746 research outputs found

    Long Range Automated Persistent Surveillance

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    This dissertation addresses long range automated persistent surveillance with focus on three topics: sensor planning, size preserving tracking, and high magnification imaging. field of view should be reserved so that camera handoff can be executed successfully before the object of interest becomes unidentifiable or untraceable. We design a sensor planning algorithm that not only maximizes coverage but also ensures uniform and sufficient overlapped camera’s field of view for an optimal handoff success rate. This algorithm works for environments with multiple dynamic targets using different types of cameras. Significantly improved handoff success rates are illustrated via experiments using floor plans of various scales. Size preserving tracking automatically adjusts the camera’s zoom for a consistent view of the object of interest. Target scale estimation is carried out based on the paraperspective projection model which compensates for the center offset and considers system latency and tracking errors. A computationally efficient foreground segmentation strategy, 3D affine shapes, is proposed. The 3D affine shapes feature direct and real-time implementation and improved flexibility in accommodating the target’s 3D motion, including off-plane rotations. The effectiveness of the scale estimation and foreground segmentation algorithms is validated via both offline and real-time tracking of pedestrians at various resolution levels. Face image quality assessment and enhancement compensate for the performance degradations in face recognition rates caused by high system magnifications and long observation distances. A class of adaptive sharpness measures is proposed to evaluate and predict this degradation. A wavelet based enhancement algorithm with automated frame selection is developed and proves efficient by a considerably elevated face recognition rate for severely blurred long range face images

    Quantifying and containing the curse of high resolution coronal imaging

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    Future missions such as Solar Orbiter (SO), InterHelioprobe, or Solar Probe aim at approaching the Sun closer than ever before, with on board some high resolution imagers (HRI) having a subsecond cadence and a pixel area of about (80km)2(80km)^2 at the Sun during perihelion. In order to guarantee their scientific success, it is necessary to evaluate if the photon counts available at these resolution and cadence will provide a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We perform a first step in this direction by analyzing and characterizing the spatial intermittency of Quiet Sun images thanks to a multifractal analysis. We identify the parameters that specify the scale-invariance behavior. This identification allows next to select a family of multifractal processes, namely the Compound Poisson Cascades, that can synthesize artificial images having some of the scale-invariance properties observed on the recorded images. The prevalence of self-similarity in Quiet Sun coronal images makes it relevant to study the ratio between the SNR present at SoHO/EIT images and in coarsened images. SoHO/EIT images thus play the role of 'high resolution' images, whereas the 'low-resolution' coarsened images are rebinned so as to simulate a smaller angular resolution and/or a larger distance to the Sun. For a fixed difference in angular resolution and in Spacecraft-Sun distance, we determine the proportion of pixels having a SNR preserved at high resolution given a particular increase in effective area. If scale-invariance continues to prevail at smaller scales, the conclusion reached with SoHO/EIT images can be transposed to the situation where the resolution is increased from SoHO/EIT to SO/HRI resolution at perihelion.Comment: 25 pages, 1 table, 7 figure

    04251 -- Imaging Beyond the Pinhole Camera

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    From 13.06.04 to 18.06.04, the Dagstuhl Seminar 04251 ``Imaging Beyond the Pin-hole Camera. 12th Seminar on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    On Unusual Pixel Shapes and Image Motion

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    We introduce the integral-pixel camera model, where measurements integrate over large and potentially overlapping parts of the visual field. This models a wide variety of novel camera designs, including omnidirectional cameras, compressive sensing cameras, and novel programmable-pixel imaging chips. We explore the relationship of integral-pixel measurements with image motion and find (a) that direct motion estimation using integral-pixels is possible and in some cases quite good, (b) standard compressive-sensing reconstructions are not good for estimating motion, and (c) when we design image reconstruction algorithms that explicitly reason about image motion, they outperform standard compressive-sensing video reconstruction. We show experimental results for a variety of simulated cases, and have preliminary results showing a prototype camera with integral-pixels whose design makes direct motion estimation possible

    Three-dimensional scanning of specular and diffuse metallic surfaces using an infrared technique

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    For the past two decades, the need for three-dimensional (3-D) scanning of industrial objects has increased significantly and many experimental techniques and commercial solutions have been proposed. However, difficulties remain for the acquisition of optically non-cooperative surfaces, such as transparent or specular surfaces. To address highly reflective metallic surfaces, we propose the extension of a technique that was originally dedicated to glass objects. In contrast to conventional active triangulation techniques that measure the reflection of visible radiation, we measure the thermal emission of a surface, which is locally heated by a laser source. Considering the thermophysical properties of metals, we present a simulation model of heat exchanges that are induced by the process, helping to demonstrate its feasibility on specular metallic surfaces and predicting the settings of the system. With our experimental device, we have validated the theoretical modeling and computed some 3-D point clouds from specular surfaces of various geometries. Furthermore, a comparison of our results with those of a conventional system on specular and diffuse parts will highlight that the accuracy of the measurement no longer depends on the roughness of the surface

    Vision-based methods for state estimation and control of robotic systems with application to mobile and surgical robots

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    For autonomous systems that need to perceive the surrounding environment for the accomplishment of a given task, vision is a highly informative exteroceptive sensory source. When gathering information from the available sensors, in fact, the richness of visual data allows to provide a complete description of the environment, collecting geometrical and semantic information (e.g., object pose, distances, shapes, colors, lights). The huge amount of collected data allows to consider both methods exploiting the totality of the data (dense approaches), or a reduced set obtained from feature extraction procedures (sparse approaches). This manuscript presents dense and sparse vision-based methods for control and sensing of robotic systems. First, a safe navigation scheme for mobile robots, moving in unknown environments populated by obstacles, is presented. For this task, dense visual information is used to perceive the environment (i.e., detect ground plane and obstacles) and, in combination with other sensory sources, provide an estimation of the robot motion with a linear observer. On the other hand, sparse visual data are extrapolated in terms of geometric primitives, in order to implement a visual servoing control scheme satisfying proper navigation behaviours. This controller relies on visual estimated information and is designed in order to guarantee safety during navigation. In addition, redundant structures are taken into account to re-arrange the internal configuration of the robot and reduce its encumbrance when the workspace is highly cluttered. Vision-based estimation methods are relevant also in other contexts. In the field of surgical robotics, having reliable data about unmeasurable quantities is of great importance and critical at the same time. In this manuscript, we present a Kalman-based observer to estimate the 3D pose of a suturing needle held by a surgical manipulator for robot-assisted suturing. The method exploits images acquired by the endoscope of the robot platform to extrapolate relevant geometrical information and get projected measurements of the tool pose. This method has also been validated with a novel simulator designed for the da Vinci robotic platform, with the purpose to ease interfacing and employment in ideal conditions for testing and validation. The Kalman-based observers mentioned above are classical passive estimators, whose system inputs used to produce the proper estimation are theoretically arbitrary. This does not provide any possibility to actively adapt input trajectories in order to optimize specific requirements on the performance of the estimation. For this purpose, active estimation paradigm is introduced and some related strategies are presented. More specifically, a novel active sensing algorithm employing visual dense information is described for a typical Structure-from-Motion (SfM) problem. The algorithm generates an optimal estimation of a scene observed by a moving camera, while minimizing the maximum uncertainty of the estimation. This approach can be applied to any robotic platforms and has been validated with a manipulator arm equipped with a monocular camera
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