3,359 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Inverse Simulation-Based Fault Detection in a Simple Robotic Rover with a Traditional Model-Based Method

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    Robotic rovers which are designed to work in extra-terrestrial environments present a unique challenge in terms of the reliability and availability of systems throughout the mission. Should some fault occur, with the nearest human potentially millions of kilometres away, detection and identification of the fault must be performed solely by the robot and its subsystems. Faults in the system sensors are relatively straightforward to detect, through the residuals produced by comparison of the system output with that of a simple model. However, faults in the input, that is, the actuators of the system, are harder to detect. A step change in the input signal, caused potentially by the loss of an actuator, can propagate through the system, resulting in complex residuals in multiple outputs. These residuals can be difficult to isolate or distinguish from residuals caused by environmental disturbances. While a more complex fault detection method or additional sensors could be used to solve these issues, an alternative is presented here. Using inverse simulation (InvSim), the inputs and outputs of the mathematical model of the rover system are reversed. Thus, for a desired trajectory, the corresponding actuator inputs are obtained. A step fault near the input then manifests itself as a step change in the residual between the system inputs and the input trajectory obtained through inverse simulation. This approach avoids the need for additional hardware on a mass- and power-critical system such as the rover. The InvSim fault detection method is applied to a simple four-wheeled rover in simulation. Additive system faults and an external disturbance force and are applied to the vehicle in turn, such that the dynamic response and sensor output of the rover are impacted. Basic model-based fault detection is then employed to provide output residuals which may be analysed to provide information on the fault/disturbance. InvSim-based fault detection is then employed, similarly providing \textit{input} residuals which provide further information on the fault/disturbance. The input residuals are shown to provide clearer information on the location and magnitude of an input fault than the output residuals. Additionally, they can allow faults to be more clearly discriminated from environmental disturbances

    A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems

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    This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Model based fault diagnosis and prognosis of class of linear and nonlinear distributed parameter systems modeled by partial differential equations

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    With the rapid development of modern control systems, a significant number of industrial systems may suffer from component failures. An accurate yet faster fault prognosis and resilience can improve system availability and reduce unscheduled downtime. Therefore, in this dissertation, model-based prognosis and resilience control schemes have been developed for online prediction and accommodation of faults for distributed parameter systems (DPS). First, a novel fault detection, estimation and prediction framework is introduced utilizing a novel observer for a class of linear DPS with bounded disturbance by modeling the DPS as a set of partial differential equations. To relax the state measurability in DPS, filters are introduced to redesign the detection observer. Upon detecting a fault, an adaptive term is activated to estimate the multiplicative fault and a tuning law is derived to tune the fault parameter magnitude. Then based on this estimated fault parameter together with its failure limit, time-to-failure (TTF) is derived for prognosis. A novel fault accommodation scheme is developed to handle actuator and sensor faults with boundary measurements. Next, a fault isolation scheme is presented to differentiate actuator, sensor and state faults with a limited number of measurements for a class of linear and nonlinear DPS. Subsequently, actuator and sensor fault detection and prediction for a class of nonlinear DPS are considered with bounded disturbance by using a Luenberger observer. Finally, a novel resilient control scheme is proposed for nonlinear DPS once an actuator fault is detected by using an additional boundary measurement. In all the above methods, Lyapunov analysis is utilized to show the boundedness of the closed-loop signals during fault detection, prediction and resilience under mild assumptions --Abstract, page iv

    An active fault tolerant control approach to an offshore wind turbine model

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    The paper proposes an observer based active fault tolerant control (AFTC) approach to a non-linear large rotor wind turbine benchmark model. A sensor fault hiding and actuator fault compensation strategy is adopted in the design. The adapted observer based AFTC system retains the well-accepted industrial controller as the baseline controller, while an extended state observer (ESO) is designed to provide estimates of system states and fault signals within a linear parameter varying (LPV) descriptor system context using linear matrix inequality (LMI). In the design, pole-placement is used as a time-domain performance specification while H∞ optimization is used to improve the closed-loop system robustness to exogenous disturbances or modelling uncertainty. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can easily be viewed as an extension of currently used control technology, with the AFTC proving clear “added value” as a fault tolerant system, to enhance the sustainability of the wind turbine in the offshore environment

    Design methodology for smart actuator services for machine tool and machining control and monitoring

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    This paper presents a methodology to design the services of smart actuators for machine tools. The smart actuators aim at replacing the traditional drives (spindles and feed-drives) and enable to add data processing abilities to implement monitoring and control tasks. Their data processing abilities are also exploited in order to create a new decision level at the machine level. The aim of this decision level is to react to disturbances that the monitoring tasks detect. The cooperation between the computational objects (the smart spindle, the smart feed-drives and the CNC unit) enables to carry out functions for accommodating or adapting to the disturbances. This leads to the extension of the notion of smart actuator with the notion of agent. In order to implement the services of the smart drives, a general design is presented describing the services as well as the behavior of the smart drive according to the object oriented approach. Requirements about the CNC unit are detailed. Eventually, an implementation of the smart drive services that involves a virtual lathe and a virtual turning operation is described. This description is part of the design methodology. Experimental results obtained thanks to the virtual machine are then presented

    Integration Techniques of Fault Detection and Isolation Using Interval Observers

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    An interval observer has been illustrated to be a suitable approach to detect and isolate faults affecting complex dynamical industrial systems. Concerning fault detection, interval observation is an appropriate passive robust strategy to generate an adaptive threshold to be used in residual evaluation when model uncertainty is located in parameters (interval model). In such approach, the observer gain is a key parameter since it determines the time evolution of the residual sensitivity to a fault and the minimum detectable fault. This thesis illustrates that the whole fault detection process is ruled by the dynamics of the fault residual sensitivity functions and by the time evolution of the adaptive threshold related to the interval observer. Besides, it must be taken into account that these two observer fault detection properties depend on the used observer gain. As a consequence, the observer gain becomes a tuning parameter which allows enhancing the observer fault detection performance while avoiding some drawbacks related to the analytical models, as the wrapping effect. In this thesis, the effect of the observer gain on fault detection and how this parameter can avoid some observer drawbacks (i.e. wrapping effect) are deeply analyzed. One of the results of this analysis is the determination of the minimum detectable fault function related to a given fault type. This function allows introducing a fault classification according to the fault detectability time evolution: permanently (strongly) detected, non-permanently (weakly) detected or just non-detected. In this fault detection part of this thesis, two examples have been used to illustrate the derived results: a mineral grinding-classification process and an industrial servo actuator. Concerning the interface between fault detection and fault isolation, this thesis shows that both modules can not be considered separately since the fault detection process has an important influence on the fault isolation result. This influence is not only due to the time evolution of the fault signals generated by the fault detection module but also to the fact that the fault residual sensitivity functions determines the faults which are affecting a given fault signal and the dynamics of this fault signal for each fault. This thesis illustrates this point suggesting that the interface between fault detection and fault isolation must consider a set of fault signals properties: binary property, sign property, fault residual sensitivity property, occurrence order property and occurrence time instant property. Moreover, as a result of the influence of the observer gain on the fault detection stage and on the fault residual sensitivity functions, this thesis demonstrates that the observer gain has also a key role in the fault isolation module which might allow enhancing its performance when this parameter is tuned properly (i.e. fault distinguishability may be increased). As a last point, this thesis analyzes the timed discrete-event nature of the fault signals generated by the fault detection module. As a consequence, it suggests using timed discrete-event models to model the fault isolation module. This thesis illustrates that this kind of models allow enhancing the fault isolation result. Moreover, as the monitored system is modelled using an interval observer, this thesis shows as this qualitative fault isolation model can be built up on the grounds of this system analytical model. Finally, the proposed fault isolation method is applied to detect and isolate faults of the Barcelona’s urban sewer system limnimeters. Keywords: Fault Detection, Fault Diagnosis, Robustness, Observers, Intervals, Discrete-event Systems.En la presente tesis se demuestra que el uso de observadores intervalares para detectar y aislar fallos en sistemas dinámicos complejos constituye una estrategia apropiada. En la etapa de detección del fallo, dicha estrategia permite determinar el umbral adaptativo usado en la evaluación del residuo (robustez pasiva). Dicha metodología, responde a la consideración de modelos con parámetros inciertos (modelos intervalares). En dicho enfoque, la ganancia del observador es un parámetro clave que permite determinar la evolución temporal de la sensibilidad del residuo a un fallo y el mínimo fallo detectable para un tipo de fallo determinado. Esta tesis establece que todo el proceso de detección de fallos viene determinado por la dinámica de las funciones sensibilidad del residuo a los diferentes fallos considerados y por la evolución temporal del umbral adaptativo asociado al observador intervalar. Además, se debe tener en cuenta que estas dos propiedades del observador respecto la detección de fallos dependen de la ganancia del observador. En consecuencia, la ganancia del observador se convierte en el parámetro de diseño que permite mejorar las prestaciones de dicho modelo respecto la detección de fallos mientras que permite evitar algunos defectos asociados al uso de modelos intervalares, como el efecto wrapping. Uno de los resultados obtenidos es la determinación de la función fallo mínimo detectable para un tipo de fallo dado. Esta función permite introducir una clasificación de los fallos en función de la evolución temporal de su detectabilidad: fallos permanentemente detectados, fallos no permanentemente detectados y fallos no detectados. En la primera parte de la tesis centrada en la detección de fallos se utilizan dos ejemplos para ilustrar los resultados obtenidos: un proceso de trituración y separación de minerales y un servoactuador industrial. Respecto a la interfaz entre la etapa de detección de fallos y el proceso de aislamiento, esta tesis muestra que ambos módulos no pueden considerarse separadamente dado que el proceso de detección tiene una importante influencia en el resultado de la etapa de aislamiento. Esta influencia no es debida sólo a la evolución temporal de las señales de fallo generados por el módulo de detección sino también porque las funciones sensibilidad del residuo a los diferentes posibles fallos determinan los fallos que afectan a un determinado señal de fallo y la dinámica de éste para cada uno de los fallos. Esta tesis ilustra este punto sugiriendo que el interfaz entre detección y aislamiento del fallo debe considerar un conjunto de propiedades de dichos señales: propiedad binaria, propiedad del signo, propiedad de la sensibilidad del residuo a un fallo dado, propiedad del orden de aparición de las señales causados por los fallos y la propiedad del tiempo de aparición de estos. Además, como resultado de la influencia de la ganancia del observador en la etapa de detección y en las funciones sensibilidad asociadas a los residuos, esta tesis ilustra que la ganancia del observador tiene también un papel crucial en el módulo de aislamiento, el cual podría permitir mejorar el comportamiento de dicho módulo diseñando éste parámetro del observador de forma adecuada (Ej. Incrementar la distinción de los fallos para su mejor aislamiento). Como último punto, esta tesis analiza la naturaleza temporal de eventos discretos asociada a las señales de fallo generados por el módulo de detección. A consecuencia, se sugiere usar modelos de eventos discretos temporales para modelizar el módulo de aislamiento del fallo. Esta tesis muestra que este tipo de modelos permite mejorar el resultado de aislamiento del fallo. Además, dado que el sistema monitorizado es modelado usando un observador intervalar, esta tesis muestra como este modelo cualitativo de aislamiento puede ser construido usando dicho modelo analítico del sistema. Finalmente, el método propuesto de aislamiento del fallo es aplicado para detectar y aislar fallos en los limnimetros del sistema de alcantarillado de Barcelona. Palabras clave: Detección de Fallos, Diagnosis de Fallos, Robusteza, Observadores, Intervalos, Sistemas de Eventos Discretos

    Integrated health monitoring and controls for rocket engines

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    Current research in intelligent control systems at the Lewis Research Center is described in the context of a functional framework. The framework is applicable to a variety of reusable space propulsion systems for existing and future launch vehicles. It provides a 'road map' technology development to enable enhanced engine performance with increased reliability, durability, and maintainability. The framework hierarchy consists of a mission coordination level, a propulsion system coordination level, and an engine control level. Each level is described in the context of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. The concept of integrating diagnostics with control is discussed within the context of the functional framework. A distributed real time simulation testbed is used to realize and evaluate the functionalities in closed loop

    Observer-based robust fault estimation for fault-tolerant control

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    A control system is fault-tolerant if it possesses the capability of optimizing the system stability and admissible performance subject to bounded faults, complexity and modeling uncertainty. Based on this definition this thesis is concerned with the theoretical developments of the combination of robust fault estimation (FE) and robust active fault tolerant control (AFTC) for systems with both faults and uncertainties.This thesis develops robust strategies for AFTC involving a joint problem of on-line robust FE and robust adaptive control. The disturbances and modeling uncertainty affect the FE and FTC performance. Hence, the proposed robust observer-based fault estimator schemes are combined with several control methods to achieve the desired system performance and robust active fault tolerance. The controller approaches involve concepts of output feedback control, adaptive control, robust observer-based state feedback control. A new robust FE method has been developed initially to take into account the joint effect of both fault and disturbance signals, thereby rejecting the disturbances and enhancing the accuracy of the fault estimation. This is then extended to encompass the robustness with respect to modeling uncertainty.As an extension to the robust FE and FTC scheme a further development is made for direct application to smooth non-linear systems via the use of linear parameter-varying systems (LPV) modeling.The main contributions of the research are thus:- The development of a robust observer-based FE method and integration design for the FE and AFTC systems with the bounded time derivative fault magnitudes, providing the solution based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) methodology. A stability proof for the integrated design of the robust FE within the FTC system.- An improvement is given to the proposed robust observer-based FE method and integrated design for FE and AFTC systems under the existence of different disturbance structures.- New guidance for the choice of learning rate of the robust FE algorithm.- Some improvement compared with the recent literature by considering the FTC problem in a more general way, for example by using LPV modeling

    Process operating mode monitoring : switching online the right controller

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    This paper presents a structure which deals with process operating mode monitoring and allows the control law reconfiguration by switching online the right controller. After a short review of the advances in switching based control systems during the last decade, we introduce our approach based on the definition of operating modes of a plant. The control reconfiguration strategy is achieved by online selection of an adequate controller, in a case of active accommodation. The main contribution lies in settling up the design steps of the multicontroller structure and its accurate integration in the operating mode detection and accommodation loop. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the operating mode detection and accommodation (OMDA) structure for which the design steps propose a method to study the asymptotic stability, switching performances improvement, and the tuning of the multimodel based detector