56 research outputs found

    EEG Classification while Listening to Murottal Al-Quran and Classical Music using Random Forest Method

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    This study is aimed to classify the brain activity of adolescents associated with audio stimuli; murottal Al-Quran and classical music.  The raw data were filtered using Independent Component Analisys (ICA) and followed by band-pass filter in Python on the Google Colab Extraction was processed with Power Spectral Density (PSD) and the Random Forest Method in Weka Machine Learning was used for classification.  The research results showed the same results between the two types of stimulation, namely the order of brain waves from highest to lowest were delta, alpha, theta and beta. The average brain waves of teenagers when given murottal al-Quran stimulation were 45.32% delta, 31.60% alpha, 17.02 theta and 6.05% beta. Meanwhile, the average brain waves of teenagers when given classical music stimulation were 46.54% delta, 28.64% alpha, 19.21% theta and 5.50% beta. Classification is obtained with the best value that frequently appears (mode) from the prediction results for each sample using random forest methods. The accuracy, precision, and recall of classifying adolescent brain waves when given murottal and classical music stimuli using the Random Forest method with cross-validation technique (optimum at k-fold=5) were 65.38%, 76.92%, and 70.00%, respectively.  The results of this study show that stimulation using murottal al-Quran and classical music effectively improves adolescent relaxation conditions

    Evaluación de estrategias basadas en Wavelet-ICA e ICLabel para la corrección de artefactos sobre registros EEG

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    In quantitative electroencephalography, it is of vital importance to eliminate non-neural components, as these can lead to an erroneous analysis of the acquired signals, limiting their use in diagnosis and other clinical applications. In light of this drawback, preprocessing pipelines based on the joint use of the Wavelet Transform and the Independent Component Analysis technique (wICA) were proposed in the 2000s. Recently, with the advent of data-driven methods, deep learning models were developed for the automatic labeling of independent components, which constitutes an opportunity for the optimization of ICA-based techniques. In this paper, ICLabel, one of these deep learning models, was added to the wICA methodology in order to explore its improvement. To assess the usefulness of this approach, it was compared to different pipelines which feature the use of wICA and ICLabel independently and a lack thereof. The impact of each pipeline was measured by its capacity to highlight known statistical differences between asymptomatic carriers of the PSEN-1 E280A mutation and a healthy control group. Specifically, the between-group effect size and the P-values were calculated to compare the pipelines. The results show that using ICLabel for artifact removal can improve the effect size (ES) and that, by leveraging it with wICA, an artifact smoothing approach that is less prone to the loss of neural information can be built.En la electroencefalografía cuantitativa es de vital importancia la eliminación de componentes no neuronales, ya que estos pueden conducir a un análisis erróneo de las señales adquiridas, limitando su uso al diagnóstico y otras aplicaciones clínicas. Dado este inconveniente, en la década de 2000 se propusieron flujos de preprocesamiento basados ​​en el uso conjunto de la Transformada Wavelet y la técnica de Análisis de Componentes Independientes (wICA). Recientemente, con la llegada de los métodos basados en datos, se desarrollaron modelos de aprendizaje profundo para el etiquetado automático de componentes independientes, lo que generó una oportunidad para la optimización de las técnicas basadas en ICA. En este estudio, se añadió ICLabel, uno de estos modelos de aprendizaje profundo, a la metodología de wICA para explorar su mejora. Para evaluar la utilidad de este enfoque, se comparó con diferentes flujos que muestran el uso de wICA e ICLabel de forma independiente y en su ausencia. El impacto de cada flujo se midió mediante su capacidad para resaltar diferencias estadísticas conocidas entre los portadores asintomáticos de la mutación PSEN-1 E280A y un grupo de control sano. Se calcularon específicamente el tamaño del efecto entre grupos y los valores P para comparar los flujos. Los resultados muestran que el uso de ICLabel para la eliminación de artefactos puede mejorar el tamaño del efecto (ES) y que, al aprovecharlo con wICA, se puede construir un enfoque de suavizado de artefactos menos susceptible a la pérdida de información neuronal

    Age differences in encoding-related alpha power reflect sentence comprehension difficulties

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    When sentence processing taxes verbal working memory, comprehension difficulties arise. This is specifically the case when processing resources decline with advancing adult age. Such decline likely affects the encoding of sentences into working memory, which constitutes the basis for successful comprehension. To assess age differences in encoding-related electrophysiological activity, we recorded the electroencephalogram from three age groups (24, 43, and 65 years). Using an auditory sentence comprehension task, age differences in encoding-related oscillatory power were examined with respect to the accuracy of the given response. That is, the difference in oscillatory power between correctly and incorrectly encoded sentences, yielding subsequent memory effects (SME), was compared across age groups. Across age groups, we observed an age-related SME inversion in the alpha band from a power decrease in younger adults to a power increase in older adults. We suggest that this SME inversion underlies age-related comprehension difficulties. With alpha being commonly linked to inhibitory processes, this shift may reflect a change in the cortical inhibition–disinhibition balance. A cortical disinhibition may imply enriched sentence encoding in younger adults. In contrast, resource limitations in older adults may necessitate an increase in cortical inhibition during sentence encoding to avoid an information overload. Overall, our findings tentatively suggest that age-related comprehension difficulties are associated with alterations to the electrophysiological dynamics subserving general higher cognitive functions

    EEG cortical activity and connectivity correlates of early sympathetic response during cold pressor test

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    Previous studies have identified several brain regions involved in the sympathetic response and its integration with pain, cognition, emotions and memory processes. However, little is known about how such regions dynamically interact during a sympathetic activation task. In this study, we analyzed EEG activity and effective connectivity during a cold pressor test (CPT). A source localization analysis identified a network of common active sources including the right precuneus (r-PCu), right and left precentral gyri (r-PCG, l-PCG), left premotor cortex (l-PMC) and left anterior cingulate cortex (l-ACC). We comprehensively analyzed the network dynamics by estimating power variation and causal interactions among the network regions through the direct directed transfer function (dDTF). A connectivity pattern dominated by interactions in α (8–12) Hz band was observed in the resting state, with r-PCu acting as the main hub of information flow. After the CPT onset, we observed an abrupt suppression of such α -band interactions, followed by a partial recovery towards the end of the task. On the other hand, an increase of δ -band (1–4) Hz interactions characterized the first part of CPT task. These results provide novel information on the brain dynamics induced by sympathetic stimuli. Our findings suggest that the observed suppression of α and rise of δ dynamical interactions could reflect non-pain-specific arousal and attention-related response linked to stimulus’ salience

    Classification of Movement Intention Using Independent Components of Premovement EEG

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    Many previous studies on brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) have focused on electroencephalography (EEG) signals elicited during motor-command execution to generate device commands. However, exploiting pre-execution brain activity related to movement intention could improve the practical applicability of BMIs. Therefore, in this study we investigated whether EEG signals occurring before movement execution could be used to classify movement intention. Six subjects performed reaching tasks that required them to move a cursor to one of four targets distributed horizontally and vertically from the center. Using independent components of EEG acquired during a premovement phase, two-class classifications were performed for left vs. right trials and top vs. bottom trials using a support vector machine. Instructions were presented visually (test) and aurally (condition). In the test condition, accuracy for a single window was about 75%, and it increased to 85% in classification using two windows. In the control condition, accuracy for a single window was about 73%, and it increased to 80% in classification using two windows. Classification results showed that a combination of two windows from different time intervals during the premovement phase improved classification performance in the both conditions compared to a single window classification. By categorizing the independent components according to spatial pattern, we found that information depending on the modality can improve classification performance. We confirmed that EEG signals occurring during movement preparation can be used to control a BMI

    Speech register influences listeners’ word expectations

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    We utilized the N400 effect to investigate the influence of speech register on predictive language processing. Participants listened to long stretches (4 – 15 min) of naturalistic speech from different registers (dialogues, news broadcasts, and read-aloud books), totalling approximately 50,000 words, while the EEG signal was recorded. We estimated the surprisal of words in the speech materials with the aid of a statistical language model in such a manner that it reflected different predictive processing strategies; generic, register-specific, or recency-based. The N400 amplitude was best predicted with register-specific word surprisal, indicating that the statistics of the wider context (i.e., register) influences predictive language processing. Furthermore, adaptation to speech register cannot merely be explained by recency effects; instead, listeners adapt their word anticipations to the presented speech register

    Exploring the temporal dynamics of speech production with EEG and group ICA

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    Speech production is a complex skill whose neural implementation relies on a large number of different regions in the brain. How neural activity in these different regions varies as a function of time during the production of speech remains poorly understood. Previous MEG studies on this topic have concluded that activity proceeds from posterior to anterior regions of the brain in a sequential manner. Here we tested this claim using the EEG technique. Specifically, participants performed a picture naming task while their naming latencies and scalp potentials were recorded. We performed group temporal Independent Component Analysis (group tICA) to obtain temporally independent component timecourses and their corresponding topographic maps. We identified fifteen components whose estimated neural sources were located in various areas of the brain. The trial-by-trial component timecourses were predictive of the naming latency, implying their involvement in the task. Crucially, we computed the degree of concurrent activity of each component timecourse to test whether activity was sequential or parallel. Our results revealed that these fifteen distinct neural sources exhibit largely concurrent activity during speech production. These results suggest that speech production relies on neural activity that takes place in parallel networks of distributed neural sources

    Evaluation of Strategies Based on Wavelet-ICA and ICLabel for Artifact Correction in EEG Recordings

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    In quantitative electroencephalography, it is of vital importance to eliminate non-neural components, as these can lead to an erroneous analysis of the acquired signals, limiting their use in diagnosis and other clinical applications. In light of this drawback, preprocessing pipelines based on the joint use of the Wavelet Transform and the Independent Component Analysis technique (wICA) were proposed in the 2000s. Recently, with the advent of data-driven methods, deep learning models were developed for the automatic labeling of independent components, which constitutes an opportunity for the optimization of ICA-based techniques. In this paper, ICLabel, one of these deep learning models, was added to the wICA methodology in order to explore its improvement. To assess the usefulness of this approach, it was compared to different pipelines which feature the use of wICA and ICLabel independently and a lack thereof. The impact of each pipeline was measured by its capacity to highlight known statistical differences between asymptomatic carriers of the PSEN-1 E280A mutation and a healthy control group. Specifically, the between-group effect size and the P-values were calculated to compare the pipelines. The results show that using ICLabel for artifact removal can improve the effect size (ES) and that, by leveraging it with wICA, an artifact smoothing approach that is less prone to the loss of neural information can be built