238 research outputs found

    Dynamic adaptive video streaming with minimal buffer sizes

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    Recently, adaptive streaming has been widely adopted in video streaming services to improve the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of video delivery over the Internet. However, state-of-the-art bitrate adaptation achieves satisfactory performance only with extensive buffering of several tens of seconds. This leads to high playback latency in video delivery, which is undesirable especially in the context of live content with a low upper bound on the latency. Therefore, this thesis aims at pushing the application of adaptive streaming to its limit with respect to the buffer size, which is the dominant factor of the streaming latency. In this work, we first address the minimum buffering size required in adaptive streaming, which provides us with guidelines to determine a reasonable low latency for streaming systems. Then, we tackle the fundamental challenge of achieving such a low-latency streaming by developing a novel adaptation algorithm that stabilizes buffer dynamics despite a small buffer size. We also present advanced improvements by designing a novel adaptation architecture with low-delay feedback for the bitrate selection and optimizing the underlying transport layer to offer efficient realtime streaming. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that our approach achieves superior QoE in adaptive video streaming, especially in the particularly challenging case of low-latency streaming.In letzter Zeit setzen immer mehr Anbieter von Video-Streaming im Internet auf adaptives Streaming um die Nutzererfahrung (QoE) zu verbessern. Allerdings erreichen aktuelle Bitrate-Adaption-Algorithmen nur dann eine zufriedenstellende Leistung, wenn sehr große Puffer in der Größenordnung von mehreren zehn Sekunden eingesetzt werden. Dies führt zu großen Latenzen bei der Wiedergabe, was vor allem bei Live-Übertragungen mit einer niedrigen Obergrenze für Verzögerungen unerwünscht ist. Aus diesem Grund zielt die vorliegende Dissertation darauf ab adaptive Streaming-Anwendung im Bezug auf die Puffer-Größe zu optimieren da dies den Hauptfaktor für die Streaming-Latenz darstellt. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir zuerst die minimale benötigte Puffer-Größe für adaptives Streaming, was uns ermöglicht eine sinnvolle Untergrenze für die erreichbare Latenz festzulegen. Im nächsten Schritt gehen wir die grundlegende Herausforderung an dieses Optimum zu erreichen. Hierfür entwickeln wir einen neuartigen Adaptionsalgorithmus, der es ermöglicht den Füllstand des Puffers trotz der geringen Größe zu stabilisieren. Danach präsentieren wir weitere Verbesserungen indem wir eine neue Adaptions-Architektur für die Datenraten-Anpassung mit geringer Feedback-Verzögerung designen und das darunter liegende Transportprotokoll optimieren um effizientes Echtzeit-Streaming zu ermöglichen. Durch experimentelle Prüfung zeigen wir, dass unser Ansatz eine verbesserte Nutzererfahrung für adaptives Streaming erreicht, vor allem in besonders herausfordernden Fällen, wenn Streaming mit geringer Latenz gefordert ist

    Latency-Aware aedia delivery through software-defined networks

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    Latency-Aware Media Delivery through Software-Defined Networks. NEM SUMMIT 2016 Conference Proceedings

    SAP: Stall-aware pacing for improved DASH video experience in cellular networks

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    The dramatic growth of cellular video traffic represents a practical challenge for cellular network operators in providing a consistent streaming Quality of Experience (QoE) to their users. Satisfying this objective has so-far proved elusive, due to the inherent system complexities that degrade streaming performance, such as variability in both video bitrate and network conditions. In this paper, we present SAP as a DASH video traffic management solution that reduces playback stalls and seeks to maintain a consistent QoE for cellular users, even those with diverse channel conditions. SAP achieves this by leveraging both network and client state information to optimize the pacing of individual video flows. We extensively evaluate SAP performance using real video content and clients, operating over a simulated LTE network. We implement state-of-the-art client adaptation and traffic management strategies for direct comparison. Our results, using a heavily loaded base station, show that SAP reduces the number of stalls and the average stall duration per session by up to 95%. Additionally, SAP ensures that clients with good channel conditions do not dominate available wireless resources, evidenced by a reduction of up to 40% in the standard deviation of the QoE metric

    In-network quality optimization for adaptive video streaming services

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    HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) services allow the quality of streaming video to be automatically adapted by the client application in face of network and device dynamics. Due to their advantages compared to traditional techniques, HAS-based protocols are widely used for over-the-top (OTT) video streaming. However, they are yet to be adopted in managed environments, such as ISP networks. A major obstacle is the purely client-driven design of current HAS approaches, which leads to excessive quality oscillations, suboptimal behavior, and the inability to enforce management policies. Moreover, the provider has no control over the quality that is provided, which is essential when offering a managed service. This article tackles these challenges and facilitates the adoption of HAS in managed networks. Specifically, several centralized and distributed algorithms and heuristics are proposed that allow nodes inside the network to steer the HAS client's quality selection process. The algorithms are able to enforce management policies by limiting the set of available qualities for specific clients. Additionally, simulation results show that by coordinating the quality selection process across multiple clients, the proposed algorithms significantly reduce quality oscillations by a factor of five and increase the average delivered video quality by at least 14%