750 research outputs found

    Agile Market Engineering: Bridging the gap between business concepts and running markets

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    The agile market engineering process model (AMEP) is built on the insight, that market design and development is a wicked problem. Electronic markets are too complex to be completely designed upfront. Instead, AMEP tries to bridge the gap between theoretic market design and practical electronic market platform development using an agile, iterative approach that relies on early customer feedback and continuous improvement. The AMEP model is complemented by several supporting software artifacts

    Computational Explorations of Information and Mechanism Design in Markets

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    Markets or platforms assemble multiple selfishly-motivated and strategic agents. The outcomes of such agent interactions depend heavily on the rules, regulations, and norms of the platform, as well as the information available to agents. This thesis investigates the design and analysis of mechanisms and information structures through the ``computational lens\u27\u27 in both static and dynamic settings. It both addresses the outcome of single platforms and fills a gap in the study of the dynamics of multiple platform interactions. In static market settings, we are particularly interested in the role of information, because mechanisms are harder to change than the information available to participants. We approach information design through specific examples, i.e., matching markets and auction markets. First, in matching markets, we study the situation where the matching is preceded by a costly interviewing stage in which firms acquire information about the qualities of candidates. We focus on the impact of the signals of quality available prior to the interviewing stage. We show that more ``commonality\u27\u27 in the quality of information can be harmful, yielding fewer matches. Second, in auction markets, we design an information environment for revenue enhancement in a sealed-bid second price auction. Much of the previous literature has focused on signal design in settings where bidders are symmetrically informed, or on the design of optimal mechanisms under fixed information structures. Here, we provide new theoretical insights for complex situations like corporate mergers, where the sender of the signal has the opportunity to communicate in different ways to different receivers. Next, in dynamic markets, we focus on two dimensions: (1) the effects of different market-clearing rules on market outcomes and (2) the dynamics of multiple platform interactions. Considering both dimensions, we investigate two important real-world dynamic markets: kidney exchange and financial markets. Specifically, in kidney exchange, we analyze the performance of different market-clearing algorithms and design a competing-market model to quantify the social welfare loss caused by market competition and exchange fragmentation. Here, we present the first analysis of equilibrium behavior in these dynamic competing matching market systems, from the viewpoints of both agents and markets. To improve the performance of kidney exchange in terms of both social welfare and individual utility, we analyze the benefit of convincing directed donation pairs to participate in paired kidney exchange, measured in terms of long-term graft survival. We provide the first empirical evidence that including compatible pairs dramatically benefits both social welfare and individual outcomes. For financial markets, in the debate over high frequency trading, the frequent call (Call) mechanism has recently received considerable attention as a proposal for replacing the continuous double auction (CDA) mechanisms that currently run most financial markets. We examine agents\u27 profit under CDA and frequent call auctions in a dynamic environment. We design an agent-based model to study the competition between these two market policies and show that CALL markets can drive trade away from CDAs. The results help to inform this very important debate

    Autotuning multigrid with PetaBricks

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    Algorithmic choice is essential in any problem domain to realizing optimal computational performance. Multigrid is a prime example: not only is it possible to make choices at the highest grid resolution, but a program can switch techniques as the problem is recursively attacked on coarser grid levels to take advantage of algorithms with different scaling behaviors. Additionally, users with different convergence criteria must experiment with parameters to yield a tuned algorithm that meets their accuracy requirements. Even after a tuned algorithm has been found, users often have to start all over when migrating from one machine to another. We present an algorithm and autotuning methodology that address these issues in a near-optimal and efficient manner. The freedom of independently tuning both the algorithm and the number of iterations at each recursion level results in an exponential search space of tuned algorithms that have different accuracies and performances. To search this space efficiently, our autotuner utilizes a novel dynamic programming method to build efficient tuned algorithms from the bottom up. The results are customized multigrid algorithms that invest targeted computational power to yield the accuracy required by the user. The techniques we describe allow the user to automatically generate tuned multigrid cycles of different shapes targeted to the user's specific combination of problem, hardware, and accuracy requirements. These cycle shapes dictate the order in which grid coarsening and grid refinement are interleaved with both iterative methods, such as Jacobi or Successive Over-Relaxation, as well as direct methods, which tend to have superior performance for small problem sizes. The need to make choices between all of these methods brings the issue of variable accuracy to the forefront. Not only must the autotuning framework compare different possible multigrid cycle shapes against each other, but it also needs the ability to compare tuned cycles against both direct and (non-multigrid) iterative methods. We address this problem by using an accuracy metric for measuring the effectiveness of tuned cycle shapes and making comparisons over all algorithmic types based on this common yardstick. In our results, we find that the flexibility to trade performance versus accuracy at all levels of recursive computation enables us to achieve excellent performance on a variety of platforms compared to algorithmically static implementations of multigrid. Our implementation uses PetaBricks, an implicitly parallel programming language where algorithmic choices are exposed in the language. The PetaBricks compiler uses these choices to analyze, autotune, and verify the PetaBricks program. These language features, most notably the autotuner, were key in enabling our implementation to be clear, correct, and fast.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CCF-0832997)GigaScale Systems Research Cente

    DiffuseBot: Breeding Soft Robots With Physics-Augmented Generative Diffusion Models

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    Nature evolves creatures with a high complexity of morphological and behavioral intelligence, meanwhile computational methods lag in approaching that diversity and efficacy. Co-optimization of artificial creatures' morphology and control in silico shows promise for applications in physical soft robotics and virtual character creation; such approaches, however, require developing new learning algorithms that can reason about function atop pure structure. In this paper, we present DiffuseBot, a physics-augmented diffusion model that generates soft robot morphologies capable of excelling in a wide spectrum of tasks. DiffuseBot bridges the gap between virtually generated content and physical utility by (i) augmenting the diffusion process with a physical dynamical simulation which provides a certificate of performance, and (ii) introducing a co-design procedure that jointly optimizes physical design and control by leveraging information about physical sensitivities from differentiable simulation. We showcase a range of simulated and fabricated robots along with their capabilities. Check our website at https://diffusebot.github.io/Comment: NeurIPS 2023. Project page: https://diffusebot.github.io

    On the Scientific Status of Economic Policy: A Tale of Alternative Paradigms

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    In recent years, a number of contributions have argued that monetary - and, more generally, economic-policy is finally becoming more of a science. According to these authors, policy rules implemented by central banks are nowadays well supported by a theoretical framework (the New Neoclassical Synthesis) upon which a general consensus has emerged in the economic profession. In other words, scientific discussion on economic policy seems to be ultimately confined to either fine-tuning this "consensus" model, or assessing the extent to which "elements of art" still exist in the conduct of monetary policy. In this paper, we present a substantially opposite view, rooted in a critical discussion of the theoretical, empirical, and political-economy pitfalls of the neoclassical approach to policy analysis. Our discussion indicates that we are still far from building a science of economic policy. We suggest that a more fruitful research avenue to pursue is to explore alternative theoretical paradigms, which can escape the strong theoretical requirements of neoclassical models (e.g. equilibrium, rationality, etc.). We briefly introduce one of the most successful alternative research projects - known in the literature as agent-based computational economics (ACE) - and we present the way it has been applied to policy analysis issues. We conclude by discussing the methodological status of ACE, as well as the (many) problems it raises