numerical results obtained from simulating our automatic incident detection technique suggest that our incident detection rate is higher than that of other techniques such as integrated technique. probabilistic technique and California Algorithm. We also propose a technique to maximize the number of vehicles aware of Road Side Units (RSUs) in order to enhance the accuracy of our AID technique. In our proposed Method. IEEE 802.11 standard is used at RSUs with multiple antennas to assign each lane a specific channel. To validate our proposed approach. we present both analytical and simulation scenarios. The empirical values which are obtained from both analytical and simulation results have been compared to show their consistency. Results indicate that the IEEE 802.11 standard with its beaconing mechanism can be successfully used for Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications

    Comunicações veiculares híbridas

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    Vehicle Communications is a promising research field, with a great potential for the development of new applications capable of improving road safety, traffic efficiency, as well as passenger comfort and infotainment. Vehicle communication technologies can be short-range, such as ETSI ITS-G5 or the 5G PC5 sidelink channel, or long-range, using the cellular network (LTE or 5G). However, none of the technologies alone can support the expected variety of applications for a large number of vehicles, nor all the temporal and spatial requirements of connected and autonomous vehicles. Thus, it is proposed the collaborative or hybrid use of short-range communications, with lower latency, and of long-range technologies, potentially with higher latency, but integrating aggregated data of wider geographic scope. In this context, this work presents a hybrid vehicle communications model, capable of providing connectivity through two Radio Access Technologies (RAT), namely, ETSI ITS-G5 and LTE, to increase the probability of message delivery and, consequently, achieving a more robust, efficient and secure vehicle communication system. The implementation of short-range communication channels is done using Raw Packet Sockets, while the cellular connection is established using the Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) protocol. The main contribution of this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of a Hybrid Routing Sublayer, capable of isolating messages that are formed/decoded from transmission/reception processes. This layer is, therefore, capable of managing traffic coming/destined to the application layer of intelligent transport systems (ITS), adapting and passing ITS messages between the highest layers of the protocol stack and the available radio access technologies. The Hybrid Routing Sublayer also reduces the financial costs due to the use of cellular communications and increases the efficiency of the use of the available electromagnetic spectrum, by introducing a cellular link controller using a Beacon Detector, which takes informed decisions related to the need to connect to a cellular network, according to different scenarios. The experimental results prove that hybrid vehicular communications meet the requirements of cooperative intelligent transport systems, by taking advantage of the benefits of both communication technologies. When evaluated independently, the ITS-G5 technology has obvious advantages in terms of latency over the LTE technology, while the LTE technology performs better than ITS-G5, in terms of throughput and reliability.As Comunicações Veiculares são um campo de pesquisa promissor, com um grande potencial de desenvolvimento de novas aplicações capazes de melhorar a segurança nas estradas, a eficiência do tráfego, bem com o conforto e entretenimento dos passageiros. As tecnologias de comunicação veícular podem ser de curto alcance, como por exemplo ETSI ITS-G5 ou o canal PC5 do 5G, ou de longo alcance, recorrendo à rede celular (LTE ou 5G). No entanto, nenhuma das tecnologias por si só, consegue suportar a variedade expectável de aplicações para um número de veículos elevado nem tampouco todos os requisitos temporais e espaciais dos veículos conectados e autónomos. Assim, é proposto o uso colaborativo ou híbrido de comunicações de curto alcance, com latências menores, e de tecnologias de longo alcance, potencialmente com maiores latências, mas integrando dados agregados de maior abrangência geográfica. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicações veiculares híbrido, capaz de fornecer conectividade por meio de duas Tecnologias de Acesso por Rádio (RAT), a saber, ETSI ITS-G5 e LTE, para aumentar a probabilidade de entrega de mensagens e, consequentemente, alcançar um sistema de comunicação veicular mais robusto, eficiente e seguro. A implementação de canais de comunicação de curto alcance é feita usando Raw Packet Sockets, enquanto que a ligação celular é estabelecida usando o protocolo Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP). A contribuição principal desta dissertação foca-se no projeto, implementação e avaliação de uma sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento, capaz de isolar mensagens que se formam/descodificam a partir de processos de transmissão/receção. Esta camadada é, portanto, capaz de gerir o tráfego proveniente/destinado à camada de aplicação de sistemas inteligentes de transportes (ITS) adaptando e passando mensagens ITS entre as camadas mais altas da pilha protocolar e as tecnologias de acesso rádio disponíveis. A sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento também potencia uma redução dos custos financeiros devidos ao uso de comunicações celulares e aumenta a eficiência do uso do espectro electromagnético disponível, ao introduzir um múdulo controlador da ligação celular, utilizando um Beacon Detector, que toma decisões informadas relacionadas com a necessidade de uma conexão a uma rede celular, de acordo com diferentes cenários. Os resultados experimentais comprovam que as comunicações veículares híbridas cumprem os requisitos dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligentes, ao tirarem partido das vantagens de ambas tecnologias de comunicação. Quando avaliadas de forma independente, constata-se que que a tecnologia ITS-G5 tem vantagens evidentes em termos de latência sobre a tecnologia LTE, enquanto que a tecnologia LTE tem melhor desempenho que a LTE, ai nível de débito e fiabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Traceability and safety tradeoffs in modern vehicles

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaIn this dissertation, the efficiency of privacy protecting mechanisms in short-range vehicular communications, namely Pseudonym Change Strategies, is investigated. To evaluate these strategies, a set of simulation tools is used, that allow for the assessment of several metrics, such as the privacy level obtained and the real pseudonym consumption, resulting from the use of a representative set of pseudonym change strategies. Most importantly, hybrid strategies were considered, which combine schemes that were previously analysed separately. The results show that combining mix-zones with another scheme provides better privacy in most cases. Lastly, we showcase and analyse the problems found in the process of trying to make the simulated scenarios more realistic, which easily comes into conflict with tool limitations and/or subtle and hard to anticipate interactions between different components.Nesta dissertação investiga-se a eficácia de mecanismos de protecção da privacidade em comunicações veiculares de curto alcance, nomeadamente recorrendo a Estratégias de Alteração de Pseudónimos. Para a avaliação dessas estratégias, recorre-se a um conjunto de ferramentas de simulação que permitem aferir diferentes métricas, como o nível de privacidade obtido e o consumo efectivo de pseudónimos, decorrentes da utilização de um conjunto representativo de estratégias de alteração de pseudónimos. Mais importante ainda, foram consideradas estratégias híbridas, que combinam esquemas antes analisados separadamente. Os resultados mostram que combinar zonas mistas com outro esquema proporciona melhor privacidade na maioria dos casos. Por último, apresentam-se e analisam-se problemas encontrados no processo de procurar tornar mais realistas os cenários das simulações realizadas, e que facilmente esbarra com limitações das ferramentas e/ou interações subtis e dificilmente antecipáveis de diferentes componentes

    Fixed Cluster Based Cluster Head Selection Algorithm in Vehicular Adhoc Network

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    The emergence of Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) is expected support variety of applications for driver assistance, traffic efficiency and road safety. For proper transmission of messages in VANET, one of the proposed solutions is dividing the network into clusters and then selecting a cluster head (CH) in each cluster. This can decrease the communication overhead between road side units (RSUs) and other components of VANETs, because instead of every node communicating with RSU, only CH communicates with RSU and relays relevant messages. In clustering, an important step is the selection of CH. In this thesis, we implemented vehicle to vehicle (V2V), cluster head to road side unit and road side unit to trusted authority authentication for the clustered network. We also presented a heuristic algorithm for selecting a suitable vehicle as the cluster head in a cluster. For the selection of head vehicle, we used weighted fitness values based on three parameters; trust value, position from the cluster boundary and absolute relative average speed. Simulation results indicate that the proposed approach can lead to improvements in terms of QoS metrics like delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio