192 research outputs found

    Esports Course Design: Balancing Multiplayer Gameplay Within Structured Curriculum

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    There is a noticeably large interest growing across the globe for Esports expansion. Esports has grown to become an affinity space for competitive ambition/growth and a discipline of enormously varied learning techniques. Techniques to build esports into education often follow a 3 credit format, where esports can be studied in various areas (e.g., business, psychology, media/production). However, there’s been an absence in courses that are focused solely in gameplay. Traditionally, gaming has been observed to be a distraction over opportunity for growth. The course is currently centered to target said assumptions by utilizing student discipline techniques. Assignments are centered around goal setting, while categorized through three major topics; “attitude/health”, “communication”, and “positioning/game mechanics”. Results from the study demonstrate that students favored the work aspect of the course. Future studies could navigate a deeper study into the community aspect, as students profited greatly from connecting relationships

    Analyzing the professional gaming industry in the United States of America: a pedagogical case study

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    Project / JEL classification system: M 10: General Business Administration L10: GeneralThe unquestionable popularity of video games has propelled the evolution of professional gaming to become an important part of today’s youth culture. More than simply playing video games, millions watch carefully as professional gamers showcase their abilities against one another. Despite facing strong social barriers, in recent years, professional gaming has experienced an exponential growth and video game companies can no longer ignore its importance for their own future. In the western world, the US currently has the strongest professional gaming industry and sets an example for the structure that this relatively new business should take in order to be successful. Nevertheless, the professional gaming industry and the potential that this new trend has to generate a worldwide business has not been the subject of many managerial studies and our understanding of the variables within the industry and surrounding it is lackluster. The increasing number of professional gaming viewers and enthusiasts justifies the necessity and pertinence of such studies. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a basis for the study of the professional gaming industry in the US by developing a pedagogical case study. The requested application of some of the most crucial analytical frameworks in Management promotes a necessary study of the industry as well as expands the knowledge about professional gaming for anyone involved in its resolution.A popularidade inquestionável dos videojogos impulsionou a evolução do prfessional gaming para se tornar numa parte importante da cultura da juventude actual. Mais do que o simples act de jogar videojogos, milhões de pessoas expectam atentamente quando os jogadores profissionais mostram as suas habilidades. Apesar das fortes barreiras sociais, o professional gaming experenciou um crescimento exponetial em anos recentes e as empresas de videojogos já não podem ignorar a sua importância para o futuro. No mundo occidental, os Estados Unidos da América têm actualmente a presença mais forte no professional gaming e são um exemplo de estrutura que este negócio relativamente novo deve tomar para ser bem sucedido. No entanto, a indústria do professional gaming e o potencial que esta nova tendência tem para gerar um negócio global não tem sido sujeita a muitos estudos e o entendimento das variáveis presentes dentro e fora da indústria é escasso. O aumento do número de espectadores e entusiastas do professional gaming justifica a necessiade e pertinência de tais estudos. O objectivo desta tese é fornecer uma base para o estudo da indústria do professional gaming nos Estados Unidos da América através da preparação de um caso de estudo pedagógico. A aplicação de algumas das mais importantes ferramentas analíticas na Gestão que é requerida, promove um estudo da indústria assim como expande o conhecimento acerca do professional gaming para todos os envolvidos na sua resolução

    Key Dimensions of Contemporary Video Game Literacy: Towards A Normative Model of the Competent Digital Gamer

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    Recent developments in digital games technology, economy, and content have further expanded the popularity of the medium. At the same time, requirements for competent gaming or digital game literacy need to be reconsidered in the light of the rapid evolution of digital games. The paper outlines three important dimensions of contemporary video game literacy: (1) Resilience against effects of game content on automatic cognition (such as stereotypes and aggressive thinking), (2) the ability to cope with social affordances of multiplayer games, and (3) the ability to manage inertia processes in playing motivation that result in a perceived risk of losing investments of time and effort when deciding against playing. Finally, the importance to substantiate game literacy concepts with scientific theory and empirical research is articulated

    Key Dimensions of Contemporary Video Game Literacy: Towards A Normative Model of the Competent Digital Gamer

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    Recent developments in digital games technology, economy, and content have further expanded the popularity of the medium. At the same time, requirements for competent gaming or digital game literacy need to be reconsidered in the light of the rapid evolution of digital games. The paper outlines three important dimensions of contemporary video game literacy: (1) Resilience against effects of game content on automatic cognition (such as stereotypes and aggressive thinking), (2) the ability to cope with social affordances of multiplayer games, and (3) the ability to manage inertia processes in playing motivation that result in a perceived risk of losing investments of time and effort when deciding against playing. Finally, the importance to substantiate game literacy concepts with scientific theory and empirical research is articulated

    The Social Context of the Benefits Achieved in eSport

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    The article presents a meta-analysis of the social context of benefits achieved by people in a new, yet not well-researched activity in electronic sports. The presented historical background of eSport and the dilemmas of the highly polarised scientific community, in which there are as many supporters as opponents of the recognition of eSport as a sport, have become a basis for describing this phenomenon in the context of the theory of use and gratification. Thus, based on the few eSport studies carried out, the human benefits related to cognitive and social development, identity development and participation in entertainment were determined

    Роль та місце українських кібергравців в світовому кіберспорті

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    В статі проаналізовано сучасний стан світової індустрії кіберспорту та визначені основі закономірності її розвитку протягом 2002-2020 рр. Досліджено роль кіберспорту в сучасному українському суспільства, а також встановлено рівень його поточного розвитку. З’ясовано місце вітчизняного кіберспорту у світовому кіберсередовищі. Ідентифіковані основні проблеми розвитку українського кіберспорту та проаналізовані інструменти досягнення перспективних планів його динамічного становлення.В статье проанализировано современное состояние мировой индустрии киберспорта и определены основе закономерности ее развития в течение 2002-2020 гг. Исследована роль киберспорта в современном украинском обществе, а также установлен уровень его текущего развития. Выяснено место отечественного киберспорта в мировой киберсреде. Идентифицированы основные проблемы развития украинского киберспорта и проанализированы инструменты достижения перспективных планов его динамичного становления.Ukrainian e-sportsmen have long been world-renowned figures in the cyber environment, who have been successful internationally since the early 2000s, but they have no official status in their own country. Thus, only in 2020 in Ukraine, namely on September 7, e-sports is recognized as an official sport along with football, basketball, tennis, swimming and other traditional sports. This event marked a qualitatively new stage in the development of e-sports in Ukraine. The creation of the Ukrainian Professional E-Sports Association (UPEA) opens new opportunities for the development of a modern e-sports ecosystem in our country, free movement of e-athletes around the world and hopes for a synergistic effect of this process for the entire domestic economy. Therefore, in order to effectively develop e-sports, defined by the strategy of its development in Ukraine for 2020-2025, it is necessary to explore the role and place of domestic cyber players in world e-sports and to form the most operational measures to implement the proposed strategic objectives. This determined the purpose of the proposed study. The article analyzes the current state of the world e-sports industry and determines the basis of the laws of its development during 2002-2020. The analysis is based on such indicators as the total prize fund of world cyber tournaments, the total number of cyber tournaments in the world, the total number of active cyber players in the world, the average prize fund of cyber tournaments, the average earnings of cyber players in the world. The role of e-sports in modern Ukrainian society is studied, and the level of its current development is established. The statistical indicators of the study were: prizes received by Ukrainian e-athletes, the number of Ukrainian active cyber players, the average earnings of Ukrainian cyber players, Ukraine's ranking of prizes in cyber tournaments, the share of prizes won by Ukrainian cyber players in the global prize fund, the share of Ukrainian cyber players in the world. The place of domestic e-sports in the world e-environment has been clarified. The main problems of Ukrainian e-sports development are identified and the tools for achieving long-term plans for its dynamic development are analyzed

    Esports’ Feasibility as an Entertainment Media: A Study

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    This research is conducted to find and determine the perks the public can get by engaging in Esports, the adverse effects that can affect Esports and making suggestions on how to improve the Esports scene. This study will be based on interaction in Esports, viewership in Esports, toxicity and aggressive behavior in Esports, as well as in-game purchases in Esports. The results of the data analysis showed that interaction in Esports, viewership in Esports, and in-game purchases in Esports have a positive effect on Esports’ feasibility as an entertainment media. On the other hand, no significant effect was found on toxicity and aggressive behavior in Esports to the feasibility of Esports as an entertainment media.Keywords: Esports; In-game purchases; Media consumption; Online gaming; Toxicity; Video game

    Analysis of Matchmaking Optimization Systems Potential in Mobile eSports

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    Matchmaking systems are one of the core features of experience in online gaming. They influence player satisfaction, engagement, and churn risk. The paper looks into the current state of the theoretical and practical implementation of such systems in the mobile gaming industry. We propose a basic classification of matchmaking systems into random and quasi-random, skill-based, role-based, technical factor-based, and engagement based. We also offer an analysis of matchmaking systems in 16 leading mobile Esport games. The dominant industry solution is skill and rank based systems with a different level of skill depth measurement. In the further part of the paper, we present a theoretical model of engagement and a time-optimized model

    Videojugadores del League of Legends : el papel de la pasión en el uso abusivo y en el rendimiento

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    Los juegos Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) han suscitado preocupación por su potencial adictivo. Los Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) son un nuevo género poco estudiado, pero que goza de gran popularidad, en el que prima el rendimiento por encima de la inmersión. El objetivo del presente estudio era explorar qué influencia tenía la pasión tanto en el rendimiento como en el uso abusivo a partir del Modelo Dual de la Pasión. Un total de 369 participantes completaron un cuestionario en línea que incluía usos abusivos y la Escala de la Pasión. A partir del alías del jugador se obtuvieron estadísticas de rendimiento. Los resultados muestran que la pasión armónica es un protector de sufrir consecuencias negativas de jugar. Por otro lado, la pasión obsesiva predice consecuencias negativas y el uso para la evasión. La pasión obsesiva también predice mejores resultados de rendimiento. Estos resultados sugieren que el tipo de pasión de los videojugadores es importante, ya que influye en la vulnerabilidad de sufrir conductas desadaptativas y en el rendimiento del jugadorThere is growing concern about the addictive potential of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG). The Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) is a new genre, poorly studied but very popular, in which performance holds priority over immersion. The aim of the current study was to explore the influence of passion both on abuse and performance, using the dualistic model of passion. A total of 369 participants completed an online questionnaire that included problematic use and the Passion Scale. From players' nicknames, performance statistics were obtained. The results show that harmonious passion is a protector from negative consequences. On the other hand, obsessive passion predicts negative consequences and use of videogames for evasion. Obsessive passion also predicts better performance. These results suggest that distinguishing the two kinds of passion is important because they influence vulnerability to developing maladaptive behaviors and also players' performance

    Motivasi Pada Pemain Game Online Kompetitif

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    Motivation is needed by everyone as an encouragement to achieve the goals he wants which include the need for achievement, the need for power and the need for affiliation according to McClelland's theory of motivation. The purpose of this research is to understand it deeply and describes the motivation to players of competitive online games. This research is qualitative research with the descriptive approach. The informants in this study amounted to 6 people with criteria namely active online competitive game players aged 18-40 years, and having participated in an online game race at least 1 time. Data collection method by interview.. The data obtained were analyzed using content analysis. The results of this research indicate on the Need for Achievement, of all informants confront that being a player of competitive online games aims to get popularity and pride. On the Need for Power, the majority of informants wanted to get a title and love a compete with other players. On the Need of Affiliation, all informants tends get friends, community, get recognition as well as being a part of the team. All informants have internal factors like hobbies, material gains, and ability. Then external factors such as the support of friends and getting inspiration from other people's accomplishments. However the majority of the informant's family did not provide support related to the activity of playing a competitive online, but it does not reduce the informant's motivation to keep playing the game online