146 research outputs found

    Novel drug-target interactions via link prediction and network embedding

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    BACKGROUND: As many interactions between the chemical and genomic space remain undiscovered, computational methods able to identify potential drug-target interactions (DTIs) are employed to accelerate drug discovery and reduce the required cost. Predicting new DTIs can leverage drug repurposing by identifying new targets for approved drugs. However, developing an accurate computational framework that can efficiently incorporate chemical and genomic spaces remains extremely demanding. A key issue is that most DTI predictions suffer from the lack of experimentally validated negative interactions or limited availability of target 3D structures. RESULTS: We report DT2Vec, a pipeline for DTI prediction based on graph embedding and gradient boosted tree classification. It maps drug-drug and protein–protein similarity networks to low-dimensional features and the DTI prediction is formulated as binary classification based on a strategy of concatenating the drug and target embedding vectors as input features. DT2Vec was compared with three top-performing graph similarity-based algorithms on a standard benchmark dataset and achieved competitive results. In order to explore credible novel DTIs, the model was applied to data from the ChEMBL repository that contain experimentally validated positive and negative interactions which yield a strong predictive model. Then, the developed model was applied to all possible unknown DTIs to predict new interactions. The applicability of DT2Vec as an effective method for drug repurposing is discussed through case studies and evaluation of some novel DTI predictions is undertaken using molecular docking. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method was able to integrate and map chemical and genomic space into low-dimensional dense vectors and showed promising results in predicting novel DTIs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12859-022-04650-w

    Systems approaches to drug repositioning

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    PhD ThesisDrug discovery has overall become less fruitful and more costly, despite vastly increased biomedical knowledge and evolving approaches to Research and Development (R&D). One complementary approach to drug discovery is that of drug repositioning which focusses on identifying novel uses for existing drugs. By focussing on existing drugs that have already reached the market, drug repositioning has the potential to both reduce the timeframe and cost of getting a disease treatment to those that need it. Many marketed examples of repositioned drugs have been found via serendipitous or rational observations, highlighting the need for more systematic methodologies. Systems approaches have the potential to enable the development of novel methods to understand the action of therapeutic compounds, but require an integrative approach to biological data. Integrated networks can facilitate systems-level analyses by combining multiple sources of evidence to provide a rich description of drugs, their targets and their interactions. Classically, such networks can be mined manually where a skilled person can identify portions of the graph that are indicative of relationships between drugs and highlight possible repositioning opportunities. However, this approach is not scalable. Automated procedures are required to mine integrated networks systematically for these subgraphs and bring them to the attention of the user. The aim of this project was the development of novel computational methods to identify new therapeutic uses for existing drugs (with particular focus on active small molecules) using data integration. A framework for integrating disparate data relevant to drug repositioning, Drug Repositioning Network Integration Framework (DReNInF) was developed as part of this work. This framework includes a high-level ontology, Drug Repositioning Network Integration Ontology (DReNInO), to aid integration and subsequent mining; a suite of parsers; and a generic semantic graph integration platform. This framework enables the production of integrated networks maintaining strict semantics that are important in, but not exclusive to, drug repositioning. The DReNInF is then used to create Drug Repositioning Network Integration (DReNIn), a semantically-rich Resource Description Framework (RDF) dataset. A Web-based front end was developed, which includes a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) endpoint for querying this dataset. To automate the mining of drug repositioning datasets, a formal framework for the definition of semantic subgraphs was established and a method for Drug Repositioning Semantic Mining (DReSMin) was developed. DReSMin is an algorithm for mining semantically-rich networks for occurrences of a given semantic subgraph. This algorithm allows instances of complex semantic subgraphs that contain data about putative drug repositioning opportunities to be identified in a computationally tractable fashion, scaling close to linearly with network data. The ability of DReSMin to identify novel Drug-Target (D-T) associations was investigated. 9,643,061 putative D-T interactions were identified and ranked, with a strong correlation between highly scored associations and those supported by literature observed. The 20 top ranked associations were analysed in more detail with 14 found to be novel and six found to be supported by the literature. It was also shown that this approach better prioritises known D-T interactions, than other state-of-the-art methodologies. The ability of DReSMin to identify novel Drug-Disease (Dr-D) indications was also investigated. As target-based approaches are utilised heavily in the field of drug discovery, it is necessary to have a systematic method to rank Gene-Disease (G-D) associations. Although methods already exist to collect, integrate and score these associations, these scores are often not a reliable re flection of expert knowledge. Therefore, an integrated data-driven approach to drug repositioning was developed using a Bayesian statistics approach and applied to rank 309,885 G-D associations using existing knowledge. Ranked associations were then integrated with other biological data to produce a semantically-rich drug discovery network. Using this network it was shown that diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) provide an area of interest. The network was then systematically mined for semantic subgraphs that capture novel Dr-D relations. 275,934 Dr-D associations were identified and ranked, with those more likely to be side-effects filtered. Work presented here includes novel tools and algorithms to enable research within the field of drug repositioning. DReNIn, for example, includes data that previous comparable datasets relevant to drug repositioning have neglected, such as clinical trial data and drug indications. Furthermore, the dataset may be easily extended using DReNInF to include future data as and when it becomes available, such as G-D association directionality (i.e. is the mutation a loss-of-function or gain-of-function). Unlike other algorithms and approaches developed for drug repositioning, DReSMin can be used to infer any types of associations captured in the target semantic network. Moreover, the approaches presented here should be more generically applicable to other fields that require algorithms for the integration and mining of semantically rich networks.European and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and GS

    Navigating Diverse Datasets in the Face of Uncertainty

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    When exploring big volumes of data, one of the challenging aspects is their diversity of origin. Multiple files that have not yet been ingested into a database system may contain information of interest to a researcher, who must curate, understand and sieve their content before being able to extract knowledge. Performance is one of the greatest difficulties in exploring these datasets. On the one hand, examining non-indexed, unprocessed files can be inefficient. On the other hand, any processing before its understanding introduces latency and potentially un- necessary work if the chosen schema matches poorly the data. We have surveyed the state-of-the-art and, fortunately, there exist multiple proposal of solutions to handle data in-situ performantly. Another major difficulty is matching files from multiple origins since their schema and layout may not be compatible or properly documented. Most surveyed solutions overlook this problem, especially for numeric, uncertain data, as is typical in fields like astronomy. The main objective of our research is to assist data scientists during the exploration of unprocessed, numerical, raw data distributed across multiple files based solely on its intrinsic distribution. In this thesis, we first introduce the concept of Equally-Distributed Dependencies, which provides the foundations to match this kind of dataset. We propose PresQ, a novel algorithm that finds quasi-cliques on hypergraphs based on their expected statistical properties. The probabilistic approach of PresQ can be successfully exploited to mine EDD between diverse datasets when the underlying populations can be assumed to be the same. Finally, we propose a two-sample statistical test based on Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). This method can outperform, in terms of power, other classifier-based two- sample tests, being in some cases comparable to kernel-based methods, with the advantage of being interpretable. Both PresQ and the SOM-based statistical test can provide insights that drive serendipitous discoveries

    Navigating diverse datasets in the face of uncertainty

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    When exploring big volumes of data, one of the challenging aspects is their diversity of origin. Multiple files that have not yet been ingested into a database system may contain information of interest to a researcher, who must curate, understand and sieve their content before being able to extract knowledge. Performance is one of the greatest difficulties in exploring these datasets. On the one hand, examining non-indexed, unprocessed files can be inefficient. On the other hand, any processing before its understanding introduces latency and potentially unnecessary work if the chosen schema matches poorly the data. We have surveyed the state-of-the-art and, fortunately, there exist multiple proposal of solutions to handle data in-situ performantly. Another major difficulty is matching files from multiple origins since their schema and layout may not be compatible or properly documented. Most surveyed solutions overlook this problem, especially for numeric, uncertain data, as is typical in fields like astronomy. The main objective of our research is to assist data scientists during the exploration of unprocessed, numerical, raw data distributed across multiple files based solely on its intrinsic distribution. In this thesis, we first introduce the concept of Equally-Distributed Dependencies, which provides the foundations to match this kind of dataset. We propose PresQ, a novel algorithm that finds quasi-cliques on hypergraphs based on their expected statistical properties. The probabilistic approach of PresQ can be successfully exploited to mine EDD between diverse datasets when the underlying populations can be assumed to be the same. Finally, we propose a two-sample statistical test based on Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). This method can outperform, in terms of power, other classifier-based twosample tests, being in some cases comparable to kernel-based methods, with the advantage of being interpretable. Both PresQ and the SOM-based statistical test can provide insights that drive serendipitous discoveries.Uno de los mayores problemas del big data es el origen diverso de los datos. Un investigador puede estar interesado en agregar datos provenientes de múltiples ficheros que aún no han sido pre-procesados e insertados en un sistema de bases de datos, debiendo depurar y filtrar el contenido antes de poder extraer conocimiento. La exploración directa de estos ficheros presentará serios problemas de rendimiento: examinar archivos sin ningún tipo de preparación ni indexación puede ser ineficiente tanto en términos de lectura de datos como de tiempo de ejecución. Por otro lado, ingerirlos en un sistema de base de datos antes de entenderlos introduce latencia y trabajo potencialmente redundante si el esquema elegido no se ajusta a las consultas que se ejecutarán. Afortunadamente, nuestra revisión del estado del arte demuestra que existen múltiples soluciones posibles para explorar datos in-situ de manera efectiva. Otra gran dificultad es la gestión de archivos de diversas procedencias, ya que su esquema y disposición pueden no ser compatibles, o no estar correctamente documentados. La mayoría de las soluciones encontradas pasan por alto esta problemática, especialmente en lo referente a datos numéricos e inciertos, como, por ejemplo, aquellos relacionados con atributos físicos generados en campos como la astronomía. Nuestro objetivo principal es ayudar a los investigadores a explorar este tipo de datos sin procesamiento previo, almacenados en múltiples archivos, y empleando únicamente su distribución intrínseca. En esta tesis primero introducimos el concepto de Equally-Distributed Dependencies (EDD) (Dependencias de Igualdad de Distribución), estableciendo las bases necesarias para ser capaz de emparejar conjuntos de datos con esquemas diferentes, pero con atributos en común. Luego, presentamos PresQ, un nuevo algoritmo probabilístico de búsqueda de quasi-cliques en hiper-grafos. El enfoque estadístico de PresQ permite proyectar el problema de búsqueda de EDD en el de búsqueda de quasi-cliques. Por último, proponemos una prueba estadística basada en Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) (Mapa autoorganizado). Este método puede superar, en términos de poder estadístico, otras técnicas basadas en clasificadores, siendo en algunos casos comparable a métodos basados en kernels, con la ventaja adicional de ser interpretable. Tanto PresQ como la prueba estadística basada en SOM pueden impulsar descubrimientos serendípicos.211 página


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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Informatics and Computing, 2016Prediction of unknown drug target interactions from bioassay data is critical not only for the understanding of various interactions but also crucial for the development of new drugs and repurposing of old ones. Conventional methods for prediction of such interactions can be divided into 2D based and 3D based methods. 3D methods are more CPU expensive and require more manual interpretation whereas 2D methods are actually fast methods like machine learning and similarity search which use chemical fingerprints. One of the problems of using traditional machine learning based method to predict drug-target pairs is that it requires a labeled information of true and false interactions. One of the major problems of supervised learning methods is selection on negative samples. Unknown drug target interactions are regarded as false interactions, which may influence the predictive accuracy of the model. To overcome this problem network based methods has become an effective tool in predicting the drug target interactions overcoming the negative sampling problem. In this dissertation study, I will describe traditional machine learning methods and 3D methods of pharmacophore modeling for drug target prediction and will show how these methods work in a drug discovery scenario. I will then introduce a new framework for drug target prediction based on bipartite networks of drug target relations known as Random Walk with Restart (RWR). RWR integrates various networks including drug– drug similarity networks, protein-protein similarity networks and drug- target interaction networks into a heterogeneous network that is capable of predicting novel drug-target relations. I will describe how chemical features for measuring drug-drug similarity do not affect performance in predicting interactions and further show the performance of RWR using an external dataset from ChEMBL database. I will describe about further implementations of RWR approach into multilayered networks consisting of biological data like diseases, tissue based gene expression data, protein- complexes and metabolic pathways to predict associations between human diseases and metabolic pathways which are very crucial in drug discovery. I have further developed a software tool package netpredictor in R (standalone and the web) for unipartite and bipartite networks and implemented network-based predictive algorithms and network properties for drug-target prediction. This package will be described

    Computational approaches to virtual screening in human central nervous system therapeutic targets

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    In the past several years of drug design, advanced high-throughput synthetic and analytical chemical technologies are continuously producing a large number of compounds. These large collections of chemical structures have resulted in many public and commercial molecular databases. Thus, the availability of larger data sets provided the opportunity for developing new knowledge mining or virtual screening (VS) methods. Therefore, this research work is motivated by the fact that one of the main interests in the modern drug discovery process is the development of new methods to predict compounds with large therapeutic profiles (multi-targeting activity), which is essential for the discovery of novel drug candidates against complex multifactorial diseases like central nervous system (CNS) disorders. This work aims to advance VS approaches by providing a deeper understanding of the relationship between chemical structure and pharmacological properties and design new fast and robust tools for drug designing against different targets/pathways. To accomplish the defined goals, the first challenge is dealing with big data set of diverse molecular structures to derive a correlation between structures and activity. However, an extendable and a customizable fully automated in-silico Quantitative-Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) modeling framework was developed in the first phase of this work. QSAR models are computationally fast and powerful tool to screen huge databases of compounds to determine the biological properties of chemical molecules based on their chemical structure. The generated framework reliably implemented a full QSAR modeling pipeline from data preparation to model building and validation. The main distinctive features of the designed framework include a)efficient data curation b) prior estimation of data modelability and, c)an-optimized variable selection methodology that was able to identify the most biologically relevant features responsible for compound activity. Since the underlying principle in QSAR modeling is the assumption that the structures of molecules are mainly responsible for their pharmacological activity, the accuracy of different structural representation approaches to decode molecular structural information largely influence model predictability. However, to find the best approach in QSAR modeling, a comparative analysis of two main categories of molecular representations that included descriptor-based (vector space) and distance-based (metric space) methods was carried out. Results obtained from five QSAR data sets showed that distance-based method was superior to capture the more relevant structural elements for the accurate characterization of molecular properties in highly diverse data sets (remote chemical space regions). This finding further assisted to the development of a novel tool for molecular space visualization to increase the understanding of structure-activity relationships (SAR) in drug discovery projects by exploring the diversity of large heterogeneous chemical data. In the proposed visual approach, four nonlinear DR methods were tested to represent molecules lower dimensionality (2D projected space) on which a non-parametric 2D kernel density estimation (KDE) was applied to map the most likely activity regions (activity surfaces). The analysis of the produced probabilistic surface of molecular activities (PSMAs) from the four datasets showed that these maps have both descriptive and predictive power, thus can be used as a spatial classification model, a tool to perform VS using only structural similarity of molecules. The above QSAR modeling approach was complemented with molecular docking, an approach that predicts the best mode of drug-target interaction. Both approaches were integrated to develop a rational and re-usable polypharmacology-based VS pipeline with improved hits identification rate. For the validation of the developed pipeline, a dual-targeting drug designing model against Parkinson’s disease (PD) was derived to identify novel inhibitors for improving the motor functions of PD patients by enhancing the bioavailability of dopamine and avoiding neurotoxicity. The proposed approach can easily be extended to more complex multi-targeting disease models containing several targets and anti/offtargets to achieve increased efficacy and reduced toxicity in multifactorial diseases like CNS disorders and cancer. This thesis addresses several issues of cheminformatics methods (e.g., molecular structures representation, machine learning, and molecular similarity analysis) to improve and design new computational approaches used in chemical data mining. Moreover, an integrative drug-designing pipeline is designed to improve polypharmacology-based VS approach. This presented methodology can identify the most promising multi-targeting candidates for experimental validation of drug-targets network at the systems biology level in the drug discovery process

    From Knowledgebases to Toxicity Prediction and Promiscuity Assessment

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    Polypharmacology marked a paradigm shift in drug discovery from the traditional ‘one drug, one target’ approach to a multi-target perspective, indicating that highly effective drugs favorably modulate multiple biological targets. This ability of drugs to show activity towards many targets is referred to as promiscuity, an essential phenomenon that may as well lead to undesired side-effects. While activity at therapeutic targets provides desired biological response, toxicity often results from non-specific modulation of off-targets. Safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics have been the primary concerns behind the failure of a majority of candidate drugs. Computer-based (in silico) models that can predict the pharmacological and toxicological profiles complement the ongoing efforts to lower the high attrition rates. High-confidence bioactivity data is a prerequisite for the development of robust in silico models. Additionally, data quality has been a key concern when integrating data from publicly-accessible bioactivity databases. A majority of the bioactivity data originates from high- throughput screening campaigns and medicinal chemistry literature. However, large numbers of screening hits are considered false-positives due to a number of reasons. In stark contrast, many compounds do not demonstrate biological activity despite being tested in hundreds of assays. This thesis work employs cheminformatics approaches to contribute to the aforementioned diverse, yet highly related, aspects that are crucial in rationalizing and expediting drug discovery. Knowledgebase resources of approved and withdrawn drugs were established and enriched with information integrated from multiple databases. These resources are not only useful in small molecule discovery and optimization, but also in the elucidation of mechanisms of action and off- target effects. In silico models were developed to predict the effects of small molecules on nuclear receptor and stress response pathways and human Ether-à-go-go-Related Gene encoded potassium channel. Chemical similarity and machine-learning based methods were evaluated while highlighting the challenges involved in the development of robust models using public domain bioactivity data. Furthermore, the true promiscuity of the potentially frequent hitter compounds was identified and their mechanisms of action were explored at the molecular level by investigating target-ligand complexes. Finally, the chemical and biological spaces of the extensively tested, yet inactive, compounds were investigated to reconfirm their potential to be promising candidates.Die Polypharmakologie beschreibt einen Paradigmenwechsel von "einem Wirkstoff - ein Zielmolekül" zu "einem Wirkstoff - viele Zielmoleküle" und zeigt zugleich auf, dass hochwirksame Medikamente nur durch die Interaktion mit mehreren Zielmolekülen Ihre komplette Wirkung entfalten können. Hierbei ist die biologische Aktivität eines Medikamentes direkt mit deren Nebenwirkungen assoziiert, was durch die Interaktion mit therapeutischen bzw. Off-Targets erklärt werden kann (Promiskuität). Ein Ungleichgewicht dieser Wechselwirkungen resultiert oftmals in mangelnder Wirksamkeit, Toxizität oder einer ungünstigen Pharmakokinetik, anhand dessen man das Scheitern mehrerer potentieller Wirkstoffe in ihrer präklinischen und klinischen Entwicklungsphase aufzeigen kann. Die frühzeitige Vorhersage des pharmakologischen und toxikologischen Profils durch computergestützte Modelle (in-silico) anhand der chemischen Struktur kann helfen den Prozess der Medikamentenentwicklung zu verbessern. Eine Voraussetzung für die erfolgreiche Vorhersage stellen zuverlässige Bioaktivitätsdaten dar. Allerdings ist die Datenqualität oftmals ein zentrales Problem bei der Datenintegration. Die Ursache hierfür ist die Verwendung von verschiedenen Bioassays und „Readouts“, deren Daten zum Großteil aus primären und bestätigenden Bioassays gewonnen werden. Während ein Großteil der Treffer aus primären Assays als falsch-positiv eingestuft werden, zeigen einige Substanzen keine biologische Aktivität, obwohl sie in beiden Assay- Typen ausgiebig getestet wurden (“extensively assayed compounds”). In diese Arbeit wurden verschiedene chemoinformatische Methoden entwickelt und angewandt, um die zuvor genannten Probleme zu thematisieren sowie Lösungsansätze aufzuzeigen und im Endeffekt die Arzneimittelforschung zu beschleunigen. Hierfür wurden nicht redundante, Hand-validierte Wissensdatenbanken für zugelassene und zurückgezogene Medikamente erstellt und mit weiterführenden Informationen angereichert, um die Entdeckung und Optimierung kleiner organischer Moleküle voran zu treiben. Ein entscheidendes Tool ist hierbei die Aufklärung derer Wirkmechanismen sowie Off-Target-Interaktionen. Für die weiterführende Charakterisierung von Nebenwirkungen, wurde ein Hauptaugenmerk auf Nuklearrezeptoren, Pathways in welchen Stressrezeptoren involviert sind sowie den hERG-Kanal gelegt und mit in-silico Modellen simuliert. Die Erstellung dieser Modelle wurden Mithilfe eines integrativen Ansatzes aus “state-of-the-art” Algorithmen wie Ähnlichkeitsvergleiche und “Machine- Learning” umgesetzt. Um ein hohes Maß an Vorhersagequalität zu gewährleisten, wurde bei der Evaluierung der Datensätze explizit auf die Datenqualität und deren chemische Vielfalt geachtet. Weiterführend wurden die in-silico-Modelle dahingehend erweitert, das Substrukturfilter genauer betrachtet wurden, um richtige Wirkmechanismen von unspezifischen Bindungsverhalten (falsch- positive Substanzen) zu unterscheiden. Abschließend wurden der chemische und biologische Raum ausgiebig getesteter, jedoch inaktiver, kleiner organischer Moleküle (“extensively assayed compounds”) untersucht und mit aktuell zugelassenen Medikamenten verglichen, um ihr Potenzial als vielversprechende Kandidaten zu bestätigen