5 research outputs found

    On the design, elastic modeling and experimental characterization of novel tensegrity units

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    Purpose This study aims to focus on a short review on recent results dealing with the mechanical modelling and experimental characterization of a novel class of tensegrity structures, named class 胃 = 1 tensegrity prisms. The examined structures exhibit six bars connected by two disjoint sets of strings. Design/methodology/approach First, the self-equilibrium problem of tensegrity 胃 = 1 prisms is numerically investigated for varying values of two aspect parameters and, next, their prestress stability is studied. The mechanical behavior of the examined structures in the large displacements regime under uniform compression loading is also numerically computed through a path-following procedure. Finally, the predicted constitutive response is validated through experimental tests. Findings The presented results highlight that the examined structures exhibit a large number of infinitesimal mechanisms from the freestanding configuration, and reveal that they exhibit tunable elastic response switching from stiffening to softening. Originality/value This multi-faceted elastic response is in agreement with previous literature results on the elastic response of minimal tensegrity prism, and suggests that such units can be usefully used as non-linear springs in next-generation tensegrity metamaterials

    A tensegrity approach to the optimal reinforcement of masonry domes and vaults through fiber-reinforced composite materials

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    We present a tensegrity approach to the strengthening of masonry vaults and domes performed by bonding grids of fiber reinforced composites to the masonry substrate. A topology optimization of such a reinforcement technique is formulated, on accounting for a tensegrity model of the reinforced structure; a minimal mass design strategy; different yield strengths of the masonry struts and tensile composite reinforcements; and multiple loading conditions. We show that the given optimization strategy can be profitably employed to rationally design fiber-reinforced composite material reinforcements of existing or new masonry vaults and domes, making use of the safe theorem of limit analysis. A wide collection of numerical examples dealing with real-life masonry domes and vaults highlight the technical potential of the proposed approach

    Influence of the Fractal Geometry on the Mechanical Resistance of Cantilever Beams Designed through Topology Optimization

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    In this work, the complex geometry of beams obtained from topology optimization is characterized through the fractal dimension (F-D). The fractal dimension is employed as an efficiency measure of the mass distribution in the beams, that is, the capacity of the optimized solutions to be efficiently distributed in the design space. Furthermore, the possible relationships between the fractal dimension and beams' mechanical properties are explored. First, a set of theoretical beams are studied based on their well-known fractal dimension. A 3D fractal called Menger sponge is reproduced on a Michell's beam (cantilever with a single force applied at the end). The programming codes that generate those beams are created in Matlab software, as are the algorithms for estimating the fractal dimension (box-counting method). Subsequently, identical beams are modelled in the software Inspire in order to apply the topology optimization and determine the mechanical parameters from the static analysis. Results indicate that the fractal dimension is affected by the design geometry and proposed optimized solutions. In addition, several relationships among fractal dimension and some mechanical resistance parameters could be established. The obtained relations depended on the objectives that were initially defined in the topology optimization

    Parametric Design of Minimal Mass Tensegrity Bridges Under Yielding and Buckling Constraints

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    This paper investigates the use of the most fundamental elements; cables for tension and bars for compression, in the search for the most efficient bridges. Stable arrangements of these elements are called tensegrity structures. We show herein the minimal mass arrangement of these basic elements to satisfy both yielding and buckling constraints. We show that the minimal mass solution for a simply-supported bridge subject to buckling constraints matches Michell's 1904 paper which treats the case of only yield constraints, even though our boundary conditions differ. The necessary and sufficient condition is given for the minimal mass bridge to lie totally above (or below) deck. Furthermore this condition depends only on material properties. If one ignores joint mass, and considers only bridges above deck level, the optimal complexity (number of elements in the bridge) tends toward infinity (producing a material continuum). If joint mass is considered then the optimal complexity is finite. The optimal (minimal mass) bridge below deck has the smallest possible complexity (and therefore cheaper to build), and under reasonable material choices, yields the smallest mass bridge.Comment: 56 pages, 25 figures, 13 tables. Internal Report 2014-1: University of California, San Diego, 201

    XXX, Sistemas estructurales desplegables para infraestructuras de intervenci贸n urbana autoconstruidas

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    296 p.La tesis doctoral investiga la aplicaci贸n de sistemas estructurales desplegables para realizarinfraestructuras de intervenci贸n urbana autoncostruidas, cuya manipulaci贸n y accionamiento sea manual.En la parte inicial se han analizado los diferentes sistemas de estructuras desplegables y se han elegidolos sistemas de barras articuladas y tirantes que se accionan mediante tensado. Se han analizado losconceptos fundamentales de este tipo de estructuras y se han detectado problemas no resueltos en laspropuestas de los diferentes autores estudiados. Se han analizada los sistemas tensados, los diferentessistemas de barras articuladas, las discretizaciones de diferentes superficies, las diferentes soluciones denudos, los procesos de desplegado y la eficiencia estructuras de los mecanismos.El la parte final se han propuesto diferentes sistemas estructurales que son propuestas originales de estatesis. Se ha propuesto un sistema de discretizaci贸n por aproximaci贸n que utiliza modelos a escala y unsimulador f铆sico, para hacer discretizaciones en un entorno virtual. Como parte final se han montadom贸dulos desplegables a escala real, y se ha construido y probado una combinaci贸n de estos m贸dulosseg煤n los condicionantes definidos en el inicio de la investigaci贸n