1,208 research outputs found

    Leishmania tarentolae: taxonomic classification and its application as a promising biotechnological expression host

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    In this review, we summarize the current knowledge concerning the eukaryotic protozoan parasite Leishmania tarentolae, with a main focus on its potential for biotechnological applications. We will also discuss the genus, subgenus, and species-level classification of this parasite, its life cycle and geographical distribution, and similarities and differences to human-pathogenic species, as these aspects are relevant for the evaluation of biosafety aspects of L. tarentolae as host for recombinant DNA/protein applications. Studies indicate that strain LEM-125 but not strain TARII/UC of L. tarentolae might also be capable of infecting mammals, at least transiently. This could raise the question of whether the current biosafety level of this strain should be reevaluated. In addition, we will summarize the current state of biotechnological research involving L. tarentolae and explain why this eukaryotic parasite is an advantageous and promising human recombinant protein expression host. This summary includes overall biotechnological applications, insights into its protein expression machinery (especially on glycoprotein and antibody fragment expression), available expression vectors, cell culture conditions, and its potential as an immunotherapy agent for human leishmaniasis treatment. Furthermore, we will highlight useful online tools and, finally, discuss possible future applications such as the humanization of the glycosylation profile of L. tarentolae or the expression of mammalian recombinant proteins in amastigotelike cells of this species or in amastigotes of avirulent human-pathogenic Leishmania species

    A dual-function SNF2 protein drives chromatid resolution and nascent transcripts removal in mitosis

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    Mitotic chromatin is largely assumed incompatible with transcription due to changes in the transcription machinery and chromosome architecture. However, the mechanisms of mitotic transcriptional inactivation and their interplay with chromosome assembly remain largely unknown. By monitoring ongoing transcription in Drosophila early embryos, we reveal that eviction of nascent mRNAs from mitotic chromatin occurs after substantial chromosome compaction and is not promoted by condensin I. Instead, we show that the timely removal of transcripts from mitotic chromatin is driven by the SNF2 helicase-like protein Lodestar (Lds), identified here as a modulator of sister chromatid cohesion defects. In addition to the eviction of nascent transcripts, we uncover that Lds cooperates with Topoisomerase 2 to ensure efficient sister chromatid resolution and mitotic fidelity. We conclude that the removal of nascent transcripts upon mitotic entry is not a passive consequence of cell cycle progression and/or chromosome compaction but occurs via dedicated mechanisms with functional parallelisms to sister chromatid resolution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drosophila bloom helicase maintains genome integrity by inhibiting recombination between divergent DNA sequences

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    DNA double strand breaks (DSB) can be repaired either via a sequence independent joining of DNA ends or via homologous recombination. We established a detection system in Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the impact of sequence constraints on the usage of the homology based DSB repair via single strand annealing (SSA), which leads to recombination between direct repeats with concomitant loss of one repeat copy. First of all, we find the SSA frequency to be inversely proportional to the spacer length between the repeats, for spacers up to 2.4 kb in length. We further show that SSA between divergent repeats (homeologous SSA) is suppressed in cell cultures and in vivo in a sensitive manner, recognizing sequence divergences smaller than 0.5%. Finally, we demonstrate that the suppression of homeologous SSA depends on the Bloom helicase (Blm), encoded by the Drosophila gene mus309. Suppression of homeologous recombination is a novel function of Blm in ensuring genomic integrity, not described to date in mammalian systems. Unexpectedly, distinct from its function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mismatch repair factor Msh2 encoded by spel1 does not suppress homeologous SSA in Drosophila

    Neurofly 2008 abstracts : the 12th European Drosophila neurobiology conference 6-10 September 2008 Wuerzburg, Germany

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    This volume consists of a collection of conference abstracts

    Drosophila bloom helicase maintains genome integrity by inhibiting recombination between divergent DNA sequences

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    DNA double strand breaks (DSB) can be repaired either via a sequence independent joining of DNA ends or via homologous recombination. We established a detection system in Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the impact of sequence constraints on the usage of the homology based DSB repair via single strand annealing (SSA), which leads to recombination between direct repeats with concomitant loss of one repeat copy. First of all, we find the SSA frequency to be inversely proportional to the spacer length between the repeats, for spacers up to 2.4 kb in length. We further show that SSA between divergent repeats (homeologous SSA) is suppressed in cell cultures and in vivo in a sensitive manner, recognizing sequence divergences smaller than 0.5%. Finally, we demonstrate that the suppression of homeologous SSA depends on the Bloom helicase (Blm), encoded by the Drosophila gene mus309. Suppression of homeologous recombination is a novel function of Blm in ensuring genomic integrity, not described to date in mammalian systems. Unexpectedly, distinct from its function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mismatch repair factor Msh2 encoded by spel1 does not suppress homeologous SSA in Drosophila

    Isotropic myosin-generated tissue tension is required for the dynamic orientation of the mitotic spindle

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    The ability of cells to divide along their longest axis has been proposed to play an important role in maintaining epithelial tissue homeostasis in many systems. Because the division plane is largely set by the position of the anaphase spindle, it is important to understand how spindles become oriented. While several molecules have been identified that play key roles in spindle orientation across systems, most notably Mud/NuMA and cortical dynein, the precise mechanism by which spindles detect and align with the long cell axis remain poorly understood. Here, in exploring the dynamics of spindle orientation in mechanically distinct regions of the fly notum, we find that the ability of cells to properly reorient their divisions depends on local tissue tension. Thus, spindles reorient to align with the long cell axis in regions where isotropic tension is elevated, but fail to do so in elongated cells within the crowded midline, where tension is low, or in regions that have been mechanically isolated from the rest of the tissue via laser ablation. Importantly, these differences in spindle behavior outside and inside the midline can be recapitulated by corresponding changes in tension induced by perturbations that alter nonmuscle myosin II activity. These data lead us to propose that isotropic tension within an epithelium provides cells with a mechanically stable substrate upon which localized cortical motor complexes can act on astral microtubules to orient the spindle

    CENP-C Functions as a Scaffold for Effectors with Essential Kinetochore Functions in Mitosis and Meiosis

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    SummaryThe conserved kinetochore protein CENP-C plays a fundamental role in chromosome segregation, but its specific functions remain elusive. We have gained insights into the role of CENP-C through identification of interacting effector proteins required for kinetochore function in fission yeast. Fta1/CENP-L is a primary effector that associates directly with Cnp3/CENP-C, and ectopic localization of Fta1 largely suppresses the mitotic kinetochore defects of cnp3Δ cells. Pcs1 functions downstream of Cnp3 to prevent merotelic attachment. In meiosis, Cnp3 further associates with and recruits Moa1, a meiosis-specific protein exclusively required for the mono-orientation of kinetochores. Genetic and biochemical analyses identified Cnp3 mutants that preserve intact mitotic kinetochore function but abolish the association with Moa1 and meiotic mono-orientation. Overall, therefore, our studies identify effectors of CENP-C in mitosis and meiosis and establish the concept that CENP-C serves as a scaffold for the specific recruitment of essential kinetochore proteins

    lemmingA encodes the Apc11 subunit of the APC/C in Drosophila melanogaster that forms a ternary complex with the E2-C type ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, Vihar and Morula/Apc2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation is a critical step in key cell cycle events, such as metaphase-anaphase transition and mitotic exit. The anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) plays a pivotal role in these transitions by recognizing and marking regulatory proteins for proteasomal degradation. Its overall structure and function has been elucidated mostly in yeasts and mammalian cell lines. The APC/C is, however, a multisubunit assembly with at least 13 subunits and their function and interaction within the complex is still relatively uncharacterized, particularly in metazoan systems. Here, <it>lemming </it>(<it>lmg</it>) mutants were used to study the APC/C subunit, Apc11, and its interaction partners in <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>lmg </it>gene was initially identified through a pharate adult lethal P element insertion mutation expressing developmental abnormalities and widespread apoptosis in larval imaginal discs and pupal abdominal histoblasts. Larval neuroblasts were observed to arrest mitosis in a metaphase-like state with highly condensed, scattered chromosomes and frequent polyploidy. These neuroblasts contain high levels of both cyclin A and cyclin B. The <it>lmg </it>gene was cloned by virtue of the <it>lmg<sup>03424 </sup></it>P element insertion which is located in the 5' untranslated region. The <it>lemming </it>locus is transcribed to give a 2.0 kb mRNA that contains two ORFs, <it>lmgA </it>and <it>lmgB</it>. The <it>lmgA </it>ORF codes for a putative protein with more than 80% sequence homology to the APC11 subunit of the human APC/C. The 85 amino acid protein also contains a RING-finger motif characteristic of known APC11 subunits. The <it>lmgA </it>ORF alone was sufficient to rescue the lethal and mitotic phenotypes of the <it>lmg<sup>138 </sup></it>null allele and to complement the temperature sensitive lethal phenotype of the <it>APC11-myc9 </it>budding yeast mutant. The LmgA protein interacts with Mr/Apc2, and they together form a binding site for Vihar, the E2-C type ubiquitin conjugating enzyme. Despite being conserved among <it>Drosophila </it>species, the LmgB protein is not required for viability or fertility.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our work provides insight into the subunit structure of the <it>Drosophila </it>APC/C with implications for its function. Based on the presented data, we suggest that the Lmg/Apc11 subunit recruits the E2-C type ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, Vihar, to the APC/C together with Mr/Apc2 by forming a ternary complex.</p