7 research outputs found

    Shapes: Seeing and doing with shape grammars

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    This paper describes the visual interface of a configurable and extensible system to support generic work with shape grammars. Shape grammars allow the implementation of computational mechanisms to analyze and synthesize designs of visual languages and have been used to represent the knowledge behind the creative work of architects, designers and artists. This kind of grammars is inherently visual. The system described, a kind of universal machine for shape grammars, allows users to build their own shape grammars and experiment with them. It has been the focus of our past work, it mixes technological and artistic aspects and it has a specific computational architecture which includes a symbolic and a visual interface. The latter one is the subject of this paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ingeniería Gráfica, dos experiencias docentes en la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya para un mismo objetivo

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    Las escuelas de ingeniería industrial de Barcelona (EEBE) y Terrassa (ESEIAAT) de la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) consiguen que sus estudiantes adquieran un elevado nivel de ingeniería gráfica gracias al trabajo continuado en clase y en casa, mediante herramientas Diseño Asistido por Ordenador y croquis, junto con el tipo de ejercicios, las clases de teoría expositiva y teoría aplicada, que permite a los alumnos tener suficientes recursos para poder superar de una manera brillante la evaluación de la asignatura. El artículo permite ver la organización de la asignatura en las dos principales escuelas de la UPC, mediante la combinación de teoría y práctica, su evaluación mediante rúbricas públicas, y la realización de proyecto de ingeniería.Postprint (published version

    Desarrollo de un sistema generador de conceptos de automóvil deportivo mediante diseño generativo

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    .This thesis is focused on the dovelopment of an alternatives design generation system for sportive cars joining old styles, from the 50¿s aproximately, and modern by the use of Grassoper above Rhinoceros 5. Design is analized under the point of view of ¿Shape Grammars¿ and a system that combines formal features of both styles into consistent proposals is proposed.El actual TFM se centra en desarrollar un sistema de generación de alternativas de diseño para automóviles deportivos fusionando estilos antiguos, de la década de los 50 aproximadamente, y modernos mediante el empleo de Grasshopper sobre Rhinoceros 5. Se analiza el diseño desde el enfoque de ¿Shape Grammars¿ y se plantea un sistema que combina características formales de ambos estilos en propuestas consistentes.El actual TFM es centra en desenvolupar un sistema de generació de alternatives de diseny per a automóvils esportius fusionant estils antics, dels 50 aproximadament, y moderns mitjançant el ús de Grasshopper en Rhinoceros 5. S’analitza el diseny des del punt de vista dels “Shape Grammars” y es planteja un sistema que convina característiques formals d’ambdos estils en propostes consistents.Pepiol Pablo, Á. (2017). Desarrollo de un sistema generador de conceptos de automóvil deportivo mediante diseño generativo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88189

    Razvoj sustava za sintezu koncepcijskih rješenja pomoću gramatike proizvoda

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    Ovaj rad bavi se teoretskim i praktičnim mogućnostima primjene formalne gramatike i formalnog jezika u razvoju proizvoda. Tako su temeljne postavke rada sadržane u definiciji formalne gramatike i jezika. Gramatika oblika i gramatika proizvoda ukratko su objašnjene u radu i potječu iz teorije formalnih jezika. Cilj rada je implementirati nasljednika metode gramatike oblika – metodu gramatike proizvoda u proces razvoja proizvoda, točnije primijeniti metodu u svrhu generiranja koncepata proizvoda na nivou komponenti proizvoda. Na primjeru konkretnog (zadanog) proizvoda – bicikla predložen je način formaliziranja znanja o proizvodu na razini komponenata. Za potrebe rada razvijen je računalni program koji pomoću raspoložive baze komponenata i poznate funkcijske strukture automatski zapisuje pravila gramatike. U radu je obavljena funkcionalna analiza i funkcionalna dekompozicija zadanog proizvoda unutar područja oblikovanja i razvoja proizvoda, te su korištene definicije tehničkog sustava i tehničkog procesa. Proces razvoja gramatike bicikla detaljno je opisan i predstavljen na nizu grafova i slika. U radu je ilustriran rad u programu i način na koji se generiraju konceptualne ili topološke varijante oblika proizvoda


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    With the increasing use of composite materials in Mechanical and Aerospace industries, an approach is required to facilitate designing of components using composite materials, while ensuring customization of the shape such a way that multiple design goals for the components are satisfied. Existing design methods may be used in some cases, where the component shape and loadings are simple. While a significant amount of research has been conducted to study the properties of composite materials, little attention has been paid to find out a design approach such that (1) the user requirements in the very general form may be used directly and as the input for the design, (2) the best possible composite material are selected to meet multiple desired functions, and (3) shape variation is analyzed in order to enable mass customization of the design. Thus an approach is required that will be able to handle both the shape and the material in order to design a load bearing component using composite materials. In this research the focus is to develop a design approach that will consider the user requirements for a composite component in its very general form and generate component shape and material details in a systematic order so that the designed component can withstand a given loading condition.Consequently, the Primary Research Question is:How to simultaneously explore shape and composite materials during the design of a product to meet multiple property and functional goals?The wide range of properties, covered by various fiber-matrix combinations, along with their directional property characteristics, maximizes the flexibility of the designers, while designing composite material products. Meeting multiple property goals, however, complicates the design process as both the composite material selection and the component shape formation becomes highly intricate with the loading conditions and a number of matrix calculations needs to be performed to determine theoretical value of composite material properties.A grammar is a formal definition of a language written in transformational form. To address these issues, in this research a grammatical approach is developed that will generate a shape grammar to perform shape optimization, and then incorporate a composite material selection system and loading analysis techniques of Solid Mechanics in order to design load bearing components of irregular shape.The approach will be able to consider the user requirements in the very general text form, convert them to the design requirements for the component, generate optimized shape based on multiple design constraints, perform the complete design work, and generate the component.The major contributions include: (1) generating a shape grammar to represent functions of the load bearing component such a way that mass-customization of shape is possible, (2) developing a composite material customization system in order to satisfy directional property requirements, and (3) introducing a unique laminate design approach in order to satisfy design property requirements at the critical cross-sections locally that can result in highly efficient design compared to conventional design method. Verification of the approach will focus on its application to simultaneously explore shapes and customization of composite materials