72 research outputs found

    Characterizations of Hemirings Based on Probability Spaces

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    The notion of falling fuzzy h-ideals of a hemiring is introduced on the basis of the theory of falling shadows and fuzzy sets. Then the relations between fuzzy h-ideals and falling fuzzy h-ideals are described. In particular, by means of falling fuzzy h-ideals, the charac-terizations of h-hemiregular hemirings are investigated based on independent (prefect positive correlation) probability spaces

    Fuzzy hh-ideals of hemirings

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    A characterization of an hh-hemiregular hemiring in terms of a fuzzy hh-ideal is provided. Some properties of prime fuzzy hh-ideals of hh-hemiregular hemirings are investigated. It is proved that a fuzzy subset ζ\zeta of a hemiring SS is a prime fuzzy left (right) hh-ideal of SS if and only if ζ\zeta is two-valued, ζ(0)=1\zeta(0) = 1, and the set of all xx in SS such that ζ(x)=1\zeta(x) = 1 is a prime (left) right hh-ideal of SS. Finally, the similar properties for maximal fuzzy left (right) hh-ideals of hemirings are considered

    Characterizations of hemirings by their hh-ideals

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    In this paper we characterize hemirings in which all hh-ideals or all fuzzy hh-ideals are idempotent. It is proved, among other results, that every hh-ideal of a hemiring RR is idempotent if and only if the lattice of fuzzy hh-ideals of RR is distributive under the sum and hh-intrinsic product of fuzzy hh-ideals or, equivalently, if and only if each fuzzy hh-ideal of RR is intersection of those prime fuzzy hh-ideals of RR which contain it. We also define two types of prime fuzzy hh-ideals of RR and prove that, a non-constant hh-ideal of RR is prime in the second sense if and only if each of its proper level set is a prime hh-ideal of RR

    Anti (Q, L)-Fuzzy Subhemirings of a Hemiring

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    In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the algebraic nature of an anti (Q, L)-fuzzy subhemirings of a hemi ring

    A new classification of hemirings through double-framed soft h-ideals

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    Due to lack of parameterization, various ordinary uncertainty theories like theory of fuzzy sets, and theory of probability cannot solve complicated problems of economics and engineering involving uncertainties. The aim of the present paper was to provide an appropriate mathematical tool for solving such type of complicated problems. For the said purpose, the notion of double-framed soft sets in hemirings is introduced. As h-ideals of hemirings play a central role in the structural theory, therefore, we developed a new type of subsystem of hemirings. Double-framed soft left (right) h-ideal, double-framed soft h-bi-ideals and double-framed soft h-quasi-ideals of hemiring are determined. These concepts are elaborated through suitable examples. Furthermore, we are bridging ordinary h-ideals and double-framed soft h-ideals of hemirings through double-framed soft including sets and characteristic double-framed soft functions. It is also shown that every double-framed soft h-quasi-ideal is double-framed soft h-bi-ideal but the converse inclusion does not hold. A well-known class of hemrings i.e. h-hemiregular hemirings is characterized by the properties of these newly developed double-framed soft h-ideals o

    Characterization of Gamma Hemirings by Generalized Fuzzy Gamma Ideals

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    This paper has explored theoretical methods of evaluation in the identification of the boundedness of the generalized fuzzy gamma ideals. A functional approach was used to undertake a characterization of this structure leading to a determination of some interesting gamma hemirings theoretic properties of the generated structures. Gamma hemirings are the generalization of the classical agebraic structure of hemirings. Our aim is to extend this idea and, to introduce the concept of generalized fuzzy gamma ideals, generalized fuzzy prime (semiprime) gamma ideals, generalized fuzzy h -gamma ideals and generalized fuzzy k - gamma ideals of gamma hemirings and related properties are investigated. We have shown that intersection of any family of generalized fuzzy (left, right) h - gamma ideals (k-gamma ideals) of a hemiring is a generalized fuzzy (left, right) h -gamma ideal (k-gamma ideal) of H. Similarly we proved that the intersection of any family of generalized fuzzy prime (resp. semiprime) gamma ideals of H is a generalized fuzzy prime (resp. semiprime) gamma ideal of H. We have proved that a fuzzy subset μ of H is fuzzy h -gamma ideal (k-gamma ideal) if and only if μ is a generalized fuzzy h -gamma ideal (k-gamma ideal) of H. Further level cuts provide a useful linkage betwean the classical set theorey and the fuzzy set theorey. Here we use this linkage to investigate some useful aspects of gamma hemirings and characterize the gamma hemmirings through level cuts in terms of generalized fuzzy (left, right, prime, semiprime) gamma ideals of gamma hemirings. We have also used the concept of support of a fuzzy set in order to obtain some interesting results of gamma hemirings using the generalized fuzzy (left, right, prime, semiprime) gamma ideals of hemirings

    Intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals of right k-weakly regular hemirings

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    In this work, we will examine the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals in the context of right k-weakly regular hemirings. We will investigate the properties of these ideals and how they relate to other concepts such as fuzzy prime k-ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy prime k-ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy right pure k-ideals, and purely prime intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals in hemirings. We will also explore how the regularity of a k-weakly regular hemiring can be characterized through its intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals
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