13 research outputs found


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    An infinite hierarchy induced by depth synchronization

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    AbstractDepth-synchronization measures the number of parallel derivation steps in a synchronized context-free (SCF) grammar. When not bounded by a constant the depth-synchronization measure of an SCF grammar is at least logarithmic and at most linear with respect to the word length. Languages with linear depth-synchronization measure and languages with a depth-synchronization measure in between logarithmic and linear are proven to exist. This gives rise to a strict infinite hierarchy within the family of SCF (and ET0L) languages

    Master index: volumes 31–40

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    Locality and Checkability in Wait-free Computing

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    22 pagesThis paper studies several notions of locality that are inherent to the specification of distributed tasks and independent of the computing environment, and investigates the ability of a shared memory wait-free system to solve tasks satisfying various forms of locality. First, we define a task to be projection-closed if every partial output π(t) for a full input s is also a valid output for the partial input π(s) and prove that projection-closed tasks are precisely those tasks that are wait-free checkable. Our second main contribution is dealing with a stronger notion of lo- cality of topological nature. A task T = (I, O, ∆) is said to be locality- preserving if and only if O is a covering complex of I, that is, each simplex s of I is mapped by ∆ to a set of simplexes of O each isomorphic to s. This topological property yields obstacles for wait-free solvability different in nature from the classical agreement impossibility results. On the other hand, locality-preserving tasks are projection-closed and therefore always wait-free checkable. We provide a classification of locality-preserving tasks in term of their computational power, by establishing a correspondence between locality-preserving tasks and subgroups of the edgepath group of a complex. Using this correspondence, we prove the existence of hierarchies of locality-preserving tasks, each one containing a universal task (induced by the universal covering complex), and at the bottom the trivial identity task

    Parsing Based on Grammar and Automata Systems

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    Tato práce se zabývá syntaktickou analýzou s využitím systémů paralelně komunikujících zásobníkových automatů. Zejména se zaměřuje na dopady nedeterminismu v jednotlivých komponentách na celý systém. Také je představen návrh algoritmu pro převod některých paralelně komunikujících gramatických systémů na systémy paralelně komunikujících zásobníkových automatů. Získané poznatky jsou použity při návrhu a implementaci metody syntaktické analýzy.This thesis is concerning with parsing using parallel communicating pushdown automata systems. Focusing especially on impacts of nondeterminism in individual components on the whole system. Also it introduces a proposal of algorithm for converting some parallel communicating grammar systems to parallel communicating pushdown automata systems. The gained knowledge is used to design and implement parsing method.

    Enumeration and Leader Election in Partially Anonymous and Multi-hop Broadcast Networks

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    We address the enumeration and the leader election problems over partially anonymous and multi-hop broadcast networks. We consider an asynchronous communication model where each process broadcasts a message and all its neighbours receive this message after arbitrary and unpredictable time. In this paper, we present necessary conditions that must be satisfied by any graph to solve these problems and we show that these conditions are sufficient by providing an enumeration algorithm on the one hand and a leader election algorithm on the other hand. From the complexity viewpoint, our algorithms offer a polynomial complexity (memory, number of messages and size of messages)

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    The Universe of Symmetry Breaking Tasks

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    Processes in a concurrent system need to coordinate using a shared memory or a message-passing subsystem in order to solve agreement tasks such as, for example, consensus or set agreement. However, often coordination is needed to “break the symmetry” of processes that are initially in the same state, for example, to get exclusive access to a shared resource, to get distinct names or to elect a leader. This paper introduces and studies the family of generalized symmetry breaking (GSB) tasks, that includes election, renaming and many other symmetry breaking tasks. Differently from agreement tasks, a GSB task is “inputless”, in the sense that processes do not propose values; the task specifies only the symmetry breaking requirement, independently of the system's initial state (where processes differ only on their identifiers). Among many various characterizing the family of GSB tasks, it is shown that (non adaptive) perfect renaming is universal for all GSB tasks