9 research outputs found

    Behavioral biometric based personal authentication in feature phones

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    The usage of mobile phones has increased multifold in the recent decades mostly because of its utility in most of the aspects of daily life, such as communications, entertainment, and financial transactions. Feature phones are generally the keyboard based or lower version of touch based mobile phones, mostly targeted for efficient calling and messaging. In comparison to smart phones, feature phones have no provision of a biometrics system for the user access. The literature, have shown very less attempts in designing a biometrics system which could be most suitable to the low-cost feature phones. A biometric system utilizes the features and attributes based on the physiological or behavioral properties of the individual. In this research, we explore the usefulness of keystroke dynamics for feature phones which offers an efficient and versatile biometric framework. In our research, we have suggested an approach to incorporate the user’s typing patterns to enhance the security in the feature phone. We have applied k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) with fuzzy logic and achieved the equal error rate (EER) 1.88% to get the better accuracy. The experiments are performed with 25 users on Samsung On7 Pro C3590. On comparison, our proposed technique is competitive with almost all the other techniques available in the literature

    Multimodal Behavioral Biometric Authentication in Smartphones for Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The usage of mobile phones has increased multi-fold in recent decades, mostly because of their utility in most aspects of daily life, such as communications, entertainment, and financial transactions. In use cases where users’ information is at risk from imposter attacks, biometrics-based authentication systems such as fingerprint or facial recognition are considered the most trustworthy in comparison to PIN, password, or pattern-based authentication systems in smartphones. Biometrics need to be presented at the time of power-on, they cannot be guessed or attacked through brute force and eliminate the possibility of shoulder surfing. However, fingerprints or facial recognition-based systems in smartphones may not be applicable in a pandemic situation like Covid-19, where hand gloves or face masks are mandatory to protect against unwanted exposure of the body parts. This paper investigates the situations in which fingerprints cannot be utilized due to hand gloves and hence presents an alternative biometric system using the multimodal Touchscreen swipe and Keystroke dynamics pattern. We propose a HandGlove mode of authentication where the system will automatically be triggered to authenticate a user based on Touchscreen swipe and Keystroke dynamics patterns. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed multimodal biometric system can operate with high accuracy. We experiment with different classifiers like Isolation Forest Classifier, SVM, k-NN Classifier, and fuzzy logic classifier with SVM to obtain the best authentication accuracy of 99.55% with 197 users on the Samsung Galaxy S20. We further study the problem of untrained external factors which can impact the user experience of authentication system and propose a model based on fuzzy logic to extend the functionality of the system to improve under novel external effects. In this experiment, we considered the untrained external factor of ‘sanitized hands’ with which the user tries to authenticate and achieved 93.5% accuracy in this scenario. The proposed multimodal system could be one of the most sought approaches for biometrics-based authentication in smartphones in a COVID-19 pandemic situation

    On the Effectiveness of Sensor-enhanced Keystroke Dynamics Against Statistical Attacks

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    In recent years, simple password-based authentication systems have increasingly proven ineffective for many classes of real-world devices. As a result, many researchers have concentrated their efforts on the design of new biometric authentication systems. This trend has been further accelerated by the advent of mobile devices, which offer numerous sensors and capabilities to implement a variety of mobile biometric authentication systems. Along with the advances in biometric authentication, however, attacks have also become much more sophisticated and many biometric techniques have ultimately proven inadequate in face of advanced attackers in practice. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of sensor enhanced keystroke dynamics, a recent mobile biometric authentication mechanism that combines a particularly rich set of features. In our analysis, we consider different types of attacks, with a focus on advanced attacks that draw from general population statistics. Such attacks have already been proven effective in drastically reducing the accuracy of many state-of-the-art biometric authentication systems. We implemented a statistical attack against sensor enhanced keystroke dynamics and evaluated its impact on detection accuracy. On one hand, our results show that sensor-enhanced keystroke dynamics are generally robust against statistical attacks with a marginal equal-error rate impact (<0.14%). On the other hand, our results show that, surprisingly, keystroke timing features non-trivially weaken the security guarantees provided by sensor features alone. Our findings suggest that sensor dynamics may be a stronger biometric authentication mechanism against recently proposed practical attacks

    Continuous authentication based on behavioral biometrics for mobile banking applications

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia Elétrica, 2020.Na maior parte das aplicações mobile o primeiro passo, antes da interação com as funcionalidades oferecidas, é a autenticação do usuário. Geralmente a autenticação somente é executada em tempo de login, ou quando da confirmação da transação, mas esta abordagem pode expor os usuários à fraudes ligadas ao roubo de credenciais. Uma solução para superar essa vulnerabilidade seria a adoção de uma metodologia de autenticação contínua. Neste trabalho é proposto um framework multimodal para autenticação contínua e implícita para aplicações bancárias mobile, baseado na biometria comportamental no momento de digitação da senha, em tempo de login, na interação via touchscreen com a aplicação, pós login e na localização capturada via GPS para geração de alertas de segurança, caso um impostor tente se passar por um usuário legítimo na utilização da aplicação. O framework, proposto e validado durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, demonstrou resultados de F1 Score, média harmônica entre o recall e a precisão, entre 90,68% e 97,05%, e percentual de erros referentes a impostores aceitos e usuários legítimos rejeitados, Equal Error Rate (EER), entre 9,85% e 1,88% para verificação estática, login, e dinâmica, pós login, que apontam a viabilidade do uso desse sistema proposto como mais uma camada de segurança, se utilizado em conjunto com métodos convencionais como senha.In most mobile applications the first step, before interacting with the offered features, is user authentication. Authentication is usually only performed at login time, or when the transaction is confirmed, but this approach can exposes users to fraud related to theft of credentials. One solution to overcome this vulnerability is continuous authentication. This work proposes a multimodal framework for continuous and implicit authentication in mobile banking applications, based on behavioral biometrics at the time of password typing, at login time, on touchscreen interaction with the application, post login and at location captured via GPS to generate security alerts if an impostor tries to impersonate a legitimate user when using the application. The framework, proposed and validated during the development of this work, showed F1 Score, harmonic mean between recall and precision, results between 90.68% and 97.05%, and percentage of errors impostors accepted and legitimate users rejected, Equal Error Rate (EER), between 9.85% and 1.88% for static verification, login, and dynamics, post login, which point out the feasibility of using this proposed system as yet another layer of security, if used in conjunction with conventional methods such as a password

    Human-Computer Interaction: Security Aspects

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    Along with the rapid development of intelligent information age, users are having a growing interaction with smart devices. Such smart devices are interconnected together in the Internet of Things (IoT). The sensors of IoT devices collect information about users' behaviors from the interaction between users and devices. Since users interact with IoT smart devices for the daily communication and social network activities, such interaction generates a huge amount of network traffic. Hence, users' behaviors are playing an important role in the security of IoT smart devices, and the security aspects of Human-Computer Interaction are becoming significant. In this dissertation, we provide a threefold contribution: (1) we review security challenges of HCI-based authentication, and design a tool to detect deceitful users via keystroke dynamics; (2) we present the impact of users' behaviors on network traffic, and propose a framework to manage such network traffic; (3) we illustrate a proposal for energy-constrained IoT smart devices to be resilient against energy attack and efficient in network communication. More in detail, in the first part of this thesis, we investigate how users' behaviors impact on the way they interact with a device. Then we review the work related to security challenges of HCI-based authentication on smartphones, and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). Moreover, we design a tool to assess the truthfulness of the information that users input using a computer keyboard. This tool is based on keystroke dynamics and it relies on machine learning technique to achieve this goal. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that associates the typing users' behaviors with the production of deceptive personal information. We reached an overall accuracy of 76% in the classification of a single answer as truthful or deceptive. In the second part of this thesis, we review the analysis of network traffic, especially related to the interaction between mobile devices and users. Since the interaction generates a huge amount of network traffic, we propose an innovative framework, GolfEngine, to manage and control the impact of users behavior on the network relying on Software Defined Networking (SDN) techniques. GolfEngine provides users a tool to build their security applications and offers Graphical User Interface (GUI) for managing and monitoring the network. In particular, GolfEngine provides the function of checking policy conflicts when users design security applications and the mechanism to check data storage redundancy. GolfEngine not only prevents the malicious inputting policies but also it enforces the security about network management of network traffic. The results of our simulation underline that GolfEngine provides an efficient, secure, and robust performance for managing network traffic via SDN. In the third and last part of this dissertation, we analyze the security aspects of battery-equipped IoT devices from the energy consumption perspective. Although most of the energy consumption of IoT devices is due to user interaction, there is still a significant amount of energy consumed by point-to-point communication and IoT network management. In this scenario, an adversary may hijack an IoT device and conduct a Denial of Service attack (DoS) that aims to run out batteries of other devices. Therefore, we propose EnergIoT, a novel method based on energetic policies that prevent such attacks and, at the same time, optimizes the communication between users and IoT devices, and extends the lifetime of the network. EnergIoT relies on a hierarchical clustering approach, based on different duty cycle ratios, to maximize network lifetime of energy-constrained smart devices. The results show that EnergIoT enhances the security and improves the network lifetime by 32%, compared to the earlier used approach, without sacrificing the network performance (i.e., end-to-end delay)

    Identifying users using Keystroke Dynamics and contextual information

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    Biometric identification systems based on Keystroke Dynamics have been around for almost forty years now. There has always been a lot of interest in identifying individuals using their physiological or behavioral traits. Keystroke Dynamics focuses on the particular way a person types on a keyboard. The objective of the proposed research is to determine how well the identity of users can be established when using this biometric trait and when contextual information is also taken into account. The proposed research focuses on free text. Users were never told what to type, how or when. This particular field of Keystroke Dynamics has not been as thoroughly studied as the fixed text alternative where a plethora of methods have been tried. The proposed methods focus on the hypothesis that the position of a particular letter, or combination of letters, in a word is of high importance. Other studies have not taken into account if these letter combinations had occurred at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a word. A template of the user will be built using the context of the written words and the latency between successive keystrokes. Other features, like word length, minimum number of needed words to consider a session valid, frequency of words, model building parameters, as well as age group and gender have also been studied to determine those that better help ascertain the identity of an individual. The results of the proposed research should help determine if using Keystroke Dynamics and the proposed methodology are enough to identify users from the content they type with a good enough level of certainty. From this moment, it could be used as a method to ensure that a user is not supplanted, in authentication schemes, or even to help determine the authorship of different parts of a document written by more than one user.Els sistemes d’identificació biomètrica basades en la cadència de tecleig fa gairebé quaranta anys que s’estudien. Hi ha hagut molt interès en identificar les persones a partir de les seves característiques fisiològiques o de comportament. La cadència de tecleig és la manera en la que una persona escriu en un teclat. L’objectiu de la recerca proposada és determinar com de bé es pot arribar a identificar un individu mitjançant aquesta característica biomètrica i quan també es prenen en consideració dades contextuals. Aquesta recerca es basa en text lliure. Als usuaris mai se’ls va dir què, quan o com havien d’escriure. Aquest camp de la cadència de tecleig no ha estat tan estudiat com l’alternativa de text fix on un gran ventall de mètodes s’han provat. Els mètodes d’identificació proposats es basen en la hipòtesi que la posició d’una lletra, o combinació de lletres teclejades, en una paraula és de gran importància. Altres estudis no prenen en consideració aquesta informació, és a dir, si la combinació de lletres s’ha produït al principi, al mig o al final de la paraula. Es crearà una empremta de l’usuari tenint en compte el context de les lletres en les paraules escrites i les latències entre pulsacions successives. Altres característiques com la mida de les paraules, el nombre mínim de paraules necessari per considerar una sessió vàlida, la freqüència de mots, els paràmetres de construcció dels models, així com el grup d’edat i el gènere també s’han estudiat per determinar quines són les que millor ajuden a identificar un individu. Els resultats de la recerca proposada haurien de permetre determinar si l’ús de la cadència de tecleig i els mètodes proposats són suficients per identificar els usuaris a partir del contingut que generen, sempre amb un cert marge d’error. En cas afirmatiu es podria introduir la tècnica proposada com un mètode més per assegurar que un usuari no és suplantat, en sistemes d’autenticació, o fins i tot per ajudar a determinar l’autoria de diferents parts d’un document que ha estat escrit per més d’un usuari

    XXIII Edición del Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación : Libro de actas

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    Compilación de las ponencias presentadas en el XXIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), llevado a cabo en Chilecito (La Rioja) en abril de 2021.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic