198 research outputs found

    Cognitive radio network in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET): a survey

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    Cognitive radio network and vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are recent emerging concepts in wireless networking. Cognitive radio network obtains knowledge of its operational geographical environment to manage sharing of spectrum between primary and secondary users, while VANET shares emergency safety messages among vehicles to ensure safety of users on the road. Cognitive radio network is employed in VANET to ensure the efficient use of spectrum, as well as to support VANET’s deployment. Random increase and decrease of spectrum users, unpredictable nature of VANET, high mobility, varying interference, security, packet scheduling, and priority assignment are the challenges encountered in a typical cognitive VANET environment. This paper provides survey and critical analysis on different challenges of cognitive radio VANET, with discussion on the open issues, challenges, and performance metrics for different cognitive radio VANET applications

    Cognitive radio network in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET): a survey

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    Cognitive radio network and vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are recent emerging concepts in wireless networking. Cognitive radio network obtains knowledge of its operational geographical environment to manage sharing of spectrum between primary and secondary users, while VANET shares emergency safety messages among vehicles to ensure safety of users on the road. Cognitive radio network is employed in VANET to ensure the efficient use of spectrum, as well as to support VANET’s deployment. Random increase and decrease of spectrum users, unpredictable nature of VANET, high mobility, varying interference, security, packet scheduling, and priority assignment are the challenges encountered in a typical cognitive VANET environment. This paper provides survey and critical analysis on different challenges of cognitive radio VANET, with discussion on the open issues, challenges, and performance metrics for different cognitive radio VANET applications

    Towards reliable geographic broadcasting in vehicular networks

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    In Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs), safety-related messages are broadcasted amongst cars, helping to improve drivers' awareness of the road situation. VANETs’ reliability are highly affected by channel contention. This thesis first addresses the issue of channel use efficiency in geographical broadcasts (geocasts). Constant connectivity changes inside a VANET make the existing routing algorithms unsuitable. This thesis presents a geocast algorithm that uses a metric to estimate the ratio of useful to useless packet received. Simulations showed that this algorithm is more channel-efficient than the farthest-first strategy. It also exposes a parameter, allowing it to adapt to channel load. Second, this thesis presents a method of estimating channel load for providing feedback to moderate the offered load. A theoretical model showing the relationship between channel load and the idle time between transmissions is presented and used to estimate channel contention. Unsaturated stations on the network were shown to have small but observable effects on this relationship. In simulations, channel estimators based on this model show higher accuracy and faster convergence time than by observing packet collisions. These estimators are also less affected by unsaturated stations than by observing packet collisions. Third, this thesis couples the channel estimator to the geocast algorithm, producing a closed-loop load-reactive system that allows geocasts to adapt to instantaneous channel conditions. Simulations showed that this system is not only shown to be more efficient in channel use and be able to adapt to channel contention, but is also able to self-correct suboptimal retransmission decisions. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that all tested network simulators exhibit unexpected behaviours when simulating broadcasts. This thesis describes in depth the error in ns-3, leading to a set of workarounds that allows results from most versions of ns-3 to be interpreted correctly

    Cognitive radio network in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET): a survey

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    Cognitive radio network and vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are recent emerging concepts in wireless networking. Cognitive radio network obtains knowledge of its operational geographical environment to manage sharing of spectrum between primary and secondary users, while VANET shares emergency safety messages among vehicles to ensure safety of users on the road. Cognitive radio network is employed in VANET to ensure the efficient use of spectrum, as well as to support VANET’s deployment. Random increase and decrease of spectrum users, unpredictable nature of VANET, high mobility, varying interference, security, packet scheduling, and priority assignment are the challenges encountered in a typical cognitive VANET environment. This paper provides survey and critical analysis on different challenges of cognitive radio VANET, with discussion on the open issues, challenges, and performance metrics for different cognitive radio VANET applications

    Interference-aware multipath video streaming in vehicular environments

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    The multipath transmission is one of the suitable transmission methods for high data rate oriented communication such as video streaming. Each video packets are split into smaller frames for parallel transmission via different paths. One path may interfere with another path due to these parallel transmissions. The multipath oriented interference is due to the route coupling which is one of the major challenges in vehicular traffic environments. The route coupling increases channel contention resulting in video packet collision. In this context, this paper proposes an Interference-aware Multipath Video Streaming (I-MVS) framework focusing on link and node disjoint optimal paths. Specifically, a multipath vehicular network model is derived. The model is utilized to develop interference-aware video streaming method considering angular driving statistics of vehicles. The quality of video streaming links is measured based on packet error rate considering non-circular transmission range oriented shadowing effects. Algorithms are developed as a complete operational I-MVS framework. The comparative performance evaluation attests the benefit of the proposed framework considering various video streaming related metrics

    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: Point-to-Point, Emergency and Broadcast Communications

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to analyze the Aloha medium access (MAC) scheme in one-dimensional, linear networks, which might be an appropriate assumption for Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs). The locations of the vehicles are assumed to follow a homegeneous Poisson point process. Assuming powerlaw mean path-loss and independent point-to-point fading we study performance metrics based on the signal-over-interference and noise ratio (SINR). In contrast to previous studies where the receivers are at a fixed distance from the transmitter, we assume here that the receivers are the nearest neighbors of the transmitters in the Poisson process and in a given direction. We derive closed formulas for the capture probability and for the density of progress of a packet sent by a given node. We compute the mean delay to send a packet transmitted at each slot until successful reception. We also evaluate an upper bound to discover the neighborhood within a given space interval. We show that we can include noise in the previous models


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    According to the American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 police-reported traffic crashes, in which 32,885 people were killed and 2,239,000 people were injured in the US alone. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology which promises to decrease car accidents by providing several safety related services such as blind spot, forward collision and sudden braking ahead warnings. Unfortunately, research of VANET is hindered by the extremely high cost and complexity of field testing. Hence it becomes important to simulate VANET protocols and applications thoroughly before attempting to implement them. This thesis studies the feasibility of common mobility and wireless channel models in VANET simulation and provides a general overview of the currently available VANET simulators and their features. Six different simulation scenarios are performed to evaluate the performance of AODV, DSDV, DSR and OLSR Ad-Hoc routing protocols with UDP and TCP packets. Simulation results indicate that reactive protocols are more robust and suitable for the highly dynamic VANET networks. Furthermore, TCP is found to be more suitable for VANET safety applications due to the high delay and packet drop of UDP packets.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format
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