266 research outputs found

    Optimal fault-tolerant placement of relay nodes in a mission critical wireless network

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    The operations of many critical infrastructures (e.g., airports) heavily depend on proper functioning of the radio communication network supporting operations. As a result, such a communication network is indeed a mission-critical communication network that needs adequate protection from external electromagnetic interferences. This is usually done through radiogoniometers. Basically, by using at least three suitably deployed radiogoniometers and a gateway gathering information from them, sources of electromagnetic emissions that are not supposed to be present in the monitored area can be localised. Typically, relay nodes are used to connect radiogoniometers to the gateway. As a result, some degree of fault-tolerance for the network of relay nodes is essential in order to offer a reliable monitoring. On the other hand, deployment of relay nodes is typically quite expensive. As a result, we have two conflicting requirements: minimise costs while guaranteeing a given fault-tolerance. In this paper address the problem of computing a deployment for relay nodes that minimises the relay node network cost while at the same time guaranteeing proper working of the network even when some of the relay nodes (up to a given maximum number) become faulty (fault-tolerance). We show that the above problem can be formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) as well as a Pseudo-Boolean Satisfiability (PB-SAT) optimisation problem and present experimental results com- paring the two approaches on realistic scenarios

    Optimization strategies for two-tiered sensor networks.

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    Sensor nodes are tiny, low-powered and multi-functional devices operated by lightweight batteries. Replacing or recharging batteries of sensor nodes in a network is usually not feasible so that a sensor network fails when the battery power in critical node(s) is depleted. The limited transmission range and the battery power of sensor nodes affect the scalability and the lifetime of sensor networks. Recently, relay nodes, acting as cluster heads, have been proposed in hierarchical sensor networks. The placement of relay nodes in a sensor network, such that all the sensor nodes are covered using a minimum number of relay nodes is a NP-hard problem. We propose a simple strategy for the placement of relay nodes in a two-tiered network that ensures connectivity and fault tolerance. We also propose two ILP formulations for finding the routing strategy so that the lifetime of any relay node network may be maximized.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2006 .B37. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0348. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Fault-tolerant relay deployment for k node-disjoint paths in wireless sensor networks

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    Ensuring that wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are robust to failures requires that the physical network topology will offer alternative routes to the sinks. This requires sensor network deployments to be planned with an objective of ensuring some measure of robustness in the topology, so that when failures occur that routing protocols can continue to offer reliable delivery. Our contribution is a solution that enables fault-tolerant WSN deployment planning by judicious use of a minimum number of additional relay nodes. A WSN is robust if at least one route to a sink is available for each remaining sensor node after the failure of up to k-1 nodes. In this paper, we define the problem for increasing WSN reliability by deploying a number of additional relay nodes to ensure that each sensor node in the initial design has k node-disjoint paths to the sinks. We present GRASP-ARP, a centralised offline algorithm to be run during the initial topology design to solve this problem. We have implemented this algorithm and demonstrated in simulation that it improves the efficiency of relay node placement for k node-disjoint paths compared to the most closely related published algorithms

    A fault-tolerant relay placement algorithm for ensuring k vertex-disjoint shortest paths in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are prone to failures. To be robust to failures, the network topology should provide alternative routes to the sinks so when failures occur the routing protocol can still offer reliable delivery. Our contribution is a solution that enables fault-tolerant WSN deployment planning by judicious use of a minimum number of additional relays. A WSN is robust if at least one route with an acceptable length to a sink is available for each sensor node after the failure of any nodes. In this paper, we define the problem for increasing WSN reliability by deploying a number of additional relays to ensure that each sensor node in the initial design has k length-bounded vertex-disjoint shortest paths to the sinks. To identify the maximum k such that each node has k vertex-disjoint shortest paths, we propose Counting-Paths and its dynamic programming variant. Then, we introduce GRASP-ARP, a centralised offline algorithm that uses Counting-Paths to minimise the number of deployed relays. Empirically, it deploys 35% fewer relays with reasonable runtime compared to the closest approach. Using network simulation, we show that GRASP-ARP’s designs offer a substantial improvement over the original topologies, maintaining connectivity for twice as many surviving nodes after 10% of the original nodes have failed

    Integrated placement and routing of relay nodes for fault-tolerant hierarchical sensor networks

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    In two-tiered sensor networks, using higher-powered relay nodes as cluster heads has been shown to lead to further improvements in network performance. Placement of such relay nodes focuses on achieving specified coverage and connectivity requirements with as few relay nodes as possible. Existing placement strategies typically are unaware of energy dissipation due to routing and are not capable of optimizing the routing scheme and placement concurrently. We, in this thesis, propose an integrated integer linear program (ILP) formulation that determines the minimum number of relay nodes, along with their locations and a suitable communication strategy such that the network has a guaranteed lifetime as well as ensuring the pre-specified level of coverage (ks) and connectivity (kr). We also present an intersection based approach for creating the initial set of potential relay node positions, which are used by our ILP, and evaluate its performance under different conditions. Experimental results on networks with hundreds of sensor nodes show that our approach leads to significant improvement over existing energy-unaware placement schemes

    One-step approach for two-tiered constrained relay node placement in wireless sensor networks

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    © 2012 IEEE. We consider in this letter the problem of constrained relay node (RN) placement where sensor nodes must be connected to base stations by using a minimum number of RNs. The latter can only be deployed at a set of predefined locations, and the two-Tiered topology is considered where only RNs are responsible for traffic forwarding. We propose a one-step constrained RN placement (OSRP) algorithm which yields a network tree. The performance of OSRP in terms of the number of added RNs is investigated in a simulation study by varying the network density, the number of sensor nodes, and the number of candidate RN positions. The results show that OSRP outperforms the only algorithm in the literature for two-Tiered constrained RNs placement


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    Wireless sensor networks are widely applied to many fields such as animal habitat monitoring, air traffic control, and health monitoring. One of the current problems with wireless sensor networks is the ability to overcome communication failures due to hardware failure, distributing sensors in an uneven geographic area, or unexpected obstacles between sensors. One common solution to overcome this problem is to place a minimum number of relay nodes among sensors so that the communication among sensors is guaranteed. This is called Relay Node Placement Problem (RNP). This problem has been proved as NP-hard for a simple connected graph. Therefore, many algorithms have been developed based on Steiner graphs. Since RNP for a connected graph is NP-hard, the RNP for a survivable network has been conjectured as NP-hard and the algorithms for a survivable network have also been developed based on Steiner graphs. In this study, we show the new approximation bound for the survivable wireless sensor networks using the Steiner graphs based algorithm. We prove that the approximation bound is guaranteed in an environment where some obstacles are laid, and also propose the newly developed algorithm which places fewer relay nodes than the existing algorithms. Consequently, the main purpose of this study is to find the minimum number of relay nodes in order to meet the survivability requirements of wireless sensor networks

    Connectivity, Coverage and Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless communication between sensors allows the formation of flexible sensor networks, which can be deployed rapidly over wide or inaccessible areas. However, the need to gather data from all sensors in the network imposes constraints on the distances between sensors. This survey describes the state of the art in techniques for determining the minimum density and optimal locations of relay nodes and ordinary sensors to ensure connectivity, subject to various degrees of uncertainty in the locations of the nodes