125 research outputs found

    Path Tracking by a Mobile Robot Equipped with Only a Downward Facing Camera

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    This paper presents a practical path-tracking method for a mobile robot with only a downward camera facing the passage plane. A unique algorithm for tracking and searching ground images with natural texture is used to localize the robot without a feature-point extraction scheme commonly used in other visual odometry methods. In our tracking algorithm, groups of reference pixels are used to detect the relative translation and rotation between frames. Furthermore, a reference pixel group of another shape is registered both to record a path and to correct errors accumulated during localization. All image processing and robot control operations are carried out with low memory consumption for image registration and fast calculation times for completing the searches on a laptop PC. We also describe experimental results in which a vehicle developed by the proposed method repeatedly performed precise path tracking under indoor and outdoor environments

    Robust Localization in 3D Prior Maps for Autonomous Driving.

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    In order to navigate autonomously, many self-driving vehicles require precise localization within an a priori known map that is annotated with exact lane locations, traffic signs, and additional metadata that govern the rules of the road. This approach transforms the extremely difficult and unpredictable task of online perception into a more structured localization problem—where exact localization in these maps provides the autonomous agent a wealth of knowledge for safe navigation. This thesis presents several novel localization algorithms that leverage a high-fidelity three-dimensional (3D) prior map that together provide a robust and reliable framework for vehicle localization. First, we present a generic probabilistic method for localizing an autonomous vehicle equipped with a 3D light detection and ranging (LIDAR) scanner. This proposed algorithm models the world as a mixture of several Gaussians, characterizing the z-height and reflectivity distribution of the environment—which we rasterize to facilitate fast and exact multiresolution inference. Second, we propose a visual localization strategy that replaces the expensive 3D LIDAR scanners with significantly cheaper, commodity cameras. In doing so, we exploit a graphics processing unit to generate synthetic views of our belief environment, resulting in a localization solution that achieves a similar order of magnitude error rate with a sensor that is several orders of magnitude cheaper. Finally, we propose a visual obstacle detection algorithm that leverages knowledge of our high-fidelity prior maps in its obstacle prediction model. This not only provides obstacle awareness at high rates for vehicle navigation, but also improves our visual localization quality as we are cognizant of static and non-static regions of the environment. All of these proposed algorithms are demonstrated to be real-time solutions for our self-driving car.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133410/1/rwolcott_1.pd

    Vehicle localization with enhanced robustness for urban automated driving

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    Semantic Mapping of Road Scenes

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    The problem of understanding road scenes has been on the fore-front in the computer vision community for the last couple of years. This enables autonomous systems to navigate and understand the surroundings in which it operates. It involves reconstructing the scene and estimating the objects present in it, such as ‘vehicles’, ‘road’, ‘pavements’ and ‘buildings’. This thesis focusses on these aspects and proposes solutions to address them. First, we propose a solution to generate a dense semantic map from multiple street-level images. This map can be imagined as the bird’s eye view of the region with associated semantic labels for ten’s of kilometres of street level data. We generate the overhead semantic view from street level images. This is in contrast to existing approaches using satellite/overhead imagery for classification of urban region, allowing us to produce a detailed semantic map for a large scale urban area. Then we describe a method to perform large scale dense 3D reconstruction of road scenes with associated semantic labels. Our method fuses the depth-maps in an online fashion, generated from the stereo pairs across time into a global 3D volume, in order to accommodate arbitrarily long image sequences. The object class labels estimated from the street level stereo image sequence are used to annotate the reconstructed volume. Then we exploit the scene structure in object class labelling by performing inference over the meshed representation of the scene. By performing labelling over the mesh we solve two issues: Firstly, images often have redundant information with multiple images describing the same scene. Solving these images separately is slow, where our method is approximately a magnitude faster in the inference stage compared to normal inference in the image domain. Secondly, often multiple images, even though they describe the same scene result in inconsistent labelling. By solving a single mesh, we remove the inconsistency of labelling across the images. Also our mesh based labelling takes into account of the object layout in the scene, which is often ambiguous in the image domain, thereby increasing the accuracy of object labelling. Finally, we perform labelling and structure computation through a hierarchical robust PN Markov Random Field defined on voxels and super-voxels given by an octree. This allows us to infer the 3D structure and the object-class labels in a principled manner, through bounded approximate minimisation of a well defined and studied energy functional. In this thesis, we also introduce two object labelled datasets created from real world data. The 15 kilometre Yotta Labelled dataset consists of 8,000 images per camera view of the roadways of the United Kingdom with a subset of them annotated with object class labels and the second dataset is comprised of ground truth object labels for the publicly available KITTI dataset. Both the datasets are available publicly and we hope will be helpful to the vision research community

    Place Recognition and Localization for Multi-Modal Underwater Navigation with Vision and Acoustic Sensors

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    Place recognition and localization are important topics in both robotic navigation and computer vision. They are a key prerequisite for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems, and also important for long-term robot operation when registering maps generated at different times. The place recognition and relocalization problem is more challenging in the underwater environment because of four main factors: 1) changes in illumination; 2) long-term changes in the physical appearance of features in the aqueous environment attributable to biofouling and the natural growth, death, and movement of living organisms; 3) low density of reliable visual features; and 4) low visibility in a turbid environment. There is no one perceptual modality for underwater vehicles that can single-handedly address all the challenges of underwater place recognition and localization. This thesis proposes novel research in place recognition methods for underwater robotic navigation using both acoustic and optical imaging modalities. We develop robust place recognition algorithms using both optical cameras and a Forward-looking Sonar (FLS) for an active visual SLAM system that addresses the challenges mentioned above. We first design an optical image matching algorithm using high-level features to evaluate image similarity against dramatic appearance changes and low image feature density. A localization algorithm is then built upon this method combining both image similarity and measurements from other navigation sensors, which enables a vehicle to localize itself to maps temporally separated over the span of years. Next, we explore the potential of FLS in the place recognition task. The weak feature texture and high noise level in sonar images increase the difficulty in making correspondences among them. We learn descriptive image-level features using a convolutional neural network (CNN) with the data collected for our ship hull inspection mission. These features present outstanding performance in sonar image matching, which can be used for effective loop-closure proposal for SLAM as well as multi-session SLAM registration. Building upon this, we propose a pre-linearization approach to leverage this type of general high-dimensional abstracted feature in a real-time recursive Bayesian filtering framework, which results in the first real-time recursive localization framework using this modality. Finally, we propose a novel pose-graph SLAM algorithm leveraging FLS as the perceptual sensors providing constraints for drift correction. In this algorithm, we address practical problems that arise when using an FLS for SLAM, including feature sparsity, low reliability in data association and geometry estimation. More specifically, we propose a novel approach to pruning out less-informative sonar frames that improve system efficiency and reliability. We also employ local bundle adjustment to optimize the geometric constraints between sonar frames and use the mechanism to avoid degenerate motion patterns. All the proposed contributions are evaluated with real-data collected for ship hull inspection. The experimental results outperform existent benchmarks. The culmination of these contributions is a system capable of performing underwater SLAM with both optical and acoustic imagery gathered across years under challenging imaging conditions.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140835/1/ljlijie_1.pd

    Contemporary Robotics

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    This book book is a collection of 18 chapters written by internationally recognized experts and well-known professionals of the field. Chapters contribute to diverse facets of contemporary robotics and autonomous systems. The volume is organized in four thematic parts according to the main subjects, regarding the recent advances in the contemporary robotics. The first thematic topics of the book are devoted to the theoretical issues. This includes development of algorithms for automatic trajectory generation using redudancy resolution scheme, intelligent algorithms for robotic grasping, modelling approach for reactive mode handling of flexible manufacturing and design of an advanced controller for robot manipulators. The second part of the book deals with different aspects of robot calibration and sensing. This includes a geometric and treshold calibration of a multiple robotic line-vision system, robot-based inline 2D/3D quality monitoring using picture-giving and laser triangulation, and a study on prospective polymer composite materials for flexible tactile sensors. The third part addresses issues of mobile robots and multi-agent systems, including SLAM of mobile robots based on fusion of odometry and visual data, configuration of a localization system by a team of mobile robots, development of generic real-time motion controller for differential mobile robots, control of fuel cells of mobile robots, modelling of omni-directional wheeled-based robots, building of hunter- hybrid tracking environment, as well as design of a cooperative control in distributed population-based multi-agent approach. The fourth part presents recent approaches and results in humanoid and bioinspirative robotics. It deals with design of adaptive control of anthropomorphic biped gait, building of dynamic-based simulation for humanoid robot walking, building controller for perceptual motor control dynamics of humans and biomimetic approach to control mechatronic structure using smart materials

    Cartographie dense basée sur une représentation compacte RGB-D dédiée à la navigation autonome

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    Our aim is concentrated around building ego-centric topometric maps represented as a graph of keyframe nodes which can be efficiently used by autonomous agents. The keyframe nodes which combines a spherical image and a depth map (augmented visual sphere) synthesises information collected in a local area of space by an embedded acquisition system. The representation of the global environment consists of a collection of augmented visual spheres that provide the necessary coverage of an operational area. A "pose" graph that links these spheres together in six degrees of freedom, also defines the domain potentially exploitable for navigation tasks in real time. As part of this research, an approach to map-based representation has been proposed by considering the following issues : how to robustly apply visual odometry by making the most of both photometric and ; geometric information available from our augmented spherical database ; how to determine the quantity and optimal placement of these augmented spheres to cover an environment completely ; how tomodel sensor uncertainties and update the dense infomation of the augmented spheres ; how to compactly represent the information contained in the augmented sphere to ensure robustness, accuracy and stability along an explored trajectory by making use of saliency maps.Dans ce travail, nous proposons une représentation efficace de l’environnement adaptée à la problématique de la navigation autonome. Cette représentation topométrique est constituée d’un graphe de sphères de vision augmentées d’informations de profondeur. Localement la sphère de vision augmentée constitue une représentation égocentrée complète de l’environnement proche. Le graphe de sphères permet de couvrir un environnement de grande taille et d’en assurer la représentation. Les "poses" à 6 degrés de liberté calculées entre sphères sont facilement exploitables par des tâches de navigation en temps réel. Dans cette thèse, les problématiques suivantes ont été considérées : Comment intégrer des informations géométriques et photométriques dans une approche d’odométrie visuelle robuste ; comment déterminer le nombre et le placement des sphères augmentées pour représenter un environnement de façon complète ; comment modéliser les incertitudes pour fusionner les observations dans le but d’augmenter la précision de la représentation ; comment utiliser des cartes de saillances pour augmenter la précision et la stabilité du processus d’odométrie visuelle

    Spacecraft/Rover Hybrids for the Exploration of Small Solar System Bodies

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    This study investigated a mission architecture that allows the systematic and affordable in-situ exploration of small solar system bodies, such as asteroids, comets, and Martian moons (Figure 1). The architecture relies on the novel concept of spacecraft/rover hybrids,which are surface mobility platforms capable of achieving large surface coverage (by attitude controlled hops, akin to spacecraft flight), fine mobility (by tumbling), and coarse instrument pointing (by changing orientation relative to the ground) in the low-gravity environments(micro-g to milli-g) of small bodies. The actuation of the hybrids relies on spinning three internal flywheels. Using a combination of torques, the three flywheel motors can produce a reaction torque in any orientation without additional moving parts. This mobility concept allows all subsystems to be packaged in one sealed enclosure and enables the platforms to be minimalistic. The hybrids would be deployed from a mother spacecraft, which would act as a communication relay to Earth and would aid the in-situ assets with tasks such as localization and navigation (Figure 1). The hybrids are expected to be more capable and affordable than wheeled or legged rovers, due to their multiple modes of mobility (both hopping and tumbling), and have simpler environmental sealing and thermal management (since all components are sealed in one enclosure, assuming non-deployable science instruments). In summary, this NIAC Phase II study has significantly increased the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of the mobility and autonomy subsystems of spacecraft/rover hybrids, and characterized system engineering aspects in the context of a reference mission to Phobos. Future studies should focus on improving the robustness of the autonomy module and further refine system engineering aspects, in view of opportunities for technology infusion
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