436,408 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Social License for the Forest Products Industry in Houghton County, Michigan

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    This research investigates how the local community grants social license to the forest products industry in Houghton County, Michigan. Interviews were conducted with industry and community stakeholders using a snowball sampling method to understand perspectives on the social license continuum. The viability of supply chains and individual industry sectors associated with forest resources in the county are largely governed by macroeconomics. However, there is a very local component that allows individual corporations to operate within the community. The data analysis, based on the interviews, focuses on understanding local perceptions of natural resource management and community relations. The results reflect social license has a spatial variation that allows local industry a higher degree of license than non-local. With an absence of community engagement and emerging forms of stakeholder communication in Houghton County, the social license possessed by the forest products industry could be vulnerable to disturbances that may accompany changes in operations

    Analysis of the Economic and Environmental Policy of Ukrainian Defence Industry Enterprises

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    Introduction. The regulation of economic and environmental impacts of the entire military-industrial complex is a cross-sectoral and international problem. At the same time, research in this area is rather fragmented, which reduces the effectiveness of systematic reviews of the security and defence sector in the context of the green economy. The relevance of the issue of greening the defence industry is significantly enhanced by the need to regulate and operate domestic defence industries in the context of the country's military operations. Aim and tasks. The aim of the study is to substantiate the economic mechanism for regulating the greening of enterprises of the defence industry of Ukraine. Results. The economic and environmental security requirements for defence industry enterprises are studied, as the activity of polluting sources of enterprises, including defence enterprises in Ukraine, has generally decreased, in 2021, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources decreased by 9.0% compared to 2020, to almost 2.2 million tonnes, ammunition was disposed of (235.29 thousand tonnes of ammunition were disposed of from 2014 to 2020) and liquid rocket fuel (16.7 thousand tonnes of melange). In 2021, enterprises, organisations and institutions spent UAH 41.3 billion on environmental protection, compared to UAH 43.7 billion in 2020. Of the total environmental costs in 2021, 68% were current expenses and 32% were capital investments. The strategic directions of greening the defence industry enterprises have been identified, including the introduction of resource-saving technologies, environmental monitoring of environmental impact and reduction of the negative impact of the defence industry units. Conclusion. The realisation of the greening potential will help protect the country's natural resource potential under the influence of the defence industry. A system of measures should be developed to ensure the protection and restoration of natural systems at a certain cost. Given the importance of the defence industry for the country in the context of current external threats and armed conflicts in certain parts of the territory, it is necessary to develop a strategic vision of environmental security with the involvement of all relevant organisations and taking into account the degree of responsibility and motivation for eco-oriented management

    The Legal-Political Urgency of Coal Industry Downstreaming for Democratic and Just National Development

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    In please fifth Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution emphasize that the principle of social justice mandates the responsibility of the government in developing welfare. After the issuance of Law NO. 3 of 2020, the mineral and coal (minerba) sector plays an important role in national economic growth. However, in practice, it is felt that the government lacks a supervisory function, resulting in a recentralization of authority, both from the aspect of licensing and supervision. Coal industry supervision mechanisms must be further regulated to ensure that the downstream coal industry is not controlled by a handful of people. The formulation of the problem in this journal is what is the mechanism for downstreaming the coal industry as a development of national law? And what is the juridical basis for the delegation of authority for the downstream coal industry in achieving national legal prosperity? This research uses normative juridical method through literature study. Normatively, the legal politics of natural resource management in Indonesia has been determined in the 1945 Constitution, specifically in Article 33 paragraph (2) and paragraph (3). In terms of planning, as well as coordination of intensity implementation supervision has not been carried out optimally, so that it has not supported the realization of sustainable and environmentally sound mining through law enforcement efforts. The recommendation from this study is that policies still need to be synchronized with the provisions of related laws and regulations so that they can become an effective, efficient and comprehensive legal basis in mining operations so as to create legal certainty and provide protection for the community

    Managing rivers in Ghanaian small scale mining communities : a case study in Amansie Central District, Ghana : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree: Masters in Environmental Management, Massey University, Turitea, New Zealand

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    Water is a natural capital asset that must be preserved and sustained. In Ghana, rivers are critical and important source of water for the Ghanaian economy albeit with very poor and challenging sustainable management practices. This paper presents the findings of a study undertaken to assess mining and water pollution in Amansie Central District, Ghana. The quality of Ghana’s endowed water resources is increasingly threatened as industrial activities including, small scale mining continue to expand. Small scale mining operations releases high quantities of sediments, toxic chemicals, and other contaminants into water bodies that have currently damaged most Ghanaian riverine systems. In particular, this is more alarming with the avalanche number of numerous mining operations that majority of such operations are unauthorized. In addition to sampling respondent’s perceptions on small scale mining; its impacts and regulation in Amansie Central District, the study prescribes interventions that can assist in mitigating the negative impacts of small scale mining on community endowed water resources. Significant environmental performance and improved water quality can be achieved within the small scale mining sector if compulsory laws on protecting and improving water quality are adopted and adequately monitored and enforced and if government involve traditional rulers in mining regulatory frameworks to regulate unauthorized mining and to monitor community environmental performance

    Social Indicators for Arctic Mining

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    This paper reviews and assesses the state of the data to describe and monitor mining trends in the pan-Arctic. It constructs a mining index and discusses its value as a social impact indicator and discusses drivers of change in Arctic mining. The widely available measures of mineral production and value are poor proxies for economic effects on Arctic communities. Trends in mining activity can be characterized as stasis or decline in mature regions of the Arctic, with strong growth in the frontier regions. World prices and the availability of large, undiscovered and untapped resources with favorable access and low political risk are the biggest drivers for Arctic mining, while climate change is a minor and locally variable factor. Historical data on mineral production and value is unavailable in electronic format for much of the Arctic, specifically Scandinavia and Russia; completing the historical record back to 1980 will require work with paper archives. The most critically needed improvement in data collection and reporting is to develop comparable measures of employment: the eight Arctic countries each use different definitions of employment, and different methodologies to collect the data. Furthermore, many countries do not report employment by county and industry, so the Arctic share of mining employment cannot be identified. More work needs to be done to develop indicator measures for ecosystem service flows. More work also needs to be done developing conceptual models of effects of mining activities on fate control, cultural continuity and ties to nature for local Arctic communities

    Inward foreign direct investment and constitutional change in Scotland

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    Purpose - To undertake an analysis of the implications of potential Scottish independence for inward foreign direct investment (FDI), multinational enterprise strategies, and the local economy.<p></p> Design/methodology/approach - Takes a multidisciplinary approach drawing upon literature and evidence in the international business and management, political economy, and economic geography fields to analyze the role and impact of inward FDI in Scotland following possible Scottish independence.<p></p> Findings - Scotland continues as an attractive location for FDI, with greater diversity than hitherto. While the country’s comparative advantages in immobile natural resources provide some protection from uncertainty, weak embeddedness is a risk factor irrespective of independence. A range of transition costs of independence are identified, which could be high and of indeterminate duration, and some will be sector-specific. There are also new possibilities for tailoring of policies, and potential reindustrialization opportunities in renewable technologies. The foreign investors most vulnerable to political risks and uncertainties are those whose market scope is the rest of the UK (rUK) either as exporters or value chain integrators, in addition to the high political risk industries of energy, banking, and financial services and defence. Scottish subsidiaries’ significance within their parent MNE groups will also be a major factor in determining responses to political risks and uncertainties.<p></p> Originality/value - Specific focus upon the impact of potential independence on the foreign-owned sector as a major contributor to the Scottish economy.<p></p&gt

    Examining green production and its role within the competitive strategy of manufacturers

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    Purpose: This paper reviews current literature and contributes a set of findings that capture the current state-of-the-art of the topic of green production. Design/methodology/approach: A literature review to capture, classify and summarize the main body of knowledge on green production and, translate this into a form that is readily accessible to researchers and practitioners in the more mainstream operations management community. Findings: The existing knowledge base is somewhat fragmented. This is a relatively unexplored topic within mainstream operations management research and one which could provide rich opportunities for further exploration. Originality/value: This paper sets out to review current literature, from a more conventional production operations perspective, and contributes a set of findings that capture the current state-of-the-art of this topic