277,958 research outputs found

    Sparse Dynamic Programming on DAGs with Small Width

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    The minimum path cover problem asks us to find a minimum-cardinality set of paths that cover all the nodes of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). We study the case when the size k of a minimum path cover is small, that is, when the DAG has a small width. This case is motivated by applications in pan-genomics, where the genomic variation of a population is expressed as a DAG. We observe that classical alignment algorithms exploiting sparse dynamic programming can be extended to the sequence-against-DAG case by mimicking the algorithm for sequences on each path of a minimum path cover and handling an evaluation order anomaly with reachability queries. Namely, we introduce a general framework for DAG-extensions of sparse dynamic programming. This framework produces algorithms that are slower than their counterparts on sequences only by a factor k. We illustrate this on two classical problems extended to DAGs: longest increasing subsequence and longest common subsequence. For the former, we obtain an algorithm with running time O(k vertical bar E vertical bar log vertical bar V vertical bar). This matches the optimal solution to the classical problem variant when the input sequence is modeled as a path. We obtain an analogous result for the longest common subsequence problem. We then apply this technique to the co-linear chaining problem, which is a generalization of the above two problems. The algorithm for this problem turns out to be more involved, needing further ingredients, such as an FM-index tailored for large alphabets and a two-dimensional range search tree modified to support range maximum queries. We also study a general sequence-to-DAG alignment formulation that allows affine gap costs in the sequence. The main ingredient of the proposed framework is a new algorithm for finding a minimum path cover of a DAG (V, E) in O(k vertical bar E vertical bar log vertical bar V vertical bar) time, improving all known time-bounds when k is small and the DAG is not too dense. In addition to boosting the sparse dynamic programming framework, an immediate consequence of this new minimum path cover algorithm is an improved space/time tradeoff for reachability queries in arbitrary directed graphs.Peer reviewe

    A hybrid algorithm for the longest common transposition-invariant subsequence problem

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    The longest common transposition-invariant subsequence (LCTS) problem is a music information retrieval oriented variation of the classic LCS problem. There are basically only two known efficient approaches to calculate the length of the LCTS, one based on sparse dynamic programming and the other on bit-parallelism. In this work, we propose a hybrid algorithm picking the better of the two algorithms for individual subproblems. Experiments on music (MIDI), with 32-bit and 64-bit implementations, show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the faster of the two component algorithms by a factor of 1.4–2.0, depending on sequence lengths. Similar, if not better, improvements can be observed for random data with Gaussian distribution. Also for uniformly random data, the hybrid algorithm is the winner if the alphabet is neither too small (at least 32 symbols) nor too large (up to 128 symbols). Part of the success of our scheme is attributed to a quite robust component selection heuristic

    Hardness of Approximation of (Multi-)LCS over Small Alphabet

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    The problem of finding longest common subsequence (LCS) is one of the fundamental problems in computer science, which finds application in fields such as computational biology, text processing, information retrieval, data compression etc. It is well known that (decision version of) the problem of finding the length of a LCS of an arbitrary number of input sequences (which we refer to as Multi-LCS problem) is NP-complete. Jiang and Li [SICOMP\u2795] showed that if Max-Clique is hard to approximate within a factor of s then Multi-LCS is also hard to approximate within a factor of ?(s). By the NP-hardness of the problem of approximating Max-Clique by Zuckerman [ToC\u2707], for any constant ? > 0, the length of a LCS of arbitrary number of input sequences of length n each, cannot be approximated within an n^{1-?}-factor in polynomial time unless {P}={NP}. However, the reduction of Jiang and Li assumes the alphabet size to be ?(n). So far no hardness result is known for the problem of approximating Multi-LCS over sub-linear sized alphabet. On the other hand, it is easy to get 1/|?|-factor approximation for strings of alphabet ?. In this paper, we make a significant progress towards proving hardness of approximation over small alphabet by showing a polynomial-time reduction from the well-studied densest k-subgraph problem with perfect completeness to approximating Multi-LCS over alphabet of size poly(n/k). As a consequence, from the known hardness result of densest k-subgraph problem (e.g. [Manurangsi, STOC\u2717]) we get that no polynomial-time algorithm can give an n^{-o(1)}-factor approximation of Multi-LCS over an alphabet of size n^{o(1)}, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis is false

    Parameterized Strings: Algorithms and Data Structures

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    A parameterized string (p-string) T = T[1] T[2]...T[n] is a sophisticated string of length n composed of symbols from a constant alphabet Sigma and a parameter alphabet pi. Given a pair of p-strings S and T, the parameterized pattern matching (p-match) problem is to verify whether the individual constant symbols match and whether there exists a bijection between the parameter symbols of S and T. If the two conditions are met, S is said to be a p-match of T. A significant breakthrough in the p-match area is the prev encoding, which is proven to identify a p-match between S and T if and only if prev(S) == prev(T). In order to utilize suffix data structures in terms of p-matching, we must account for the dynamic nature of the parameterized suffixes (p-suffixes) of T, namely prev(T[ i...n]) ∀ i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.;In this work, we propose transformative approaches to the direct parameterized suffix sorting (p-suffix sorting) problem by generating and sorting lexicographically numeric fingerprints and arithmetic codes that correspond to individual p-suffixes. Our algorithm to p-suffix sort via fingerprints is the first theoretical linear time algorithm for p-suffix sorting for non-binary parameter alphabets, which assumes that each code is represented by a practical integer. We eliminate the key problems of fingerprints by introducing an algorithm that exploits the ordering of arithmetic codes to sort p-suffixes in linear time on average.;The longest previous factor (LPF) problem is defined for traditional strings exclusively from the constant alphabet Sigma. We generalize the LPF problem to the parameterized longest previous factor (pLPF) problem defined for p-strings. Subsequently, we present a linear time solution to construct the pLPF array. Given our pLPF algorithm, we show how to construct the pLCP (parameterized longest common prefix) array in linear time. Our algorithm is further exploited to construct the standard LPF and LCP arrays all in linear time.;We then study the structural string (s-string), a variant of the p-string that extends the p-string alphabets to include complementary parameters that correspond to one another. The s-string problem involves the new encoding schemes sencode and compl in order to identify a structural match (s-match). Current s-match solutions use a structural suffix tree (s-suffix tree) to study structural matches in RNA sequences. We introduce the suffix array, LCP, and LPF data structures for the s-string encoding schemes. Using our new data structures, we identify the first suffix array solution to the s-match problem. Our algorithms and data structures are shown to apply to s-strings and also p-strings and traditional strings

    Fine-grained I/O Complexity via Reductions: New Lower Bounds, Faster Algorithms, and a Time Hierarchy

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    This paper initiates the study of I/O algorithms (minimizing cache misses) from the perspective of fine-grained complexity (conditional polynomial lower bounds). Specifically, we aim to answer why sparse graph problems are so hard, and why the Longest Common Subsequence problem gets a savings of a factor of the size of cache times the length of a cache line, but no more. We take the reductions and techniques from complexity and fine-grained complexity and apply them to the I/O model to generate new (conditional) lower bounds as well as new faster algorithms. We also prove the existence of a time hierarchy for the I/O model, which motivates the fine-grained reductions. - Using fine-grained reductions, we give an algorithm for distinguishing 2 vs. 3 diameter and radius that runs in O(|E|^2/(MB)) cache misses, which for sparse graphs improves over the previous O(|V|^2/B) running time. - We give new reductions from radius and diameter to Wiener index and median. These reductions are new in both the RAM and I/O models. - We show meaningful reductions between problems that have linear-time solutions in the RAM model. The reductions use low I/O complexity (typically O(n/B)), and thus help to finely capture between "I/O linear time" O(n/B) and RAM linear time O(n). - We generate new I/O assumptions based on the difficulty of improving sparse graph problem running times in the I/O model. We create conjectures that the current best known algorithms for Single Source Shortest Paths (SSSP), diameter, and radius are optimal. - From these I/O-model assumptions, we show that many of the known reductions in the word-RAM model can naturally extend to hold in the I/O model as well (e.g., a lower bound on the I/O complexity of Longest Common Subsequence that matches the best known running time). - We prove an analog of the Time Hierarchy Theorem in the I/O model, further motivating the study of fine-grained algorithmic differences

    Algorithms for Longest Common Abelian Factors

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    In this paper we consider the problem of computing the longest common abelian factor (LCAF) between two given strings. We present a simple O(σ n2)O(\sigma~ n^2) time algorithm, where nn is the length of the strings and σ\sigma is the alphabet size, and a sub-quadratic running time solution for the binary string case, both having linear space requirement. Furthermore, we present a modified algorithm applying some interesting tricks and experimentally show that the resulting algorithm runs faster.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
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