181 research outputs found

    Development of an analytical model for the extraction of manganese from marine nodules

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    Multivariable analytical models provide a descriptive (albeit approximate) mathematical relationship between a set of independent variables and one or more dependent variables. The current work develops an analytical model that extends a design of experiments for the leaching of manganese from marine nodules, using sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in the presence of iron-containing tailings, which are both by-products of conventional copper extraction. The experiments are configured to address the effect of time, particle size, acid concentration, Fe2O3/MnO2 ratio, stirring speed and temperature, under typical industrial conditions. The recovery of manganese has been modeled using a first order differential equation that accurately fits experimental results, noting that Fe2O3/MnO2 and temperature are the most critical independent variables, while the particle size is the least influential (under typical conditions). This study obtains representative fitting parameters, that can be used to explore the incorporation of Mn recovery from marine nodules, as part of the extended value chain of copper sulfide processing.The authors are grateful for the contribution of the Scientific Equipment Unit- MAINI of the Universidad Católica del Norte for aiding in generating data by automated electronic microscopy QEMSCAN®, and for facilitating the chemical analysis of the solutions. We are also grateful to the Altonorte Mining Company for supporting this research and providing slag for this study, and we thank Marina Vargas Aleuy, María Barraza Bustos and Carolina Ossandón Cortés of the Universidad Católica del Norte for supporting the experimental tests

    Optimización de parámetros para la extracción de elementos desde minerales en medios ácido

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Actualmente, la gran minería del cobre chilena se encuentra frente a nuevos problemas y desafíos a superar. El principal problema, es de carácter medio ambiental, debido a que la mayor parte de la producción es por procesos de flotación, lo que implica aumentar la generación de relaves, ocasionando drenajes ácidos que generan la movilidad de elementos pesados al medio ambiente. Otro desafío importante, es diversificar las extracciones de otros elementos (como ocurre actualmente con el molibdeno) para impulsar la exportación de productos básicos y aumentar el empleo. Además, se deben tratar recursos que hoy en día no se están aprovechando a escala industrial, un ejemplo son los minerales de cobre negro, estos recursos generalmente no se incorporan en las pilas de lixiviación. Estos minerales exóticos tienen cantidades considerables de Mn (aproximadamente 29%), lo que representa un atractivo comercial. Para abordar este desafío, se realizaron investigaciones a nivel laboratorio, de extracción de cobre y manganeso desde cobres negros mediante procesos de lixiviación. Se evaluaron diferentes aditivos y concentraciones de estos mediante la aplicación de modelos estadísticos de regresión cuadrática, evaluando efectos lineales, interacciones y curvaturas. Además, se diseñaron y probaron con éxito nuevos procesos de extracción. Finalmente, se pudo demostrar que para la disolución de Mn ya sea desde nódulos marinos o cobres negros, se obtienen resultados positivos al adicionar Fe en el sistema, siendo un parámetro óptimo de trabajo una razón de MnO2/Fe de 1/2, logrando extracciones sobre el 70% en tiempos de 20 min. Para la disolución de Cu desde sulfuros secundarios, se puede concluir que los mejores resultados se obtienen al trabajar a elevadas concentraciones de cloruro, siendo poco relevante la concentración de H2SO4. Por otra parte, para la disolución de calcopirita, trabajar en un medio clorurado incorporando altas concentraciones de MnO2 (razones de MnO2/CuFeS2 de 5/1) favorece el mantener un alto valor de potencial en el sistema, superando la pasivación de este mineral.[ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. Currently, the great copper mining is facing new problems and challenges to overcome. The main problem is environmental, because most of the production is due to flotation processes, which implies increasing the generation of tailings, causing acid drains that generate the mobility of heavy elements to the environment. Another important challenge is to diversify the extractions of other elements (as is currently the case with molybdenum) to boost the export of basic products and increase employment. In addition, resources that are not currently being used on an industrial scale should be treated, an example is black copper ores, these resources are generally not incorporated into the extraction circuits or are not treated, whether in stocks, platforms leaching or waste. These exotic minerals have considerable amounts of Mn (approximately 29%), which represents a commercial appeal. To address this challenge, research was carried out at the laboratory level, for the extraction of copper and manganese from minerals through leaching processes. Evaluating different additives and concentrations thereof, applying the use of statistical models of quadratic regression, evaluating linear effects, interactions and curvatures. And in other cases, creating new extraction processes. Finally, it was discovered that for the dissolution of Mn either from marine nodules or black copper, very positive results are obtained by adding Fe in the system, an optimal working parameter being a ratio of MnO2/Fe of 1/2, achieving extractions above 70% in times of 20 min. For the dissolution of Cu from secondary sulphides, it was found that the best results are obtained when working at high concentrations of chloride, the concentration of H2SO4 being insignificant. On the other hand, for the dissolution of chalcopyrite, working in a chlorinated medium incorporating high concentrations of MnO2 (ratios of MnO2 / CuFeS2 of 5/1) favors maintaining a high potential value in the system, overcoming the passivation of this mineral.Scientific Equipment Unit- MAINI of the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile)Los artículos que componen la tesis son los siguientes: Publicación 1: N. Toro*, M. Saldaña, E. Gálvez, M. Cánovas, E. Trigueros, J. Castillo and P. Hernández. “Optimization of Parameters for the Dissolution of Mn from Manganese Nodules with the Use of Tailings in an Acid Medium” Q2 ISI WoS. Minerals, 2019; https://doi.org/10.3390/min9070387. Publicación 2: N. Toro*, W. Briceño, K. Pérez, M. Cánovas, E. Trigueros, R. Sepúlveda and P. Hernández. “Leaching of Pure Chalcocite in a Chloride Media Using Sea Water and Waste Water” Q1 ISI WoS. Metals, 2019; https://doi.org/10.3390/met9070780. - Publicación 3: M. Saldaña, N. Toro*, J. Castillo, P. Hernández, E. Trigueros, and A. Navarra. “Development of an Analytical Model for the Extraction of Manganese from Marine Nodules” Q1 ISI WoS. Metals, 2019 https://doi.org/10.3390/met9080903. - Publicación 4: N. Toro*, K. Pérez, M. Saldaña, R. I. Jeldres, M. Jeldres and M. Cánovas. “Dissolution of pure chalcopyrite with manganese nodules and waste water” Q1 ISI WoS. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2019.11.020. - Publicación 5 (En Revisión): N. Toro*, W. Briceño, A. Navarra, K. Pérez, M. Cánovas and E. Trigueros. “Statistical and kinetic study for leaching of covellite in a chloride media” Q1 ISI WoS. Journal of Materials Research and Technology.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnología y Modelización en Ingeniería Civil, Minera y Ambienta

    Modeling the hydrodynamics of heap leaching in sub-zero temperatures

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    Heap leaching involves the application of a leach solution onto stacked low grade ores. Solution percolates through the ore, dissolving metals from various minerals, and is recovered at the base. This process is conceptually a simple one, but quickly becomes complex when considering the sub-processes, such as dissolution chemical reactions, oxidation, precipitation, ore with different leaching characteristics, and multi-lift heaps with dynamically changing irrigation schemes.In addition, changing meteorological conditions, such as heavy rain, evaporation and extreme ambient temperatures have a significant effect on the hydrodynamics. Various factors, such as large variations in ore hydraulic properties, saturated–unsaturated flow, preferential flow pathways, perched water tables, infiltration into dry ore or possible freezing of solution within the heap, can lead to reduced leaching efficiency.This contribution describes the methods employed within a computational fluid dynamics heap leach model to account for freezing climate conditions. Validation of one-dimensional thermal phase change is performed and a theoretical column of coarse and fine ore is partially frozen to illustrate how the preferred flow path can be counter-intuitive. Finally, a three-dimensional heterogeneous gold oxide ‘test’ heap is simulated assuming non-thermal reactions and sub-zero ambient temperatures. The results demonstrate how recovery can be affected by cold weather changing the hydrodynamics of the heap

    The Development of Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Processes for the Recovery of Precious Metal

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    The study investigates the utilization of cedar wood bark as bioadsorbent for the adsorption and simultaneous precipitation of gold as flakes. This is with a view to establishing the electrochemical study of the adsorption and evaluate pre-treated cedar wood bark as possible adsorbent for gold in various solutions. The research plan for this project is divided into two parts. Part one focuses on understanding the adsorption of gold using the cedar wood bark as adsorbent. The second part focuses on the electrochemical study of the redox reaction during adsorption process using cyclic voltammetry technique. Synthetic solution of gold is prepared with dissolution of gold (III) chloride in hydrochloric acid, sodium thiosulfate and sodium thiourea lixiviants. Cedar wood bark is pre-treated with dilute and concentrated sulfuric acid under various experimental conditions to obtain three bioadsorbents, dilute-air dried (D-AD), concentrated washed-air dried (CW-AD) and concentrated not washed-oven dried (CNW-OD). The gold solutions are electrochemically tested for redox reaction using cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. One-point adsorption test is carried out on the various gold solutions to determine the suitable samples for the research. The outcome of the CV experiment indicates that redox reaction of gold in hydrochloric acid medium is easily measured through the anodic and cathodic peak formation. The one-point adsorption test favors the use of D-AD as adsorbent in acidic gold solution with percentage adsorption of 99.999%. Hence, the research is narrowed down to the use of D-AD adsorbent and acidic gold solution. Solid/liquid ratio and hydrochloric acid concentration tests indicate that 1.5 and 0.5 M, respectively, are the best suitable for the research. For the kinetic study of the adsorption process at temperatures of 298, 303 and 313 K in 96 hours, pseudo-second order model has determination coefficients of 0.988, 0.996 and 0.998, respectively, while the pseudo-first order model has determination coefficients of 0.91, 0.77 and 0.62 at those three different temperatures. Hence, the adsorption process follows the pseudo-second order model. The activation energy from the pseudo-second order rate constant indicates that the process is chemisorption with a value of 59.86 kJ/mol. The adsorption isotherm is found to follow Freundlich isotherm model, which might have favored the formation of gold flakes on the adsorbent. The CV experiment shows the disappearance of anodic peaks as the adsorption of gold progresses, which is an indication of reduction reaction synonymous to adsorption process. X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) instruments were used to determine the presence of gold precipitates and the spectra obtained from the two experiments confirm the presence of gold. In conclusion, the study established cedar wood bark as a potential source of biomass for adsorption of gold (III) ions from acidic chloride solution, and that cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique was successfully used to examine the adsorption process

    Development of co-disposal methods for coal discards and fine waste for the prevention of acid mine drainage

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    The dependence on coal ores for energy supply has led to the considerable increase in coal discards (CD) and fine waste (FW) arising from mining and processing operations. These wastes typically contain sulphide minerals, which when oxidised may lead to the generation of acidic and toxic discharge. A deficit of naturally occurring neutralising minerals to counteract this acidic discharge results in acid rock drainage (ARD). Far reaching consequences on water systems, vegetation, people and wildlife ensue as a result. To minimise the environmental burden, the acidic water resulting from the oxidation of sulphide minerals present in wastes from both active and abandoned mines is often treated with alkaline materials and is further processed to remove metals. Indefinite maintenance and operational activities emanate from these treatment processes. Further, accumulating sludge from processing streams presents post-closure liabilities. To reduce the environmental footprint, mine waste management strategies have been developed to minimise the risk of ARD formation and proliferation. In this study, the co-disposal of CD and FW was investigated as a means to prevent the initiation of oxidation reactions at source. The CD fraction is sulphide rich with high acid producing potential but can be effectively utilised to construct structurally stable beds. In these beds, large voids are formed between the particles that facilitate the transport of oxygen and water to the sulphide mineral surfaces. Co-packing FW with sulphide-rich CD provides a sustainable approach to ARD prevention. The FW has a high-water retention capacity and can be used to encapsulate, seal or cap the sulphide bearing mineral surfaces. Apart from providing a physical barrier and decreasing voids, FW typically have low sulphide content and high specific surface area that result in increased release rates of any acid neutralising minerals present in these waste materials. Co-disposal techniques thereby provide a longterm end-of-pipe approach to ARD mitigation that may offset indefinite, resource intensive, treatment options. The co-disposal of CD with FW, however, is challenging particularly at large bed cross-sectional areas, as the incidence of high percolation rates increases. This is attributed to decreased inter-particle contact that emerge in packed beds with high void ratios, decreased packing density and increased susceptibility to deformation. This undesirable packing behaviour impacts negatively on bed stability culminating in particle displacement and increased likelihood for sulphide mineral oxidation. Fine wastes conceal these sulphide minerals by either filling voids between coarse particles or forming covers with capillary barriers and acid-neutralising effects. Consequently, the generation of ARD is inhibited. At increased scale, however, the ARD prevention efficiency of covers is enhanced by increasing the CD to FW proportion to result in a structure with high load and acid buffering capacity. The approach adopted in this study entails developing packing arrangements of co-mingled CD and FW in dry-mass ratios of 3:2 and 2:3, respectively, to improve bed stability and hence prevent ARD formation with scale up. In addition to mixture ratios, improved co-packing of CD and FW is contingent on the material geochemical properties and geotechnical parameters of the resulting packed structure. As such, geochemical analyses were performed to determine the acid producing and neutralising potential of the CD and FW through acid base accounting, net acid generating and biokinetic tests followed by geotechnical assessments. The static test results indicated that the high sulphur CD (2.16% S) was potentially acid forming and the low-sulphur FW (0.84% S) was non-acid forming with high acid neutralising capacity. The co-mingled CD and FW samples (ca. 1.5% S) were deemed uncertain as the net acid producing potential was near zero and the NAG pH was less than 4.5. Accordingly, biokinetic tests were conducted over 120 days to fully understand the acid generating and neutralising rates of the inoculated and uninoculated co-mingled samples. Near-neutral conditions were sustained for prolonged periods (> 90 days) in FW dominant samples (2CD:3FW) after which a transition to acidic conditions ensued. This highlighted the limited role of acid neutralising minerals in sustaining near neutral conditions. As ARD mitigation is contingent on preventing the rapid percolation of water and exclusion of oxygen from sulphide mineral surfaces, means to prevent the rapid depletion of neutralising minerals by either dilution or washout are essential in flow through systems. This can be achieved by decreasing voids to result in increased packing density and improved bed stability. Bed stability was shown to be dependent on several interrelated factors that included the degree of saturation of the particles (water to solid ratio, W/S), CD to FW ratio, packing configuration (layers or blends), and the extent of material compaction (assisted versus unassisted packing approach). These factors were integrated to produce 16 packing arrangements. The efficiency of these configurations was compared using packing density, slump and compressibility tests. Packing densities of ca. 0.8 m3solids. m-3mould coupled with low slump spread values (600 s) were noted. The large compressive extensions and the delay to achieving maximum compressive strains signalled the low particle consolidation and decreased bed stability of unassisted wet packings. As engineered co-disposal approaches are associated with long-term bed stability and hence prolonged ARD prevention, select packings were further analysed to validate their efficacy using kinetic column tests of increasing scale. An acidic feed of pH 2 was continuously introduced to the test columns at a flow rate of 3.5 L.m-2.h-1 to expedite the oxidation process and to assess the efficiency of the packing arrangements for ARD mitigation. Segregated disposal of CD in small scale columns (D = 0.19 m, H/D = 1.12) with inherent large voids allowed unrestricted access of the aqueous oxidants to the exposed sulphide minerals leading to rapid discharge of highly acidic effluent (ca. pH 2). For the wet, unassisted co-packed systems, structural instability was observed with the wash out of FW and subsequent fast effluent discharge rates. With the loss of the neutralising and reactive barrier due to migration, acidic conditions presented earlier in these wet packed beds (after 30 days) than in dry packed beds (after 90 days). The loss in geotechnical stability was more prevalent in blended systems than in layered configurations, with a rapid loss of geochemical stability following soon thereafter, despite similar neutralising characteristics in both packing configurations. In these blended arrangements, non-functional migration of the fine waste particles transpired to result in unhindered access of the oxidants with the acid generating minerals. With dilution and wash out of the neutralising components, acidic reactions dominated. In multi-layered systems, a cascading effect prevailed despite breakthrough in some layers such that a fail-safe condition resulted. Consequently, near-neutral effluent discharge at low flow rates transpired. This further emphasised the importance in preventing the displacement of particles to maintain bed stability in co-disposal prevention strategies. Assisted dry packings of blends and layers were anticipated to result in improved bed stability at large scale. As such, CD dominant blends (3CD:2FW) and FW dominant blend and layered (2CD:3FW) systems were investigated in large scale columns (D = 0.32 m, H/D = 1.12). These columns were similarly exposed to aggressive leach conditions over 120 days. As with the smaller scale columns, the packing efficiency in multi-layered arrangements were higher than for the blends. In the blended systems, evolving geochemical and geotechnical conditions were similar regardless of the CD:FW ratio demonstrating the complexity in achieving homogenously packed matrices at large scale. In multi-layered configuration, bed structural stability was sustained for extended periods as the stress imposed on the packed bed was uniformly distributed across the moisture retaining FW layers and dissipated within the matrix. Correspondingly, particle displacement was minimised, and with the cascading phenomena, ARD was successfully prevented over extended periods. A dry cover system composed of multi-layers of CD and FW is therefore recommended for pilot scale studies. Dry cover systems can be easily constructed and present a cost-effective approach to sustainable mine waste management. Further evaluation of the structural stability of multi-layers at large scale is required as changes in bed geometry, particle size and environmental conditions can alter the dump geotechnical properties and hence geochemical stability

    Crosscutting Technology Development at the Center for Advanced Separation Technologies

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    The U.S. is the largest producer of mining products in the world. In 2003, U.S. mining operations produced 57billionworthofrawmaterialsthatcontributedatotalof57 billion worth of raw materials that contributed a total of 564 billion to the nation's wealth. Despite these contributions, the mining industry has not been well supported with research and development funds as compared to mining industries in other countries. To overcome this problem, the Center for Advanced Separation Technologies (CAST) was established to develop technologies that can be used by the U.S. mining industry to create new products, reduce production costs, and meet environmental regulations. Originally set up by Virginia Tech and West Virginia University, this endeavor has been expanded into a seven-university consortium -- Virginia Tech, West Virginia University, University of Kentucky, University of Utah, Montana Tech, New Mexico Tech and University of Nevada, Reno - that is supported through U.S. DOE Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-02NT41607: Crosscutting Technology Development at the Center for Advanced Separation Technologies. Much of the research to be conducted with Cooperative Agreement funds will be longer-term, high-risk, basic research and will be carried out in five broad areas: (1) Solid-solid separation; (2) Solid-liquid separation; (3) Chemical/biological extraction; (4) Modeling and control; and (5) Environmental control. Distribution of funds is handled via competitive solicitation of research proposals through Site Coordinators at the seven member universities. These were first reviewed and ranked by a group of technical reviewers (selected primarily from industry). Based on these reviews, and an assessment of overall program requirements, the CAST Technical Committee made an initial selection/ranking of proposals and forwarded these to the DOE/NETL Project Officer for final review and approval. The successful projects are listed by category, along with brief abstracts of their aims and objectives

    Modelling and Calculation of Raw Material Industry

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    The raw materials industry is widely considered to be too environmentally costly, and causing more losses than benefits. The responsible solving of the problems caused by this industry is not “exporting” its operations to less developed countries, but addressing all recognized hazards with dedicated technological developments. Such an approach is presented by the authors of this book. The contributions deal with the optimization of processes in the raw materials industry, obtaining energy from alternative fuels, researching the environmental aspects of industrial activities. This book determines some guidelines for the sustainable raw materials industry, describing methods of the optimized use of mined deposits and the recovery of materials, reductions in energy consumption and the recuperation of energy, minimizations in the emissions of pollutants, the perfection of quieter and safer processes, and the facilitation of modern materials-, water-, and energy-related techniques and technologies

    Toward a more sustainable mining future with electrokinetic in situ leaching

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from AAAS via the DOI in this recordData and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this paper may be requested from the authors.Metals are currently almost exclusively extracted from their ore via physical excavation. This energy-intensive process dictates that metal mining remains among the foremost CO2 emitters and mine waste is the single largest waste form by mass. We propose a new approach, electrokinetic in situ leaching (EK-ISL), and demonstrate its applicability for a Cu-bearing sulfidic porphyry ore. In laboratory-scale experiments, Cu recovery was rapid (up to 57 weight % after 94 days) despite low ore hydraulic conductivity (permeability = 6.1 mD; porosity = 10.6%). Multiphysics numerical model simulations confirm the feasibility of EK-ISL at the field scale. This new approach to mining is therefore poised to spearhead a new paradigm of metal recovery from currently inaccessible ore bodies with a markedly reduced environmental footprint.Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA

    Domestication of Local Microbial Consortia for Efficient Recovery of Gold Through Top-Down Selection in Airlift Bioreactors

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    Extreme acidophiles play central roles in the geochemical cycling of diverse elements in low pH environments. This has been harnessed in biotechnologies such as biomining, where microorganisms facilitate the recovery of economically important metals such as gold. By generating both extreme acidity and a chemical oxidant (ferric iron) many species of prokaryotes that thrive in low pH environments not only catalyze mineral dissolution but also trigger both community and individual level adaptive changes. These changes vary in extent and direction depending on the ore mineralogy, water availability and local climate. The use of indigenous versus introduced microbial consortia in biomining practices is still a matter of debate. Yet, indigenous microbial consortia colonizing sulfidic ores that have been domesticated, i.e., selected for their ability to survive under specific polyextreme conditions, are claimed to outperform un-adapted foreign consortia. Despite this, little is known on the domestication of acidic microbial communities and the changes elicited in their members. In this study, high resolution targeted metagenomic techniques were used to analyze the changes occurring in the community structure of local microbial consortia acclimated to growing under extreme acidic conditions and adapted to endure the conditions imposed by the target mineral during biooxidation of a gold concentrate in an airlift reactor over a period of 2 years. The results indicated that operative conditions evolving through biooxidation of the mineral concentrate exerted strong selective pressures that, early on, purge biodiversity in favor of a few Acidithiobacillus spp. over other iron oxidizing acidophiles. Metagenomic analysis of the domesticated consortium present at the end of the adaptation experiment enabled reconstruction of the RVS1-MAG, a novel representative of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans from the Andacollo gold mineral district. Comparative genomic analysis performed with this genome draft revealed a net enrichment of gene functions related to heavy metal transport and stress management that are likely to play a significant role in adaptation and survival to adverse conditions experienced by these acidophiles during growth in presence of gold concentrates

    Extraction and recovery of valuable elements from Red Mud through biohydrometallurgy

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    Among all the materials, aluminum played a key role in the industrial development of the last two centuries, thanks to the breakthrough of the Bayer process. This consists in alumina extraction from bauxite by chemical dissolution. The main waste produced through the Bayer process is called Red Mud (RM). RM might be environmentally dangerous due to its high alkalinity (the pH in fact ranges between 10 and 12.5) and the presence of toxic elements. Nevertheless, the contemporary approach to waste streams could turn this aspect into an advantage. Indeed, RM can be considered today as a secondary resource, perfectly matching the concept of circular economy. Bioleaching is a biohydrometallurgical process based on the ability of microorganisms (i.e., bacteria and/or fungi) to leach metals via direct and indirect mechanisms, limiting the use of chemicals and requiring low energy supply. Among all the possible ways to extract metals from mineral/ solid waste, bioleaching is characterized by several advantages from an ecological and economical point of view. Metals can be bioleached under acidic conditions and later recovered, thus drastically reducing the RM pollution potential. The acidic environment can be produced by heterotrophic microorganisms when supplied with an organic substrate. The innovative approach followed during the experimentation was that of favouring the enrichment of the heterotrophic biomass living on RM without any external inoculum (bioaugmentation). Several temperatures and Solid-Liquid ratios on two RMs have been tested, showing variable results depending on target metals. The results of these first tests proved the possibility of applying a bioleaching process without any external inoculum addition: it was possible not only to neutralize the RM, but also to accomplish metals release that also has great potential of optimization. To enhance even more the bioleaching process an SBR was started. The enriched heterotrophic biomass so obtained showed a promising bioleaching potential. All the elements of interest were released, and the highest extraction efficiency was achieved for Al, Mn and Mg a few times higher than the results obtained in batch tests. To reduce the operational cost related to chemical reagents supply for the leaching medium composition, an organic waste (residues from beer production) was used to provide the carbonium content necessary to sustain the biological activity. Once leached, metals have to be recovered from the solution. Among different ways to recover metals from aqueous solution, adsorption is an efficient and economic treatment to eliminate and recover metals from residual water. It is called biosorbent any biological material that presents very good adsorption properties. To consider a material as biosorbent, the surface chemical property is the most important aspect to evaluate. This process was selected to recover Neodymium (Nd), one of the rare earth elements extracted from RM, from aqueous solution. Sugar beet pulp was demonstrated to perform well as biosorbent for Nd recovery