
Computer-aided analysis of concurrent systems


The introduction of concurrency into programs has added to the complexity of the software design process. This is most evident in the design of communications protocols where concurrency is inherent to the behavior of the system. The complexity exhibited by such software systems makes more evident the needs for computer-aided tools for automatically analyzing behavior.The Distributed Systems project at UCI has been developing a suite of tools, based on Petri nets, which support the design and evaluation of concurrent software systems. This paper focuses attention on one of the tools: the reachability graph analyzer (RGA). This tool provides mechanisms for proving general system properties (e.g., deadlock-freeness) as well as system-specific properties. The tool is sufficiently general to allow a user to apply complex user-defined analysis algorithms to reachability graphs. The alternating-bit protocol with a bounded channel is used to demonstrate the power of the tool and to point to future extensions

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