16 research outputs found

    Open Access – the better access? Academic publishing and its politics

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    Open Access to scholarly literature seems to dominate current discussions in the academic publishing, research funding and science policy arenas. Several international initiatives have been recently started calling for a large-scale transformation of the majority of scholarly journals from subscription model to Open Access. Such a massive transition would indeed affect not only business models and related cash flows but might be also expected to generate new inequalities in distributing resources among different regions or research fields. Thus, the paper at hand aims to serve as an input statement for the upcoming discussion and to provide some background information on Open Access debates

    Open Access – the better access? Academic publishing and its politics

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    Open Access to scholarly literature seems to dominate current discussions in the academic publishing, research funding and science policy arenas. Several international initiatives have been recently started calling for a large-scale transformation of the majority of scholarly journals from subscription model to Open Access. Such a massive transition would indeed affect not only business models and related cash flows but might be also expected to generate new inequalities in distributing resources among different regions or research fields. Thus, the paper at hand aims to serve as an input statement for the upcoming discussion and to provide some background information on Open Access debates

    Open Access Repositories in Asia: An Overview

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    Open access refers to the free and unrestricted access to scholarly literature published around the globe via internet. Online free access to quality literature is desired by every individual, organization or community especially in developing nations. Various studies have been conducted which show that the growth of open access in developed regions like Europe and North America is quite prevalent but in case of developing nations such is not the case. Though developing regions are making progress towards liberating the literature from chains but still there is long way to go. Open access needs to be promoted on a large scale in developing nations. One among the various factors which necessitate the promotion of open access in developing countries is the economic constraint. Many organizations or individual scholars are not able to access and use the quality literature because they are not able to bear the expenses involved in the process and because access to literature is usually subscription based thus is required to be renewed every year. The present study analyzes the development of open access repositories in Asia. Their growth, country wise contribution, software used in creation of open access repositories etc. The study will analyze how much progress is made by the developing nations in Asia in the year 2019 by comparing it to the results of earlier studies conducted

    Open Access, Open Science, Open Society

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    Open Access’ main goal is not the subversion of publishers’ role as driving actors in an oligopolistic market characterised by reduced competition and higher prices. OA’s main function is to be found somewhere else, namely in the ability to subvert the power to control science’s governance and its future directions (Open Science), a power that is more often found within the academic institutions rather than outside. By decentralising and opening-up not just the way in which scholarship is published but also the way in which it is assessed, OA removes the barriers that helped turn science into an intellectual oligopoly even before an economic one. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that Open Access is a key enabler of Open Science, which in turn will lead to a more Open Society. Furthermore, the paper argues that while legislative interventions play an important role in the top-down regulation of Open Access, legislators currently lack an informed and systematic vision on the role of Open Access in science and society. In this historical phase, other complementary forms of intervention (bottom-up) appear much more “informed” and effective. This paper, which intends to set the stage for future research, identifies a few pieces of the puzzle: the relationship between formal and informal norms in the field of Open Science and how these impact on intellectual property rights, the protection of personal data, the assessment of science and the technology employed for the communication of science

    PRME Report 2013-2014

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    Since our previous PRME report two years ago, Hanken has made significant progressin implementing the concept of responsibility and sustainability. As a result of thisprogress, Hanken was appointed one of 30 PRME Champions schools. This recognitionstrengthens Hanken’s position as one of the pioneers of responsible managementeducation.Responsibility and sustainability permeate Hanken’s activities at all levels– fromstrategy to execution. A social responsibility perspective is included in the sub-strategiesfor all our key activities – teaching and learning, research, HR, marketing, and executiveeducation. Additionally, social responsibility is a key element in our long-termstrategy. This builds a solid base for responsibility and sustainability as the fourthelement of our strategic profile together with research, internationalisation and corporateconnections.We have worked at including elements of social responsibility and sustainability in allaspects of our education ever since Hanken signed the Principles of Responsible ManagementEducation. Social responsibility has been included in our general learninggoals within the Assurance of Learning process and we have worked towards attainingAACSB accreditation. Recent developments in our teaching include new Master’s DegreeProgrammes in (1) Finance and Accounting, where students learn how to createand maintain a sustainable business from a financial management point of view; and(2) International Strategy and Sustainability, where students learn to think strategicallywith sustainability in mind. Hanken has also broadened the bachelor’s levelcourse offering within social responsibility through a recent agreement with ArcadaUniversity of Applied Science. Furthermore, ethical conduct is a key element in ourPhD Programme.At the end of 2012 Hanken’s research was evaluated by a panel of internationally acclaimedacademics. The panel concluded that Hanken’s research within supply chainmanagement and social responsibility is internationally competitive.But efforts are fruitless if no one knows about them, so I am very pleased that Hanken’sprevious PRME report was awarded a Recognition of Excellence Award for SIP reportingby the PRME Secretariat. Not only are we doing the right things, we also knowhow to communicate our progress. I hope this report continues the tradition

    Actors of the scholarly communication system : notes for discussion of their roles

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    Introdução: O sistema de comunicação cientĂ­fica, que Ă© subjacente Ă  comunidade cientĂ­fica, Ă© constituĂ­do por diversos elementos e processos, entre os quais seus atores e respectivas funçÔes e atividades. É o resultado das funçÔes e atividades pesquisadores, editoras, bibliotecas, agĂȘncias de fomento e universidades que contribuem para que a produção, compartilhamento e uso do conhecimento de modo que a ciĂȘncia possa viabilizada. Objetivo: Identificar as funçÔes e atividades desempenhadas pelos principais atores do sistema de comunicação cientĂ­fica (pesquisadores, editoras, bibliotecas, agĂȘncias de fomento e universidades). Metodologia: Foi realizado amplo levantamento bibliogrĂĄfico no Google Scholar, Web of Science e Scopus nos meses de junho e julho de 2015. O levantamento desconsiderou limite temporal e tipo de documento. A estratĂ©gia de busca foi a combinação dos termos "pesquisadores", "editoras", "bibliotecas", "agĂȘncias de fomento" e "universidades" combinados com expressĂ”es "comunicação cientĂ­fica”, "informação cientĂ­fica”, “acesso aberto”, “sistema de comunicação”, “comunicação na ciĂȘncia". AlĂ©m das buscas terem sido realizadas em lĂ­ngua portuguesa e inglesa, foram adotados termos sinĂŽnimos e flexĂŁo singular/plural. ApĂłs anĂĄlise preliminar dos textos recuperados e seleção dos textos relevantes, foi elaborada revisĂŁo de literatura norteada pelo objetivo de identificar funçÔes e atividades desempenhadas pelos principais atores do sistema de comunicação cientĂ­fica. A revisĂŁo assumiu carĂĄter de narrativa e foi estruturada a partir de cada um dos atores. Resultados: Os resultados sĂŁo apresentados em forma de revisĂŁo de literatura narrativa em que foram definidas e identificadas funçÔes e atividades desempenhadas por cada um dos atores do sistema de comunicação cientĂ­fica contemplados no estudo. Por fim, foi elaborado diagrama que representa graficamente tanto as funçÔes e atividades dos atores do sistema de comunicação cientĂ­fica quanto Ă s interaçÔes entre eles.Introduction: The scholarly communication system, which underlies the scientific community, consists of elements and processes, between the positions they perform and the functions and activities. It is the result of the functions and activities of researchers, publishers, libraries, funding agencies and universities that contribute to the production, sharing and knowledge use so that a science can be made viable. Objective: Identify the functions and activities performed by the main actors of the scholarly communication system (researchers, publishers, libraries, development agencies and universities). Methodology: A large bibliographic survey was carried out in Google Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus in the months of June and July 2015. The survey disregarded time limit and type of document. The search strategy was a combination of the terms "researchers", "publishers", "libraries", "funding agencies" and "universities" combined with the terms "scientific communication", "scientific information", "open access", "communication system”. After the preliminary analysis of the texts retrieved and the selection of the relevant texts, a literature review was elaborated for the purpose of identifying functions and activities performed by the main actors of the scholarly communication system.The revision took the character of narrative and was structured from each of the actors. Results: The results are presented in the form of a narrative literature review in which the functions and activities performed by each of the actors of the scholarly communication system contemplated in the study were defined and identified. Finally, a diagram was drawn up to represent graphically both the functions and activities of the actors of the scholarly communication system and the interactions between them.IntroducciĂłn: El sistema de comunicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica, que es subyacente a la comunidad cientĂ­fica, estĂĄ constituido por diversos elementos y procesos, entre ellos sus actores y sus funciones y actividades. Es el resultado de las funciones y actividades investigadores, editoriales, bibliotecas, agencias de fomento y universidades que contribuyen a que la producciĂłn, el compartir y el uso del conocimiento de modo que la ciencia pueda viabilizarse. Objetivo: Identificar las funciones y actividades desempeñadas por los principales actores del sistema de comunicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica (investigadores, editoriales, bibliotecas, agencias de fomento y universidades). MetodologĂ­a: Se realizĂł un amplio anĂĄlisis bibliogrĂĄfico en Google Scholar, Web of Science y Scopus en los meses de junio y julio de 2015. El levantamiento desconsiderĂł lĂ­mite temporal y tipo de documento. La estrategia de bĂșsqueda fue la combinaciĂłn de los tĂ©rminos "investigadores", "editoriales", "bibliotecas", "agencias de fomento" y "universidades" combinadas con expresiones "comunicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica", "informaciĂłn cientĂ­fica", "acceso abierto", "sistema de la comunicaciĂłn" "comunicaciĂłn de la ciencia". AdemĂĄs de las bĂșsquedas se realizaron en portuguĂ©s y en InglĂ©s, se adoptaron tĂ©rminos sinĂłnimos y flexiĂłn singular / plural. DespuĂ©s del anĂĄlisis preliminar de los textos recuperados y selecciĂłn de los textos relevantes, se elaborĂł una revisiĂłn de literatura orientada por el objetivo de identificar funciones y actividades desempeñadas por los principales actores del sistema de comunicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica. La revisiĂłn asumiĂł carĂĄcter de narrativa y fue estructurada a partir de cada uno de los actores. Resultados: Los resultados se presentan en forma de revisiĂłn de literatura narrativa en la que se definieron e identificaron funciones y actividades desempeñadas por cada uno de los actores del sistema de comunicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica contemplados en el estudio. Por Ășltimo, se elaborĂł un diagrama que representa grĂĄficamente tanto las funciones y actividades de los actores del sistema de comunicaciĂłn cientĂ­fica en cuanto a las interacciones entre ellos. Se asumiĂł carĂĄcter de narrativa y fue estructurada a partir de cada uno de los actores

    Open Access Publishing: A Literature Review

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    Within the context of the Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (CREATe) research scope, this literature review investigates the current trends, advantages, disadvantages, problems and solutions, opportunities and barriers in Open Access Publishing (OAP), and in particular Open Access (OA) academic publishing. This study is intended to scope and evaluate current theory and practice concerning models for OAP and engage with intellectual, legal and economic perspectives on OAP. It is also aimed at mapping the field of academic publishing in the UK and abroad, drawing specifically upon the experiences of CREATe industry partners as well as other initiatives such as SSRN, open source software, and Creative Commons. As a final critical goal, this scoping study will identify any meaningful gaps in the relevant literature with a view to developing further research questions. The results of this scoping exercise will then be presented to relevant industry and academic partners at a workshop intended to assist in further developing the critical research questions pertinent to OAP