12,776 research outputs found

    Density and Mobility Impact on MANET Routing Protocols in a Maritime Environment

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    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETS) are multi hop wireless networks, where a packet hops through a number of intermediate nodes within coverage range of each other to reach the intended destination. The novel application of MANET routing protocols in the marine environment using available technology is one of the contributions of this work. The high cost of other available technologies which require direct connection to IP networks make our approach an attractive proposition for small craft. In this paper we investigate the effect of different maritime traffic patterns on the performance of three different MANET routing protocols which are Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Ad hoc On-Demand Multi Path Distance Vector (AOMDV) and Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV). The traffic patterns are represented by different node densities and mobility behaviours which are likely to be found in the marine environment. Performance evaluation of the MANET protocols is compared in terms of packet delivery ratio


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    ABSTRAKSI: Jaringan mobile ad hoc merupakan sekumpulan host mobile yang secara nirkabel membentuk jaringan temporer dimana semua node didalam jaringan tersebut terhubung antara satu dengan yang lainnya melalui link nirkabel tanpa menggunakan infrastruktur maupun administrasi tersentral. Jaringan semacam ini diprediksikan akan memiliki topologi yang dinamis, random, dan multihop yang terdiri dari link-link wireless dengan bandwidth yang relatif sangat terbatas. Protokol perutingan pada jaringan ad hocsebagian besar hanya menggunakan satu rute antara sepasang node untuk berkomunikasi sehingga berdampak pada throughput yang dicapai. Padahal, antara node satu dengan node lain tersebut ada sekian banyak path yang dapat digunakan. Multi-path routing telah diusulkan dan telah diimplementasikan pada jaringan packet switch dan circuit. Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) merupakan ekstensi dari protokol AODV yang mampu menemukan multiple path untuk menuju ke tujuan dan menggunakannya sebagai path cadangan maupun menggunakannya secara bersamaan dan simultan. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dibahas mengenai multipath routing pada Mobile Ad Hoc Network yang akan disimulasikan untuk beberapa skenario mengenai protokol ruting, mobilitas, jumlah node yang berbeda-beda.Kata Kunci : Wireless, Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), Multi-path Routing, AODV, DSR, AOMDV, Simulasi, NS2.ABSTRACT: Mobile Ad hoc Network is a group of mobile host that can build temporary network wirelessly in which all node in the network connected each other through wireless link without any infrastructure or centralized administration. This kind of network has dynamic, random and multi hop topology that consist of wireless links with very limited bandwidth.Most of routing protocols used in ad hoc network only use one path as best path to communicate and sending packets each other so it influence to throughput and security itself, eventhough during route discovery process the protocols found more than one paths from source node to destination node.Multipath routing has been proposed and implemented in packet switch networks and circuit networks. Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) is an extension of Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) that has the ability to find multiple paths to reach destination node and use those paths as alternative route or use those simultaneously.In this final task will discuss and analyze about AODV-based multipath routing in mobile ad hoc network. An NS2 simulation will be used to reach this goal. The scenarios will be written to analyze the effect in using multipath routing protocol compare to AODV and DSR routing protocol, the effect of mobility to each routing protocols and the effect of number of nodes to each routing protocols.Keyword: Wireless, Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), Multi-path Routing, AODV, DSR, AOMDV, Simulation, NS2

    On-demand Multipath Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: A Comparative Survey

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less, self-organized and multi-hop network with a rapidly changing topology causing the wireless links to be broken at any time. Routing in such a network is challenging due to the mobility of its nodes and the challenge becomes more difficult when the network size increases. Due to the limited capacity of a multi-hop path and the high dynamics of wireless links, the single-path routing approach is unable to provide efficient high data rate transmission in MANETs. The multipath routing is the routing technique of using multiple alternative paths through a network. Furthermore, whenever a link failure is detected on a primary route, the source node can select the optimal route among multiple available routes. Therefore, the multipath routing approach is broadly utilized as one of the possible solutions to overcome the single-path limitation. Most of the multipath routing protocols are based on Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV). The objective of this paper is to provide a survey and compare sets of multipath routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks. This survey will motivate the design of new multipath routing protocols, which overcome the weaknesses identified in this paper

    A hop-count and node energy based manet routing protocol

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    Mobile ad hoc network is a self-configuring network in which all participating nodes are mobile and consist of limited channel bandwidth and energy. Mobile devices are battery operated, and energy efficiency is a major issue for battery-operated devices in mobile ad hoc networks. Routing data packets from source to destination is the challenging task in mobile ad hoc networks due to node mobility and dynamic topology change in the network. Link failure or node energy depletion causes re-routing and establishing a new route from the source node to destination node which consumes extra node energy, reduces connectivity of the network and early partition of the network. Energy-related parameters consideration in routing is an important solution to enhance network lifetime. Several better performing routing schemes are presented and implemented for MANETs. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol is one which performs well among similar routing protocols for MANET. AODV route selection base on either lowest hop-count or fresh sequence number. Many enhancements to AODV are proposed, which represents a better performance in comparison with original protocol. However, in a large network different paths to the destination could be found with the same hop-count. When efficiency is deliberated for those paths in quickly data transmission, each path performance varies in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio due to the mobility of the nodes in the network. AODV routing protocol and enhancements suggested by other researchers do not give attention to such cases, and this paper proposes Hop-count and Node Energy based Routing Protocol (HNERP) which uses a multi-function routing strategy that incorporates with hop-count and node energy while making the routing decision. The proposed protocol is simulated by using NS2 and results show that HNERP performs better in term of packet delivery ratio and throughput, moreover it increases network lifetime and reduces end-to-end delay

    Adaptive Cross-Layer Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    [EN] Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are generally created for temporary scenarios. In such scenarios, where nodes are in mobility, efficient routing is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose an adaptive and cross-layer multipath routing protocol for such changing scenarios. Our routing mechanisms operate keeping in view the type of applications. For simple applications, the proposed protocol is inspired from traditional on-demand routing protocols by searching shortest routes from source to destination using default parameters. In case of multimedia applications, the proposed mechanism considers such routes which are capable of providing more data rates having less packet loss ratio. For those applications which need security, the proposed mechanism searches such routes which are more secure in nature as compared to others. Cross-layer methodology is used in proposed routing scheme so as to exchange different parameters across the protocol stack for better decision-making at network layer. Our approach is efficient and fault tolerant in a variety of scenarios that we simulated and tested.The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this research group no. 037-1435-RG.Iqbal, Z.; Khan, S.; Mehmood, A.; Lloret, J.; Alrajeh, NA. (2016). Adaptive Cross-Layer Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Sensors. 2016:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/5486437S1182016Abusalah, L., Khokhar, A., & Guizani, M. (2008). A survey of secure mobile Ad Hoc routing protocols. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 10(4), 78-93. doi:10.1109/surv.2008.080407Murthy, S., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. J. (1996). An efficient routing protocol for wireless networks. Mobile Networks and Applications, 1(2), 183-197. doi:10.1007/bf01193336Toh, C.-K. (1997). Wireless Personal Communications, 4(2), 103-139. doi:10.1023/a:1008812928561Pearlman, M. R., & Haas, Z. J. (1999). Determining the optimal configuration for the zone routing protocol. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 17(8), 1395-1414. doi:10.1109/49.779922ZHEN, Y., WU, M., WU, D., ZHANG, Q., & XU, C. (2010). Toward path reliability by using adaptive multi-path routing mechanism for multimedia service in mobile Ad-hoc network. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 17(1), 93-100. doi:10.1016/s1005-8885(09)60431-3Sivakumar, R., Sinha, P., & Bharghavan, V. (1999). CEDAR: a core-extraction distributed ad hoc routing algorithm. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 17(8), 1454-1465. doi:10.1109/49.779926Zapata, M. G. (2002). Secure ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 6(3), 106-107. doi:10.1145/581291.581312Khan, S., & Loo, J. (2010). Cross Layer Secure and Resource-Aware On-Demand Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 62(1), 201-214. doi:10.1007/s11277-010-0048-ySharma, V., & Alam, B. (2012). Unicaste Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications, 51(14), 9-18. doi:10.5120/8108-1714Tarique, M., Tepe, K. E., Adibi, S., & Erfani, S. (2009). Survey of multipath routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 32(6), 1125-1143. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2009.07.002Shiwen Mao, Shunan Lin, Yao Wang, Panwar, S. S., & Yihan Li. (2005). Multipath video transport over ad hoc networks. IEEE Wireless Communications, 12(4), 42-49. doi:10.1109/mwc.2005.1497857Li, Z., Chen, Q., Zhu, G., Choi, Y., & Sekiya, H. (2015). A Low Latency, Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 11(8), 946587. doi:10.1155/2015/946587Zheng, Z., Liu, A., Cai, L. X., Chen, Z., & Shen, X. (2016). Energy and memory efficient clone detection in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 15(5), 1130-1143. doi:10.1109/tmc.2015.2449847Dong, M., Ota, K., Liu, A., & Guo, M. (2016). Joint Optimization of Lifetime and Transport Delay under Reliability Constraint Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27(1), 225-236. doi:10.1109/tpds.2015.2388482Hamrioui, S., Lorenz, P., Lloret, J., & Lalam, M. (2013). A Cross Layer Solution for Better Interactions Between Routing and Transport Protocols in MANET. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 21(3), 137. doi:10.2498/cit.1002136Sanchez-Iborra, R., & Cano, M.-D. (2014). An approach to a cross layer-based QoE improvement for MANET routing protocols. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 6(3), 18. doi:10.5296/npa.v6i3.5827Cho, J.-H., Swami, A., & Chen, I.-R. (2011). A Survey on Trust Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 13(4), 562-583. doi:10.1109/surv.2011.092110.0008

    Implementing and Evaluating the Performance Metrics Using Energy Consumption Protocols in Manets Using Multi-Path Routing- Fitness Function

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    The energy consumption plays a key role in Mobile Adhoc Networks in a day to day life. Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) structure is a temporary network organized dynamically with a possible family of wireless mobiles independent of any extra infrastructural facilities and central administration requirements. Also, it provides solutions to overcome the minimal energy consumption issues. Nodes are battery operated temporarily does not operate on permanent batteries, so energy consumed by a battery depends on the lifetime of the battery, and its energy utilization dynamically decreases as the nodes change their position in MANETs. Multi-path routing algorithm in MANETs provides the best optimal; the solution to transmit the information in multiple paths to minimize the end to end delay, increases energy efficiency, and moderately enhances the life time of a network. The research mainly focused on minimum energy consumption techniques in MANET is of a great challenge in industries. In this paper, the author highlights a novel algorithmic approach Adhoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol that increases the energy efficiency in MANET by incorporating the demand multipath distance and fitness function. The Adhoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector-Fitness Function (AOMDV-FF) routing protocol short out minimum distance path that consumes minimum energy and the simulation performance is evaluated using network simulator-2 (NS2) tool. Two protocols are proposed in this work AOMDV and AOMDV-FF and compared some of the performance parameters like energy efficiency, network life time and routing overhead in terms of data transfer rate, data packet size and simulation time, etc. The overall simulation results of the proposed AOMDV-FF method is to be considered as a network with 49 nodesand the network performance factor-end to end delay 14.4358msec, energy consumption 18.3673 joules, packet delivery ratio 0.9911 and routing overhead ratio 4.68 are evaluated. The results show an enriched performance as compared to AOMDV and AOMR-LM methods

    An altruistic cross-layer recovering mechanism for ad hoc wireless networks

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    Video streaming services have restrictive delay and bandwidth constraints. Ad hoc networks represent a hostile environment for this kind of real-time data transmission. Emerging mesh networks, where a backbone provides more topological stability, do not even assure a high quality of experience. In such scenario, mobility of terminal nodes causes link breakages until a new route is calculated. In the meanwhile, lost packets cause annoying video interruptions to the receiver. This paper proposes a new mechanism of recovering lost packets by means of caching overheard packets in neighbor nodes and retransmit them to destination. Moreover, an optimization is shown, which involves a video-aware cache in order to recover full frames and prioritize more significant frames. Results show the improvement in reception, increasing the throughput as well as video quality, whereas larger video interruptions are considerably reduced. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Arce Vila, P.; Guerri Cebollada, JC. (2015). An altruistic cross-layer recovering mechanism for ad hoc wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 15(13):1744-1758. doi:10.1002/wcm.2459S174417581513Li J Blake C De Couto DSJ Lee HI Morris R Capacity of ad hoc wireless networks Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networks (MobiCom) 2001 61 69Akyildiz, I. F., & Xudong Wang. (2005). A survey on wireless mesh networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 43(9), S23-S30. doi:10.1109/mcom.2005.1509968Hsu, C.-J., Liu, H.-I., & Seah, W. K. G. (2011). Opportunistic routing – A review and the challenges ahead. Computer Networks, 55(15), 3592-3603. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2011.06.021Huang, X., Zhai, H., & Fang, Y. (2008). Robust cooperative routing protocol in mobile wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 7(12), 5278-5285. doi:10.1109/t-wc.2008.060680Wieselthier, J. E., Nguyen, G. D., & Ephremides, A. (2001). Mobile Networks and Applications, 6(3), 251-263. doi:10.1023/a:1011478717164Clausen T Jacquet P Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR), IETF RFC 3626 2003 http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3626.txtMarina, M. K., & Das, S. R. (2006). Ad hoc on-demand multipath distance vector routing. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 6(7), 969-988. doi:10.1002/wcm.432Zhou X Lu Y Ma HG Routing improvement using multiple disjoint paths for ad hoc networks International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (IFIP) 2006 1 5Fujisawa H Minami H Yamamoto M Izumi Y Fujita Y Route selection using retransmission packets for video streaming on ad hoc networks IEEE Conference on Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS) 2006 607 610Badis H Agha KA QOLSR multi-path routing for mobile ad hoc networks based on multiple metrics: bandwidth and delay IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2004 2181 2184Wu Z Wu J Cross-layer routing optimization for video transmission over wireless ad hoc networks 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networks and Mobile Computing (WiCOM) 2010 1 6Schier, M., & Welzl, M. (2012). Optimizing Selective ARQ for H.264 Live Streaming: A Novel Method for Predicting Loss-Impact in Real Time. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 14(2), 415-430. doi:10.1109/tmm.2011.2178235Nikoupour M Nikoupour A Dehghan M A cross-layer framework for video streaming over wireless ad-hoc networks 3rd International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM) 2008 340 345Yamamoto R Miyoshi T Distributed retransmission method using neighbor terminals for ad hoc networks Proceedings of the 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2008 1 5Gravalos I Kokkinos P Varvarigos EA Multi-criteria cooperative energy-aware routing in wireless ad-hoc networks Proceedings of the 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2013 387 393Abid, R. M., Benbrahim, T., & Biaz, S. (2010). IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks for Last-Mile Internet Access: An Open-Source Real-World Indoor Testbed Implementation. Wireless Sensor Network, 02(10), 725-738. doi:10.4236/wsn.2010.210088Yen, Y.-S., Chang, R.-S., & Wu, C.-Y. (2011). A seamless handoff scheme for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 13(2), 157-169. doi:10.1002/wcm.1102Liangzhong Yin, & Guohong Cao. (2006). Supporting cooperative caching in ad hoc networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 5(1), 77-89. doi:10.1109/tmc.2006.15Biswas S Morris R ExOR: opportunistic multi-hop routing for wireless networks Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2005 133 144Chachulski S Jennings M Katti S Katabi D Trading structure for randomness in wireless opportunistic routing Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2007 169 180Kohler E Handley M Floyd S Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP), IETF RFC 4340 2006 http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4340.txtSchierl, T., Ganger, K., Hellge, C., Wiegand, T., & Stockhammer, T. (2006). SVC-based multisource streaming for robust video transmission in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Wireless Communications, 13(5), 96-103. doi:10.1109/wc-m.2006.250365Iera, A., Molinaro, A., Paratore, S. 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    An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Existing Protocols and Applications

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it's an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time, there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks.Comment: 24 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journa

    A Review of the Energy Efficient and Secure Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    This paper presents a thorough survey of recent work addressing energy efficient multicast routing protocols and secure multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). There are so many issues and solutions which witness the need of energy management and security in ad hoc wireless networks. The objective of a multicast routing protocol for MANETs is to support the propagation of data from a sender to all the receivers of a multicast group while trying to use the available bandwidth efficiently in the presence of frequent topology changes. Multicasting can improve the efficiency of the wireless link when sending multiple copies of messages by exploiting the inherent broadcast property of wireless transmission. Secure multicast routing plays a significant role in MANETs. However, offering energy efficient and secure multicast routing is a difficult and challenging task. In recent years, various multicast routing protocols have been proposed for MANETs. These protocols have distinguishing features and use different mechanismsComment: 15 page