200 research outputs found

    Using phenocams to monitor our changing earth: Toward a global phenocam network

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    Rapid changes to the biosphere are altering ecological processes worldwide. Developing informed policies for mitigating the impacts of environmental change requires an exponential increase in the quantity, diversity, and resolution of field-collected data, which, in turn, necessitates greater reliance on innovative technologies to monitor ecological processes across local to global scales. Automated digital time-lapse cameras – “phenocams” – can monitor vegetation status and environmental changes over long periods of time. Phenocams are ideal for documenting changes in phenology, snow cover, fire frequency, and other disturbance events. However, effective monitoring of global environmental change with phenocams requires adoption of data standards. New continental-scale ecological research networks, such as the US National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) and the European Union's Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS), can serve as templates for developing rigorous data standards and extending the utility of phenocam data through standardized ground-truthing. Open-source tools for analysis, visualization, and collaboration will make phenocam data more widely usable

    Interactive Visual Analytics for Large-scale Particle Simulations

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    Particle based model simulations are widely used in scientific visualization. In cosmology, particles are used to simulate the evolution of dark matter in the universe. Clusters of particles (that have special statistical properties) are called halos. From a visualization point of view, halos are clusters of particles, each having a position, mass and velocity in three dimensional space, and they can be represented as point clouds that contain various structures of geometric interest such as filaments, membranes, satellite of points, clusters, and cluster of clusters. The thesis investigates methods for interacting with large scale data-sets represented as point clouds. The work mostly aims at the interactive visualization of cosmological simulation based on large particle systems. The study consists of three components: a) two human factors experiments into the perceptual factors that make it possible to see features in point clouds; b) the design and implementation of a user interface making it possible to rapidly navigate through and visualize features in the point cloud, c) software development and integration to support visualization

    Landsat-Based Trend Analysis of Lake Dynamics across Northern Permafrost Regions

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    Lakes are a ubiquitous landscape feature in northern permafrost regions. They have a strong impact on carbon, energy and water fluxes and can be quite responsive to climate change. The monitoring of lake change in northern high latitudes, at a sufficiently accurate spatial and temporal resolution, is crucial for understanding the underlying processes driving lake change. To date, lake change studies in permafrost regions were based on a variety of different sources, image acquisition periods and single snapshots, and localized analysis, which hinders the comparison of different regions. Here, we present a methodology based on machine-learning based classification of robust trends of multi-spectral indices of Landsat data (TM, ETM+, OLI) and object-based lake detection, to analyze and compare the individual, local and regional lake dynamics of four different study sites (Alaska North Slope, Western Alaska, Central Yakutia, Kolyma Lowland) in the northern permafrost zone from 1999 to 2014. Regional patterns of lake area change on the Alaska North Slope (−0.69%), Western Alaska (−2.82%), and Kolyma Lowland (−0.51%) largely include increases due to thermokarst lake expansion, but more dominant lake area losses due to catastrophic lake drainage events. In contrast, Central Yakutia showed a remarkable increase in lake area of 48.48%, likely resulting from warmer and wetter climate conditions over the latter half of the study period. Within all study regions, variability in lake dynamics was associated with differences in permafrost characteristics, landscape position (i.e., upland vs. lowland), and surface geology. With the global availability of Landsat data and a consistent methodology for processing the input data derived from robust trends of multi-spectral indices, we demonstrate a transferability, scalability and consistency of lake change analysis within the northern permafrost region

    Mehitamata õhusõiduki rakendamine põllukultuuride saagikuse ja maa harimisviiside tuvastamisel

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal.This thesis aims to examine how machine learning (ML) technologies have aided significant advancements in image analysis in the area of precision agriculture. These multimodal computing technologies extend the use of machine learning to a broader spectrum of data collecting and selection for the advancement of agricultural practices (Nawar et al., 2017) These techniques will assist complicated cropping systems with more informed decisions with less human intervention, and provide a scalable framework for incorporating expert knowledge of the PA system. (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). Complexity, on the other hand, can be seen as a disadvantage in crop trials, as machine learning models require training/testing databases, limited areas with insignificant sampling sizes, time and space-specificity, and environmental factor interventions, all of which complicate parameter selection and make using a single empirical model for an entire region impractical. During the early stages of writing this thesis, we used a relatively traditional machine learning method to address the regression problem of crop yield and biomass prediction [(i.e., random forest regression (RFR), support vector regression (SVR), and artificial neural network (ANN)] to predicted dry matter (DM) yields of red clover. It obtained favourable results, however, the choosing of hyperparameters, the lengthy algorithms selection process, data cleaning, and redundant collinearity issues significantly limited the way of the machine learning application. We will further discuss the recent trend of automated machine learning (AutoML) that has been driving further significant technological innovation in the application of artificial intelligence from its automated algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization of the deployable pipeline model for unravelling substance problems. However, a present knowledge gap exists in the integration of machine learning (ML) technology with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and hyperspectral-based imaging data categorization and regression applications. In this thesis, we explored a state-of-the-art (SOTA) and entirely open-source AutoML framework, Auto-sklearn, which was built on one of the most frequently used machine learning systems, Scikit-learn. It was integrated with two unique AutoML visualization tools to examine the recognition and acceptance of multispectral vegetation indices (VI) data collected from UAS and hyperspectral narrow-band VIs across a varied spectrum of agricultural management practices (AMP). These procedures incorporate soil tillage method (STM), cultivation method (CM), and manure application (MA), and are classified as four-crop combination fields (i.e., red clover-grass mixture, spring wheat, pea-oat mixture, and spring barley). Additionally, they have not been thoroughly evaluated and lack characteristics that are accessible in agriculture remote sensing applications. This thesis further explores the existing gaps in the knowledge base for several critical crop categories and cultivation management methods referring to biomass and yield analysis, as well as to gain a better understanding of the potential for remotely sensed solutions to field-based and multifunctional platforms to meet precision agriculture demands. To overcome these knowledge gaps, this research introduces a rapid, non-destructive, and low-cost framework for field-based biomass and grain yield modelling, as well as the identification of agricultural management practices. The results may aid agronomists and farmers in establishing more accurate agricultural methods and in monitoring environmental conditions more effectively.Doktoritöö eesmärk oli uurida, kuidas masinõppe (MÕ) tehnoloogiad võimaldavad edusamme täppispõllumajanduse valdkonna pildianalüüsis. Multimodaalsed arvutustehnoloogiad laiendavad masinõppe kasutamist põllumajanduses andmete kogumisel ja valimisel (Nawar et al., 2017). Selline täpsemal informatsioonil põhinev tehnoloogia võimaldab keerukate viljelussüsteemide puhul teha otsuseid inimese vähema sekkumisega, ja loob skaleeritava raamistiku täppispõllumajanduse jaoks (Chlingaryan et al., 2018). Põllukultuuride katsete korral on komplekssete masinõppemudelite kasutamine keerukas, sest alad on piiratud ning valimi suurus ei ole piisav; vaja on testandmebaase, kindlaid aja- ja ruumitingimusi ning keskkonnategureid. See komplitseerib parameetrite valikut ning muudab ebapraktiliseks ühe empiirilise mudeli kasutamise terves piirkonnas. Siinse uurimuse algetapis rakendati suhteliselt traditsioonilist masinõppemeetodit, et lahendada saagikuse ja biomassi prognoosimise regressiooniprobleem (otsustusmetsa regression, tugivektori regressioon ja tehisnärvivõrk) punase ristiku prognoositava kuivaine saagikuse suhtes. Saadi sobivaid tulemusi, kuid hüperparameetrite valimine, pikk algoritmide valimisprotsess, andmete puhastamine ja kollineaarsusprobleemid takistasid masinõpet oluliselt. Automatiseeritud masinõppe (AMÕ) uusimate suundumustena rakendatakse tehisintellekti, et lahendada põhiprobleemid automatiseeritud algoritmi valiku ja rakendatava pipeline-mudeli hüperparameetrite optimeerimise abil. Seni napib teadmisi MÕ tehnoloogia integreerimiseks mehitamata õhusõidukite ning hüperspektripõhiste pildiandmete kategoriseerimise ja regressioonirakendustega. Väitekirjas uuriti nüüdisaegset ja avatud lähtekoodiga AMÕ tehnoloogiat Auto-sklearn, mis on ühe enimkasutatava masinõppesüsteemi Scikit-learn edasiarendus. Süsteemiga liideti kaks unikaalset AMÕ visualiseerimisrakendust, et uurida mehitamata õhusõidukiga kogutud andmete multispektraalsete taimkatteindeksite ja hüperspektraalsete kitsaribaandmete taimkatteindeksite tuvastamist ja rakendamist põllumajanduses. Neid võtteid kasutatakse mullaharimisel, kultiveerimisel ja sõnnikuga väetamisel nelja kultuuriga põldudel (punase ristiku rohusegu, suvinisu, herne-kaera segu, suvioder). Neid ei ole põhjalikult hinnatud, samuti ei hõlma need omadusi, mida kasutatatakse põllumajanduses kaugseire rakendustes. Uurimus käsitleb biomassi ja saagikuse seni uurimata analüüsivõimalusi oluliste põllukultuuride ja viljelusmeetodite näitel. Hinnatakse ka kaugseirelahenduste potentsiaali põllupõhiste ja multifunktsionaalsete platvormide kasutamisel täppispõllumajanduses. Uurimus tutvustab kiiret, keskkonna suhtes kahjutut ja mõõduka hinnaga tehnoloogiat põllupõhise biomassi ja teraviljasaagi modelleerimiseks, et leida sobiv viljelusviis. Töö tulemused võimaldavad põllumajandustootjatel ja agronoomidel tõhusamalt valida põllundustehnoloogiaid ning arvestada täpsemalt keskkonnatingimustega.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Scieces and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of the European Social Fund

    The Nexus Between Security Sector Governance/Reform and Sustainable Development Goal-16

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    This Security Sector Reform (SSR) Paper offers a universal and analytical perspective on the linkages between Security Sector Governance (SSG)/SSR (SSG/R) and Sustainable Development Goal-16 (SDG-16), focusing on conflict and post-conflict settings as well as transitional and consolidated democracies. Against the background of development and security literatures traditionally maintaining separate and compartmentalized presence in both academic and policymaking circles, it maintains that the contemporary security- and development-related challenges are inextricably linked, requiring effective measures with an accurate understanding of the nature of these challenges. In that sense, SDG-16 is surely a good step in the right direction. After comparing and contrasting SSG/R and SDG-16, this SSR Paper argues that human security lies at the heart of the nexus between the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (UN) and SSG/R. To do so, it first provides a brief overview of the scholarly and policymaking literature on the development-security nexus to set the background for the adoption of The Agenda 2030. Next, it reviews the literature on SSG/R and SDGs, and how each concept evolved over time. It then identifies the puzzle this study seeks to address by comparing and contrasting SSG/R with SDG-16. After making a case that human security lies at the heart of the nexus between the UN’s 2030 Agenda and SSG/R, this book analyses the strengths and weaknesses of human security as a bridge between SSG/R and SDG-16 and makes policy recommendations on how SSG/R, bolstered by human security, may help achieve better results on the SDG-16 targets. It specifically emphasizes the importance of transparency, oversight, and accountability on the one hand, and participative approach and local ownership on the other. It concludes by arguing that a simultaneous emphasis on security and development is sorely needed for addressing the issues under the purview of SDG-16

    Big Data in Bioeconomy

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    This edited open access book presents the comprehensive outcome of The European DataBio Project, which examined new data-driven methods to shape a bioeconomy. These methods are used to develop new and sustainable ways to use forest, farm and fishery resources. As a European initiative, the goal is to use these new findings to support decision-makers and producers – meaning farmers, land and forest owners and fishermen. With their 27 pilot projects from 17 countries, the authors examine important sectors and highlight examples where modern data-driven methods were used to increase sustainability. How can farmers, foresters or fishermen use these insights in their daily lives? The authors answer this and other questions for our readers. The first four parts of this book give an overview of the big data technologies relevant for optimal raw material gathering. The next three parts put these technologies into perspective, by showing useable applications from farming, forestry and fishery. The final part of this book gives a summary and a view on the future. With its broad outlook and variety of topics, this book is an enrichment for students and scientists in bioeconomy, biodiversity and renewable resources

    Índices espectrais baseados em programação genética para classificação de imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Sensoriamento remoto é o conjunto de técnicas que permitem, por meio de sensores, analisar objetos a longas distâncias sem estabelecer contato físico com eles. Atualmente, sua contribuição em ciências naturais é enorme, dado que é possível adquirir imagens de alvos em mais regiões do espectro eletromagnético além do canal visível. Trabalhar com imagens compostas por múltiplas bandas espectrais requer tratar grandes quantidades de informação associada a uma única entidade, coisa que afeta negativamente o desempenho de algoritmos de predição, fazendo nacessário o uso de técnicas de redução da dimensionalidade. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de extração de características baseada em índices espectrais aprendidos por Programação Genética (GP), que projetam os dados associados aos pixels em novos espaços de características, com o objetivo de aprimorar a acurácia de algoritmos de classificação. Índices espectrais são funções que relacionam a refletância, em canais específicos do espectro, com valores reais que podem ser interpretados como a abundância de características de interesse de objetos captados à distância. Com GP é possível aprender índices que maximizam a separabilidade de amostras de duas classes diferentes. Assim que os índices especializados para cada par possível de classes são obtidos, empregam-se duas abordagens diferentes para combiná-los e construir um sistema de classificação de pixels. Os resultados obtidos para os cenários binário e multi-classe mostram que o método proposto é competitivo com respeito a técnicas tradicionais de redução da dimensionalidade. Experimentos adicionais aplicando o método para análise sazonal de biomas tropicais mostram claramente a superioridade de índices aprendidos por GP para propósitos de discriminação, quando comparados a índices desenvolvidos por especialistas, independentemente da especificidade do problemaAbstract: Remote sensing is the set of techniques that allow, by means of sensor technologies, to analyze objects at long distances without making physical contact with them. Currently, its contribution for natural sciences is enormous, since it is possible to acquire images of target objects in more regions of the electromagnetic spectrum than the visible region only. Working with images composed of various spectral bands demands dealing with huge amounts of data associated with single entities, which affects negatively the performance in prediction tasks, and makes necessary the use of dimensionality reduction techniques. This work introduces a feature extraction approach, based on spectral indices learned by Genetic Programming (GP), to project data from pixel values into new feature spaces aiming to improve classification accuracy. Spectral indices are functions that map the reflectance of remotely sensed objects in specific wavelength intervals, into real scalars that can be interpreted as the abundance of features of interest. Through GP, it is possible to learn indices that maximize the separability of samples from two different classes. Once the indices specialized for all the pairs of classes are obtained, they are used in two different approaches to fuse them into a pixel classification system. Results for the binary and multi-class scenarios show that the proposed method is competitive with respect to traditional dimensionality reduction techniques. Additional experiments in tropical biomes seasonal analysis show clearly how superior GP-based spectral indices are for discrimination purposes, when compared to indices developed by experts, regardless the specificity of the problemMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação134089/2015-4CNP

    Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation

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    geospatial analytics; social observatory; big earth data; open data; citizen science; open innovation; earth system science; crowdsourced geospatial data; citizen science; science in society; data scienc

    Processing of Heavy Crude Oils

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    Unconventional heavy crude oils are replacing the conventional light crude oils slowly but steadily as a major energy source. Heavy crude oils are cheaper and present an opportunity to the refiners to process them with higher profit margins. However, the unfavourable characteristics of heavy crude oils such as high viscosity, low API gravity, low H/C ratio, chemical complexity with high asphaltenes content, high acidity, high sulfur and increased level of metal and heteroatom impurities impede extraction, pumping, transportation and processing. Very poor mobility of the heavy oils, due to very high viscosities, significantly affects production and transportation. Techniques for viscosity reduction, drag reduction and in-situ upgrading of the crude oil to improve the flow characteristics in pipelines are presented in this book. The heavier and complex molecules of asphaltenes with low H/C ratios present many technological challenges during the refining of the crude oil