1,019,915 research outputs found

    Weighted Class Complexity: A Measure of Complexity for Object Oriented System

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    Software complexity metrics are used to predict critical information about reliability and maintainability of software systems. Object oriented software development requires a different approach to software complexity metrics. In this paper, we propose a metric to compute the structural and cognitive complexity of class by associating a weight to the class, called as Weighted Class Complexity (WCC). On the contrary, of the other metrics used for object oriented systems, proposed metric calculates the complexity of a class due to methods and attributes in terms of cognitive weight. The proposed metric has been demonstrated with OO examples. The theoretical and practical evaluations based on the information theory have shown that the proposed metric is on ratio scale and satisfies most of the parameters required by the measurement theor

    Managing complexity of control software through concurrency

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    In this thesis, we are concerned with the development of concurrent software for embedded systems. The emphasis is on the development of control software. Embedded systems are concurrent systems whereby hardware and software communicate with the concurrent world. Concurrency is essential, which cannot be ignored. It requires a proper handling to avoid pathological problems (e.g. deadlock and livelock) and performance penalties (e.g. starvation and priority conflicts). Multithreading, as such, leads to sources of complexity in concurrent software. This complexity is considered frightening, because it complicates the software designs and the resulting code. Moreover, this paradigm complicates the understanding of the behaviour of concurrent software. A paradigm with a precise understanding of concurrency is essential. In this thesis, a methodology is proposed that comprises a paradigm of fundamental aspects of concurrency

    Agent-based simulation of open source evolution

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    We present an agent-based simulation model developed to study how size, complexity and effort relate to each other in the development of open source software (OSS). In the model, many developer agents generate, extend, and re-factor code modules independently and in parallel. This accords with empirical observations of OSS development. To our knowledge, this is the first model of OSS evolution that includes the complexity of software modules as a limiting factor in productivity, the fitness of the software to its requirements, and the motivation of developers. Validation of the model was done by comparing the simulated results against four measures of software evolution (system size, proportion of highly complex modules, level of complexity control work, and distribution of changes) for four large OSS systems. The simulated results resembled the observed data, except for system size: three of the OSS systems showed alternating patterns of super-linear and sub-linear growth, while the simulations produced only super-linear growth. However, the fidelity of the model for the other measures suggests that developer motivation and the limiting effect of complexity on productivity have a significant effect on the development of OSS systems and should be considered in any model of OSS development

    Large-scale Complex IT Systems

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    This paper explores the issues around the construction of large-scale complex systems which are built as 'systems of systems' and suggests that there are fundamental reasons, derived from the inherent complexity in these systems, why our current software engineering methods and techniques cannot be scaled up to cope with the engineering challenges of constructing such systems. It then goes on to propose a research and education agenda for software engineering that identifies the major challenges and issues in the development of large-scale complex, software-intensive systems. Central to this is the notion that we cannot separate software from the socio-technical environment in which it is used.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Set-Based Concurrent Engineering Model for Automotive Electronic/Software Systems Development

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThis paper is presenting a proposal of a novel approach to automotive electronic/software systems development. It is based on the combination of Set-Based Concurrent Engineering, a Toyota approach to product development, with the standard V-Model of software development. Automotive industry currently faces the problem of growing complexity of electronic/software systems. This issue is especially visible at the level of integration of these systems which is difficult and error-prone. The presented conceptual proposal is to establish better processes that could handle the electronic/software systems design and development in a more integrated and consistent manner.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Structural Complexity and Decay in FLOSS Systems: An Inter-Repository Study

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    Past software engineering literature has firmly established that software architectures and the associated code decay over time. Architectural decay is, potentially, a major issue in Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects, since developers sporadically joining FLOSS projects do not always have a clear understanding of the underlying architecture, and may break the overall conceptual structure by several small changes to the code base. This paper investigates whether the structure of a FLOSS system and its decay can also be influenced by the repository in which it is retained: specifically, two FLOSS repositories are studied to understand whether the complexity of the software structure in the sampled projects is comparable, or one repository hosts more complex systems than the other. It is also studied whether the effort to counteract this complexity is dependent on the repository, and the governance it gives to the hosted projects. The results of the paper are two-fold: on one side, it is shown that the repository hosting larger and more active projects presents more complex structures. On the other side, these larger and more complex systems benefit from more anti-regressive work to reduce this complexity
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