268 research outputs found

    On d-graceful labelings

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    In this paper we introduce a generalization of the well known concept of a graceful labeling. Given a graph G with e=dm edges, we call d-graceful labeling of G an injective function from V(G) to the set {0,1,2,..., d(m+1)-1} such that {|f(x)-f(y)| | [x,y]\in E(G)} ={1,2,3,...,d(m+1)-1}-{m+1,2(m+1),...,(d-1)(m+1)}. In the case of d=1 and of d=e we find the classical notion of a graceful labeling and of an odd graceful labeling, respectively. Also, we call d-graceful \alpha-labeling of a bipartite graph G a d-graceful labeling of G with the property that its maximum value on one of the two bipartite sets does not reach its minimum value on the other one. We show that these new concepts allow to obtain certain cyclic graph decompositions. We investigate the existence of d-graceful \alpha-labelings for several classes of bipartite graphs, completely solving the problem for paths and stars and giving partial results about cycles of even length and ladders.Comment: In press on Ars Combi

    On the Graceful Game

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    A graceful labeling of a graph GG with mm edges consists of labeling the vertices of GG with distinct integers from 00 to mm such that, when each edge is assigned as induced label the absolute difference of the labels of its endpoints, all induced edge labels are distinct. Rosa established two well known conjectures: all trees are graceful (1966) and all triangular cacti are graceful (1988). In order to contribute to both conjectures we study graceful labelings in the context of graph games. The Graceful game was introduced by Tuza in 2017 as a two-players game on a connected graph in which the players Alice and Bob take turns labeling the vertices with distinct integers from 0 to mm. Alice's goal is to gracefully label the graph as Bob's goal is to prevent it from happening. In this work, we study winning strategies for Alice and Bob in complete graphs, paths, cycles, complete bipartite graphs, caterpillars, prisms, wheels, helms, webs, gear graphs, hypercubes and some powers of paths

    A Study on Integer Additive Set-Graceful Graphs

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    A set-labeling of a graph GG is an injective function f:V(G)P(X)f:V(G)\to \mathcal{P}(X), where XX is a finite set and a set-indexer of GG is a set-labeling such that the induced function f:E(G)P(X){}f^{\oplus}:E(G)\rightarrow \mathcal{P}(X)-\{\emptyset\} defined by f(uv)=f(u)f(v)f^{\oplus}(uv) = f(u){\oplus}f(v) for every uvE(G)uv{\in} E(G) is also injective. An integer additive set-labeling is an injective function f:V(G)P(N0)f:V(G)\rightarrow \mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N}_0), N0\mathbb{N}_0 is the set of all non-negative integers and an integer additive set-indexer is an integer additive set-labeling such that the induced function f+:E(G)P(N0)f^+:E(G) \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N}_0) defined by f+(uv)=f(u)+f(v)f^+ (uv) = f(u)+ f(v) is also injective. In this paper, we extend the concepts of set-graceful labeling to integer additive set-labelings of graphs and provide some results on them.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to JARP

    Radio Heronian Mean k-Graceful Labeling on Degree Splitting of Graphs

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    A mapping g:V\left(G\right)\rightarrow{k,k+1,\ldots,k+N-1} is a radio heronian mean k-labeling such that if for any two distinct vertices s and t of G, d\left(s,t\right)+\left\lceil\frac{g\left(s\right)+g\left(t\right)+\sqrt{g\left(s\right)g\left(t\right)}}{3}\right\rceil\geq1+D,for every s,t\in\ V(G), where D is the diameter of G. The radio heronian mean k-number of g, {rrhmn}_k(g), is the maximum number assigned to any vertex of G. The radio heronian mean number of G, {rhmn}_k(g), is the minimum value of {rhmn}_k(g) taken overall radio heronian mean labelings g of G. If {rhmn}_k(g)=\left|V\left(G\right)\right|+k-1, we call such graphs as radio heronian mean k-graceful graphs. In this paper, we investigate the radio heronian mean k-graceful labeling on degree splitting of graphs such as comb graph P_n\bigodot K_1, rooted tree graph {RT}_{n,n} hurdle graph {Hd}_n and twig graph\ {TW}_n.A  mapping    is a radio heronian mean k-labeling such that  if for any two distinct vertices  and  of , ,for every V(G), where  is the diameter of . The   radio heronian mean k-number of g, , is the maximum number assigned to any vertex of . The   radio heronian mean number of , , is the minimum value of  taken overall radio heronian mean labelings  of . If , we call such graphs as  radio heronian mean k-graceful graphs. In this paper, we investigate the  radio heronian mean k-graceful labeling  on degree splitting of graphs  such as comb graph ,  rooted tree graph   hurdle  graph     and  twig graph

    metodologi terapan

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