433 research outputs found

    Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications

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    | Multilevel converters are considered today as the state-of-the-art power-conversion systems for high-power and power-quality demanding applications. This paper presents a tutorial on this technology, covering the operating principle and the different power circuit topologies, modulation methods, technical issues and industry applications. Special attention is given to established technology already found in industry with more in-depth and self-contained information, while recent advances and state-of-the-art contributions are addressed with useful references. This paper serves as an introduction to the subject for the not-familiarized reader, as well as an update or reference for academics and practicing engineers working in the field of industrial and power electronics.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-3089Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia d TEC2006-0386

    Modeling and Control of a 7-Level Switched Capacitor Rectifier for Wireless Power Transfer Systems

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    Wireless power continues to increase in popularity for consumer device charging. Rectifier characteristics like efficiency, compactness, impedance tunability, and harmonic content make the multi-level switched capacitor rectifier (MSC) an exceptional candidate for modern WPT systems. The MSC shares the voltage conversion characteristics of a post-rectification buck-boost topology, reduces waveform distortion via its multi-level modulation scheme, demonstrates tank tunability via the phase control inherent to actively switched rectifiers, and accomplishes all this without a bulky filter inductor. In this work, the MSC WPT system operation is explained, and a loss model is constructed. A prototype system is used to validate the models, showing exceptional agreement with the predicted efficiencies. The modeled MSC efficiencies are between 96.1% and 98.0% over the experimental power range up to 20.0 W. Two significant control loops are required for the MSC to be implemented in a real system. First, the output power is regulated using the modulation of the rectifier\u27s input voltage. Second, the switching frequency of the rectifier must exactly match the WPT carrier frequency set by the inverter on the primary side. Here, a small signal discrete time model is used to construct four transfer functions relating to the output voltage. Then, four novel time-to-time transfer functions are built on top of the discrete time model to inform the frequency synchronization feedback loop. Both loops are tested and validated in isolation. Finally, the dual-loop control problem is defined, closed form equations that include loop interactions are derived, and stable wide-range dual-loop operation is demonstrated experimentally

    Advances in Control of Power Electronic Converters

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    This book proposes a list of contributions in the field of control of power electronics converters for different topologies: DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-DC. It particularly focuses on the use of different advanced control techniques with the aim of improving the performances, flexibility and efficiency in the context of several operation conditions. Sliding mode control, fuzzy logic based control, dead time compensation and optimal linear control are among the techniques developed in the special issue. Simulation and experimental results are provided by the authors to validate the proposed control strategies

    Real-Time Machine Learning Based Open Switch Fault Detection and Isolation for Multilevel Multiphase Drives

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    Due to the rapid proliferation interest of the multiphase machines and their combination with multilevel inverters technology, the demand for high reliability and resilient in the multiphase multilevel drives is increased. High reliability can be achieved by deploying systematic preventive real-time monitoring, robust control, and efficient fault diagnosis strategies. Fault diagnosis, as an indispensable methodology to preserve the seamless post-fault operation, is carried out in consecutive steps; monitoring the observable signals to generate the residuals, evaluating the observations to make a binary decision if any abnormality has occurred, and identifying the characteristics of the abnormalities to locate and isolate the failed components. It is followed by applying an appropriate reconfiguration strategy to ensure that the system can tolerate the failure. The primary focus of presented dissertation was to address employing computational and machine learning techniques to construct a proficient fault diagnosis scheme in multilevel multiphase drives. First, the data-driven nonlinear model identification/prediction methods are used to form a hybrid fault detection framework, which combines module-level and system-level methods in power converters, to enhance the performance and obtain a rapid real-time detection. Applying suggested nonlinear model predictors along with different systems (conventional two-level inverter and three-level neutral point clamped inverter) result in reducing the detection time to 1% of stator current fundamental period without deploying component-level monitoring equipment. Further, two methods using semi-supervised learning and analytical data mining concepts are presented to isolate the failed component. The semi-supervised fuzzy algorithm is engaged in building the clustering model because the deficient labeled datasets (prior knowledge of the system) leads to degraded performance in supervised clustering. Also, an analytical data mining procedure is presented based on data interpretability that yields two criteria to isolate the failure. A key part of this work also dealt with the discrimination between the post-fault characteristics, which are supposed to carry the data reflecting the fault influence, and the output responses, which are compensated by controllers under closed-loop control strategy. The performance of all designed schemes is evaluated through experiments

    Grid converter for LED based intelligent light sources

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    Industrial and Technological Applications of Power Electronics Systems

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    The Special Issue "Industrial and Technological Applications of Power Electronics Systems" focuses on: - new strategies of control for electric machines, including sensorless control and fault diagnosis; - existing and emerging industrial applications of GaN and SiC-based converters; - modern methods for electromagnetic compatibility. The book covers topics such as control systems, fault diagnosis, converters, inverters, and electromagnetic interference in power electronics systems. The Special Issue includes 19 scientific papers by industry experts and worldwide professors in the area of electrical engineering

    Integrated on-board battery chargers for EVs based on multiphase machines and power electronics

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    The concept of integration of an electric vehicle (EV) drivetrain’s components into the charging process is not novel. It has been considered over the years in both industry and academia, which resulted in a number of published papers and patents in this area. Possibilities of charging from single-phase and three-phase mains were both considered. In the former group the charging power rating cannot exceed the limit set by the single-phase mains. Therefore, the topologies are characterised with low charging powers, leading to a long duration of the charging process. Although the topologies supplied form three-phase mains are capable of achieving fast charging, they were considered to a much lesser extent. The main reason is the undesirable torque production in machines integrated into the charging process during the battery charging, which is unavoidable when a three-phase machine of either synchronous or induction type is used. The thesis investigates integrated on-board battery chargers for electric vehicles (EVs) based on multiphase machines and multiphase power electronics. At present, EVs rely on three-phase systems for machine propulsion. However, recent advances in multiphase drive technology have firmly established their potential advantages over their three-phase counterparts for this application. One of the most notable features of multiphase drive systems is their excellent fault tolerance, which is highly desirable in EVs since it enables realisation of the requirement for “limp-home” operation in the propulsion mode, in case of a fault. The thesis demonstrates that multiphase drives have an additional major advantage over three-phase systems in vehicular applications, which is related to the aspect of battery charging. It shows a clear superiority of multiphase over three-phase systems in designing integrated charging topologies for EVs. In order to support the statement, the thesis provides a multitude of novel charging solutions that incorporate multiphase machines and multiphase power electronics into the charging process. The developed solutions could contribute to achieve significantly faster and cost-free (or at a minimum additional cost) on-board chargers in the near future. The thesis demonstrates how additional degrees of freedom that exist in multiphase systems can be conveniently utilised to achieve torque-free charging operation. Therefore, although three-phase currents flow through machines’ stator windings, they are not capable of producing a torque; thus the machines do not have to be mechanically locked. The principal advantage is that either very few or no new elements are required in order to realise the charging process. Thus savings are made with regard to cost and weight, and available spare space in the vehicle is increased. The novel integrated charging solutions, developed in the thesis, are based on primarily five-phase, asymmetrical and symmetrical six-phase, and asymmetrical and symmetrical nine-phase systems. Solutions with other phase numbers are also considered. Thus, in essence, all the possible phase numbers are encompassed by the research and the solutions are valid for both induction and synchronous machines. A common attribute of all discussed topologies is that they do not require a charger as a separate device since the charging function is performed by the drivetrain elements, predominantly a multiphase machine and an inverter. Further, each topology is capable of operating in both charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) mode. Three types of voltage sources are considered as a power supply for the charging process, namely single-phase, three-phase, and multiphase. For each supply type, and each phase number, viability of torque-free charging operation is theoretically assessed. Mathematical models of multiphase rectifiers are developed. For each topology equivalent scheme in the charging/V2G mode of operation is constructed. A control scheme, which aims at achieving unity power factor operation and complete suppression of the low order grid current harmonics, is designed for each solution. Finally, the validity of theoretical considerations and control algorithms for the developed solutions is experimentally assessed in charging, V2G, and propulsion mode of operation. Experimental performances of all discussed topologies are compared, and advantages and shortcomings of each solution are identified and discussed

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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    Fault Tolerant DC–DC Converters at Homes and Offices

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    The emergence of direct current (DC) microgrids within the context of residential buildings and offices brings in a whole new paradigm in energy distribution. As a result, a set of technical challenges arise, concerning the adoption of efficient, cost-effective, and reliable DC-compatible power conditioning solutions, suitable to interface DC microgrids and energy consuming elements. This thesis encompasses the development of DC–DC power conversion solutions, featuring improved availability and efficiency, suitable to meet the requirements of a comprehensive set of end-uses commonly found in homes and offices. Based on the energy consumption profiles and requirements of the typical elements found at homes and offices, three distinctive groups are established: light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and general appliances. For each group, a careful evaluation of the criteria to fulfil is performed, based on which at least one DC–DC power converter is selected and investigated. Totally, a set of five DC–DC converter topologies are addressed in this work, being specific aspects related to fault diagnosis and/or fault tolerance analysed with particular detail in two of them. Firstly, mathematical models are described for LED devices and EV batteries, for the development of a theoretical analysis of the systems’ operation through computational simulations. Based on a compilation of requirements to account for in each end-use (LED lighting, EV charging, and general appliances), brief design considerations are drawn for each converter topology, regarding their architecture and control strategy. Aiming a detailed understanding of the two DC–DC power conversion systems subjected to thorough evaluation in this work – interleaved boost converter and fault-tolerant single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) converter – under both normal and abnormal conditions, the operation of the systems is evaluated in the presence of open-circuit (OC) faults. Parameters of interest are monitored and evaluated to understand how the failures impact the operation of the entire system. At this stage, valuable information is obtained for the development of fault diagnosis strategies. Taking profit of the data collected in the analysis, a novel fault diagnostic strategy is presented, targeting interleaved DC–DC boost converters for general appliances. Ease of implementation, fast diagnostic and robustness against false alarms distinguish the proposed approach over the state-of-the-art. Its effectiveness is confirmed through a set of operation scenarios, implemented in both simulation environment and experimental context. Finally, an extensive set of reconfiguration strategies is presented and evaluated, aiming to grant fault tolerance capability to the multiple DC–DC converter topologies under analysis. A hybrid reconfiguration approach is developed for the interleaved boost converter. It is demonstrated that the combination of reconfiguration strategies promotes remarkable improvements on the post-fault operation of the converter. In addition, an alternative SIMO converter architecture, featuring inherent tolerance against OC faults, is presented and described. To exploit the OC fault tolerance capability of the fault-tolerant SIMO converter, a converter topology targeted at residential LED lighting systems, two alternative reconfiguration strategies are presented and evaluated in detail. Results obtained from computational simulations and experimental tests confirm the effectiveness of the approaches. To further improve the fault-tolerant SIMO converter with regards to its robustness against sensor faults, while simplifying its hardware architecture, a sensorless current control strategy is presented. The proposed control strategy is evaluated resorting to computational simulations.O surgimento de micro-redes em corrente contínua (CC) em edifícios residenciais e de escritórios estabelece um novo paradigma no domínio da distribuição de energia. Como consequência disso, surge uma panóplia de desafios técnicos ligados à adopção de soluções de conversão de energia, compatíveis com CC, que demonstrem ser eficientes, rentáveis e fiáveis, capazes de estabelecer a interface entre micro-redes em CC e as cargas alimentadas por esse sistema de energia. Até aos dias de hoje, os conversores CC–CC têm vindo a ser maioritariamente utilizados em aplicações de nicho, que geralmente envolvem níveis de potência reduzidos. Porém, as perspectivas futuras apontam para a adopção, em larga escala, destas tecnologias de conversão de energia, também em equipamentos eléctricos residenciais e de escritórios. Tal como qualquer outra tecnologia de conversão electrónica de potência, os conversores CC–CC podem ver o seu funcionamento afectado por falhas que degradam o seu bom funcionamento, sendo que essas falhas acabam por afectar não apenas os conversores em si, mas também as cargas que alimentam, limitando assim o tempo de vida útil do conjunto conversor + carga. Desta forma, é fulcral localizar a origem da falha, para que possam ser adoptadas acções correctivas, capazes de limitar as consequências nefastas associadas à falha. Para responder a este desafio, esta tese contempla o desenvolvimento de soluções de conversão de energia CC–CC altamente eficientes e fiáveis, capazes de responder a requisitos impostos por um conjunto alargado de equipamentos frequentemente encontrados em habitações e escritórios. Com base nos perfis de consumo de energia eléctrica e nos requisitos impostos pelas cargas tipicamente utilizadas em habitações e escritórios, são estabelecidos três grupos distintos: iluminação através de díodos emissores de luz, carregamento de veículo eléctrico (VE) e aparelhos eléctricos em geral. Para cada grupo, é efectuada uma avaliação cuidadosa dos critérios a respeitar, sendo com base nesses critérios que será escolhida e investigada pelo menos uma topologia de conversor CC–CC. No total, são abordadas cinco topologias de conversores CC–CC distintas, sendo que os aspectos ligados ao diagnóstico de avarias e/ou tolerância a falhas são analisados com particular detalhe em duas dessas topologias. Inicialmente, são estabelecidos modelos matemáticos descritivos do comportamento das principais cargas consideradas no estudo – díodos emissores de luz e baterias de VEs – visando a análise teórica do funcionamento dos sistemas em estudo, suportada por simulações computacionais. Com base numa compilação de requisitos a ter em conta em cada aplicação – iluminação através de díodos emissores de luz, carregamento de veículo eléctrico (VE) e aparelhos eléctricos em geral – são estabelecidas considerações ligadas à escolha de cada topologia de conversor não isolado, no que respeita à sua arquitectura e estratégia de controlo. Visando o conhecimento aprofundado das duas topologias de conversor CC–CC alvo de particular enfoque neste trabalho – conversor entrelaçado elevador e conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas, tolerante a falhas – quer em funcionamento normal, quer em funcionamento em modo de falha, é avaliado o funcionamento de ambas as topologias na presença de falhas de circuito aberto nos semicondutores activos. Para o efeito, são monitorizados e analisados parâmetros úteis à percepção da forma como os modos de falha avaliados neste trabalho impactam o funcionamento de todo o sistema. Nesta fase, é obtida informação fundamental ao desenvolvimento de estratégias de diagnóstico de avarias, particularmente indicadas para avarias de circuito aberto nos semicondutores activos dos conversores em estudo. Com base na informação recolhida anteriormente, é apresentada uma nova estratégia de diagnóstico de avarias direccionada a conversores CC–CC elevadores entrelaçados utilizados em aparelhos eléctricos, em geral. Facilidade de implementação, rapidez e robustez contra falsos positivos são algumas das características que distinguem a estratégia proposta em relação ao estado da arte. A sua efectividade é confirmada com recurso a uma multiplicidade de cenários de funcionamento, implementados quer em ambiente de simulação, quer em contexto experimental. Por fim, é apresentada e avaliada uma gama alargada de estratégias de reconfiguração, que visam assegurar a tolerância a falhas das diversas topologias de conversores CC–CC em estudo. É desenvolvida uma estratégia de reconfiguração híbrida, direccionada ao conversor entrelaçado elevador, que combina múltiplas medidas de reconfiguração mais simples num único procedimento. Demonstra-se que a combinação de múltiplas estratégias de reconfiguração introduz melhorias substanciais no funcionamento do conversor ao longo do período pós-falha, ao mesmo tempo que assegura a manutenção da qualidade da energia à entrada e saída do conversor reconfigurado. Noutra frente, é apresentada e descrita uma arquitectura alternativa do conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas, com tolerância a falhas de circuito aberto. Através da configuração proposta, é possível manter o fornecimento de energia eléctrica a todas as saídas do conversor. Para tirar máximo proveito da tolerância a falhas do conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas, uma topologia de conversor indicada para sistemas residenciais de iluminação baseados em díodos emissores de luz, são apresentadas e avaliadas duas estratégias de reconfiguração do conversor, exclusivamente baseadas na adaptação do controlo aplicado ao conversor. Os resultados de simulação computacional e os resultados experimentais obtidos confirmam a efectividade das abordagens adoptadas, através da melhoria da qualidade da energia eléctrica fornecida às diversas saídas do conversor. São assim asseguradas condições essenciais ao funcionamento ininterrupto e estável dos sistemas de iluminação, já que a qualidade da energia eléctrica fornecida aos sistemas de iluminação tem impacto directo na qualidade da luz produzida. Por fim, e para aprimorar o conversor de entrada única e múltiplas saídas tolerante a falhas, no que respeita à sua robustez contra falhas em sensores, é apresentada uma estratégia de controlo de corrente que evita o recurso excessivo a sensores e, ao mesmo tempo, simplifica a estrutura de controlo do conversor. A estratégia apresentada é avaliada através de simulações computacionais. A abordagem apresentada assume vantagens em múltiplos domínios, sendo de destacar vantagens como a melhoria da fiabilidade de todo o sistema de iluminação (conversor + carga), os ganhos atingidos ao nível do rendimento, a redução do custo de implementação da solução, ou a simplificação da estrutura de controlo.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under grant number SFRH/BD/131002/2017, co-funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), by the European Social Fund (FSE) through the ‘Programa Operacional Regional Centro’ (POR-Centro), and by the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCH)