280 research outputs found

    Analog Radio-over-Fiber for 5G/6G Millimeter-Wave Communications

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    mm-Wave Data Transmission and Measurement Techniques: A Holistic Approach

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    The ever-increasing demand on data services places unprecedented technical requirements on networks capacity. With wireless systems having significant roles in broadband delivery, innovative approaches to their development are imperative. By leveraging new spectral resources available at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies, future systems can utilize new signal structures and new system architectures in order to achieve long-term sustainable solutions.This thesis proposes the holistic development of efficient and cost-effective techniques and systems which make high-speed data transmission at mm-wave feasible. In this paradigm, system designs, signal processing, and measurement techniques work toward a single goal; to achieve satisfactory system level key performance indicators (KPIs). Two intimately-related objectives are simultaneously addressed: the realization of efficient mm-wave data transmission and the development of measurement techniques to enable and assist the design and evaluation of mm-wave circuits.The standard approach to increase spectral efficiency is to increase the modulation order at the cost of higher transmission power. To improve upon this, a signal structure called spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) is utilized. SEFDM adds an additional dimension of continuously tunable spectral efficiency enhancement. Two new variants of SEFDM are implemented and experimentally demonstrated, where both variants are shown to outperform standard signals.A low-cost low-complexity mm-wave transmitter architecture is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A simple phase retarder predistorter and a frequency multiplier are utilized to successfully generate spectrally efficient mm-wave signals while simultaneously mitigating various issues found in conventional mm-wave systems.A measurement technique to characterize circuits and components under antenna array mutual coupling effects is proposed and demonstrated. With minimal setup requirement, the technique effectively and conveniently maps prescribed transmission scenarios to the measurement environment and offers evaluations of the components in terms of relevant KPIs in addition to conventional metrics.Finally, a technique to estimate transmission and reflection coefficients is proposed and demonstrated. In one variant, the technique enables the coefficients to be estimated using wideband modulated signals, suitable for implementation in measurements performed under real usage scenarios. In another variant, the technique enhances the precision of noisy S-parameter measurements, suitable for characterizations of wideband mm-wave components

    Convergent Communication, Sensing and Localization in 6G Systems: An Overview of Technologies, Opportunities and Challenges

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    Herein, we focus on convergent 6G communication, localization and sensing systems by identifying key technology enablers, discussing their underlying challenges, implementation issues, and recommending potential solutions. Moreover, we discuss exciting new opportunities for integrated localization and sensing applications, which will disrupt traditional design principles and revolutionize the way we live, interact with our environment, and do business. Regarding potential enabling technologies, 6G will continue to develop towards even higher frequency ranges, wider bandwidths, and massive antenna arrays. In turn, this will enable sensing solutions with very fine range, Doppler, and angular resolutions, as well as localization to cm-level degree of accuracy. Besides, new materials, device types, and reconfigurable surfaces will allow network operators to reshape and control the electromagnetic response of the environment. At the same time, machine learning and artificial intelligence will leverage the unprecedented availability of data and computing resources to tackle the biggest and hardest problems in wireless communication systems. As a result, 6G will be truly intelligent wireless systems that will provide not only ubiquitous communication but also empower high accuracy localization and high-resolution sensing services. They will become the catalyst for this revolution by bringing about a unique new set of features and service capabilities, where localization and sensing will coexist with communication, continuously sharing the available resources in time, frequency, and space. This work concludes by highlighting foundational research challenges, as well as implications and opportunities related to privacy, security, and trust

    Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: A Comprehensive View

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    The next-generation wireless technologies, commonly referred to as the sixth generation (6G), are envisioned to support extreme communications capacity and in particular disruption in the network sensing capabilities. The terahertz (THz) band is one potential enabler for those due to the enormous unused frequency bands and the high spatial resolution enabled by both short wavelengths and bandwidths. Different from earlier surveys, this paper presents a comprehensive treatment and technology survey on THz communications and sensing in terms of the advantages, applications, propagation characterization, channel modeling, measurement campaigns, antennas, transceiver devices, beamforming, networking, the integration of communications and sensing, and experimental testbeds. Starting from the motivation and use cases, we survey the development and historical perspective of THz communications and sensing with the anticipated 6G requirements. We explore the radio propagation, channel modeling, and measurements for THz band. The transceiver requirements, architectures, technological challenges, and approaches together with means to compensate for the high propagation losses by appropriate antenna and beamforming solutions. We survey also several system technologies required by or beneficial for THz systems. The synergistic design of sensing and communications is explored with depth. Practical trials, demonstrations, and experiments are also summarized. The paper gives a holistic view of the current state of the art and highlights the issues and challenges that are open for further research towards 6G.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    Design and implementation of an SDR-based multi-frequency ground-based SAR system

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has proven a valuable tool in the monitoring of the Earth, either at a global or local scales. SAR is a coherent radar system able to image extended areas with high resolution, and finds applications in many areas such as forestry, agriculture, mining, structure inspection or security operations. Although space-borne SAR systems can image extended areas, their main limitation is the long revisit times, which are not suitable for applications where the target experiments rapid changes, in the scale of minutes to few days. GBSAR systems have proven useful to fill this revisit time gap by imaging relatively small areas continuously, with extensions usually smaller than a few square kilometers. Ground Based SAR (GBSAR) systems have been used extensively for the monitoring of slope instability, and are a common tool in the mining sector. The development of the GBSAR is relatively recent, and various developments have taken place since the 2000s, transitioning from the usage of Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) to custom radar cores tailored for this application. This transition is accompanied by a reduction in cost, but at the same time is accompanied by a loss of operational flexibility. Specifically, most GBSAR sensors now operate at a single frequency, losing the value of the multi-band operation that VNAs provided. This work is motivated by the idea that it is worth to use the value of multi-frequency GBSAR measurements, while maintaining a limited system cost. In order to implement a GBSAR with these characteristics, it is realized that Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices are a good option for fast and flexible implementation of broadband transceivers. This thesis details the design and implementation process of an SDR-based Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) GBSAR system from the ground up, presenting the main issues related with the usage of the most common SDR analog architecture, the Zero-IF transceiver. The main problem is determined to be the behavior of spurs related to IQ imbalances of the analog transceiver with the FMCW demodulation process. Two effective techniques to overcome these issues, the Super Spatial Variant Apodization (SSVA) and the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) signal reconstruction techniques, are implemented and tested. The thesis also deals with the digital implementation of the signal generator and digital receiver, which are implemented on top of an RF Network-on-Chip (RFNoC) architecture in the SDR Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Another important aspect of this work is the development of an radiofrequency front-end that extends the capabilities of the SDR, implementing filtering, amplification, leakage mitigation and up-conversion to X-band. Finally, a set of test campaigns is described, in which the operation of the system is verified and the value of multi-frequency GBSAR observations is shown.El radar d'obertura sintètica (SAR) ha demostrat ser una eina valuosa en el monitoratge de la Terra, sigui a escala global o local. El SAR és un sistema de radar coherent capaç d’obtenir imatges de zones extenses amb alta resolució i té aplicacions en moltes àrees com la silvicultura, l’agricultura, la mineria, la inspecció d’estructures o les operacions de seguretat. Tot i que els sistemes SAR embarcats en plataformes orbitals poden obtenir imatges d'àrees extenses, la seva principal limitació és el temps de revisita, que no són adequats per a aplicacions on l'objectiu experimenta canvis ràpids, en una escala de minuts a pocs dies. Els sistemes GBSAR han demostrat ser útils per omplir aquesta bretxa de temps, obtenint imatges d'àrees relativament petites de manera contínua, amb extensions generalment inferiors a uns pocs quilòmetres quadrats. Els sistemes SAR terrestres (GBSAR) s’han utilitzat àmpliament per al control de la inestabilitat de talussos i esllavissades i són una eina comuna al sector miner. El desenvolupament del GBSAR és relativament recent i s’han produït diversos desenvolupaments des de la dècada de 2000, passant de l’ús d’analitzadors de xarxes vectorials (VNA) a nuclis de radar personalitzats i adaptats a aquesta aplicació. Aquesta transició s’acompanya d’una reducció del cost, però al mateix temps d’una pèrdua de flexibilitat operativa. Concretament, la majoria dels sensors GBSAR funcionen a una única freqüència, perdent el valor de l’operació en múltiples bandes que proporcionaven els VNA. Aquesta tesi està motivada per la idea de recuperar el valor de les mesures GBSAR multifreqüència, mantenint un cost del sistema limitat. Per tal d’implementar un GBSAR amb aquestes característiques, s’adona que els dispositius de ràdio definida per software (SDR) són una bona opció per a la implementació ràpida i flexible dels transceptors de banda ampla. Aquesta tesi detalla el procés de disseny i implementació d’un sistema GBSAR d’ona contínua modulada en freqüència (FMCW) basat en la tecnologia SDR, presentant els principals problemes relacionats amb l’ús de l’arquitectura analògica de SDR més comuna, el transceptor Zero-IF. Es determina que el problema principal és el comportament dels espuris relacionats amb el balanç de les cadenes de fase i quadratura del transceptor analògic amb el procés de desmodulació FMCW. S’implementen i comproven dues tècniques efectives per minimitzar aquests problemes basades en la reconstrucció de la senyal contaminada per espuris: la tècnica anomenada Super Spatial Variant Apodization (SSVA) i una tècnica basada en la transformada de Fourier amb finestra (STFT). La tesi també tracta la implementació digital del generador de senyal i del receptor digital, que s’implementen sobre una arquitectura RF Network-on-Chip (RFNoC). Un altre aspecte important d’aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament d’un front-end de radiofreqüència que amplia les capacitats de la SDR, implementant filtratge, amplificació, millora de l'aïllament entre transmissió i recepció i conversió a banda X. Finalment, es descriu un conjunt de campanyes de prova en què es verifica el funcionament del sistema i es mostra el valor de les observacions GBSAR multifreqüència

    THz ISAC: A Physical-Layer Perspective of Terahertz Integrated Sensing and Communication

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    The Terahertz (0.1-10 THz) band holds enormous potential for supporting unprecedented data rates and millimeter-level accurate sensing thanks to its ultra-broad bandwidth. Terahertz integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is viewed as a game-changing technology to realize connected intelligence in 6G and beyond systems. In this article, challenges from THz channel and transceiver perspectives, as well as difficulties of ISAC are elaborated. Motivated by these challenges, THz ISAC channels are studied in terms of channel types, measurement and models. Moreover, four key signal processing techniques to unleash the full potential of THz ISAC are investigated, namely, waveform design, receiver processing, narrowbeam management, and localization. Quantitative studies demonstrate the benefits and performance of the state-of-the-art signal processing methods. Finally, open problems and potential solutions are discussed

    Analog radio over fiber solutions for multi-band 5g systems

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    This study presents radio over fiber (RoF) solutions for the fifth-generation (5G) of wireless networks. After the state of the art and a technical background review, four main contributions are reported. The first one is proposing and investigating a RoF technique based on a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (DD-MZM) for multi-band mobile fronthauls, in which two radiofrequency (RF) signals in the predicted 5G bands individually feed an arm of the optical modulator. Experimental results demonstrate the approach enhances the RF interference mitigation and can prevail over traditional methods. The second contribution comprises the integration of a 5G transceiver, previously developed by our group, in a passive optical network (PON) using RoF technology and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay. The proposed architecture innovates by employing DD-MZM and enables to simultaneously transport baseband and 5G candidate RF signals in the same PON infrastructure. The proof-of-concept includes the transmission of a generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) signal generated by the 5G transceiver in the 700 MHz band, a 26 GHz digitally modulated signal as a millimeter-waves 5G band, and a baseband signal from an gigabit PON (GPON). Experimental results demonstrate the 5G transceiver digital performance when using RoF technology for distributing the GFDM signal, as well as Gbit/s throughput at 26 GHz. The third contribution is the implementation of a flexible-waveform and multi-application fiber-wireless (FiWi) system toward 5G. Such system includes the FiWi transmission of the GFDM and filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM) signals at 788 MHz, toward long-range cells for remote or rural mobile access, as well as the recently launched 5G NR standard in microwave and mm-waves, aiming enhanced mobile broadband indoor and outdoor applications. Digital signal processing (DSP) is used for selecting the waveform and linearizing the RoF link. Experimental results demonstrate the suitability of the proposed solution to address 5G scenarios and requirements, besides the applicability of using existent fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks from Internet service providers for implementing 5G systems. Finally, the fourth contribution is the implementation of a multi-band 5G NR system with photonic-assisted RF amplification (PAA). The approach takes advantage of a novel PAA technique, based on RoF technology and four-wave mixing effect, that allows straightforward integration to the transport networks. Experimental results demonstrate iv uniform and stable 15 dB wideband gain for Long Term Evolution (LTE) and three 5G signals, distributed in the frequency range from 780 MHz to 26 GHz and coexisting in the mobile fronthaul. The obtained digital performance has efficiently met the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) requirements, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach for using fiber-optic links to distribute and jointly amplify LTE and 5G signals in the optical domain.Agência 1Este trabalho apresenta soluções de rádio sobre fibra (RoF) para aplicações em redes sem fio de quinta geração (5G), e inclui quatro contribuições principais. A primeira delas refere-se à proposta e investigação de uma técnica de RoF baseada no modulador eletroóptico de braço duplo, dual-drive Mach-Zehnder (DD-MZM), para a transmissão simultânea de sinais de radiofrequência (RF) em bandas previstas para redes 5G. Resultados experimentais demonstram que o uso do DD-MZM favorece a ausência de interferência entre os sinais de RF transmitidos. A segunda contribuição trata da integração de um transceptor de RF, desenvolvido para aplicações 5G e apto a prover a forma de onda conhecida como generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), em uma rede óptica passiva (PON) ao utilizar RoF e multiplexação por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM). A arquitetura proposta permite transportar, na mesma infraestrutura de rede, sinais em banda base e de radiofrequência nas faixas do espectro candidatas para 5G. A prova de conceito inclui a distribuição conjunta de três tipos de sinais: um sinal GFDM na banda de 700 MHz, proveniente do transceptor desenvolvido; um sinal digital na frequência de 26 GHz, assumindo a faixa de ondas milimétricas; sinais em banda base provenientes de uma PON dedicada ao serviço de Internet. Resultados experimentais demonstram o desempenho do transceptor de RF ao utilizar a referida arquitetura para distribuir sinais GFDM, além de taxas de transmissão de dados da ordem de Gbit/s na faixa de 26 GHz. A terceira contribuição corresponde à implementação de um sistema fibra/rádio potencial para redes 5G, operando inclusive com o padrão ―5G New Radio (5G NR)‖ nas faixas de micro-ondas e ondas milimétricas. Tal sistema é capaz de prover macro células na banda de 700 MHz para aplicações de longo alcance e/ou rurais, utilizando sinais GFDM ou filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (F-OFDM), assim como femto células na banda de 26 GHz, destinada a altas taxas de transmissão de dados para comunicações de curto alcance. Resultados experimentais demonstram a aplicabilidade da solução proposta para redes 5G, além da viabilidade de utilizar redes ópticas pertencentes a provedores de Internet para favorecer sistemas de nova geração. Por fim, a quarta contribuição trata da implementação de um sistema 5G NR multibanda, assistido por amplificação de RF no domínio óptico. Esse sistema faz uso de um novo método de amplificação, baseado no efeito não linear da mistura de quatro ondas, que vi permite integração direta em redes de transporte envolvendo rádio sobre fibra. Resultados experimentais demonstram ganho de RF igual a 15 dB em uma ampla faixa de frequências (700 MHz até 26 GHz), atendendo simultaneamente tecnologias de quarta e quinta geração. O desempenho digital obtido atendeu aos requisitos estabelecidos pela 3GPP (Third-Generation Partnership Project), indicando a aplicabilidade da solução em questão para distribuir e conjuntamente amplificar sinais de RF em enlaces de fibra óptica

    Caracterização, modelação e compensação de efeitos de memória lenta em amplificadores de potência baseados em GAN HEMTS

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    Gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) have emerged as the most compelling technology for the transmission of highpower radio-frequency (RF) signals for cellular mobile communications and radar applications. However, despite their remarkable power capabilities, the deployment of GaN HEMT-based RF power amplifiers (PAs) in the mobile communications infrastructure is often ruled out in favor of alternative siliconbased technologies. One of the main reasons for this is the pervasiveness of nonlinear long-term memory effects in GaN HEMT technology caused by thermal and charge-trapping phenomena. While these effects can be compensated for using sophisticated digital predistortion algorithms, their implementation and model-extraction complexity—as well as the power necessary for their real-time execution—make them unsuitable for modern small cells and large-scale multiple-input multiple-output transceivers, where the power necessary for the linearization of each amplification element is of great concern. In order to address these issues and further the deployment of high-powerdensity high-efficiency GaN HEMT-based RF PAs in next-generation communications and radar applications, in this thesis we propose novel methods for the characterization, modeling, and compensation of long-term memory effects in GaN HEMT-based RF PAs. More specifically, we propose a method for the characterization of the dynamic self-biasing behavior of GaN HEMTbased RF PAs; multiple behavioral models of charge trapping and their implementation as analog electronic circuits for the accurate real-time prediction of the dynamic variation of the threshold voltage of GaN HEMTs; a method for the compensation of the pulse-to-pulse instability of GaN HEMT-based RF PAs for radar applications; and a hybrid analog/digital scheme for the linearization of GaN HEMT-based RF PAs for next-generation communications applications.Os transístores de alta mobilidade eletrónica de nitreto de gálio (GaN HEMTs) são considerados a tecnologia mais atrativa para a transmissão de sinais de radiofrequência de alta potência para comunicações móveis celulares e aplicações de radar. No entanto, apesar das suas notáveis capacidades de transmissão de potência, a utilização de amplificadores de potência (PAs) baseados em GaN HEMTs é frequentemente desconsiderada em favor de tecnologias alternativas baseadas em transístores de silício. Uma das principais razões disto acontecer é a existência pervasiva na tecnologia GaN HEMT de efeitos de memória lenta causados por fenómenos térmicos e de captura eletrónica. Apesar destes efeitos poderem ser compensados através de algoritmos sofisticados de predistorção digital, estes algoritmos não são adequados para transmissores modernos de células pequenas e interfaces massivas de múltipla entrada e múltipla saída devido à sua complexidade de implementação e extração de modelo, assim como a elevada potência necessária para a sua execução em tempo real. De forma a promover a utilização de PAs de alta densidade de potência e elevada eficiência baseados em GaN HEMTs em aplicações de comunicação e radar de nova geração, nesta tese propomos novos métodos de caracterização, modelação, e compensação de efeitos de memória lenta em PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs. Mais especificamente, nesta tese propomos um método de caracterização do comportamento dinâmico de autopolarização de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs; vários modelos comportamentais de fenómenos de captura eletrónica e a sua implementação como circuitos eletrónicos analógicos para a previsão em tempo real da variação dinâmica da tensão de limiar de condução de GaN HEMTs; um método de compensação da instabilidade entre pulsos de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs para aplicações de radar; e um esquema híbrido analógico/digital de linearização de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs para comunicações de nova geração.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Contributing to Second Harmonic Manipulated Continuum Mode Power Amplifiers and On-Chip Flux Concentrators

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    The current cellular network consumes a staggering 100 TWh of energy every year. In the coming years, millions of devices will be added to the existing network to realize the Internet of Things (IoT), further increasing its power consumption. An RF power amplifier typically consumes a large proportion of the DC power in a wireless transceiver, improving its efficiency has the largest impact on the overall system. Additionally, amplifiers need to demonstrate high linearity and bandwidth to adhere to constraints imposed by wireless standards and to reduce the number of amplifiers required as an amplifier with a broader bandwidth can potentially replace several narrowband amplifiers. A typical approach to improve efficiency is to present an appropriate load at the harmonics generated by the transistor. Recently proposed continuous modes based on harmonic manipulation, such as class B/J continuum, continuous class F (CCF) and continuous class F-1 (CCF-1), have shown the capability of achieving counteracting requirements viz., high efficiency, high linearity, and broad bandwidth (with a fractional bandwidth greater than 30%). In these classes of amplifiers, the second harmonic is manipulated by placing a reactive second harmonic load and the reactive component of the fundamental load is adjusted while keeping a fixed resistive component of the fundamental load. The first contribution of this work is to investigate the reason for amplifiers designed in classes B/J continuum and CCF to achieve high efficiency at back-off and 1dB compression. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the variation of the phase of the current through the non-linear intrinsic capacitances due to the variation of the phase in the continuum of drain voltage waveforms in Class B/J/J* continuum leads to either a reduction or enhancement of intrinsic drain current. Consequently, a subset of voltage waveforms of the class B/J/J* continuum can be used to design amplifiers with higher P1dB, and efficiency at P1dB than in Class B. A simple choice of this subset is demonstrated with a 2.6GHz Class B/J/J* amplifier, achieving a P1dB of 38.1dBm and PAE at P1dB of 54.7%, the highest output power and efficiency at P1dB amongst narrowband linear amplifiers using the CGH40010 reported to date, at a comparable peak PAE of 72%. Secondly, we propose a new formulation for high-efficiency modes of power amplifiers in which both the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the second harmonic of the current are varied, in addition to the second harmonic component of the voltage. A reduction of the in-phase component of the second harmonic of current allows reduction of the phase difference between the voltage and current waveforms, thereby increasing the power factor and efficiency. Our proposed waveforms offer a continuous design space between class B/J continuum and continuous F-1 achieving an efficiency of up to 91% in theory, but over a wider set of load impedances than continuous class F-1. These waveforms require a short at third and higher harmonic impedances, which are easier to achieve at a higher frequency. The load impedances at the second harmonic are reactive and can be of any value between -j∞ and j∞, easing the amplifier design. A trade-off between linearity and efficiency exists in the newly proposed broadband design space, but we demonstrate inherent broadband capability. The fabricated narrowband amplifier using a GaN HEMT CGH40010F demonstrates 75.9% PAE and 42.2 dBm output power at 2.6 GHz, demonstrating a comparable frequency weighted efficiency for this device to that reported in the literature. IoT devices may be deployed in critical applications such as radar or 5G transceivers of an autonomous vehicle and hence need to operate free of failure. Monitoring the drain current of the RF GaN MMIC would allow to optimize the device performance and protect it from surges in its supply current. Galvanic current sensors rely on the magnetic field generated by the current as a non-invasive method of current sensing. In this thesis, our third major contribution is a planar on-chip magnetic flux concentrator, is enhance the magnetic field at the current sensor, thereby improving the current detection capability of a current sensor. Our layout utilizes a discontinuity in a magnetic via, resulting in penetration of the magnetic field into the substrate. The proposed concentrator has a magnetic gain x1.8 in comparison to air. The permeability of the magnetic core required is 500, much lower than that reported in off-chip concentrators, resulting in a significant easing of the specifications of the material properties of the core. Additionally, we explore a novel three-dimensional spiral-shaped magnetic flux concentrator. It is predicted via simulations that this geometry becomes a necessity to enhance the magnetic field for increased form factor as the magnetic field from a single planar concentrator deteriorates as its size increases

    Arquiteturas paralelas avançadas para transmissores 5G totalmente digitais

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    The fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) is being prepared and should be rolled out in the early coming years. Massive number of Radio-Frequency (RF) front-ends, peak data rates of 10 Gbps (everywhere and everytime), latencies lower than 10 msec and huge device densities are some of the expected disruptive capabilities. At the same time, previous generations can not be jeopardized, fostering the design of novel flexible and highly integrated radio transceivers able to support the simultaneous transmission of multi-band and multi-standard signals. The concept of all-digital transmission is being pointed out as a promising architecture to cope with such challenging requirements, due to its fully digital radio datapath. This thesis is focused on the proposal and validation of fully integrated and advanced digital transmitter architectures that excel the state-of-the-art in different figures of merit, such as transmission bandwidth, spectral purity, carrier agility, flexibility, and multi-band capability. The first part of this thesis introduces the concept of all-digital RF transmission. In particular, the foundations inherent to this thematic line are given, together with the recent advances reported in the state-of-the-art architectures.The core of this thesis, containing the main developments achieved during the Ph.D. work, is then presented and discussed. The first key contribution to the state-of-the-art is the use of cascaded Delta-Sigma (∆Σ) architectures to relax the analog filtering requirements of the conventional All-Digital Transmitters while maintaining the constant envelope waveform. Then, it is presented the first reported architecture where Antenna Arrays are directly driven by single-chip and single-bit All-Digital Transmitters, with promising results in terms of simplification of the RF front-ends and overall flexibility. Subsequently, the thesis proposes the first reported RF-stage All-Digital Transmitter that can be embedded within a single Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. Thereupon, novel techniques to enable the design of wideband All-Digital Transmitters are reported. Finally, the design of concurrent multi-band transmitters is introduced. In particular, the design of agile and flexible dual and triple bands All-DigitalTransmitter (ADT) is demonstrated, which is a very important topic for scenarios that demand carrier aggregation. This Ph.D. contributes withseveral advances to the state-of-the-art of RF all-digital transmitters.A quinta geração de comunicações móveis (5G) está a ser preparada e deve ser comercializada nos próximos anos. Algumas das caracterı́sticas inovadoras esperadas passam pelo uso de um número massivo de font-ends de Rádio-Frequência (RF), taxas de pico de transmissão de dados de 10 Gbps (em todos os lugares e em todas as ocasiões), latências inferiores a 10 mseg e elevadas densidades de dispositivos. Ao mesmo tempo, as gerações anteriores não podem ser ignoradas, fomentando o design de novos transceptores de rádio flexı́veis e altamente integrados, capazes de suportar a transmissão simultânea de sinais multi-banda e multi-standard. O conceito de transmissão totalmente digital é considerado como um tipo de arquitetura promissora para lidar com esses requisitos desafiantes, devido ao seu datapath de rádio totalmente digital. Esta tese é focada na proposta e validação de arquiteturas de transmissores digitais totalmente integradas e avançadas que ultrapassam o estado da arte em diferentes figuras de mérito, como largura de banda de transmissão, pureza espectral, agilidade de portadora, flexibilidade e capacidade multibanda. A primeira parte desta tese introduz o conceito de transmissores de RF totalmente digitais. Em particular, os fundamentos inerentes a esta linha temática são apresentados, juntamente com os avanços mais recentes do estado-da-arte. O núcleo desta tese, contendo os principais desenvolvimentos alcançados durante o trabalho de doutoramento, é então apresentado e discutido. A primeira contribuição fundamental para o estado da arte é o uso de arquiteturas em cascata com moduladores ∆Σ para relaxar os requisitos de filtragem analógica dos transmissores RF totalmente digitais convencionais, mantendo a forma de onda envolvente constante. Em seguida, é apresentada a primeira arquitetura em que agregados de antenas são excitados diretamente por transmissores digitais de um único bit inseridos num único chip, com resultados promissores em termos de simplificação dos front-ends de RF e flexibilidade em geral. Posteriormente, é proposto o primeiro transmissor totalmente digital RF-stage relatado que pode ser incorporado dentro de um único Agregado de Células Lógicas Programáveis. Novas técnicas para permitir o desenho de transmissores RF totalmente digitais de banda larga são também apresentadas. Finalmente, o desenho de transmissores simultâneos de múltiplas bandas é exposto. Em particular, é demonstrado o desenho de transmissores de duas e três bandas ágeis e flexı́veis, que é um tópico essencial para cenários que exigem agregação de múltiplas bandas.Apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) no âmbito de uma bolsa de doutoramento, ref. PD/BD/105857/2014.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe