87 research outputs found


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    Many of the next generation applications in entertainment, human computer interaction, infrastructure, security and medical systems are computationally intensive, always-on, and have soft real time (SRT) requirements. While failure to meet deadlines is not catastrophic in SRT systems, missing deadlines can result in an unacceptable degradation in the quality of service (QoS). To ensure acceptable QoS under dynamically changing operating conditions such as changes in the workload, energy availability, and thermal constraints, systems are typically designed for worst case conditions. Unfortunately, such over-designing of systems increases costs and overall power consumption. In this dissertation we formulate the real-time task execution as a Multiple-Input, Single- Output (MISO) optimal control problem involving tracking a desired system utilization set point with control inputs derived from across the computing stack. We assume that an arbitrary number of SRT tasks may join and leave the system at arbitrary times. The tasks are scheduled on multiple cores by a dynamic priority multiprocessor scheduling algorithm. We use a model predictive controller (MPC) to realize optimal control. MPCs are easy to tune, can handle multiple control variables, and constraints on both the dependent and independent variables. We experimentally demonstrate the operation of our controller on a video encoder application and a computer vision application executing on a dual socket quadcore Xeon processor with a total of 8 processing cores. We establish that the use of DVFS and application quality as control variables enables operation at a lower power op- erating point while meeting real-time constraints as compared to non cross-stack control approaches. We also evaluate the role of scheduling algorithms in the control of homo- geneous and heterogeneous workloads. Additionally, we propose a novel adaptive control technique for time-varying workloads

    Mixed-criticality real-time task scheduling with graceful degradation

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    ”The mixed-criticality real-time systems implement functionalities of different degrees of importance (or criticalities) upon a shared platform. In traditional mixed-criticality systems, under a hi mode switch, no guaranteed service is provided to lo-criticality tasks. After a mode switch, only hi-criticality tasks are considered for execution while no guarantee is made to the lo-criticality tasks. However, with careful optimistic design, a certain degree of service guarantee can be provided to lo-criticality tasks upon a mode switch. This concept is broadly known as graceful degradation. Guaranteed graceful degradation provides a better quality of service as well as it utilizes the system resource more efficiently. In this thesis, we study two efficient techniques of graceful degradation. First, we study a mixed-criticality scheduling technique where graceful degradation is provided in the form of minimum cumulative completion rates. We present two easy-to-implement admission-control algorithms to determine which lo-criticality jobs to complete in hi mode. The scheduling is done by following deadline virtualization, and two heuristics are shown for virtual deadline settings. We further study the schedulability analysis and the backward mode switch conditions, which are proposed and proved in (Guo et al., 2018). Next, we present a probabilistic scheduling technique for mixed-criticality tasks on multiprocessor systems where a system-wide permitted failure probability is known. The schedulability conditions are derived along with the processor allocation scheme. The work is extended from (Guo et al., 2015), where the probabilistic model is first introduced for independent task scheduling on a uniprocessor platform. We further consider the failure dependency between tasks while scheduling on multiprocessor platforms. We provide related theoretical analysis to show the correctness of our work. To show the effectiveness of our proposed techniques, we conduct a detailed experimental evaluation under different circumstances”--Abstract, page iii

    A PTAS for assigning sporadic tasks on two-type heterogeneous multiprocessors

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    Consider the problem of determining a task-toprocessor assignment for a given collection of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks upon a multiprocessor platform in which there are two distinct kinds of processors. We propose a polynomialtime approximation scheme (PTAS) for this problem. It offers the following guarantee: for a given task set and a given platform, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor assignment, then given an input parameter, ϵ, our PTAS succeeds, in polynomial time, in finding such a feasible task-to-processor assignment on a platform in which each processor is 1+3ϵ times faster. In the simulations, our PTAS outperforms the state-of-the-art PTAS [1] and also for the vast majority of task sets, it requires significantly smaller processor speedup than (its upper bound of) 1+3ϵ for successfully determining a feasible task-to-processor assignment

    A Survey of Schedulability Analysis Techniques for Rate-Dependent Tasks

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    In automotive embedded real-time systems, such as the engine control unit, there are tasks that are activated whenever the crankshaft arrives at a specific angular position. As a consequence the frequency of activation changes with the crankshaft’s angular speed (i.e., engine rpm). Additionally, execution times and deadlines may also depend on angular speeds and positions. This paper provides a survey on schedulability analysis techniques for tasks with this rate-dependent behaviour. It covers different task-models and analysis methods for both fixed priority and earliest deadline first scheduling. A taxonomy of the different analysis methods, classifying them according to the assumptions made and the precision of the analysis, is provided at the end of the pape

    Characteristics of agent-based hierarchical diff-EDF schedulability over heterogeneous real-time Packet networks

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    Packet networks are currently enabling the integration of heterogeneous traffic with a wide range of characteristics that extend from video traffic with stringent QoS requirements to best-effort traffic requiring no guarantees. QoS guarantees can be provided in packet networks by the use of proper packet scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new priority assignment scheduling algorithm, Hierarchical Diff-EDF, which can meet the real-time needs while continuing to provide best effort service over heterogeneous network traffic environment. The Hierarchical Diff-EDF service meets the flow miss rate requirements through the combination of single step hierarchal scheduling for the different network flows and the admission control mechanism that detects the overload conditions to adjust packets' priorities. To examine the proposed scheduler, we introduced an attempt to provide an exact analytical solution. The attempt showed that the solution was apparently very complicated due to the high interdependences between the system queues' service. Hence, the use of simulation seems inevitable. A multi-agent simulation that takes the inspiration from object-oriented programming is adopted. The simulation itself is aimed to the construction of a set of elements which, when fully elaborated, define an agent system specification. When evaluating our proposed scheduler, it was extremely obvious that the Hierarchical Diff-EDF scheduler performs over both of the EDF and Diff-EDF schedulers

    Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems

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    This dissertation addresses the complexities of 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems, focusing on two key areas: enhancing timing predictability in real-time multi-core processors and optimizing performance within thermal constraints. The integration of an increasing number of transistors into compact chip designs, while boosting computational capacity, presents challenges in resource contention and thermal management. The first part of the thesis improves timing predictability. We enhance shared cache interference analysis for set-associative caches, advancing the calculation of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). This development enables accurate assessment of cache interference and the effectiveness of partitioned schedulers in real-world scenarios. We introduce TCPS, a novel task and cache-aware partitioned scheduler that optimizes cache partitioning based on task-specific WCET sensitivity, leading to improved schedulability and predictability. Our research explores various cache and scheduling configurations, providing insights into their performance trade-offs. The second part focuses on thermal management in 2D/3D many-core systems. Recognizing the limitations of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in S-NUCA many-core processors, we propose synchronous thread migrations as a thermal management strategy. This approach culminates in the HotPotato scheduler, which balances performance and thermal safety. We also introduce 3D-TTP, a transient temperature-aware power budgeting strategy for 3D-stacked systems, reducing the need for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) activation. Finally, we present 3QUTM, a novel method for 3D-stacked systems that combines core DVFS and memory bank Low Power Modes with a learning algorithm, optimizing response times within thermal limits. This research contributes significantly to enhancing performance and thermal management in advanced processor-memory systems

    Scheduling and locking in multiprocessor real-time operating systems

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    With the widespread adoption of multicore architectures, multiprocessors are now a standard deployment platform for (soft) real-time applications. This dissertation addresses two questions fundamental to the design of multicore-ready real-time operating systems: (1) Which scheduling policies offer the greatest flexibility in satisfying temporal constraints; and (2) which locking algorithms should be used to avoid unpredictable delays? With regard to Question 1, LITMUSRT, a real-time extension of the Linux kernel, is presented and its design is discussed in detail. Notably, LITMUSRT implements link-based scheduling, a novel approach to controlling blocking due to non-preemptive sections. Each implemented scheduler (22 configurations in total) is evaluated under consideration of overheads on a 24-core Intel Xeon platform. The experiments show that partitioned earliest-deadline first (EDF) scheduling is generally preferable in a hard real-time setting, whereas global and clustered EDF scheduling are effective in a soft real-time setting. With regard to Question 2, real-time locking protocols are required to ensure that the maximum delay due to priority inversion can be bounded a priori. Several spinlock- and semaphore-based multiprocessor real-time locking protocols for mutual exclusion (mutex), reader-writer (RW) exclusion, and k-exclusion are proposed and analyzed. A new category of RW locks suited to worst-case analysis, termed phase-fair locks, is proposed and three efficient phase-fair spinlock implementations are provided (one with few atomic operations, one with low space requirements, and one with constant RMR complexity). Maximum priority-inversion blocking is proposed as a natural complexity measure for semaphore protocols. It is shown that there are two classes of schedulability analysis, namely suspension-oblivious and suspension-aware analysis, that yield two different lower bounds on blocking. Five asymptotically optimal locking protocols are designed and analyzed: a family of mutex, RW, and k-exclusion protocols for global, partitioned, and clustered scheduling that are asymptotically optimal in the suspension-oblivious case, and a mutex protocol for partitioned scheduling that is asymptotically optimal in the suspension-aware case. A LITMUSRT-based empirical evaluation is presented that shows these protocols to be practical

    Semantics-preserving cosynthesis of cyber-physical systems

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    Optimization and Mining Methods for Effective Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    L’Internet des objets (IoT) est le réseau d’objets interdépendants, comme les voitures autonomes, les appareils électroménagers, les téléphones intelligents et d’autres systèmes embarqués. Ces systèmes embarqués combinent le matériel, le logiciel et la connection réseau permettant le traitement de données à l’aide des puissants centres de données de l’informatique nuagique. Cependant, la croissance exponentielle des applications de l’IoT a remodelé notre croyance sur l’informatique nuagique, et des certitudes durables sur ses capacités ont dû être mises à jour. De nos jours, l’informatique nuagique centralisé et classique rencontre plusieurs défis, tels que la latence du trafic, le temps de réponse et la confidentialité des données. Alors, la tendance dans le traitement des données générées par les dispositifs embarqués interconnectés consiste à faire plus de calcul au niveau du dispositif au bord du réseau. Cette possibilité de faire du traitement local aide à réduire la latence pour les applications temps réel présentant des fortes contraintes temporelles. Aussi, ça permet d’améliorer le traitement des quantités massives de données générées par ces périphériques. Réussir cette transition nécessite la conception de systèmes embarqués de haute performance en explorant efficacement les alternatives de conception (i.e. Exploration efficace de l’espace des solutions), en optimisant la topologie de déploiement des applications temps réel sur des architectures multi-processeurs (i.e. la façon dont le logiciel utilise le matériel) , et des algorithme d’exploration permettant un fonctionnement plus intelligent de ces dispositifs. Des efforts de recherche récents ont conduit à diverses approches automatisées facilitant la conception et l’amélioration du fonctionnement des système embarqués. Cependant, ces techniques existantes présentent plusieurs défis majeurs. Ces défis sont fortement présents sur les systèmes embarqués temps réel. Quatre des principaux défis sont : (1) Le manque de techniques d’exploration de données en ligne permettant l’amélioration des performances des systèmes embarqués. (2) L’utilisation inefficace des ressources informatiques des systèmes multiprocesseurs lors du déploiement de logiciels là dessus ; (3) L’exploration pseudo-aléatoire de l’espace des solutions (4) La sélection de la configuration appropriée à partir de la listes des solutions optimales obtenue.----------ABSTRACT: The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of interrelated devices or objects, such as selfdriving cars, home appliances, smart-phones and other embedded computing systems. It combines hardware, software, and network connectivity enabling data processing using powerful cloud data centers. However, the exponential rise of IoT applications reshaped our belief on the cloud computing, and long-lasting certainties about its capabilities had to be updated. The classical centralized cloud computing is encountering several challenges, such as traffic latency, response time, and data privacy. Thus, the trend in the processing of the generated data of IoT inter-connected embedded devices has shifted towards doing more computation closer to the device in the edge of the network. This possibility to do on-device processing helps to reduce latency for critical real-time applications and better processing of the massive amounts of data being generated by the these devices. Succeeding this transition towards the edge computing requires the design of high-performance embedded systems by efficiently exploring design alternatives (i.e. efficient Design Space Exploration), optimizing the deployment topology of multi-processor based real-time embedded systems (i.e. the way the software utilizes the hardware), and light mining techniques enabling smarter functioning of these devices. Recent research efforts on embedded systems have led to various automated approaches facilitating the design and the improvement of their functioning. However, existing methods and techniques present several major challenges. These challenges are more relevant when it comes to real-time embedded systems. Four of the main challenges are : (1) The lack of online data mining techniques that can enhance embedded computing systems functioning on the fly ; (2) The inefficient usage of computing resources of multi-processor systems when deploying software on ; (3) The pseudo-random exploration of the design space ; (4) The selection of the suitable implementation after performing the otimization process

    Embedded System Design

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    A unique feature of this open access textbook is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental knowledge in embedded systems, with applications in cyber-physical systems and the Internet of things. It starts with an introduction to the field and a survey of specification models and languages for embedded and cyber-physical systems. It provides a brief overview of hardware devices used for such systems and presents the essentials of system software for embedded systems, including real-time operating systems. The author also discusses evaluation and validation techniques for embedded systems and provides an overview of techniques for mapping applications to execution platforms, including multi-core platforms. Embedded systems have to operate under tight constraints and, hence, the book also contains a selected set of optimization techniques, including software optimization techniques. The book closes with a brief survey on testing. This fourth edition has been updated and revised to reflect new trends and technologies, such as the importance of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of things (IoT), the evolution of single-core processors to multi-core processors, and the increased importance of energy efficiency and thermal issues
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