70 research outputs found

    On the Catalyzing Effect of Randomness on the Per-Flow Throughput in Wireless Networks

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    This paper investigates the throughput capacity of a flow crossing a multi-hop wireless network, whose geometry is characterized by general randomness laws including Uniform, Poisson, Heavy-Tailed distributions for both the nodes' densities and the number of hops. The key contribution is to demonstrate \textit{how} the \textit{per-flow throughput} depends on the distribution of 1) the number of nodes NjN_j inside hops' interference sets, 2) the number of hops KK, and 3) the degree of spatial correlations. The randomness in both NjN_j's and KK is advantageous, i.e., it can yield larger scalings (as large as Θ(n)\Theta(n)) than in non-random settings. An interesting consequence is that the per-flow capacity can exhibit the opposite behavior to the network capacity, which was shown to suffer from a logarithmic decrease in the presence of randomness. In turn, spatial correlations along the end-to-end path are detrimental by a logarithmic term

    Towards a System Theoretic Approach to Wireless Network Capacity in Finite Time and Space

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    In asymptotic regimes, both in time and space (network size), the derivation of network capacity results is grossly simplified by brushing aside queueing behavior in non-Jackson networks. This simplifying double-limit model, however, lends itself to conservative numerical results in finite regimes. To properly account for queueing behavior beyond a simple calculus based on average rates, we advocate a system theoretic methodology for the capacity problem in finite time and space regimes. This methodology also accounts for spatial correlations arising in networks with CSMA/CA scheduling and it delivers rigorous closed-form capacity results in terms of probability distributions. Unlike numerous existing asymptotic results, subject to anecdotal practical concerns, our transient one can be used in practical settings: for example, to compute the time scales at which multi-hop routing is more advantageous than single-hop routing

    IoT and Sensor Networks in Industry and Society

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    The exponential progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the main elements that fueled the acceleration of the globalization pace. Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analytics are some of the key players of the digital transformation that is affecting every aspect of human's daily life, from environmental monitoring to healthcare systems, from production processes to social interactions. In less than 20 years, people's everyday life has been revolutionized, and concepts such as Smart Home, Smart Grid and Smart City have become familiar also to non-technical users. The integration of embedded systems, ubiquitous Internet access, and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications have paved the way for paradigms such as IoT and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) to be also introduced in high-requirement environments such as those related to industrial processes, under the forms of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT or I2oT) and Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS). As a consequence, in 2011 the German High-Tech Strategy 2020 Action Plan for Germany first envisioned the concept of Industry 4.0, which is rapidly reshaping traditional industrial processes. The term refers to the promise to be the fourth industrial revolution. Indeed, the first industrial revolution was triggered by water and steam power. Electricity and assembly lines enabled mass production in the second industrial revolution. In the third industrial revolution, the introduction of control automation and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) gave a boost to factory production. As opposed to the previous revolutions, Industry 4.0 takes advantage of Internet access, M2M communications, and deep learning not only to improve production efficiency but also to enable the so-called mass customization, i.e. the mass production of personalized products by means of modularized product design and flexible processes. Less than five years later, in January 2016, the Japanese 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan took a further step by introducing the concept of Super Smart Society or Society 5.0. According to this vision, in the upcoming future, scientific and technological innovation will guide our society into the next social revolution after the hunter-gatherer, agrarian, industrial, and information eras, which respectively represented the previous social revolutions. Society 5.0 is a human-centered society that fosters the simultaneous achievement of economic, environmental and social objectives, to ensure a high quality of life to all citizens. This information-enabled revolution aims to tackle today’s major challenges such as an ageing population, social inequalities, depopulation and constraints related to energy and the environment. Accordingly, the citizens will be experiencing impressive transformations into every aspect of their daily lives. This book offers an insight into the key technologies that are going to shape the future of industry and society. It is subdivided into five parts: the I Part presents a horizontal view of the main enabling technologies, whereas the II-V Parts offer a vertical perspective on four different environments. The I Part, dedicated to IoT and Sensor Network architectures, encompasses three Chapters. In Chapter 1, Peruzzi and Pozzebon analyse the literature on the subject of energy harvesting solutions for IoT monitoring systems and architectures based on Low-Power Wireless Area Networks (LPWAN). The Chapter does not limit the discussion to Long Range Wise Area Network (LoRaWAN), SigFox and Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) communication protocols, but it also includes other relevant solutions such as DASH7 and Long Term Evolution MAchine Type Communication (LTE-M). In Chapter 2, Hussein et al. discuss the development of an Internet of Things message protocol that supports multi-topic messaging. The Chapter further presents the implementation of a platform, which integrates the proposed communication protocol, based on Real Time Operating System. In Chapter 3, Li et al. investigate the heterogeneous task scheduling problem for data-intensive scenarios, to reduce the global task execution time, and consequently reducing data centers' energy consumption. The proposed approach aims to maximize the efficiency by comparing the cost between remote task execution and data migration. The II Part is dedicated to Industry 4.0, and includes two Chapters. In Chapter 4, Grecuccio et al. propose a solution to integrate IoT devices by leveraging a blockchain-enabled gateway based on Ethereum, so that they do not need to rely on centralized intermediaries and third-party services. As it is better explained in the paper, where the performance is evaluated in a food-chain traceability application, this solution is particularly beneficial in Industry 4.0 domains. Chapter 5, by De Fazio et al., addresses the issue of safety in workplaces by presenting a smart garment that integrates several low-power sensors to monitor environmental and biophysical parameters. This enables the detection of dangerous situations, so as to prevent or at least reduce the consequences of workers accidents. The III Part is made of two Chapters based on the topic of Smart Buildings. In Chapter 6, Petroșanu et al. review the literature about recent developments in the smart building sector, related to the use of supervised and unsupervised machine learning models of sensory data. The Chapter poses particular attention on enhanced sensing, energy efficiency, and optimal building management. In Chapter 7, Oh examines how much the education of prosumers about their energy consumption habits affects power consumption reduction and encourages energy conservation, sustainable living, and behavioral change, in residential environments. In this Chapter, energy consumption monitoring is made possible thanks to the use of smart plugs. Smart Transport is the subject of the IV Part, including three Chapters. In Chapter 8, Roveri et al. propose an approach that leverages the small world theory to control swarms of vehicles connected through Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication protocols. Indeed, considering a queue dominated by short-range car-following dynamics, the Chapter demonstrates that safety and security are increased by the introduction of a few selected random long-range communications. In Chapter 9, Nitti et al. present a real time system to observe and analyze public transport passengers' mobility by tracking them throughout their journey on public transport vehicles. The system is based on the detection of the active Wi-Fi interfaces, through the analysis of Wi-Fi probe requests. In Chapter 10, Miler et al. discuss the development of a tool for the analysis and comparison of efficiency indicated by the integrated IT systems in the operational activities undertaken by Road Transport Enterprises (RTEs). The authors of this Chapter further provide a holistic evaluation of efficiency of telematics systems in RTE operational management. The book ends with the two Chapters of the V Part on Smart Environmental Monitoring. In Chapter 11, He et al. propose a Sea Surface Temperature Prediction (SSTP) model based on time-series similarity measure, multiple pattern learning and parameter optimization. In this strategy, the optimal parameters are determined by means of an improved Particle Swarm Optimization method. In Chapter 12, Tsipis et al. present a low-cost, WSN-based IoT system that seamlessly embeds a three-layered cloud/fog computing architecture, suitable for facilitating smart agricultural applications, especially those related to wildfire monitoring. We wish to thank all the authors that contributed to this book for their efforts. We express our gratitude to all reviewers for the volunteering support and precious feedback during the review process. We hope that this book provides valuable information and spurs meaningful discussion among researchers, engineers, businesspeople, and other experts about the role of new technologies into industry and society

    A Practical Hardware Implementation of Systemic Computation

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    It is widely accepted that natural computation, such as brain computation, is far superior to typical computational approaches addressing tasks such as learning and parallel processing. As conventional silicon-based technologies are about to reach their physical limits, researchers have drawn inspiration from nature to found new computational paradigms. Such a newly-conceived paradigm is Systemic Computation (SC). SC is a bio-inspired model of computation. It incorporates natural characteristics and defines a massively parallel non-von Neumann computer architecture that can model natural systems efficiently. This thesis investigates the viability and utility of a Systemic Computation hardware implementation, since prior software-based approaches have proved inadequate in terms of performance and flexibility. This is achieved by addressing three main research challenges regarding the level of support for the natural properties of SC, the design of its implied architecture and methods to make the implementation practical and efficient. Various hardware-based approaches to Natural Computation are reviewed and their compatibility and suitability, with respect to the SC paradigm, is investigated. FPGAs are identified as the most appropriate implementation platform through critical evaluation and the first prototype Hardware Architecture of Systemic computation (HAoS) is presented. HAoS is a novel custom digital design, which takes advantage of the inbuilt parallelism of an FPGA and the highly efficient matching capability of a Ternary Content Addressable Memory. It provides basic processing capabilities in order to minimize time-demanding data transfers, while the optional use of a CPU provides high-level processing support. It is optimized and extended to a practical hardware platform accompanied by a software framework to provide an efficient SC programming solution. The suggested platform is evaluated using three bio-inspired models and analysis shows that it satisfies the research challenges and provides an effective solution in terms of efficiency versus flexibility trade-off

    Business Investigation Study For The Nordic Telemedicine Center Using Business Model Canvas and Monte Carlo Simulation

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    The eHealth industry has caught huge attention during the last decade especially in Nordic countries. The concept of telemedicine is becoming an essential factor in the healthcare sector owing to its advantageous edges that made remote diagnosis and monitoring become more viable. Such role that brought numerous patients’ cases within the reach of healthcare professionals, facilitated the continuous monitoring of their vital signs and kept records of their previous health history for better treatments. However, telemedicine projects –as any other type of projects– should possess a preliminary feasibility plan described in business terms to speculate the likelihood of failure or success based on the resources and the value proposition. Various worldwide approaches have been conducted in many countries to provide the suitable business frames for the telemedicine business model. One of the main objectives of the Nordic telemedicine Center (NTC) project is to establish a running center that operates and sustains itself even after the project period is concluded thus, a feasible business model is required. In this thesis, an approach is designed upon the business model Canvas structure. The proposed canvas is based on the Nordic telemedicine Center project’s resources and objectives. Nevertheless, the output canvas is assigned with a conducted Monte Carlo simulation to obtain some business insights relying on both real and assumed input data.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    On Security and Privacy for Networked Information Society : Observations and Solutions for Security Engineering and Trust Building in Advanced Societal Processes

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    Our society has developed into a networked information society, in which all aspects of human life are interconnected via the Internet — the backbone through which a significant part of communications traffic is routed. This makes the Internet arguably the most important piece of critical infrastructure in the world. Securing Internet communications for everyone using it is extremely important, as the continuing growth of the networked information society relies upon fast, reliable and secure communications. A prominent threat to the security and privacy of Internet users is mass surveillance of Internet communications. The methods and tools used to implement mass surveillance capabilities on the Internet pose a danger to the security of all communications, not just the intended targets. When we continue to further build the networked information upon the unreliable foundation of the Internet we encounter increasingly complex problems,which are the main focus of this dissertation. As the reliance on communication technology grows in a society, so does the importance of information security. At this stage, information security issues become separated from the purely technological domain and begin to affect everyone in society. The approach taken in this thesis is therefore both technical and socio-technical. The research presented in this PhD thesis builds security in to the networked information society and provides parameters for further development of a safe and secure networked information society. This is achieved by proposing improvements on a multitude of layers. In the technical domain we present an efficient design flow for secure embedded devices that use cryptographic primitives in a resource-constrained environment, examine and analyze threats to biometric passport and electronic voting systems, observe techniques used to conduct mass Internet surveillance, and analyze the security of Finnish web user passwords. In the socio-technical domain we examine surveillance and how it affects the citizens of a networked information society, study methods for delivering efficient security education, examine what is essential security knowledge for citizens, advocate mastery over surveillance data by the targeted citizens in the networked information society, and examine the concept of forced trust that permeates all topics examined in this work.Yhteiskunta, jossa elämme, on muovautunut teknologian kehityksen myötä todelliseksi tietoyhteiskunnaksi. Monet verkottuneen tietoyhteiskunnan osa-alueet ovat kokeneet muutoksen tämän kehityksen seurauksena. Tämän muutoksen keskiössä on Internet: maailmanlaajuinen tietoverkko, joka mahdollistaa verkottuneiden laitteiden keskenäisen viestinnän ennennäkemättömässä mittakaavassa. Internet on muovautunut ehkä keskeisimmäksi osaksi globaalia viestintäinfrastruktuuria, ja siksi myös globaalin viestinnän turvaaminen korostuu tulevaisuudessa yhä enemmän. Verkottuneen tietoyhteiskunnan kasvu ja kehitys edellyttävät vakaan, turvallisen ja nopean viestintäjärjestelmän olemassaoloa. Laajamittainen tietoverkkojen joukkovalvonta muodostaa merkittävän uhan tämän järjestelmän vakaudelle ja turvallisuudelle. Verkkovalvonnan toteuttamiseen käytetyt menetelmät ja työkalut eivät vain anna mahdollisuutta tarkastella valvonnan kohteena olevaa viestiliikennettä, vaan myös vaarantavat kaiken Internet-liikenteen ja siitä riippuvaisen toiminnan turvallisuuden. Kun verkottunutta tietoyhteiskuntaa rakennetaan tämän kaltaisia valuvikoja ja haavoittuvuuksia sisältävän järjestelmän varaan, keskeinen uhkatekijä on, että yhteiskunnan ydintoiminnot ovat alttiina ulkopuoliselle vaikuttamiselle. Näiden uhkatekijöiden ja niiden taustalla vaikuttavien mekanismien tarkastelu on tämän väitöskirjatyön keskiössä. Koska työssä on teknisen sisällön lisäksi vahva yhteiskunnallinen elementti, tarkastellaan tiukan teknisen tarkastelun sijaan aihepiirä laajemmin myös yhteiskunnallisesta näkökulmasta. Tässä väitöskirjassa pyritään rakentamaan kokonaiskuvaa verkottuneen tietoyhteiskunnan turvallisuuteen, toimintaan ja vakauteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä, sekä tuomaan esiin uusia ratkaisuja ja avauksia eri näkökulmista. Työn tavoitteena on osaltaan mahdollistaa entistä turvallisemman verkottuneen tietoyhteiskunnan rakentaminen tulevaisuudessa. Teknisestä näkökulmasta työssä esitetään suunnitteluvuo kryptografisia primitiivejä tehokkaasti hyödyntäville rajallisen laskentatehon sulautetuviiille järjestelmille, analysoidaan biometrisiin passeihin, kansainväliseen passijärjestelmään, sekä sähköiseen äänestykseen kohdistuvia uhkia, tarkastellaan joukkovalvontaan käytettyjen tekniikoiden toimintaperiaatteita ja niiden aiheuttamia uhkia, sekä tutkitaan suomalaisten Internet-käyttäjien salasanatottumuksia verkkosovelluksissa. Teknis-yhteiskunnallisesta näkökulmasta työssä tarkastellaan valvonnan teoriaa ja perehdytään siihen, miten valvonta vaikuttaa verkottuneen tietoyhteiskunnan kansalaisiin. Lisäksi kehitetään menetelmiä parempaan tietoturvaopetukseen kaikilla koulutusasteilla, määritellään keskeiset tietoturvatietouden käsitteet, tarkastellaan mahdollisuutta soveltaa tiedon herruuden periaatetta verkottuneen tietoyhteiskunnan kansalaisistaan keräämän tiedon hallintaan ja käyttöön, sekä tutkitaan luottamuksen merkitystä yhteiskunnan ydintoimintojen turvallisuudelle ja toiminnalle, keskittyen erityisesti pakotetun luottamuksen vaikutuksiin

    Information processing in cellular signaling

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    Information spielt in der Natur eine zentrale Rolle. Als intrinsischer Teil des genetischen Codes ist sie das Grundgerüst jeder Struktur und ihrer Entwicklung. Im Speziellen dient sie auch Organismen, ihre Umgebung wahrzunehmen und sich daran anzupassen. Die Grundvoraussetzung dafür ist, dass sie Information ihrer Umgebung sowohl messen als auch interpretieren können, wozu Zellen komplexe Signaltransduktionswege entwickelt haben. In dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf Signalprozesse in S.cerevisiae die von osmotischem Stress (High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) Signalweg) und der Stimulation mit α-Faktor (Pheromon Signalweg) angesprochen werden. Wir wenden stochastische Modelle an, die das intrinsische Rauschen biologischer Prozesse darstellen können, um verstehen zu können wie Signalwege die ihnen zur Verfügung stehende Information umsetzen. Informationsübertragung wird dabei mit einem Ansatz aus Shannons Informationstheorie gemessen, indem wir sie als einen Kanal in diesem Sinne auffassen. Wir verwenden das Maß der Kanalkapazität, um die Genauigkeit des Phosphorelays einschränken zu können. In diesem Modell, simuliert mit dem Gillespie Algorithmus, können wir durch die Analyse des Signalverhaltens den Parameterraum zusätzlich stark einschränken. Eine weitere Herangehensweise der Signalverarbeitung beschäftigt sich mit dem “Crosstalk” zwischen HOG und Pheromon Signalweg. Wir zeigen, dass die Kontrolle der Signalspezifizität vor allem bei Scaffold-Proteinen liegt, die Komponenten der Signalkaskade binden. Diese konservierten Motive zellulärer Signaltransduktion besitzen eine geeignete Struktur, um Information getreu übertragen zu können. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir potentielle Gründe für die evolutionäre Selektion von Scaffolds. Wir zeigen, dass ihnen bereits durch die Struktur des Mechanismus möglich ist, Informationsgenauigkeit zu verbessern und einer verteilten Informationsweiterleitung sowohl dadurch als auch durch ihre Robustheit überlegen sind.Information plays a ubiquitous role in nature. It provides the basis for structure and development, as it is inherent part of the genetic code. It also enables organisms to make sense of their environments and react accordingly. For this, a cellular interpretation of information is needed. Cells have developed sophisticated signaling mechanisms to fulfill this task and integrate many different external cues with their help. Here we focus on signaling that senses osmotic stress (High Osmolarity Glycerol (HOG) pathway) as well as α-factor stimulation (pheromone pathway) in S.cerevisiae. We employ stochastic modeling to simulates the inherent noisy nature of biological processes to assess how systems process the information they receive. This information transmission is evaluated with an information theoretic approach by interpreting signal transduction as a transmission channel in the sense of Shannon. We use channel capacity to both constrain as well as quantify the fidelity in the phosphorelay system of the HOG pathway. In this model, simulated with the Gillespie Algorithm, the analysis of signaling behavior allows us to constrain the possible parameter sets for the system severely. A further approach to signal processing is concerned with the mechanisms that conduct crosstalk between the HOG and the pheromone pathway. We find that the control for signal specificity lies especially with the scaffold proteins that tether signaling components and facilitate signaling by trans-location to the membrane and shielding against miss-activation. As conserved motifs of cellular signal transmission, these scaffold proteins show a particularly well suited structure for accurate information transmission. In the last part of this thesis, we examine the potential reasons for an evolutionary selection of the scaffolding structure. We show that due to its structure, scaffolds are increasing information transmission fidelity and outperform a distributed signal in this regard

    Continuous-time analog circuits for statistical signal processing

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2003.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-209).This thesis proposes an alternate paradigm for designing computers using continuous-time analog circuits. Digital computation sacrifices continuous degrees of freedom. A principled approach to recovering them is to view analog circuits as propagating probabilities in a message passing algorithm. Within this framework, analog continuous-time circuits can perform robust, programmable, high-speed, low-power, cost-effective, statistical signal processing. This methodology will have broad application to systems which can benefit from low-power, high-speed signal processing and offers the possibility of adaptable/programmable high-speed circuitry at frequencies where digital circuitry would be cost and power prohibitive. Many problems must be solved before the new design methodology can be shown to be useful in practice: Continuous-time signal processing is not well understood. Analog computational circuits known as "soft-gates" have been previously proposed, but a complementary set of analog memory circuits is still lacking. Analog circuits are usually tunable, rarely reconfigurable, but never programmable. The thesis develops an understanding of the convergence and synchronization of statistical signal processing algorithms in continuous time, and explores the use of linear and nonlinear circuits for analog memory. An exemplary embodiment called the Noise Lock Loop (NLL) using these design primitives is demonstrated to perform direct-sequence spread-spectrum acquisition and tracking functionality and promises order-of-magnitude wins over digital implementations. A building block for the construction of programmable analog gate arrays, the "soft-multiplexer" is also proposed.by Benjamin Vigoda.Ph.D

    2016 SCAS Annual Meeting Program

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