166 research outputs found

    Will Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts & IoT be the new Lifeblood of Commerce?”

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    In this paper the author supports the view that Blockchain Technology represents the next Trade Finance’s “buzzword”, providing enough ground for market reshape. He emphasizes that its importance is becoming even more appreciated, since this technology can be combined with the so-called «Smart Contracts», «Oracles» as much as «Internet of Things» (ΙοΤ). Smart Contracts constitute innovative agreements which are written in code based in systematic and structured language, operating under a “conditional framework”, while Oracles refer to individuals such as digital agents or programs connected to data feed which is being managed by third policy holders. Finally, IoT refer to sensors and devices which are connected to each other, capable of transmitting data in real time. By utilizing the above in today’s commercial practices, the current slow, manual and costly Trade Finance processes as well as traditional credit instruments will be automated, digitized, optimized as well as compressedto establish trust, transparency and cost efficiency. Nonetheless, this “new world” will be fairly criticized for the possible vulnerabilities, challenges and risks that may appear in the future. The Law will have to successfully adapt to this kind of change, pondering the interaction between innovation, law and technology. Therefore, every relevant problem or gap in research should be thoroughly investigated, in order proposals to be successfully absorbed, always peering into a better future.

    Collaborative Landscape and Knowledge Dynamics in IoT and Blockchain Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This research article presents a bibliometric analysis of the intersection between Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain, utilizing data sourced from the Web of Science database. The analysis employs the VOSviewer tool to investigate cocitation, co-occurrence, and bibliometric correlations among the publications. The findings indicate a surge in publications, with the highest number recorded in 2022, reflecting the growing interest and significance of this research area. Moreover, the analysis reveals China as the leading country in terms of research output, underscoring its active involvement in IoT and Blockchain research. Additionally, the study identifies IEEE Access as the leading publisher, indicating its prominence in disseminating relevant research. Notably, the analysis of keywords reveals "blockchain" as the most frequently occurring term, highlighting its central role in the field. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the research landscape in IoT and Blockchain, providing insights into collaboration patterns, influential countries, leading publishers, and the prominence of blockchain as a research topic

    Smart Contracts with Blockchain in the Public Sector

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    The appearance of so-called block chains or Blockchain with the promise of transforming trust and the way value is exchanged, joins the expansion of the technological capabilities of organizations to achieve higher levels of productivity and innovation. This is how Blockchain-based techniques are being applied to many fields, focusing in this article on the public sector, as a possible solution to the demands for transparency, participation and citizen cooperation that society demands; due to the possibility of disintermediation based on automated transactions and on the responsibility and security in the management of official blockchain records. This could obstruct corruption and make government services more transparent and efficient. Although, it investigates about applications in the public sector under the Blockchain system, such as transactions, agreements, property registries and innovations, developments and other assets; Special emphasis is placed on the possibility of implementing Smart Contracts (mechanisms that aim to eliminate intermediaries to simplify processes) in public procurement procedures, given that it is in this type of activity where high levels of corruption are generated. It is concluded then that Europe has the largest number of blockchain initiatives worldwide, while Latin America, except for the case of Peru, lacks this type of applications, being this continent exactly where there are the countries with the highest levels of corruption. It concludes with a recommendation to use blockchain along with smart contracts through platforms such as Ethereum or Lisk, mainly given its flexibility and current development on topics with similar functionalities

    Blockchain and Organizational Characteristics : Towards Business Model Innovation

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    Blockchain seems to challenge the current business models by providing opportunities for new value creation. However, several research gaps remain in literature in evaluating how firms can leverage new approaches to innovation management and opportunities created by blockchain. Supporting organizational characteristics affecting digital innovation management process also need attention in order to challenge the traditional theories while developing unique fundamental assumptions between innovation processes and outcomes. Thus, blockchain and organizational characteristics need to be understood as an encompassing, overarching and interrelated ecosystem in digital innovation management. Grounding on digitalization and innovation management, this research conceptualizes how blockchain technology and supporting organizational characteristics (i.e., R&D investment, strategic alignment, cultural support, top management knowledge and involvement, insights from customers and end-users) can be integrated for business model innovation. This research develops a conceptual framework involving multi-disciplinary collaborative actions that strengthen and empower business model innovation.©2020 Springer. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Advances in Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Communication of Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Human Factors in Communication of Design, July 16-20, 2020, USA. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51626-0_9.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Implementation of Business Process Blockchain Technology Based of MSCWR SmartBox Model

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    Blockchain technology uses in many fields, and one of them is logistics. This study aims to propose designing and implementing a blockchain technology-based application for logistics delivery combined with the Internet of Things (IoT) called MSCWR. Logistics and delivery of valuable products have a common problem, and security is also questionable. Therefore, the research process in making prototypes starts by defining the problem, planning, prototyping, testing, and designing validation. The methodology used is User-Centered Design, focus group discussion conducted with business actors directly, and system or prototype development using the System Development Life Cycle framework. As a result, the business processes create using an activity diagram, the features define using a use case diagram, and the screen design to show the prototype development created at an early stage in the research. Finally, the testing conducts to test how well the system is running. In the end, the validation of test results performs in good results &nbsp

    Holistic Blockchain Approach to Foster Trust, Privacy and Security in IoT Based Ambient Assisted Living Environment

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    The application of blockchains techniques in the Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining much attention with new solutions proposed in diverse areas of the IoT. Conventionally IoT systems are designed to follow the centralised paradigm where security and privacy control is vested on a 'trusted' third-party. This design leaves the user at the mercy of a sovereign broker and in addition, susceptible to several attacks. The implicit trust and the inferred reliability of centralised systems have been challenged recently following several privacy violations and personal data breaches. Consequently, there is a call for more secure decentralised systems that allows for finer control of user privacy while providing secure communication. Propitiously, the blockchain holds much promise and may provide the necessary framework for the design of a secure IoT system that guarantees fine-grained user privacy in a trustless manner. In this paper, we propose a holistic blockchain-based decentralised model for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environment. The nodes in our proposed model utilize smart contracts to define interaction rules while working collaboratively to contribute storage and computing resources. Based on the blockchain technique, our proposed model promotes trustless interaction and enhanced user's privacy through the blockchain-Interplanetary File System (IPFS) alliance. The proposed model also addresses the shortfall of storage constraints exhibited in many IoT systems

    Prospectiva de Integración de Blockchain e Internet de las Cosas para una implementación en Clúster

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    Introduction: The present article is the result of the investigation and approach to the applications and developments of blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT), developed during the second semester of the year 2019 and first of 2020. Problem: Construction of environments and mediums in a cluster structure that allow companies and institutions to cooperate and compete to achieve efficiency and strengthen grouping.  Objective: Integrate blockchain and IoT to develop and present a two-level architecture, from which a support environment is established and a series of functionalities are offered for a cluster implementation. Methodology: Review articles to achieve an approach to blockchain and IoT architecture, configuration and description of structural and functional levels. Results: An architecture with a structural level constituted by a decentralized computer application based on blockchains, a sensory and response network that incorporates IoT technologies and an intermediate component of cloud computing; this, at a functional level that manages to offer users support and help in their activities from modules created with a particular specialty. Conclusion: The structural level furthered the integration of base technologies, blockchain and IoT; on the other hand, the second level of architecture reveals the potential and versatility of these technologies. Originality: Proposal for the implementation of blockchain, IoT and cloud computing in a cluster structure. Limitations: The difficulty of accessing a cluster to perform a test of the architecture in a real environment.Introducción: El presente artículo es el resultado de la investigación y acercamiento a las aplicaciones y desarrollos del blockchain e Internet de las Cosas (IoT), estudio desarrollada durante el segundo semestre del año 2019 y primero de 2020. Problema: Construcción de entornos y medios en una estructura de clúster que permitan a las empresas e instituciones cooperar y competir para alcanzar la eficiencia y el fortalecimiento de la agrupación. Objetivo: Integrar blockchain e Internet de las Cosas para desarrollar y presentar una arquitectura de dos niveles, desde los cuales se establezca un entorno de apoyo y se ofrezcan una serie de funcionalidades para una implementación en clúster. Metodología: Revisión de artículos para lograr un acercamiento al blockchain e Internet de las Cosas, planteamiento de la arquitectura, configuración y descripción de los niveles estructural y funcional.Resultados: Arquitectura con un nivel estructural constituido por una aplicación informática descentralizada basada en blockchain, una red sensorial y de respuesta que incorpora tecnologías de Internet de las Cosas y un componte intermedio de computación en la nube; y un nivel funcional que logra ofrecer a los usuarios soporte y ayuda en sus actividades desde módulos creados con una especialidad en particular. Conclusión: El nivel estructural permitió ahondar en la integración de las tecnologías base, blockchain e Internet de las Cosas; por su parte el segundo nivel de la arquitectura deja entrever el potencial y versatilidad de dichas tecnologías. Originalidad: Propuesta de implementación del blockchain, Internet de las Cosas y la computación en la nube en una estructura de clúster. Limitaciones: La dificultad de acceso a un clúster para realizar una prueba de la arquitectura en un entorno real