1,204 research outputs found

    Density-Corrected Models for Soil-Gas Transport Parameters; Towards Soil Architectural fingerprints and Design of Growth Media

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    Application of Electrical Resistivity Geophysical Monitoring for Detection of Preferential Flow

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    Preferential flow is a common occurrence during infiltration yet is often not accounted for in predictive flow models. This has implications for contaminant transport in that the extent of constituent plumes are often underestimated, thereby reducing the effectiveness of any remediation efforts. Electrical resistivity monitoring could be a useful tool to determine if infiltration is bypassing parts of the subsurface through preferential flow pathways and to better inform predictive models. The viability of this method was evaluated through simple electrical simulations and with multiple column experiments across scales using advanced observation techniques like 4D computed tomography. Electrical resistivity was used to monitor the progression of uniform wetting fronts as well as preferential flow and infiltration through macropore networks. Results indicate that certain characteristics in the response of apparent resistivity to preferential flow are distinct from uniform flow. Vertical bulk resistivity reduces rapidly as wetting in a macropore network increases the connectivity between electrodes. Strong positive spikes in electrical anisotropy are observed during preferential flow events and the arrival of a wetting front observed through resistivity monitoring occurs much earlier than predicted using bulk soil properties. These characteristics indicate that electrical resistivity monitoring is a viable method for the application of detecting preferential flow during infiltration in a heterogeneous system

    Measurement and Modeling of Reduced-Gravity Fluid Distribution and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Plant-Growth Media

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    The effect of reduced gravity on the balanced management of liquid, gaseous and ionic fluxes in unsaturated porous media remains a central challenge for plant-based bio-regenerative life support systems needed for long-duration space missions. This research investigated how shifting capillary and gravitational forces alter the sample-scale transport and distribution of fluids in mm-sized porous ceramic aggregates. Measurements in variably saturated media conducted on the International Space Station in microgravity (sim1cdot10−3gearthsim1cdot10^{-3} g_{earth}) and measurements during parabolic flight in variable gravity encompassing microgravity, terrestrial gravity and hypergravity (sim1.8gearthsim1.8 g_{earth}) were supported by numerical modeling based on fundamental, earth-derived soil-physical relationships. Measurements of water fluxes in rigid saturated media suggested Darcian flow unaffected by gravity. Observations of hydraulic potential and sample water content were used to estimate the primary draining and wetting water-retention characteristic (WRC). Terrestrial parameterizations of the WRC were largely unaffected by reduced gravity. However, because the WRC is hysteretic, heterogenous water-content distributions resulted within the confines of the primary draining and wetting characteristics. Ensuing distributions were fundamentally different from terrestrial observations and were stable in the absence of a significant gravity gradient. We showed that these distributions, though unexpected, could be predicted using the Richards equation. One consequence of altered water distribution could be the reduction in, and increased tortuosity of, continuous gas-filled pathways for diffusive transport compared to terrestrial estimates. Measurements of oxygen diffusion in microgravity suggested reduced diffusivities during draining. These observations, particularly for the smaller particle-sized media, were suggestive of the delayed formation of critical air-filled pathways at lower water contents. This dissertation further uses a case history of a stratified root-zone developed based on water-retention characteristics of different particle-sized media. The root-zone design provided a more uniform water-content distribution at terrestrial gravity suggested to provide more optimal conditions for root growth. Additionally, the design and testing of a novel integrated sensor for measurements of water content based on the dissipation of heat and estimation of nutrient status based on electrical resistivity are discussed. These results should provide insights into microgravity fluid distribution and transport contributing to the design and implementation of controllable plant-growth systems for use in microgravity and future planetary habitats


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    Fractals are a relatively recent development in mathematics that show promise as a foundation for models of complex systems like natural porous media. One important issue that has not been thoroughly explored is the affect of different algorithms commonly used to generate random fractal porous media on their properties and processes within them. The heterogeneous method can lead to large, uncontrolled variations in porosity. It is proposed that use of the homogeneous algorithm might lead to more reproducible applications. Computer codes that will make it easier for researchers to experiment with fractal models are provided. In Chapter 2, the application of percolation theory and fractal modeling to porous media are combined to investigate percolation in prefractal porous media. Percolation thresholds are estimated for the pore space of homogeneous random 2-dimensional prefractals as a function of the fractal scale invariance ratio b and iteration level i. Percolation in prefractals occurs through large pores connected by small pores. The thresholds increased beyond the 0.5927 porosity expected in Bernoulli (uncorrelated) networks. The thresholds increase with both b (a finite size effect) and i. The results allow the prediction of the onset of percolation in models of prefractal porous media. Only a limited range of parameters has been explored, but extrapolations allow the critical fractal dimension to be estimated for many b and i values. Extrapolation to infinite iterations suggests there may be a critical fractal dimension of the solid at which the pore space percolates. The extrapolated value is close to 1.89 -- the well-known fractal dimension of percolation clusters in 2-dimensional Bernoulli networks. The results of Chapters 1 and 2 are synthesized in an application to soil water retention in Chapter 3

    Peat macropore networks – new insights into episodic and hotspot methane emission

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    Peatlands are important natural sources of atmospheric methane (CH4) emissions. The production and emission of CH4 are strongly influenced by the diffusion of oxygen into the soil and of CH4 from the soil to the atmosphere, respectively. This diffusion, in turn, is controlled by the structure of macropore networks. The characterization of peat pore structure and connectivity through complex network theory approaches can give conceptual insight into how the relationship between the microscale pore space properties and CH4 emissions on a macroscopic scale is shaped. The evolution of the pore space that is connected to the atmosphere can also be conceptualized through a pore network modeling approach. Pore regions isolated from the atmosphere may further develop into anaerobic pockets, which are local hotspots of CH4 production in unsaturated peat. In this study, we extracted interconnecting macropore networks from three-dimensional X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) images of peat samples and evaluated local and global connectivity metrics for the networks. We also simulated the water retention characteristics of the peat samples using a pore network modeling approach and compared the simulation results with measured water retention characteristics. The results showed large differences in peat macropore structure and pore network connectivity between vertical soil layers. The macropore space was more connected and the flow paths through the peat matrix were less tortuous near the soil surface than at deeper depths. In addition, macroporosity, structural anisotropy, and average pore throat diameter decreased with depth. Narrower and more winding air-filled diffusion channels may reduce the rate of gas transport as the distance from the peat layer to the soil–air interface increases. The network analysis also suggests that both local and global network connectivity metrics, such as the network average clustering coefficient and closeness centrality, might serve as proxies for assessing the efficiency of gas diffusion in air-filled pore networks. However, the applicability of the network metrics was restricted to the high-porosity near-surface layer. The spatial extent and continuity of the pore network and the spatial distribution of the pores may be reflected in different network metrics in contrasting ways. The hysteresis of peat water content between wetting and drying was found to affect the evolution of the volume of connected air-filled pore space in unsaturated peat. Thus, the formation of anaerobic pockets may occur in a smaller soil volume and methanogenesis may be slower when the peat is wetting compared to in drying conditions. This hysteretic behavior might explain the hotspots and episodic spikes of CH4 emissions, and therefore, it should be taken into account in biogeochemical models.Peer reviewe


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    The Rowden Moor experimental site (A.F.R.C. I.G.E.R., North Wyke) provided an opportunity to characterise discharge regimes, elucidate runoff generation mechanisms and to consider implications for solute movement under natural and drained conditions. Research was conducted on a heavy clay grassland soil in an area of high rainfall (1053 mm a ˉ¹) in South West England. A combined hydrometric and tensiometric study was undertaken within a nested experimental design (1 m² to 1 ha) on one undrained and one drained site throughout a drainage season (October to March). Results at the hectare scale demonstrated that drainage did not substantially alter the volume of field runoff ( ~ 400 mm) but did change the dominant flowpaths. Drainage diverted water from surface/near surface routes to depth so that drain storm runoff was lagged by some 30 minutes over undrained site discharge. The drained site also exhibited a more peaky regime, with a maximum daily discharge of 45 mm being almost twice that for the undrained field. At the field and plot scale, the significance of macropore flow was noted. To investigate this in more detail, a tracer experiment was performed on an isolated soil block which had been mole drained and so had enhanced macroporosity. Macropore flow was generated under unsaturated conditions (little matric potential response and no water table was identified). Stable oxygen concentrations were δ18O +3.5 and -5.8 in tracer and background water respectively. Drainflow indicated that there was rapid interaction between applied tracer and soil water (peak flow δ18O -1.1). Thus, the matrix-macropore interface was not a boundary between two separate domains of old and new water, high and low conductivity but a site of rapid interchange and mixing. Temporal variability of soil status and malric water composition, also indicated that limited areas of the matrix were capable of transmitting rapid flow. It became clear that even in a heavy clay soil such as that found at Rowden, where macropore flow was promoted by drainage operations, the matrix still had an important role to play. On the basis of potential, soil moisture and observation of tracers, it is proposed that discrete (finger-like) volumes of the matrix are capable of rapid water transmission. Although it was frequently impossible to relate moisture content and soil water potential because instrumentation monitored different volumes of soil, hysteretic soil moisture behaviour over the drainage season was evident in both data sets. This study confirmed the importance of rapid subsurface runoff generation mechanisms on drained soils, but noted that discontinuous translatory flow in the matrix and macropore flow occurred and that the two ‘domains’ were inextricably linked. Further work should be undertaken at the detailed scale to elucidate the soil characteristics which promote rapid runoff mechanisms and the consequences for water quality, especially where the soil subsurface represents a major reservoir (e.g. nitrates).A.F.R.C. Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyk

    Three-dimensional X-ray imaging of macropore flow

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    Macropores are known to be important pathways for the rapid transport of water, solutes and colloids in soil. Nevertheless, we still know very little about how the topology and geometry of macropore networks govern water flow configurations and velocities in natural soil. In this study, we aimed at gaining more insight into macropore flow by using X-ray tomography to quantify air-water distributions in the macropore networks of undisturbed topsoil and subsoil columns of a clay soil at varying steady-state flow rates. We observed that while large fractions of the macropore network remained air-filled, the air phase only became entrapped when the irrigation rate was very close to the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The data enabled us to parameterize a kinematic wave model for water flow following the approach proposed in Jarvis et al. (2017a). Follow-up experiments would be required to evaluate whether these kinematic wave parameters derived by Xray imaging match with those obtained from outflow measurements. We found that quantitative X-ray imaging of macropore flow through soils still remains a challenging task. We recommend that future experiments are conducted on smaller soil samples to improve image resolution and minimize experimental time spans as well as X-ray image noise and illumination bias. Such experiments could also include 3-D tracer imaging to identify the imaged macropore networks transporting most of the water (i.e. the backbone) at varying steady irrigation rates
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