24 research outputs found


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    The problems of this research are (1) How is the reception of students of SMK Negeri 1 Dukuhturi regarding the ideology of heroism in the novel Sang Penggesek Biola?, (2) How is the ideology of heroism in the novel Sang Penggesek Biola?. The objectives of this study are (1) Describe the reception of students of SMK Negeri 1 Dukuhturi regarding the ideology of heroism in the novel Sang Penggesek Biola, (2) Describe the content of the ideology of heroism in the novel Sang Penggesek Biola. The research population was 32 students. Data collection methods used are interviews, questionnaires, and researcher notes. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the reception of female gender and male gender has similarities and differences. This is because the female gender carries her feelings while the male gender focuses on the impact of an event on the plot. In line with that, Yudhi Herwibowo's novel Sang Penggesek Biola has an ideology of heroism that can be seen through the thoughts of the main character

    State of Utah v. Anna Marie Morgan : Reply Brief

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has become a global problem affecting human life entirely. This paper provides evidence of the market reaction to Jokowi’s announcement regarding the first patient of COVID-19 in Indonesia on March 2, 2020. This research is an event study that looks at whether or not there is a difference in average abnormal returns of 'go public' companies registered on The Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) 70 both before and after the announcement. The observations were made 9 days before the announcement and 9 days after the announcement. Based on descriptive data, the average stock returns of JII 70 fluctuated which increased on the first day after the announcement but decreased sharply after the fifth day of the announcement. The test showed that the average abnormal returns are negative both before and after the announcement. The paired sample t-test provided evidence that there is a difference in the average abnormal return during the testing period between before and after the announcement. The market reacted negatively to the announcement indicated by negative average abnormal return and support a semi-strong market hypothesis.========================================================================================================Wabah Covid-19 dan Reaksi Pasar Modal: Bukti dari Jakarta Islamic Index 70. Wabah COVID-19 telah menjadi masalah global yang mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia sepenuhnya. Paper ini memberikan bukti reaksi pasar terhadap pengumuman Presiden Jokowi mengenai pasien perta COVID-19 di Indonesia pada 2 Maret 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan studi peristiwa yang melihat apakah terdapat perbedaan rata-rata abnormal return perusahaan go public yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) 70 baik sebelum maupun sesudah pengumuman. Pengamatan dilakukan 9 hari sebelum pengumuman dan 9 hari sesudah pengumuman. Berdasarkan data deskriptif, rata-rata return saham JII 70 mengalami fluktuasi yang meningkat pada hari pertama setelah pengumuman namun menurun tajam pada hari kelima setelah pengumuman. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata abnormal return bernilai negatif baik sebelum maupun sesudah pengumuman. Uji-t sampel berpasangan memberikan bukti bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata abnormal return selama periode pengujian antara sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman. Pasar bereaksi negatif terhadap pengumuman yang ditunjukkan oleh rata-rata abnormal return negatif dan mendukung hipotesis pasar semi-kuat

    Rumor Clarification, Digital Platform, and Stock Movement

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    Stock return is influenced by information release, dissemination, and acceptance. Rumor clarification is supposed to reduce asymmetric information and abnormal stock return. In this research, we extracted 4134 rumor-clarification pairs from 687,429 postings in social media, and quantified the language used in these messages, along with online firm behaviors, to study the effect of clarifications on stock returns. Our findings include (1) the digitalized rumor clarification messages affect the abnormal returns of the relevant stocks; (2) Such influence can be quantified and measured by the emotion polarity of rumor clarification; (3) Firm’s online clarification behaviors may have no influence on abnormal returns except for the total response number of rumor clarification for a listed company. In particular, investors prefer to trust the clarifications from the companies with frequent online interactive engagements

    A New Approach to Designing a Political Risk Assessment Survey in International Firms in the Context of Czech International Firms

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    This paper seeks to resolve a conceptual dilemma in the field of political risk assessment in firms‟ international business activities in the context of the Czech Republic. Exploratory interviews were conducted which were designed on basis of a solid body of literature on political risk, international business, political risk assessment, risk management and assessment, and enterprise risk management. The results obtained via these interviews suggest that this PRA function is almost non-existent in Czech international firms, i.e. suggest that findings of previous studies do not apply. Since previous studies of PRA identified a PRA function in the majority of firms involved in international business the results of the exploratory research suggest a novel and different approach needs to be adopted in order to analyse the nature of treatment of host-country political risk in Czech-specific context, and the factors influencing the choice whether or not to adopt a PRA functio

    University of Malaya Research Bulletin, Volume 17, Number 1, 2017

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    Previously known as IPPP UM Research Bulleti

    Book Reviews

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    Beyond Auschwitz: Post-Holocaust Jewish Thought in America (Michael L. Morgan) Poetry after Auschwitz: Remembering What One Never Knew (Susan Gubar) Holocaust Representation: Art within the Limits of History and Ethics (Berel Lang) (Reviewed by Naomi Mandel, University of Rhode Island) Libertines and Radicals in Early Modern London: Sexuality, Politics, and Literary Culture, 1630–1685 (James Grantham Turner) (Reviewed by Harold Weber, University of Alabama) Fair Exotics: Xenophobic Subjects in British Literature, 1720–1850 (Rajani Sudan) (Reviewed by Robert Anderson, Oakland University) Curiosity and the Aesthetics of Travel Writing, 1770–1840: From an Antique Land, (Nigel Leask) (Reviewed by Donald Ross, University of Minnesota) Deleuze on Cinema (Ronald Bogue) (Reviewed by Charles J. Stivale, Wayne State University) The Author’s Due: Printing and the Prehistory of Copyright (Joseph Loewenstein) Ben Jonson and Possessive Authorship (Joseph Loewenstein) (Reviewed by Chris Kendrick, Loyola University–Chicago) Shakespeare’s Domestic Economies: Gender and Property in Early Modern England (Natasha Korda) (Reviewed by Holly Dugan, University of Michigan) Maternal Impressions: Pregnancy and Childbirth in Literature and Theory (Cristina Mazzoni) (Reviewed by Barbara Schneider, University of Toledo) The Consecration of the Writer, 1750–1830 (Paul Be´nichou; Trans. Mark K.Jensen) (Reviewed by Jan Plug, Johann Wolfgang Goethe–Universität