24 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: This study discusses the differences of Internet Financial Reporting Quality between Islamic Bank and Conventional Bank in Indonesia as a means of banking management communication with their stakeholders. The Internet Financial Reporting quality form assessed by four components based on Internet Financial Reporting Index, which are content, timeliness, technology and user support. Methodology: This study used a quantitative approach with independent sample T-test. The hypothesis testing tool is assisted by SPSS 22 data processing software. The data of this study were collected from the official website for each bank institution, and for the sample that chooses this study used a purposive sampling technique. Main Findings: : There is a significant difference at the 5% significance level between Internet Financial Reporting quality between the two, with the result that conventional bank has better quality than Islamic bank. On the contrary, in the technology and user support component, there are insignificant differences. Applications of this study: The results of this study are useful for several parties involved. First for the stakeholders of the banking industry in Indonesia. Second for banks in Indonesia. Third for regulators, it is expected to be able to provide more detailed regulations. Finally, it gave an opportunity to other researchers for making some further study. Novelty/Originality of this study: This research is the first study that comprehensively compares the quality of Internet Financial Reporting in Islamic and conventional banking institutions. This study also succeeded to find that in management communication to stakeholders using Internet Financial Reporting, Islamic Banks were able to compete with Conventional Banks

    The impact of bank-specific attributes on web based disclosure practices of global banks / Manpreet Kaur and Mandeep Kaur.

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    This paper examines the extent of web disclosure practices of the top thirty global banks. The paper also investigates the impact of bank-specific characteristics such as bank size, financial performance and corporate governance on web disclosure practices. To analyse the extent of web disclosure practices, a disclosure index of 101 items of information was formulated. To check the hypotheses of the study, an OLS regression framework was estimated on a sample of the top thirty global banks. Descriptive analysis indicates that global banks’ web disclosure is at an acceptable level as the mean value was 73. The results show that large sized banks and banks that follow good corporate governance practices extensively use their websites to disclose information. On the contrary, financial performance negatively affects the extent of web-based disclosure in a global context. The study contributes to the existing literature of web based disclosure and the findings are useful for managers and investors. For managers it helps to meet the actual and potential informational needs of investors and for investors it helps in the decision to invest in a richer informational environment and better-assessed firm value

    Universities’ websites : disclosure practices and the revelation of financial information

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    Despite the social importance of universities and their significance as receivers of public funds, hardly any research exists about their disclosure of financial information. The scarce research that has been done has focused on countries such as the United States, New Zealand, Austria, the United Kingdom and Norway. In addition, the Internet is used widely on behalf of public bodies as a way to improve their relations with citizens, through greater disclosure of information and the possibility of doing administrative business and paperwork online. Considering both topics, this work has a twofold objective: (1) to analyse the disclosure of information revealed online by Spanish universities, focusing on several issues, such as financial information, corporate governance, social responsibility and strategy, teaching and research activities, etc.; and (2) to observe the factors that explain the disclosure of financial information through Spanish universities’ websites, focusing mainly on size, leverage, university profitability, governance, type of university, research orientation, age of the university and its internationality etc. This study takes into account the whole population of Spanish universities (70 universities: 48 public and 22 private). The findings obtained emphasize that university websites mainly disclose information on teaching and research activities and on governing bodies; to a lesser extent, they reveal information on their social responsibility and strategic aspects; and finally, the volume of financial information disclosed remains quite small, mainly including their budgets. Furthermore, the universities with lower levels of leverage disclose more information online, whereas those with higher volumes of debt are more reluctant to reveal their internal situation on the Internet.A pesar de la importancia social de las universidades, y su significado como recibidores de fondos públicos, difícilmente alguna investigación existe sobre sus divulgaciones de información financiera. La escasa investigación realizada se ha centrado en países como EEUU, Nueva Zelanda, Austria, el Reino Unido, y Noruega. Además, Internet se usa ampliamente por las figuras públicas como manera de mejorar sus relaciones con los ciudadanos, mediante una mayor divulgación de información, y la posibilidad de hacer negocios administrativos y papeleo en formato online. Teniendo en cuenta ambos temas, este estudio tiene un doble objetivo. Primeramente, analizar la divulgación de información revelada online por universidades españolas, centrándonos en algunos problemas, como la información financiera, la dirección corporativa, la responsabilidad y estrategia social, actividades de enseñanza e investigación, etc. Y en segundo lugar, observar los factores que explican dicha divulgación a través de las páginas webs de las universidades españolas, enfocándonos principalmente en el tamaño, la influencia, la rentabilidad de la universidad, la dirección, el tipo de universidad, la orientación de la investigación, la antigüedad de dicha universidad y su internacionalidad, etc. Este estudio tiene en cuenta la población de las universidades españolas al completo (70 universidades: 48 públicas y 22 privadas). Los hallazgos obtenidos subrayan que las páginas web universitarias revelan información principalmente de actividades de enseñanza e investigación, y de figuras de dirección; a un menor alcance, desvelan información de sus responsabilidades sociales y aspectos estratégicos; y finalmente, el volumen de información financiera desvelada permanece pequeño, mayormente incluyendo sus presupuestos

    Influence of online transparency on efficiency. Analysis of spanish NGDOs

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    This study examines (a) whether nongovernmental development organizations (NGDOs) disseminate relevant information for their stakeholders through their web pages, information that after being reviewed and evaluated by external organizations such as the Spanish Coordinator of Development NGO or Lealtad Foundation, allowed these NGDOs to obtain a seal of transparency and (b) whether their level of transparency influences efficiency. To determine online transparency, web pages of seal-approved NGDOs were reviewed to assess the availability of relevant information. This paper uses data envelopment analysis to assess the efficiency using an input orientation. To determine the influence of online transparency on efficiency, an ordinary least squares regression was used. Results show that while increased transparency has a significant effect on efficiency, the level of information disclosure of NGDOs through their web pages has considerable room for improvement. Improved transparency leads to best practices and increased competition in obtaining financing and support from society. To improve transparency in the nonprofit sector, external organizations have created a series of seals to certify that an organization complies with the basic principles of transparency. In addition, new technologies make it easier for organizations to disseminate information quickly and economically. This article contributes to the literature regarding web use of NGDOs to disclose relevant information and analyzing the influence of online transparency on organizational efficiency


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    Društvena odgovornost je samoregulatorni oblik poslovanja kojim poduzetnik nastoji ostvariti konstruktivan odnos sa svojim dionicima u cilju održivog razvoja gospodarstva i okoliša, ali i same poslovne organizacije. Izvještavanje o društvenoj odgovornosti predstavlja novu funkciju financijskog računovodstva. U radu je razmatrana praksa izvještavanja o društvenoj odgovornosti banaka u Hrvatskoj. Empirijskim istraživanjem je utvrđena razlika u opsegu objavljenih informacija o društvenom odgovornim aktivnostima obzirom na veličinu banke. Utvrđeno je da velike banke u Hrvatskoj na svojim web-stranicama objavljuju značajno manje informacija o društvenoj odgovornosti iako njihove matične banke imaju dobru praksu izvještavanja, a samim time, i društveno odgovornog ponašanja. U radu se predlaže sistematizacija društveno odgovornog izvještavanja te ukazuje na nedovoljno razvijena područja društveno odgovornog djelovanja banaka


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    Evolucijom ekonomije iz upravljane prema poduzetničkoj ekonomiji, koja se također naziva i ekonomija temeljena na znanju, jedan od temeljnih resursa na kojem se temelji poslovanje poduzeća upravo je znanje. Znanje je pokretač efikasnosti i efektivnost suvremenoga poduzeća. Ono čini temelj njegovih sržnih kompetencija. Najveća vrijednost koju menadžeri, ali i zaposlenici mogu donijeti u proces strateškoga odlučivanja nije njihovo trenutno znanje o problematici, već sposobnost da traže podatke i rješenja i efikasno koriste feedback. Drugim riječima potrebno je izgraditi sustave upravljanja znanjem. S obzirom da u suvremenim uvjetima, a posebno u poduzeću koje funkcionira kao učeća organizacija svi zaposlenici u nekoj mjeri sudjeluju u odlučivanju ili barem daju prijedloge, potreba za sustavnim upravljanjem znanjem još je veća. Jasno je stoga da je najvrjednijom imovinom poduzeća potrebno znati upravljati. Svrha procesa upravljanja znanjem je učiniti poduzeće što inteligentnijim, tražiti alternativne načine stjecanja i korištenja znanja te tako osigurati dugoročnu održivost. Ako se proces upravljanja znanjem želi razvijati u pravcu paradigme s vlastitim teorijskim pretpostavkama, principima i metodološkim rješenjima potrebno se više usmjeriti na društvenu stranu stvaranja, razmjene i korištenja znanja. Stoga je potrebno prevladati mehanicistički pristup u korist društveno usmjerenoga pristupa, a što je posebice moguće ako se poduzeće transformira prema konceptu učećega poduzeća2

    New Public Management: Towards an analysis of the Province of Buenos Aires' model

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    La literatura académica ha indagado sobre la administración gubernamental en el marco de la Nueva Gestión Pública, basada en teoría de agencia y en la teoría de elección pública. Sin embargo, para el caso de los gobiernos subnacionales argentinos, existen escasas investigaciones sobre dichas cuestiones. La coalición política ganadora de las elecciones 2016 en la provincia impulsó una serie de implementaciones de sistemas de gestión administrativa. El presente trabajo describe ciertos aspectos relevantes de dichos sistemas y analiza los cambios en el modelo de gobierno electrónico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (más de 15 millones de habitantes y un PBI de más del 35% del país), en el marco de un conjunto de factores (endeudamiento, transferencias, competencia política, tamaño, nivel socioeconómico, y normas contables del sector público). Respecto del último factor, se analizan las posibles causas que dan origen a la dificultad de modificar normas contables del sector público a nivel subnacional.Eje temático: Sector público, e-government y accountabilityInstituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Contable

    Algunas consideraciones sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Control Público

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    El presente documento señala aspectos relevantes en la implantación de inteligencia artificial en la administración pública local desde un enfoque práctico. Se analiza la cuestión como una herramienta fundamental para la mejora del control interno de los fondos públicos, haciendo hincapié en los algoritmos que afectan directa o indirectamente a la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Cabe destacar la importancia del marco teórico en el que se dan las mejoras tecnológicas, en tal sentido la Nueva Gestión Pública y la Teoría de Agencia constituyen herramientas teóricas muy interesantes para analizar el proceso de la implementación de inteligencia artificial. El enfoque del trabajo se basa en el caso español, pero asimismo se cita como ejemplo un caso reciente de implementación de nuevas tecnologías que automatizan procesos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.Eje temático: Sector público, e-government y accountabilityInstituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Contable

    Transparência das maiores organizações não governamentais mundiais por meio de portais eletrônicos

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    O estudo teve por objetivo investigar a capacidade dos portais eletrônicos das maiores ONGs mundiais enquanto promotores de construção de transparência. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa de campo, de caráter quantitativo-descritivo. O universo compreendeu as 100 maiores ONGs do mundo, segundo a revista Global. Em termos de instrumento de avaliação, considerou-se o instrumento proposto por Rodríguez, Pérez e Godoy (2012). Conclui-se que os portais eletrônicos das ONGs são potencialmente capazes em proporcionar condições para a transparência. As principais ações estão relacionadas às atividades realizadas e as pessoas que as realizam. Poucas ações apresentaram transparência no sentido econômico, corroborando a tendência encontrada por Gutiérrez-Nieto, Fuertes-Callén e Serrano-Cinca (2008) e por Rodríguez, Pérez e Godoy (2012)