41 research outputs found

    Synthesizing Program Input Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for synthesizing a context-free grammar encoding the language of valid program inputs from a set of input examples and blackbox access to the program. Our algorithm addresses shortcomings of existing grammar inference algorithms, which both severely overgeneralize and are prohibitively slow. Our implementation, GLADE, leverages the grammar synthesized by our algorithm to fuzz test programs with structured inputs. We show that GLADE substantially increases the incremental coverage on valid inputs compared to two baseline fuzzers

    An ActOn-based Semantic Information Service for EGEE

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    We describe a semantic information service that aggregates metadata from a large number of information sources of a large-scale Grid infrastructure. It uses an ontology-based information integration architecture (ActOn) suitable for the highly dynamic distributed information sources available in Grid systems, where information changes frequently and where the information of distributed sources has to be aggregated in order to solve complex queries. These two challenges are addressed by a Metadata Cache that works with an update-on-demand policy and by an information source selection module that selects the most suitable source at a given point in time. We have evaluated the quality of this information service, and compared it with other similar services from the EGEE production testbed, with promising results

    Lazy Services: A Service Oriented Architecture based on Incremental Computations and Commitments

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    A service oriented architecture (SOA) aims to structure complex distributed systems in terms of re-usable components, called services. To guarantee a good service interoperability these services must be weakly coupled and their description must be separated from their implementations. The interface of a service provides information on how it can be invoked: the logical location where it can be invoked, the supported communication protocol and the types of its input (parameters) and output (result). Traditionally, a service can only be invoked when its parameters are fully defined and, symmetrically, these services only return their results after they have been totally processed. In this paper, we promote a more liberal view of services by allowing them to consume their data lazily (i.e., as they need it) and produce their results incrementally (i.e., as they are produced). We develop this notion as 'lazy services' by building up from the model of guarded attributed grammars that was recently introduced in the context of distributed collaborative systems. We abstract from this model and limit somewhat its expressiveness so that it can comply more broadly to SOA principles. We introduce an improvement on subscription management to optimize the distributed implementation of lazy services

    Proceedings of the 1st Standardized Knowledge Representation and Ontologies for Robotics and Automation Workshop

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    Welcome to IEEE-ORA (Ontologies for Robotics and Automation) IROS workshop. This is the 1st edition of the workshop on! Standardized Knowledge Representation and Ontologies for Robotics and Automation. The IEEE-ORA 2014 workshop was held on the 18th September, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. In!the IEEE-ORA IROS workshop, 10 contributions were presented from 7 countries in North and South America, Asia and Europe. The presentations took place in the afternoon, from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM. The first session was dedicated to “Standards for Knowledge Representation in Robotics”, where presentations were made from the IEEE working group standards for robotics and automation, and also from the ISO TC 184/SC2/WH7. The second session was dedicated to “Core and Application Ontologies”, where presentations were made for core robotics ontologies, and also for industrial and robot assisted surgery ontologies. Three posters were presented in emergent applications of ontologies in robotics. We would like to express our thanks to all participants. First of all to the authors, whose quality work is the essence of this workshop. Next, to all the members of the international program committee, who helped us with their expertise and valuable time. We would also like to deeply thank the IEEE-IROS 2014 organizers for hosting this workshop. Our deep gratitude goes to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, that sponsors! the IEEE-ORA group activities, and also to the scientific organizations that kindly agreed to sponsor all the workshop authors work

    Learner models in online personalized educational experiences: an infrastructure and some experim

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    Technologies are changing the world around us, and education is not immune from its influence: the field of teaching and learning supported by the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), also known as Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), has witnessed a huge expansion in recent years. This wide adoption happened thanks to the massive diffusion of broadband connections and to the pervasive needs for education, highly connected to the evolution in sciences and technologies. Therefore, it has pushed up the usage of online education (distance and blended methodologies for educational experiences) to, even in lately years, unexpected rates. Alongside with the well known potentialities, digital-based educational tools come with a number of downsides, such as possible disengagement on the part of the learner, absence of the social pressures that normally exist in a classroom environment, difficulty or even inability from the learners to self-regulate and, last but not least, depletion of the stimulus to actively participate and cooperate with lectures and peers. These difficulties impact the teaching process and the outcomes of the educational experience (i.e. learning process), being a serious limit and questioning the broader applicability of TEL solutions. To overcome these issues, there is a need of tools to support the learning process. In the literature, one of the known approach to improve the situation is to rely on a user profile, that collects data during the use of the eLearning platforms or tool. The created profile can be used to adapt the behaviour and the contents proposed to the learner. On top of this model, some researches stressed the positive effects stimulated by the disclosure of the model itself for inspection purposes by the learner. This disclosed model is known as Open Learner Model (OLM). The idea of opening learners' profile and eventually integrate them with external on-line resources is not new and it has the ultimate goal of creating global and long-run indicators of the learner's profile. Also the representation aspect of the learner model plays a role, moving from the more traditional approach based on the textual and analytic/extensive representation to the graphical indicators that are able to summarise and to present one or more of the model characteristics in a way that is considered more effective and natural for the user consumption. Relying on the same learner models, and stressing the different aggregation and representation capabilities, it is possible to either support self-reflection of the learner or to foster the tutoring process to allow proper supervision by the tutor/teacher. Both the objectives can be reached through the graphical representation of the relevant information, presented in different ways. Furthermore, with such an open approach for the learner model, the concepts of personalisation and adaptation acquire a central role in the TEL experience, overcoming the previous limits related to the impossibility to observe and explain to the learner the reasons for such an intervention from the tool itself. As a consequence, the introduction of different tools, platforms, widgets and devices in the learning process, together with the adaptation process based on the learner profiles, can create a personal space for a potential fruitful usage of the rich and widespread amount of resources available to the learner. This work aimed at analysing the way a learner model could be represented in visual presentation to the system users, exploring the effects and performances for learners and teachers. Subsequently, it concentrated in investigating how the adoption of adaptive and social visualisations of OLM could affect the student experience within a TEL context. The motivation was twofold. On one side was to show that the approach of mixing data from heterogeneous and not already related data sources could have a meaningful didactic interpretations, whether on the other one was to measure the perceived impact of the introduction on online experiences of the adaptivity (and of social aspects) in the graphical visualisations produced by such a tool. In order to achieve these objectives, the present work analysed and addressed them through an approach that merged user data in learning platforms, implementing a learner profile. This was accomplished by means of the creation of a tool, named GVIS, to elaborate on the collected user actions in platforms enabling remote teaching. A number of test cases were performed and analysed, adopting the developed tool as the provider to extract, to aggregate and to represent the data for the learners' model. The GVIS tool impact was then estimated with self- evaluation questionnaires, with the analysis of log files and with knowledge quiz results. Dimensions such as the perceived usefulness, the impact on motivation and commitment, the cognitive overload generated, and the impact of social data disclosure were taken into account. The main result found by the application of the developed tool in TEL experiences was to have an impact on the behaviour of online learners when used to provide them with indicators around their activities, especially when enhanced with social capabilities. The effects appear to be amplifies in those cases where the widget usage is as simplified as possible. From the learner side, the results suggested that the learners seem to appreciate the tool and recognise its value. For them the introduction as part of the online learning experience could act as a positive pressure factor, enhanced by the peer comparison functionality. This functionality could also be used to reinforce the student engagement and positive commitment to the educational experience, by transmitting a sense of community and stimulating healthy competition between learners. From the teacher/tutor side, they seemed to be better supported by the presentation of compact, intuitive and just-in-time information (i.e. actions that have an educational interpretation or impact) about the monitored user or group. This gave them a clearer picture of how the class is currently performing and enabled them to address performance issues by adapting the resources and the teaching (and learning) approach accordingly. Although a drawback was identified regarding the cognitive overload, the data collected showed that users generally considered this kind of support useful. There is also indications that further analyses can be interesting to explore the effects introduced in the teaching practices by the availability and usage of such a tool

    Dynamic world model for context-aware environments

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    Tese de doutoramento Tecnologias e Sistemas de informaçãoThe main subject of this dissertation is a dynamic symbolic world model which is connected to sensor networks through data acquisition and processing modules. Being dynamic, it is capable of accompanying the state of the represented spaces in real time. This model can be distributed over several servers as all the objects in the model are uniquely described by URI and relations may exist with objects located in remote servers. It also allows users to construct and share their own models of the world as they visit different places. Symbolic world models are complementary to geometric world models which are much more widespread. They are similar to human mental models of space, allow for meaningful descriptions of locations and the creation of relations between them. The main contributions of our research are: the space characterization based on traces from available networks, automatic feeding of the world model through a set of processing modules that receive information from a wireless network, a world model that resembles human mental models of space, an editing tool for manual creation of the model and a set of applications that contribute to the model expansion and/or use the existing data from the model.O tema principal desta dissertação é um modelo de espaços simbólico e dinâmico ligado a uma rede de sensores através de m´módulos de aquisição e processamento de dados. Sendo dinâmico, acompanha o estado dos espaços representados em tempo real. Este modelo pode ser distribuído por vários servidores uma vez que todos os objetos no modelo estão univocamente identificados por um URI e poderão ser estabelecidas relações entre objetos localizados em servidores remotos. Os utilizadores podem criar e partilhar os seus próprios modelos na medida em que vão visitando os diversos locais de interesse. Os modelos de espaço simbólicos complementam os modelos geométricos que são muito mais comuns. São semelhantes aos modelos mentais, permitem a introdução de descrições mais ricas dos objetos e a criação de relações entre eles. Os contributos deste projeto de investigação são: caracterização dos espaços baseada nos dados provenientes de redes existentes, atualização automática do modelo de espaços através de um conjunto de m´módulos de processamento que recebem os dados de uma rede sem fios, um modelo de espaços semelhante aos modelos mentais, uma ferramenta para criação manual do modelo de espaço e um conjunto de aplicações que atualizam o modelo e/ou utilizam os dados existentes

    A context -and template- based data compression approach to improve resource-constrained IoT systems interoperability.

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    170 p.El objetivo del Internet de las Cosas (the Internet of Things, IoT) es el de interconectar todo tipo de cosas, desde dispositivos simples, como una bombilla o un termostato, a elementos más complejos y abstractoscomo una máquina o una casa. Estos dispositivos o elementos varían enormemente entre sí, especialmente en las capacidades que poseen y el tipo de tecnologías que utilizan. Esta heterogeneidad produce una gran complejidad en los procesos integración en lo que a la interoperabilidad se refiere.Un enfoque común para abordar la interoperabilidad a nivel de representación de datos en sistemas IoT es el de estructurar los datos siguiendo un modelo de datos estándar, así como formatos de datos basados en texto (e.g., XML). Sin embargo, el tipo de dispositivos que se utiliza normalmente en sistemas IoT tiene capacidades limitadas, así como recursos de procesamiento y de comunicación escasos. Debido a estas limitaciones no es posible integrar formatos de datos basados en texto de manera sencilla y e1ciente en dispositivos y redes con recursos restringidos. En esta Tesis, presentamos una novedosa solución de compresión de datos para formatos de datos basados en texto, que está especialmente diseñada teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones de dispositivos y redes con recursos restringidos. Denominamos a esta solución Context- and Template-based Compression (CTC). CTC mejora la interoperabilidad a nivel de los datos de los sistemas IoT a la vez que requiere muy pocos recursos en cuanto a ancho de banda de las comunicaciones, tamaño de memoria y potencia de procesamiento